Zelda rode into the ranch early in the morning, she had come alone and had quietly slipped away from Hyrule Castle Town during the hours before dawn. Daphnes shared a saddle with her. Talon was sitting in a rocking chair on the porch and he waved when she passed him. Malon came out of the chicken coop with a basket full of eggs and when she saw Zelda dismounting, she ran to her.

"To what do we owe the honor, your highness?"

"Spare me the formalities, Malon, I need Daphnes to stay here for a while, quietly." Zelda said cutting to the chase.

"Zelda what's wrong?"

"Where is he?" Zelda asked.

Malon's eyes widened with realization. "No, Zelda, whatever it is he can't fight your battles anymore. You saw him come home but you haven't seen him at home. He's not who he was before." She looked away. "Besides, he only has the one arm, what could he do for you now?"

"I need men I can trust right now Malon, Hyrule is full of Dimitri's soldiers, I can't spare any good men."

Malon wiped her eyes and looked back at Zelda "Whatever's happening we're happy to take Daphnes in but you can't-"

Across the field, the barn door opened and he was leading a horse out to the pasture, Zelda watched him walk back into the barn and she took a step in that direction. Malon grabbed her arm. "Please, Zelda. don't ask this of him."

Zelda stepped into the barn. It was quiet except for a faint scraping sound occasionally broken up by a soft thunk. "Hello?" Zelda called. Thunk scrape scrape. She followed the noise to the stable at the end of the row. He was awkwardly holding the rake tucked under his left arm, trying to muck the stall. He picked it up, dropped it to the ground and took a few awkward back steps, dragging the horse dung into a small pile. It looked like a tedious process with only one arm to hold the rake.

"I divorced my husband... He's awaiting his trial in a cell now. No one in Hyrule knows yet." She started.

He kept his back turned to her and dropped the rake to the ground again and awkwardly dragged it back. "Everyone has domestic issues sometimes, I won't judge." He said dryly.

"He tried to commit treason, he gave Daphnes those keys to release Ganondorf. Thank the goddesses we got you instead."

He smirked at her. "Yeah, some alternative." He muttered. "I killed Ganondorf in the sacred realm." He said.

"With one arm?"

"The only one I've got."

"I'm sorry. I never intended for you to get trapped there as well."

"But you're not here now for a friendly exchange about the state of your marriage." He went back to working with the rake, his movements seemed to be less controlled now.

"His soldier's are all over Hyrule, his family will mobilize against me when word reaches them about this. They've been trying to leech Hyrule's sovereignty away from us for years and now... this will be war. I've assembled a decent army but I've come to ask you-"

"Zelda you have no RIGHT!" He threw the rake and it clattered against the wall of the stall. Zelda jumped at his outburst, he had yelled so loudly. From across the barn they heard a small gasp and Zelda saw Marin slip out of the room. "No!" He punched the wall and then groaned. He rested his head against the wall. "She's afraid of me." He said quietly. "At first she was excited to meet me but I don't know how to be around people anymore and she notices every little thing about me that's off. I'm not right, Zelda. I know I'm not. I have these unpredictable outbursts, I wake up screaming, I'm startled easily... Malon... I didn't mean it." He looked Zelda his eyes were red rimmed and there were tears on his face. "She startled me from behind... not on purpose, I just didn't hear her and Zelda I... I just..."

She put a hand on his shoulder. She didn't have words for what he'd been through. She was too afraid her apology would sound hollow. After a while she took a deep breath. "I need you. It's selfish, I know, but there are so few people I trust around me. You don't have to fight, I just need a friend right now."

"Oh now you trust me?" She winced, those seven years ago were still fresh for him, time must have moved differently in the sacred realm, she thought.

She met his gaze. "You've saved my life, more than once. When I was unkind to you, when I planned to use you and then be done with you. I abused your good nature and you wouldn't leave me to die." She bit her lip. "I'm scared. Ganondorf was one man, this war is something I've never faced before and I don't know what I'm doing. Please, sit by my side, be part of my counsel. I'm not recruiting you as some foot soldier, I want you near me."

He heaved a heavy sigh. "Well, my place is clearly not here. I've only been a pain my family has tried dealing with. It might give me time to calm down and become the man they deserve." There was a long pause between them. "I'll go." he whispered. "I will protect you, Zelda, from yourself if I have to."

She helped him up. "I'll make sure your family is taken care of, though Malon has proven time and again she's capable enough on her own."

"As long as they're safe." He said hesitantly. "I have to say goodbye."

When he told Malon, she cried. "Don't go." She pleaded. "You don't have to prove anything anymore, please, how will you fight?"

"It's what I was made for Malon." He answered. "I promise, I'll be alright. I won't even be on the front lines." He tried to wrap his arm around her and she covered her face in her hands.

"I just got you back again, we weren't supposed to have to say goodbye anymore. Please don't go. Fighting hurts you too much."

He pulled her closer. "I will be back." He promised. He turned to leave her. Zelda stepped aside for him to open the door. Marin ran down the stairs and wrapped herself around his leg. "Please don't go."

He patted her head. "Someone has to keep the queen out of trouble, can you do me a favor and do the same with Daphnes?" She nodded and pressed her face against his leg before letting go.

"I love you" She whispered.

He walked out. Zelda shut the door behind her and she looked away as he wiped his eyes. "Let's go." He said.

AN: Guys this epilogue sat inside me for a really long time and I debated either putting it out and ruining the happy ending or keeping it in and knowing I set up a war that I wasn't ever going to lean into but man, Zelda's war really bothered me, I felt like I'd left it unfinished. Also you didn't really think our tragic hero got away without any trauma now, that'd be going to easy on him. I have some ideas for a sequel to this story but as with anything I do, you guys know I really take my time. Please let me know if you'd still be interested in this story. In any case, I'm pretty happy to get this epilogue off my chest.