My head hurts as soon as I'm here. I know this place too well, more than I probably should. It almost feel like this happens in slow motion. I hear the door open, I know all too well. Nathan Prescott.

"It's cool Nathan," He starts saying in that shaky voice that tells you nothing is okay with this person, "You're okay bro. Just count to three...," he leans into the sink, "Don't be scared... You own this school... If I wanted I could blow it up...," He probably would, regardless if he wanted to or not. "You're the boss."

Then the second door noise to be heard is Chloe, opening it and sauntering in. Nathan look back at her.

"So, what do you want?-" He starts to say this, but Chloe talks over him.

"I hope you checked the perimeter as my step-ass would say." She moves to open the stalls, revealing no one. I don't come out yet. "Now," She says in that demanding voice, "Let's talk bidness-"

"I got nothing for you." Nathan says in a hard voice.

"Wrong," Chloe huffs, "You got hella cash." Her voice even harder than Nathan's now.

"That's my family," He spits back, "Not me."

"Oh boo hoo, poor little rich kid." Chloe mocks, bad move Chlo... "I know you been pumpin' drugs n' shit to kids around here..." Chloe moves around to the next sink. "I bet your respectable family would help me out if I went to them." If they would, why did you pester him? "Man I can see the headlines now-"

"Leave them out of this, bitch." Nathan almost snarls.

"I can tell everybody Nathan Prescott is a punk ass who begs like a little girl and talks to himself-" Chloe said this with an ever growing intensity.

Suddenly, as if on cue, Nathan pulls out the gun, and pushes Chloe against the wall. "You don't know who the fuck I am, or who you're messing around with!"

Time to do or die Max.

I move out of the little corner space, "Nathan, back off!" I yell, hoping to distract him enough for Chloe. He looks back at me in confusion, but Chloe pushes him just wrong.

The gun fires.

Nathan falls back, unharmed.

Chloe's eyes widened, as she stumbles to the floor.

Nathan is frantically mumbling, running through the room.

I'm at Chloe's side. "M-Max?" Chloe gets out.

I take off my hoodie, not knowing much about first aid, I know that providing pressure can usually help delay the bleeding. At least that's what they show in the movies. "I'm here Chloe," I say, "Can you talk to me?"

Chloe's hand clutches around my hand, my adrenaline so through the roof, that I can't even feel how hard she is gripping my hand. Nathan continues blubbering, but Chloe's only coherent word is, "Max?" I use my free hand to apply pressure.

David suddenly barrels through the door, he knocks down Nathan, slapping on a pair of cuffs. David kneels down next to me. "Chloe? Are you with me?"

"Yeah." She gets out.

"An ambulance is on it's way. Can you talk to us?"

"I can try." She says through gritted teeth.

David takes over applying pressure, "Make sure her pulse isn't getting too faint. She doesn't have damage to the lungs, which is good."

I attempt to find her pulse on her wrist, two fingers, below the thumb... I almost don't find it. Her grip still on my hand, her eyes on me. "Max?"

She still says that, "I'm right here Chloe," I say.

The next two minutes seem to be the longest of my life.

Paramedics, quickly and expertly takeover for David and I. Before I get pushed away completely I sneak her truck key from her jacket pocket. If I need a quick getaway.

I woke up in a panic, reliving that moment.

"Max?" Chloe's voice rings out. She grunts.

The room is almost too dark to see anything. "I'm okay." I say almost out of breath.

"No you're not Max," Chloe says, pausing for a moment, "C'mere."

I find my phone in the dark, and get up from the cot. I use the phone screen to find Chloe. She moved to her right side, so she doesn't mess up the IV. She pats the mattress on her left side. "Are you sure? I don't want to accidentally hurt you." I say quietly. She just pats the mattress again.

I move the blankets to the side, and lay down next to Chloe. "You won't hurt me." She simply states.

I can't help but notice how easy going Chloe is in this timeline. Is it because she's shot? Can she remember some things? Does she get the feeling that we are supposed to be right here, right now, in this point in time? Is it because I'm making sure I don't set her off? Original Chloe seemed to be a lot more hot-headed. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just... new and unexpected.

Chloe's shoulder becomes my pillow. I can't help but notice how warm she feels, and how she smells. She smells like cigarettes and the hospital, but also something of her own. I'm careful to avoid Chloe's abdomen, and just like that: I was asleep.

In the morning, I hear light footsteps walking to Chloe's bedside. I open my eyes, to just see the nurse adjusting some of the machine stuff. She sees me awake, "Sorry," She whispers, "I didn't mean to wake you, I'll be out of here in about a minute." She gives me a warm smile.

"Don't worry about it." I give her a weak smile. I re-bury my face in the crook of Chloe's neck. After a little while, I hear the footsteps shuffle to the door, and eventually leave.

I sleep for another hour before I feel Chloe start to stir awake. Her face turns towards me, our faces incredibly close. I could... I should let her make the decision to kiss me...

"Hi." She says.

"Hi." I reply. I blush but don't move.

Her eyes flit to my lips, and I can feel my heart rush. Then she looks up at the ceiling, "Are you going to Blackwell today?"

"I'm gonna let Warren take notes for me." I tell her.

"Who's Warren?" She asks, looking back at me.

"A guy who has a major crush on me." I tell her while rolling my eyes.

Her eyebrows furrow, "So he's your boyfriend then?"

"Ew, no." I laugh, "No, not even close, more like... my brother." I state.

She mocks disgust. "That is even weirder. No inbred children please."

"Like he would have a chance." I laugh, "He's asked me out several times. He's nice, but I'm not interested." I explain. "Besides, he takes very good notes, so I'll just let him figure it out."

Chloe just smiled in response. After a while though, she speaks up. "So I guess it'll just be a Max and Chloe day."