Issei groaned as he opened his eyes, his vision bleary as he tried to recognize the room. "Oh man…" He groaned. "What a weird dream." He muttered

"I see that you're awake, Lord Issei." Grayfia said from beside the bed, standing there with her hands folded over her stomach

"Wha!" The holder of Ddraig yelped as he flew off the bed, crashing onto the ground and groaning. He then got up as he rubbed his head. "Grayfia-san?" He questioned as he looked at her.

The older woman gave a curt nod in greeting. "I've come to wake you up." She said as she eyed him from head to toe. "You look really well today." She commented.

Issei felt a small chill run down his body and looked himself over then noted that he was in his boxers. He simply sighed as he went back to the bed and sat on it, his back to the stronger woman. "How long was I out?" He asked.

"Several hours." The silver haired woman replied. "It is now 09:54 AM."

"Oh…" He blinked. "Why did you come to wake me up?" He asked turning his head to her.

"I've been appointed as your and Lady Rias' personal maid." She replied as she kneeled to the younger male. "I also humbly ask for forgiveness for the manner I treated you."

"Eh?" He blinked. "Water under the bridge." He waved his hands as he stood up. "If you'll excuse me, Grayfia-san, I'm going to take a bath."

"Of course." The woman bowed slightly as she went to the rather large closet and opened it. Pulling out a set of red bathrobe and a towel, she returned to the brunette.

"Thank you, Grayfia-san." He nodded in thanks. "Uhm…where is the bathroom?"

Grayfia simply smiled at the young devil.


Issei stood at the bath room, surprised at the size of it. 'I can fit my whole family's living room in here.' He thought as he made his way through the lightly steamed room and was able to find the bath…pool? 'Woah. This is a big bathtub.' He admired as he neared the edge. He had the towel wrapped around his waist and kneeled to put his hand in the bath. "This is pretty warm." He smiled before he entered the bath, taking off the towel and sighing as the warm water soothed his body in the morning. "Oh this feels go~od." He sighed.

"Do you wish for me to wash your back, Lord Issei?" A female asked with a soothing tone.

The brunette's head snapped to the direction of the voice only to see Mira, Xuelan, Karlamine, Isabela, and Yubelluna, the four wearing silk bath robes with the sleeves reaches to their wrists with Yubelluna wearing a thicker version. Their skin was shown through the damp clothing.

"Good morning, Issei-sama." Mira greeted with a small bow. Her small A-cup breasts topped with light pink nipples and equal colored areola visible through the wet silk fabric.

"Don't be shy, Issei." Xuelan teased. Her breasts were seen through the robe, revealing her nipples to be a dark brown tone with equal color areola.

"We only came to wash you back." Karlamine smiled. Her nipples were a rosy peach color with a lighter tones areola.

"We can be of more service to you of you so wish." Isabella added. Her nipples were dark peachy color, inverted, and with darker toned areola.

"No need to be so modest." Yubelluna giggled. Although her skin was difficult to see, then brunette's eyes still caught the sight of the outline of her large nipples.

"I'll be fine." He managed as he tried not to let their near nakedness stir him. "I'll wash myself." He insisted.

"No need to be such a gentleman." The Bomb Queen chuckled.

Issei kept a defiant look at them…

The brunette sighed as he felt the five female devils clean his body, feeling understandably uncomfortable about this, but still relaxed. The ex-members of Riser's Peerage were being careful as to how far their hands went.

"You must relax a little, Lord Issei…" Yubelluna soothed as she rubbed his back and shoulders.

"Your muscles are tense." Karlamine said as she rubbed his right arm with soap.

"This isn't something I'm used to." He admitted as he shuddered slightly, Mira having rubbing his chest and stomach.

"Understandable." Xuelan nodded as she washing his left arm. "We hope that you do get used to us." She gently rubbed his arm across her breasts. "We might even give you some…special treatment." She smiled.

"Can we go out first before we go that far?" He requested.

"Of course." Isabella nodded as she rubbed his right leg, her fingers pressing on his calves to relax his muscles. "I would like to know more of you as well, Lord Issei." She admitted.

"Mira has spoken great things of you." Yubelluna laughed at the small bluenette's blush. "Que lindo (How cute)." She smiled as the bluenette attempted to hide her face from her friends as she pressed it against the brunette's chest.

"She's blushing." Karlamine laughed a bit.

"So what plans do you have today, Issei?" Xuelan asked.

The young Hyoudou began to rub the blue haired Pawn's head. "Kiba-chan and I said that we would take Koneko out with us to cheer her up. Mira will be coming too. Would you like to join?" He asked them.

Yubelluna shook her head. "I will have to decline." She sighed as she pressed the large breasts against the brunette's back, her nipples dragging over his skin, the brunet stiffing at the action. "I have some training to do. The Rating Game showed me that I have to raise my strength if I am to protect you in the future."

"Same for me." Xuelan said as she leaned to his side, wrapping her arms around his torso as her breasts pressed against his side. "I want an all-out spar with you." She smiled.

"I…I will protect, Issei-sama." Mira muttered as she raised her head to look at the brunette. "So I will train hard too."

"I will do the same." Isabella said as she looked at the young man with her visible eye. "I have seen your strength, stronger than Riser's. And I will follow you until I draw my last breath."

Issei smiled, feeling warmth from the women around him. "Thank you." He said. "And I'll do my best to become stronger to protect you." He vowed.

"What's the sense of you becoming stronger than those that vowed to protect you?" Isabella asked in a rather curious tone. "It is a Peerage task to protect their King." She stated.

Issei chuckled as he looked at the half masked woman. "I'm still a Pawn." He reminded the ex-Rook of Riser. "And even if I do get my own Peerage, I'll train damn hard still. It's a King's job to make sure that his or her Peerage is kept safe too." He countered with a smile. "So you don't have to carry the burden on your own." He said in a gentle tone.

"Thank you, Lord Issei." She smiled at him with her visible eye tearing up a bit.

"Issei is fine." He said to the five females. "I'll do my best to respect and love you as you should be."

The woman smiled at the brunette, happy that they have a master that would treat them with such acceptable manners.


After Issei had thanked the women for the bath, he made his way to the room again and nearly jumped out of skin at the sight of a naked Shizuka lying on his bed. The woman's breasts were large and rounded while being capped with dark purple puffy nipples that stands out on her pale skin. Her blonde tipped purplelette woman's pubic hair was shaved and was shaped into a symbol of a small 'V'. The demoness moaned as she opened her pentagram printed eyes and smiled at the brunette and she sat up as she rubbed her eyes. "Morning, Issei-san." She greeted with a yawn as she covered her mouth with her left hand as she stretched the right arm up, causing her large mammaries to bounce high and jiggle momentarily.

"Morning, Shizuka-san." The brunette greeted, mentally appreciating the view of the woman. "When did you get here?" He asked as he walked to the closet with the towel still around his waist.

Shizuka's eyes followed the Pawn. "I reached here after Grayfia said you were taking a bath, so I decided to wait for you. I ended up dropping asleep on the bed." 'He looks so good.' Her face flushed as he took his towel off, showing his tattooed back and muscled frame. 'He's so big!' She mentally shouted as she brushed her hand over her right breast. 'And he's not even hard.' "I brought Seilah and Ikaruga." She added.

"Oh. Okay." Issei-san just slipped his pants on and took out a blue shirt short sleeved shirt. "We did agree to get them out today." He nodded as he turned to her. "Not to complain, but why were you naked?" He asked as he walked towards the woman as he put his shirt on.

"I have a not so good habit of taking off my clothes as I sleep, hence why I wear the unitard." She explained. "Now then." She held out her left hand and summoned SEILAH and IKARUGA.

"Finally!" The SEILAH shouted. "Release us, master." She pleaded. "I will do my out most best to embark you with many of my knowledge." She offered.

"I will teach you all I know." IKARUGA said with after she had calmed down. "You will be more powerful." She claimed.

Issei-san blinked as the two books shook in the busty succubus' hands. "How am I supposed to do this?" He asked the woman.

"Say these words." Shizuka said as she placed the books on the bed. "'I, Hyoudou Issei will now make a covenant of blood to Shizuka, Seilah, and Ikaruga. I will be your master and you my servants. Accept my blood as tribute and may we be together until my last breathe.'" She then looked to the other books. "And if the two of you move, I will have him for myself." She said as she too lied besides the book and she glowed, her human form taking that of a brown book with a yellow hook like symbol on the front, the thickness being the same as IKARUGA and SEILAH.

Issei bit his left hand and repeated the words as he let some of his blood fall on the three books. Upon completing the sentence the tree books shook violently before they exploded in a large cloud of black smoke. The brunette hacked and coughed as he inhaled the smoke and shook his hand about to fan it away.

"Master!" Shizuka shouted as she leaped out of the smoke, hugging the brunette around his head with his face buried in her naked cleavage. "I knew you were the one when our eyes met!" She shouted happily before she pulled him into a kiss, surprising the teen with kiss and even more when wings of black vapor came out of her back, three sets and we're shaped like blades.

'Guess I know what those wings are that Ddraig has.' He summed up.

"Let me formally introduce myself to you, master. My name is Shizuka the succubus. I'm pleased to serve you until the end of my days and also."

Issei felt something inside of well up, almost close to a magic core being formed beside his own. He wasn't sure what it was. Despite the dark feelings that came along with it, he felt stronger still.

Shizuka then licked her lips. "I will make sure to manage your mana flow." She added as she rubbed his left arm sensually. "Do not hesitate to call me."

"You should greet our master with more respect, Shizuka." A woman said in a tone that sounds cool and calm. The woman stepped out and she was naked as well. She has black hair with waist length bangs framing her face and the rest of her hair is like a waterfall to her butt. Her eyes were dark purple with her iris in the shape of the five pointed pentagram with her sclera being purple. She has large G-cup breasts with black topped nipples and equal colored areola and her most noticeable feature being the two very large gold colored horns protruding from the sides of her head and slanted upwards. Upon her head is a white band which separates her black hair, framing her bangs from her hair below the band. Drawn upon her forehead is a small circular symbol shaped like a half 'U' with a small dot on the inside and four flanking both of the sides. Tied around her neck is a small white-colored strap. Her skin is grey with black intricate symmetrical tattoos that begins at the choker around her neck, and ends at her stomach and hips. She also has a heart-shaped design tattoo on her stomach. Her legs are like narrowed stilts that gradually widen up to her hips that flare out into two wing-like protrusions and her feet are those of sharp blades. She stepped forward and gently cupped the young Hyoudou's cheeks with her clawed hands, her black nails gently grazing them. "Greetings, my master." She said in a praised tone before she kissed him, three sets of black wings made from floating words and symbols erupted form her back. She pulled her lips away and hummed with a flushed face, a smile gracing her lips "My name is Seilah, self-proclaimed Ryōgetsuten no Musume (Goddess of the Chill Moon's Daughter). You may do with me as you please. Use my knowledge to gain absolute victory over your enemies."

"Drop the act, Seilah. We all know what kind of woman you are." The third female said with a small giggle.

Issei looked to see the third female that that he suspects is Ikaruga.

Ikaruga has long, bright pink hair which is tied on top of her head in two large darker toned colored buns that are actually her horns and triangular bangs over her forehead. She has a ponytail that goes down to her knees and two chest length bangs. She has a curvaceous figure, red skin, an eye-like symbol mark underneath each eye as her lips are blood red. She has CC-cup bust with pink nipples and darker tones areola. Like the two other demons, her irises are shaped like the five pointed pentagram, her eyes being green. She stepped forwards to the brunette and gently pulled Seilah away from him. "Allow me, master." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, her three sets of black wings shaped like swords in groups of five each, spread open. Stepping back, Ikaruga stood beside the other two demons who also still had their wings out. "My name is Ikaruga, master. I will do all I must to ensure that your strength is at its peak and beyond."

The three then bowed to the male. "We will do all in our service to ensure your safety over our own." The pledged as they locked eyes with him.

Issei smiled as he looked at the three. "Well you three should put some clothes on. We're going to meet the others."

Shizuka smiled as the markings on her body faded and her hair turned to full blonde. Her eyes changed to her human pairs as her horns sink into her skull. Her clothes appear in a black smoke. A white long sleeved shirt and a brown knee length skirt with black low heel shoes.

Seilah's skin turned pale and the markings faded safe the one on her shoulders and forehead. Her clothes also appeared, consists of a very revealing beige-colored leopard-printed kimono, bearing the decorative marks on her shoulders and showing a good amount of cleavage along with her long legs from her thighs down. The kimono is wrapped around her torso with a thick, decorative yellow ribbon that ties behind her back, and her outfit is complemented by thigh-high socks that reveal her heels and toes. Her eyes turned purple and her horns shrink by a margin.

Ikaruga's skin tone lightened to a soft pale cream color. Her horns became softer and matching the color of her hair. Her clothes appeared, consisting of a slightly loose white kimono that exposes her shoulder and some of her cleavage. The kimono has red stripe in between two black stripes around the waist as well as a red triangle at the bottom of her dress, decorated by flames and skulls motifs, open at the top to reveal her shoulders and a fair amount of cleavage; it's closed around the waist by a large black belt adorned with a horned skull. She also has ribbons tied around the sleeves, a buckled strap around her neck and traditional sandals with extremely high platforms soles. The eye like tattoos shrunk to appear like a beauty mark under each eye. The woman held out her hand and summoned a nodachi. The sheath is red with yellow edges. The guard shaped like a bone with the handle being red with yellow diamond patterns. The pommel was shaped like a dragon's skull. "This is Mugetsu-ryu (Moonless Sky Dragon)." Ikaruga's voice was now pleasant and smooth. "With this blade you can cut anything, master." She smiled.

"I'll see what I can do with training." He smiled.


Lord and Lady Gremory were sitting on a grassy field, several housemaid and butlers tending to the flowers and garden. There were other servant devils in the middle of their breaks.

Rias, Sona, and Ravel were sitting by a circle table, chatting among themselves.

"How long have they been at it?" Ravel asked.

"About three hours from what some of the servants told me." Rias replied as she watched ahead to the open field.

"My, my. Those two." The Phenex heiress sighed.

Sona smiled as she saw a magical circle appear. "They're about to get company."

"HAH!" Kiba shouted as she clashed her blade against Siris', the two Knights straining against each other's strength. "Not bad, Siris-san." The blonde Knight grinned at the Phenex's ex Knight.

"You're not so bad yourself." The older female grunted as she hefted her larger blade and managed to push the younger Knight away from her. "I admired how you stood against Karlamine." She praised.

"Why thank you. I have a long road ahead of myself still." Kiba smiled before she and Siris rushed against each other.

A magical circle appeared between them and Issei was warped out of it along with the three female demons several feet away from him. He quickly ducked under Kiba's blade and raised his left arm, turning into its Boosted Gear from, and blocked Siris' downward strike with his claw.

'He blocked Siris' blade?!' Ravel thought in astonishment.

Siris' eyes widen at the sight of the brunette, blocking her blade with his armored hand. She quickly took two steps back and impaled the blade in the ground before she bowed prostrating on the ground with her forehead on the grass and her butt sticking up. "Forgive me, Lord Issei!" Her muffled voice came from the ground. "I did not sense your presence, so please forgive this servant's transgression!"

Issei's eyes narrowed. 'What the hell?' He wondered as he raised his hand to stop the three demons from attacking the bowing woman, feeling their intent clear trough their shared link. 'She was a different person during the match.' He added as he kneeled by the trembling woman, ignoring the crowd, he focused on the Knight. "Siris." He said in a gentle tone, mentally promising himself to break Riser even more when he gets the chance. "Please look at me." He requested.

The woman raised herself a bit, but kept her eyes looking down.

Issei ignored the action and continued. "What do you see?" He asked as he placed his gauntlet arm before her.

"The arm of a dragon." She replied softly.

Issei gave a short chuckle. "Yeah, you're right on that one. But it's also the arm that will protect you. That will fight alongside you. That will carry you if you're ever wounded." He then placed his hand over his chest. "And not to mention the body that will take whatever blows that could kill you." He grinned at her, seeing her finally looking at him. "So give me a shot to do the same for you."

Isis gave a small nod, a blush evident on her cheeks. "Thank you, Lord Issei."

"Issei is fine." He smiled.

"You're really will become a good King when you get your Peerage, Ise." Rias commented as she made her way to her fiancée, happy for such a turn-about. She then saw the three other women and blinked. "And who are these three lovely ladies?" She asked.

The three women bowed.

"My name is Seilah. I serve my master, Hyoudou Isei." The horned woman introduced herself.

"Ikaruga is what my name is." The pinkette smiled as she gave a bow to the heiress. "It will do well for me to respect my master's fiancées." She said.

"I'm Shizuka." The blonde greeted them. "Pleased to meet you."

"I'll have to do my best if I'm gonna be protecting more people." Issei grinned.

"But let it be reminded that not everyone can be saved, Issei." Sona reminded him, getting the brunette to nod, well aware of that fact. He accepted the fact that there will be moments that he will not be able to save those he cares about.

"But I'll do my damned to best though." He vowed.

"Strong words." Zeoticus chuckled. "I do hope that you treat my daughter well, Sekiryuutei (Crimson Dragon Emperor)."

"I intend to." He scratched the back of his neck. "I never thought that I would be engage to three beautiful women." He said bashfully as the three devil heiress blushed at his comment. "Oh, So-chan. Is it possible that you can get jobs for Seilah, Ikaruga, and Shizuka?" He asked.

The Sitri heiress thought for a while and nodded. "If I'm able to pull some strings, then yes. They will be part of the school faculty."

"What strings are there to pull?" Ravel raised an eyebrow. "You two own the school." She pointed at the two older devils. "The entirety of Kouh is under the Sitri and Gremory Households names."

Zeoticus patted the youngest of the Phenex heiress' head. "Do not forget that the Phenex now shares that territory too." He chuckled.

"I forgot to give you something, Ise." Rias smiled as she approached her shared fiancée.

"Sure. What is-" He began, but his sentence was cut by Rias as she gave him a kiss on the lips, the brunette being stunned by the action.

Rias hummed with a blush on her face as she smiled at the Pawn. "It's always important that I give my first kiss to the one I love." Rias smiled.

Sona then turned Issei to her direction and kissed him too, wrapping her arms around the taller male and combing her hand through his hair. She pulled back, humming at the tingling feeling on her lips. "You're right, Ri-ri. It does feel good." She commented.

Issei was in a daze. Getting not one, but two kisses from two beautiful girls would do that to you. He also heard the subtle wolf calls and giggles from the other devils in the vicinity.

Before he had time to reboot his brain, the brunette's shirt was grabbed and he was pulled into a searing hot kiss. His tongue feeling something rather warm against it.

Ravel pulled back after giving her shared fiancée her first kiss AND French kiss. "I-I only did t-this because Elder Sisters Rias and Sona did so. Not because I wanted to be left out or because you seem to be a very reliable person and such!" She huffed as she turned head to the side and licked her lips with a very red face, ignoring the cooing sounds from the other Peerage members that came in during their public display affections.

"Getting any ideas, Momo?" Aika teased the Bishop.

"Hush." Tsubaki simply said to the three counted Pawn.

"Oh don't be such a prude." Aika grinned at her mistress' Queen. "You want in on the action as much as I do." She chuckled as she wiggled her eybrows.

"That is so cu~te!" Ruruko gushed at the sight of her King being happy. "What do you think, Saji-kun?" She asked the blonde beside her.

Genshiro had his hands in his pocket and gave a smile. "I think it's good." He said, clenching his fist inside the pants.

"I know, right?" The Pawn smiled. "Maybe one day we could be happy like Sona-sama." She hoped.

"Yeah." The four counted Pawn said as he leveled a jealous glare at the brunette male as he was talking with the three heiresses and females demons.

"Maybe you should ask him out." Tsubasa patted the Pawn's head with an encouraging smiled as she nodded.

"Will he say yes?" She hoped.

"Only if you have the courage." The bluenette smiled.

"I say you three cheated." Raynare smiled as she approached her shared lover and gave the three demons a nod in greeting. "I mean they went from acquaintances straight to fiancée in one shot." She pouted cutely. "When is it going to be our turn?" She asked.

Issei blinked. "I'll have to save up money to buy fourteen engagement rings." He muttered to himself. "This is going to be a dozy."

Kalawarner laughed a bit as she walked to her shared lover and smiled. "Don't worry too much about it, babe."

"Waiting for a few more months won't be so bad, my dear." Mittelt assured her young lover.

"But it feels unfair." The holder of Ddraig said.

"Eventually we will all be married to you, my Lord." Esdeath smiled as she and the twins were walking towards them.

Leone was nestling on Koneko's lap.

The three dragons then stood before the three demons.

"So these are the three that took a ride on our master's link." Knightwalker looked to the women.

Seilah took a step forward, a cold expression on her face. "Oh? And what will you do about it?" The dark hared woman challenged.

"A simple challenge perhaps?" Erza asked as she eyed the blade Ikaruga held.

"I don't know about that." Shizuka muttered in a dazed tone, but her sleepy eyes held a different shine.

"Would you ever betray our master?" Knightwalker asked.

"I would quickly rip out all my hearts than to do so." Seilah said with a calm, but serious expression.

Issei looked to the horned woman.

"Demons have a total of seven hearts." Ikaruga told the Sekiryutei (Crimson Dragon Emperor).

"Oh." He blinked.

"Then in one month we will face each other." Esdeath smiled. "I wish to witness your strength and to see if you are qualified to serve our Lord."

"I believe we can manage that." Ikaruga smiled.

Issei sighed at his familiars and smiled. 'I have a lot of work cut out for me.'

"Now then." Ravel huffed. "I believe it is time to for you to get ready."

"Ready for what?" He questioned.

"To fill out those little holes in your memories, of course!" Serafall cheered as she appeared from a magical circle. The older Sitri was grinning from ear to ear as she looked at the brunette.

"You okay with this, Kiba-chan?" He asked the Gremory heiress' Knight.

Kiba de-summoned her sword and gave the brunette a small smile. "I see no problem with that." She nodded at him. "Koneko and I will have to wait a little bit longer though. How about we move this to next week?"

"Sure. No problem." The young male devil nodded.

The blonde winked at him before making her way to get her fellow Peerage member.


Issei lay on a bed, a magical seal below him as his fiancées, and lovers were around him.

Serafall was sitting by him, his head on her lap as she held her hands over his face. "Since I was the one that blocked your memories, I should be the one to remove it." She said in a calm tone. "Now stay still and take some calm breathes. You'll be kind of out of it when you come back."

"Come back?" He frowned slightly.

"Don't worry about it." She giggled as the temperature began to drop around him. "Everything will be alright." She said soothingly as she gently rubbed his cheeks.

Issei's eyes began to droop, his eyelids feeling heavy.


Issei felt his hand was grabbed by the younger Rias. The redhead child smiling brightly in her one piece purple dress. "You're going to marry me when we get older, right?" She asked.

The seven year old little boy blinked and was about to reply until his left hand was grabbed.

"No." An eight year old Sona dressed in a blue one piece dress replied with a small frown and a blush on her face. "He will marry me." She claimed.

"No me!" The redhead shot back.

"Who will you choose, Issei?" The young Sona requested, both girls holding his hands as they stare into his eyes.

Issei looked between the two, a pink dusting on his cheeks. "I'm going to hide!" He suddenly blurted as he ran from them. "You two find me!"

"Really. That boy." Sona sighed as Rias giggled.


"Isse~i!" A girl shouted, causing the brunette to look down from a tree branch that he was on. "Issei-ku~n!"

Little Rias was running about, looking around in the small forested area. "Mo~h." She pouted. "Where did he hide?" She wondered.

"Having trouble, Ri-ri?" Little Sona asked her friend.

"I can't find Issei." She muttered.

"He has gotten better at hiding." The young heiress muttered to herself as water began to gather, forming a rather small army of marble sized water spheres. "Don't worry, I'll find him." She said as she sent about five sphere upwards, hitting the branch and knocking the boy to the ground.

"Issei!" Rias shouted as she ran to the brunette, helping up to stand. "That wasn't nice, So-so!" She said at her fellow devil heiress.

Sona had a small frown as she went to the two. "I'm sorry, Issei." She said.

Issei rubbed his head and smiled at the Sitri. "I'm okay." He laughed and stood up.

"Sona is being a big meanie." Rias stuck her tongue out at her fellow heiress.

Sona frowned at her childhood friend, a small blush on her face. "I was being tactful." She replied fixing her glasses.

"Let's play another game." Issei jumped in before he patted both the girls' shoulders. "Tag! You're both it!" He ran off. "Now you have to work together again!"

"Ise-kun!" Rias shouted after the boy as he ran deeper into the forest. "C'mon, So-so! We have to catch him!"

"But's he went deeper into the forest." Sona stated. "We need to get Elder Sister along with Lord and Lady Gremory.

"But by then he'll be too deep. We should go after him!" The redhead shouted before she too ran after the brunette.

"Rias!" Sona shouted as she too ran after her childhood friend.

Issei was now walking through the dark parts of the forest. "Maybe I shouldn't have run so deep." He thought to himself. 'I wonder what that was that So-chan did.' He pondered as how he fell off the branch to begin with. He then heard a sound behind him and turned to the source as he backed away.

Before he realized it, a rather large creature leaped out of it. It has black fur with a white line from the top of its head to the end of its tail. It has claws that are tinted with a yellow color as its teeth were white. It looked angry.

Really, really angry.

Issei took a small step back, hoping that the action didn't spur the large beast to attack. 'What is that?' He wondered with fear in his eyes.

"You smell awfully delicious, boy." A male voice came from the beast as he licked his chops. "Maybe a little nibble won't hurt much." He then took a step forward. "But I am quite famished. I might take you I one bite." He chuckled. "You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"You can talk?" The boy said nervously as he eyes flanked about.

"Of course I can. I can also sense great power within you. So much, I can't help but WANT to gobble you up!" He pounced at the boy.

Issei managed to jump out of the way with a yelp, rolling as the large creature smashed against a tree, and knocking it down. 'I have to get away from that thing!' He thought as he booked it. 'Going back to the mansion would be bad. I don't want So-chan, Ria-chan and anyone else to get hurt!' He thought as he heard the large beast snarled behind him. He frowned at his gut feeling and jumped to the side, avoiding the lounging attack the animal performed.

"Come here child and let me eat you!" He shouted as she slashed at him, missing him at a scant few millimeters.

Issei panted as he ran, managing to duck from a swipe and crawled to some bushes. He stayed there panting to himself as he tried very hard to calm his heart. "What is this? What's going on?" He whispered to himself. The child's young mind couldn't understand the fact that this was actually happening.

"Ise~!" Rias called out.

"Isse~i!" Sona shouted to the brunette.

'So-chan! Ria-chan!' He thought frantically as the beast turned and looked at the direction of the voices.

"What's this?" He chuckled. "More little morsels to eat?" He then made his way to the two girls.

'I have to save them!' The boy thought as he trembled in fear. 'C'mon1 I have to move!'

"Ise~!" Rias called out. "Come out! We need to go back to the mansion!"

"This is not a good place to play, Issei!" Sona shouted, worried for the boy.

They heard a rustle and turned with hopeful expressions to see the brunette. But instead they saw the large creature lumbering towards them.

"My, oh my." The male beast chuckled. "Two little children all alone in the woods. Ready to join that boy?" He licked her teeth.

Rias took a frightful step back as Sona followed suit. "What did you do to Issei?!" The redhead shouted.

"The same thing that I will do to you!" He shouted as he leaped towards them, making the two heiresses separate from each other. The beast immediately turned to the redhead, seeing that she fell to the ground and stalked towards her. "You're first." She chuckled.

"Get away from her!" Sona shouted as she ran towards them and sends a small torrent of water towards the beast, splashing and wetting him, but doing no damage at all.

"It's not nice to interrupt someone when they're about to eat." He growled in annoyance as Sona threw another blob of water, striking the beast's face as he turned to the small Sitri heiress. "Why you little thing!" He growled out.

Before the large animal can attack Sona, he gave a small yelp as a stone smacked him in the left eye.

"So-chan, take Ria-chan and run!" Issei shouted as he threw another rock, hitting the beast on the forehead.

"Issei!" Sona shouted happily at the sight of the young boy. "I thought that monster ate you!"

"Worry about that later!" He shouted as he pelted the large animal with more rocks, annoying the hell out of him.

Rias groaned as she raised herself up, shaking her head to get the cobwebs out.

"Ria-chan!" Issei shouted as he ran towards her, sliding under the claw swipe. "Get up now! You have to get out of here!"

Rias shook her head. "Not without you and So-so!"

Sona threw another blob of water at the large beast hitting it with enough force to pushing it slightly.

"You are starting to annoy me." He growled as she was ready to leap at the small heiress.

"Ise, get back!" Rias shouted as she threw a small ball of destruction at the beast's tail, hitting and burning it, causing the beast to roar in pain.

"Ria-chan!?" He shouted in surprise at what his friend did. "How did you-"

"Issei look out!" Sona shouted as she was by the brunette's side, pushing out of the way as the beast clawed at him.

Issei watched in shock as the eight year old heiress was smacked aside by the blow meant for him. The claws tearing the back of her dress and sending her against a tree.

"Sona!" Rias shouted as she and Issei ran to the wounded child, gasping at the three large gashes on her back.

Issei turned to the creature in anger and picked up another rock in order to throw it.

Rias held her hands out a small glyph appearing before her palms and fired a large ball of destruction, compared to her size, at the large creature, only for it to jump over the attack and was about to bite her.

Issei managed to tackle the little redhead and blackette out of the way and rolling away with them. The brunette clenched his teeth in pain, looking down to see that his left calve was cut rather deeply and bleeding. 'My leg…'

Rias looked in shock at her wounded friend. "Issei!" She looked at him in worry.

Issei looked at her. "You and So-chan get out of here." He said as he tried to get up, glancing to the side, he can see that Sona was not moving. "I don't know what's going here and you probably have a lot to tell me, but that's not important right now. What's you need to do is run." He said as he gently pushed the redhead to the blackette. "Run." He said as he reached down and picked up a stick.

"Neither of you are leaving!" The beast growled.

"Now, Rias!" The brunette shouted as he pushed his injury aside and rushed towards the larger animal with a stick in his hand, only for large beast to smack him with his tail, hitting the tree.

Rias rushed in, a small ball of destruction in her palm. "Leave us alone!" She shouted as she tossed the ball at the beast, but missed as the attack hit in front of it, kicking up a lot of dust and obscuring it from their sight.

"Got you!" Rias heard before she was smacked by predator's tail. Getting hit by and it and landed by the still unmoving Sona. "I grow tired of your resistances. Time to eat."

Just then Sona regained consciousness and gasps at the beast. She took her friend and jump out of the way, only to scream in pain as she felt the searing pain on her back.

"Awake right on time to sleep again." The beast chuckled as he watched the Sitri heiress pulled the Gremory heiress closer.

Sona hissed in pain as her wounded back meet the bark, holding her friend close as she looked at the beast with fright.

"Yes! That is a good face to have before you die." The female beast chuckled.

Issei grunted as he tried to get up. His head was pounding as his heart was racing. 'I have to do something.' He thought as he looked at his friends. 'I want to save them.'

'Then let me help you.' He heard a female voice before he blacked out.


Issei groaned as he opened his eyes, looking around and noted that he was in a rather large room. Realization dawned on him as flashes went through his mind. "Ria-chan! So-chan!" He shot off the bed and ran to the door and opened it. Only to see a pair of rather plump flesh wrapped in a towel before him.

"Oh, Ise-tan!" Serafall smiled at the brunette. "Finally awake, huh?"

"A…wake?" He wondered as he rubbed his forehead, feeling something that was forcefully being shut away. "I was…I was playing with So-chan and Ria-chan." He muttered.

"And you three tuckered yourselves out." She giggled as she picked up the boy, pressing his head to her breasts as she carried him to the bed, a sleeping Rias there as well. "The three of you looked so cute together!" She gushed as she placed the boy beside the red-haired heiress.

"Where's, So-chan?" He mumbled, feeling his body getting tired.

"She's sleeping in the other room.' The older Sitri sibling soothed as she tucked the boy in the bed, moving the Gremory heiress closer to him.

"But we-" He yawned. "-fought a monster." He blinked sleepily. "So-chan was using water and Ria-chan was…using some red colors…" He blinked as he nodded his head on the pillow.

"That was a very nice dream, Ise-tan." Serafall smiled. "Get some sleep. Your parents said that they were on their way to pick you up."

The little boy accepted that, now realizing that his leg was not hurt at all. "All… a dream." He mumbled before succumbing to sleep, his breathing steadily as the older woman covered the sheets over him and the redhead.

Serafall sighed as she walked and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. She has a small sad frown on her face. "I'm sorry, Issei, Rias." She muttered as she walked away.


Sona moaned as she tried to move, but couldn't. She opened her eyes noticing that she was bound to her bed on her stomach and naked, showing the three gashes on her back. "E-Elder sister?" She said as Serafall appeared via a magical circle, a small frown on her face.

"I'm sorry, Sona." She addressed the younger sibling. "But I had to seal their memories of each other. "Issei was not supposed to know of the supernatural world this early."

Sona rested her head on the pillow, small streams of tears running down her face. "I'm sorry, Elder Sister."

The Maou Leviathan sighed as she placed her hand on her younger sibling's back and was about to heal the wounds.

"Leave them, Elder Sister Serafall." Sona requested her older sister as she saw was what she going to do. "And do not seal my memories either."

"Sona…"The female Maou paused her action as she looked at her young sister, seeing a determined look that shouldn't be on a child at such a young age.

"Let me bare these scars as testament to my failure for protecting my friends." She sniffed. "Let me keep these memories to know that I should be stronger in the future."

Serafall sighed as she patted her sister's head. "At least let me ease the pain." She hoped and smiled as the younger Sitri nodded.

Memory end

The female Maou opened her eyes. 'Looks like some of my memories slipped inside too.' She thought as the rubbed the brunette's tears streaked face as he opened his eyes.

"I…I…" His voice cracked. "It was my fault…" He muttered. "I'm sorry, So-chan, Ria-chan, Sera-nee."

"Shh…" The Leviathan soothingly as she rubbed his cheeks. "It's all in the past now."

The two heard sobbing and look to see Rias crying on the Sitri heiress' shoulder.

"I showed her what happened." Sona said as she rubbed her childhood friend's back.

Serafall patted the brunette's shoulder. "Go on." She smiled at him as she helped him up.

Issei nodded at the female Maou and made his way to the crying redhead, seeing tears streaming down her face. He hugged them both and looked around to the other girls. "Come on." He smiled at them. "Let's give 'em some comfort."

The devils and fallen angels in the room smiled as they approached the trio, hugging them in a one big hug, Ravel making sure that she pulled Asia and Mira to the brunette in the embrace.

Rias sobbed as she held her fiancée and friends and held them close to her.


Issei was walking through the backyard of the Phenex Mansion. "I hope she doesn't mind that I'm walking around here?" He muttered to himself as his youngest fiancée had to deal with some business.

"Onii-chan!" Ile and Nel shouted as they approached the brunette, both dresses in maid clothing that were red with orange highlights. The both wore maid hats and a bit of the chest was showing. The skirt was rather short, passing their butts.

"What happened?" He asked the two smaller devils as they approached him, ignoring the dresswear in favor of seeing what have them so troubled.

"Riser is punishing the others for his mistakes!" Ile shouted.

"He brought a bunch of male servant to gang bang them!" Nel added.

"Please help them, Onii-chan!" They shouted as one, their palms clasps together as they gazed at him.

Issei's eyes widened at the words the two small devils said. 'He's doing what?!' he thought as anger ran through his blood. 'No wonder there weren't much servants inside.' He concluded. "How long was this goingb on?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

The smaller twins looked down in fear. "For about an hour or so." Ile mumbled.

"We only managed to get out of the room after Shuriya locked the door." Nel added.

Issei had his head down, his hair covering his eyes as he raised his hands to the two smaller girls.

The girls closed their eyes and prepared for whatever blow they would receive from the brunette. They then felt a soft pat on their heads before their hair was ruffled. They looked up to him in surprise as he looked at them with a smile that an older brother would for his younger siblings.

"Don't worry. I'll handle it." He assured them.

"Onii-chan." The twins' eyes shined with tears.

"Now tell me where they went." He asked.

Riser was sitting on a chair as he ignored the moans and grunts of pleasure before him. An angry scowl on his face as he replays the defeat he suffered through the Gremory heiress' Pawn. "This is punishment for failing me." He said as he ignored one of the female house servants giving him heads.

"Please forgive us. Riser-sama!" Bürent shouted as she was being pounded by two males in both her cunt and asshole. Her large breasts were bouncing as she was being bounced on the two men's members. She ignored the feelings going through her body as she begged her master for forgiveness. She saw a third male approach her and grabbed her head before she felt her mouth being force fed a third dick. Tears streamed down her face as her body was once again being used like this.

"You're all useless!" He shouted. "Not only did I lose to that bitch, but that low born peasant as well!" He raged.

Shuriya screamed as her naked body was lashed by a whip for the umpteenth time. She was nude with line marks that were bleeding. Her breasts topped with inverted dark toned nipples had metal clamps on them that dug into her tender flesh. "Forgive us, Riser-sama-AAAAAAAH!" Her begging was cut off by the whip snapping against her back again.

Riser stood up, his dick slipping out of the woman's mouth before he marches towards the bound woman as his left hand was lit aflame. He punched her in the stomach, burning and hurting the tanned female at the same time. "I told you what would happen if you were to fail me!" He shouted at the woman.

Mihae was surrounded by six males. She was on her back with a man below and drilling into her asshole while another man was pounding her cunt. The third male was straddling her stomach as he gave himself a tit fuck while another man her head turned to side she can give him a forced falatio. Her hands were also occupied, rubbing off two other male's hardened dicks as she jerked them off.

Maron was in a similar postion as the closed eyed devil, men around her as they each pounder her holes, other were jerking off over her naked already cum stained body.

"O~h. This pussy is good!" A man grunted as he fucking Ni rather roughly, slapping her ass all the while.

"You should try this one's mouth!" Another man's cackled as he fucking Li's throat, the bluenette had tears streaming down her face.

"Shit! I'm about to cum!" Another man groaned as he rushed towards the redhead cat twin and shoved his cock down her throat, blowing his spunk and causing some to spurt from her mouth.

Ni coughed the semen out of her mouth. "Riser-sama, please!" She cried out before she taken in the mouth again.

This was the sight that Issei arrived to. The sight of the woman being raped before him made his blood boil! "RISE~R!" He raged as he leaped at the Phenex' heir.

The last things the girls saw was Issei fighting off the many men that used them to their pleasure.


"Hn~!" Issei stretched as he stood at the train station, waiting for Kiba, Koneko, and Mira. He was wearing a green shirt with a white jacket over it and a pair of brown long pants with a set of black sneakers. He had a back pack on him and sighed as he looked about. He shifted the bag on his shoulder, finding rather weird that it was slightly heavier than what it was when he packed up. "My bag feels a bit heavier." He muttered.

It has been a week since he reconnected with Rias and Sona along with getting to know Ravel.

Also the second biggest beat down he's giving Riser Phenex.

His bond to Seilah, Ikaruga, and Shizuka has grown. He even went on separate dates with them along with his lovers, and spending some good time with them

"I'm sure we can have more fun when we get back." He smiled at the thought of going out with any of his lovers. 'Maybe we should all go out together, Riser's old Peerage included.' He thought.

Ile and Nel has become somewhat of little sisters to the young Hyoudou, calling him Onii-chan and what not. The three demons, dragons, and liones hybrid, sensing how powerful the brunette was had decided to train some more in order not to pass shame to him.

That brought a smile at him.

Soon the smile turned slightly somber.

During the week the young Hyoudou gave visits to Ni, Li, Marion, Bürent, Mihae, and Shuriya. They simply remained silent around him and casted him nothing but conscious looks, but still held a light of gratitude for saving them.

'I'm going to have to talk to them too.' He mentally sighed.

'Give them time.' Ddraig advised. "I'm sure they'll open up to you."

'I really do want to help them' He thought. 'But what Riser did was nothing more of torture.' He growled, shocking some of the people around him.

'I am certain that they will come to you.' Ddraig said. "I have noticed those cat girls have been looking at you rather differently though.' She hummed. 'That Riser boy have not shown himself at all.'

'From what Shiruya and Mihae told me, the bastard was locked away until his mother says so.'

'Those girls have suffered a lot under that man's foolishness.' Ddraig snarled. 'They might end up going insane.' She thought.

'I hope it doesn't come to that.' He hoped. 'On another note; Esdeath and the Erzas has been rather clingy to me for the past few days.' He thought.

'You'll find out soon enough, partner.' The eight winged dragoness chuckled.

'Something I should know?' He wondered

"Issei-kun!" Kiba called out to her fellow Peerage member as she, Koneko, and Mira made their way to him.

Kiba was wearing a knee length baggy blue jeans with two silver belts hooped around her waist. She wears a cream colored slightly dipped shirt with a small short sleeved torso length blue jacket over it and a pair of blue boots.

Koneko was dressed in a pink shirt with blue jeans that shaped out her hips, legs, and ass. She wears a set of blue sandals on her feet.

Mira was wearing a red shin length sundress with a pair of white sandals on her feet. She was also wearing a wide brim sunhat in her head.

Unknowingly, the three female devils gain the attention of many of the other people at the station, many of the males looking at them with slightly flushed faces.

"Hey girls." He smiled as he went to meet them.

"Issei-sempai." Koneko nodded at the older devil.

"Hello, Issei-sama." Mira bowed slightly.

Issei simply patted her head. "Issei is fine, Mira-chan." He gently reminded her.

Kiba smiled at the eight counted Pawn. "Ready?" She asked.

"As I should be." He patted his backpack, raising an eyebrow as he heard something akin to a grunt. "What was that?" He wondered as he was about to take off his back pack to check.

"Train heading to Akihabara will be arriving soon. Please wait behind the yellow line as the train will be in motion before it stops completely." A male voice sounded from the speaker.

As the train approach, many of the people began to converge at the mobile cart as the doors open.

Issei felt the people rushing in, pushing Kiba, Koneko, Mira, and himself inside. He then felt the back of his legs hit one of the benches and ended up sitting there. Just as he placed his backpack down, Kiba, who was being pushed by some of the other passengers, ended up sitting on his lap, her ass dropping on his crotch. It didn't stop there as Koneko was pressed against his left side and Mira to his right, their lithe forms pressing against him.

"What an interesting predicament?" Kiba smiled as she leaned a bit more against the brunette.

Issei allowed a small chuckle to slip passed his lips. "Well the cart is full." He muttered as the train began to make way to their destination, ignoring the shifting of the Knight's posterior on his lap.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" She teased. "Having three girls leaning against you, four girlfriends, and three fiancées. My, my Issei-kun, if I'd known any better I would say that you picked the harem route in one of those RPG games." She giggled.

"Pervert." Koneko muttered as she held the brunette's arm to her chest, a small blush on her face.

Mira simply allowed a small smile to grace her face as she held her master's hand to her chest, fingers interwoven with his.

Issei simply sighed as he rested his head against the head rest and gently wrapped his left arm around Kiba's stomach. 'This is going to be a long ride.'

Issei's eyes fluttered open as he looked at his blue haired servant, her head resting on his shoulder. He looked about the area and noted that they were getting closer to their destination. "We're almost there." He said as he looked to Kiba who had her head rested against his chest. Koneko was leaning against him.

"Eep!" Mira gasps as she felt something rubbed against her thigh, getting the attention of the other three devils. "S-Someone's touching me." She whispered to her master as she slowly released her hold on his hand to retaliate against the person.

Issei looked as his bluenette servant, his eyes catching the movement of a hand brushing against her thigh, the fingers of a man reaching to the hem of her skirt. With precision and a growl, he grabbed the hand of a male about his age dressed in a high collard coat with a hat on his head and shades over his eyes. He was also wearing a medical mask over the lower half of his face, hiding his nose and mouth.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Issei growled as he raised the male's hand, fighting his instincts to snap his wrist.

"Let me go!" Another male, dressed like the other male and has black coming from below his hat, shouted as Koneko held both his wrists, bending them to the point that she might snap them off.

"Perverts!" Kiba announced pointing at the males.

The two males were being held at the Akihabara station, two security guards holding them with zip ties around their wrists.

"We didn't do anything wrong!" The black haired molester shouted in protest.

"That's what they all say." One of the guards said as he and his co-worker pulled the two away.

The four looked as the two screaming perverts were being hauled away, screaming nothing but protests.

Issei patted the two smallest devils' heads. "Let's go have some fun, okay?"


"Get back here!"

"You'll never take our freedom!"

The four devils look to see that the two molesters were running away from the guards.

"Let's not waste our time with that." Issei sighed. "We came to have some fun. So let's have fun."


"This place changed a lot since the last time I came here." Mein said as she looked around the stores.

"You just came here to check the latest issue on Bugarally." Seiryu smiled at her older sister, Koro being held in her arms.

"I wanted to know if Kota will finally choose between Sakuya and Alisa." She simply huffed. "What do you think, Akame?" The pinkette turned to the right.

"The story is quite fascinating. I think he should pick both or none." The young woman said.

Akame is a young woman about nineteen with long black hair that reaches down to her calves and red eyes. She wears a backless black sleeveless mini dress with a white collar and a red tie, her bust being a CC-cup. She also wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cover. She wears it with long black socks and black shoes. She also wears red gauntlets and black gloves. Strapped to her left are two katanas. One has a red handle that is about ten inches length with a paper talisman on either sides of the grip, the blade being sheathed in a black scabbard. The second blade has a grey handle what appears to be tassels wrapped around the handle, the scabbard being a hazy purple color.

The three were getting looks of astonishments as they made their way through Akihabara. Seiryu was looking about, seeing if she can get any type of ideas to further upgrade her weapons when the time comes.

Mein was muttering to herself as she fixed Pumpkin's case over to her left shoulder.

Akame was looking around as she listened to the people around her.

"Why are you walking with your teigus, Akame?" Mein's younger sister asked.

The red eyed young woman brushed her left hand over the hilts of her blades. "I will be honest to you. I do not trust many people in our faction due to my heritage. These blades are family heirlooms and will be wielded by those of my blood or whom I favor. You two already have permission to use them if the situation calls for it." She looked to the two you women and gave a faint smile. "I consider you the few friends I have in the Khaos Brigade."

The siblings gave the blackette a smile.

"Ku~." Koro whined as it leaped from Seiryu's arm to the red eyed young woman's, rubbing its cheek against her own.

Akame patted the living teigu's head. "And you too, Koro."

Mein sighed with a smile. "It's nice to take a break and all, but we have to get to that convention." She said earning a nod from the two.

A sudden growl was heard and the siblings look to the sword wielding woman who had the smallest of blush on her face.

"I'm hungry." Was all she said.

Mein groaned as Seiryu laughed a bit.


"Welcome to Café Mew Me~w!" Rei said with a forced smile and her eyes closed. "I'll be the maid for your service." She was dressed in a pink maid uniform with cat ears on top and black tail extended from the dress. Around the dress was a pink bow.

"You look cute." Issei commented, getting the young Miyamoto to open her eyes widely at the brunette that was accompanied by three other females.

"Issei-kun." She greeted him with big smile and a hug as he was sitting by the edge of the seat, Kiba sitting by his side with Mira sitting across him and Koneko sitting next to the Phenex's ex-Pawn. "Kiba-chan, Koneko-chan." She greeted the two with a smile. "And who is this cute little girl?" The young Miyamoto asked as Mira tries to hide her face under her sun hat.

"This is Mira." Issei introduced his servant. "She's new here and the three of us decided to show her around in Akihabara."

"Hi!" Rei held her hand out. "Miyamoto Rei. Nice to meet you, Mira-chan."

"Nice to meet you, Rei-san." The bluenette greeted back as she shook the taller female's hand.

Rei smiled. "Say." She took out her notepad. "I'm getting out in a half hour. You wouldn't mine taking an extra girl out, would you?" She smiled.

Issei looked to the other three females. "If you ladies are okay with it." He said to them.

Kiba simply shrugged. "I don't mind." She looked at Koneko. "What do you think, Koneko?"

The whitette nodded. "I haven't seen Rei-san in a while." She have a faint smile.

"You're okay with this, Mira?" Issei asked.

"As long as I get spend time with you, Issei-sama." She nodded.

"Issei-sama?" Rei raised an eyebrow at the brown haired devil. "Care to explain this, Issei-kun?" She asked.

Issei simply sighed. "When you get off work. It's a long story."


Rei hummed as she sipped on a cup of coke. "So that how it went?" The spear wielding teen was wearing a yellow sleeveless shirt with black dots on it that showed a bit of her cleavage, a hint of her equal colored bra was shown by the underside of the sleeve. She also wore a set of black jeans that shaped off her ass and legs, making many of the male visitors in the famous area turn their heads to her. She was sitting across the brunette with Kiba by her right and Mira at her left. "Saya is going to flip more than tables when she hears about this." She commented.

"I'm surprised that this table is still standing." Kiba teased.

"As if I would do something like that." Rei huffed in mock offense.

"How is Saya-chan doing?" The current holder of Ddraig asked.

"A lot better." Rei smiled. "She says she has a surprise or something planned. I don't know what it is though."

"I wonder what it is." Issei thought.

"Well we'll just have to wait and find out." The young Miyamoto sighed.

"Ku~" Koro cried as it waddled near Rei, getting the attention of the five.

Issei eyes widened at the sight of the Biological Teigu. 'Koro?!' He thought as his eyes snapped around the area. "That means…" He muttered.

"So cu~te!" Rei gushed as she motioned the stubby legged animal to her. "Come one. Come here little guy."

The white animal neared Rei and was picked up by the teen, who proceeded to hug it while talking to it in baby noises.

"Koro!" Seiryu called out as she running towards the location of her partner, Mein and Akame right behind her. The latter holding a rather large piece of meat from her mouth. "I told you not to walk away like that!" She shouted as she saw who her partner was with, sliding to a stop with the pinkette and black haired females behind her. "Koro, kommen sie (come)." She commanded the teigu and it did as commanded, a small whine escaping its lip.

"I didn't think we would meet here of all places, devil." Mein said as she shifted Pumpkin's container.

Akame placed her hand the red hilt and Koro growled as a hammer cocked was heard from Seiryu's throat.

"I don't want a fight here." Issei raised his hands, stopping his Peerage members from doing anything. "We only came out here to hang out and have some fun." He stated. "Also. Do you really want to fight in such a populated area with all these innocent people?" He pointed out as he waved his hand around to their surroundings.

"Is that a threat?" Akame asked with her eyes slightly narrowed at the group.

"A warning." The brunette said. "So please. Let's not fight here." He encouraged.

Mein shifted her case, allowing her shoulders to relax a bit. "Stand down you two."

Akame did as told, but Seryu kept her glare at the devils.

"I'm not allowing these devils to take more innocent souls." The young woman grounded out as Koro growled at its mistress' enemies, teeth baring at the group.

"Seryu, enough!" Mine commanded her sister. "Koro, stillstehen (stand down)!"

The two sides were in tense silent, neither wanting to make the first move and involve the innocent.

"Let's all try to calm down." Rei requested as she placed her hand on the brown haired devil's hand. "Let's go our separate ways and you guys can deal with this situation another place where there are less people." She proposed.

The group was silent as they processed the teen's word.

Issei took a deep breath as he stood up. "I think it is for the best." He nodded. "Sorry if we ruined your day. We'll be on our way."

Before anyone could say or do anything, a male voice rang out.

"I think all of you should go somewhere else." The voice chuckled before they saw several smoke canisters being tossed at them, smoke erupting from the items and causing the group to cough. None of them noticing the bright pink circle with arcane symbols on it rotating below them. Within the smoke they flashed away in a bright light.

"Thank you all for witnessing my act!" A young man about his late-twenties said with a large grin, earning a round of applause from the people around him. He has tanned brown skin and white hair spiked to the nape of his neck and chin length bangs framing his face. He wears a white shirt that was open showing his chest and green cargo pants held up by crossed leather belts and a set of brown boots. The noticeable feature on him was the large 'X' shaped white scar on his face, the center being below his amber orange eyes. "Now that that's done, time for you to do your part." He chuckled as he walked away.


Issei blinked as he felt wind rushing against him. His eyes finally focused as he saw what seems to be a tropical forest below him.

Below him?

Eyes widening at the conclusion that he was over many dozens of meters above the forest.

"Waaaaaaah!" Rei shouted as she was in the same predicament as him, her arms and legs flailing about as she was falling.

The current holder of the Boosted Gear looked and noted that Kiba, Koneko, and Mira regained their bearings.

"Kiba! Rei's closer to you! Grab her!" He shouted as his wings slipped out of his shirt and jacket. "And get your wings out now!"

Kiba nodded as she allowed her wings to slip out too, using them to glide to screaming Miyamoto. "Please stop screaming, Rei-san." She smiled as she held the human close to her. "Everything will be fine."

"Speak for yourself!" She shouted as she held on to the blonde.

"MEI~N!" Seiryu shouted, the devils looking to see the pink clad pinkette falling to her doom.

Issei saw that the blackette have wings out similar to that of his fallen lovers and put that to the back burner of his mind.

Akame gasps as she opened her eyes, feeling the wind rushing past her body in a familiar way. Upon instinct a set of large crow wings ripped out the back of her, stopping her decent as she gave a few flaps of her wings. The closest to her was Seiryu as she was holding on to her Teigu and sister for dear life. She dived to the siblings, her wings folded slightly to sharpen her speed.

Seryu held her older sibling as her Teigu whimpered for the pinkette. "Mein! Wake up, Mein!" She shook the pinkette, but got no response.

"Ku~." Koro whined.

"Seryu!" Akame called out as she held out her hand to the auburn haired female.

Seryu reached out with her left hand and managed to grab the winged young woman just as a heavy wind passed around them.

Seryu held her sister close as the wind picked up. The force was too much for her and let out a scream as the pinkette slipped from her hold. "MEI~N!" She shouted after her falling sibling.

Issei gathered the wind around him. "Tenryū no kenkaku (Sky Dragon's sword horn)"! He shouted as he suddenly bursts with speed towards the pinkette. He canceled the spell as he was sure that he might have killed the pinkette if he didn't. Reaching within arm's reach, he grabbed Mein and pulled her close, trying hard to pull up from the dive. "Hold on." He grunted as he managed to lift himself and the pinkette up from the dive, but hit a tree in the process. "Shit!" He cursed as he flipped about. He held on to the small woman tighter before making a heavy impact with a rock, slamming back first into it to take most of the force.

"Issei-sama!" Mira shouted as she Koneko Kiba with Rei arrived at the two.

"Mein!" Seryu shouted as Koro released her hold and ran to where her older sister crashed.

Issei groaned as he opened his eyes and looked at the approaching group. He then looked down and cursed at the sight of the pinkette.

Mein's right arm was bent to side by the elbow, obviously a direction it should not bend.

'Her right arm is broken.' He thought. 'Must have happened when we crashed.'

"Issei-kun!" Kiba shouted as she and the other devils along with the human arrived first. "Is she okay?" She asked.

"Her right arm is broken." He grunted as he stood up and gently cradled the pinkette's form. "Gonna have to try and fix her arm first." He sighed. "If only Asia-chan was here, this would have been done in a matter of minutes."

"I'm sure Koneko-chan can do a good job with her senjutsu." Kiba claimed.

"Let me put her arm back in place before she regains consciousness." Mira advised to the whitette as she approached the pinkette and held her arm. With a sickening snap, Mein's arm was put back in place, her face scrunched into a slight expression of pain.

"Tenryū no Odayakana ōra (Sky dragon's gentle aura)." Issei took a deep breath as a pale grey aura surrounds his and Mein's form. He was seeing that the pinkette was regaining consciousness, her elbow may be fixed in place, but it will need to be treated and held on place of the nasty purple bruising was of any indication. "I'll try to keep her calm while you heal her arm." He said as he closed his eyes to concentrate.

"What are you doing to my sister?!" Seryu shouted as she approached the group, anger clear in her eyes.

Akame held back the female as she assessed the situation.

"Healing her." Kiba replied as she stood before the young woman.

Koneko raised her hands as they gave a blue glow. "Hold her still, Issei-sempai." The whitette muttered as she grasps the joint, earning a painful grunt for the pink haired woman.

"Koro, Aktiv (Active)!" Seryu commanded her Teigu as it grew to its gorilla like size.

Mira and Kiba stood ready.

"Stop!" Rei shouted as she stood before the intimidating teigu with her arms out.

Hekatonkheires looked at the human and growled, but Rei stood her ground although her body was trembling in fear.

"You dare you use a human as a shield!" Seryu accused.

"I'm doing this out of my own free will!" The young Miyamoto shouted. "Issei-kun and Koneko-chan are healing your sister! At least she's alive, right!"

Akame placed her hand on the younger sibling's shoulder. "Calm down, Seryu." The red eyed young woman suggested. "As I have said earlier, she would be dead if they wanted her to be."

The woman gripped her mechanical fists and glared at the devils. She sat down and crossed her legs and arms. "Mache nichts komisch (Don't do anything funny)." She warned.

"Wir werden nicht (We won't)." Koneko said as she finished healed the elbow, some sweat going down her forehead. She then hovered her hands over Mine's body and stopped around her chest. "She has some bruises around her chest and stomach." She frowned. "We'll have to remove her clothing for me to heal them directly." She said.

Issei nodded as he gently placed the pinkette on the ground. He then clapped his hands together and gathered wind in his palm. He then formed a small misty could under the pinkette and raised her several inches.

Koneko approached the floating pinkette and proceeded to disrobe her. Moments later, the pinkette was floating wearing her light grey stockings, pink panties and pink bra, several blue spots over her chest, stomach, and shoulder.

"Who the hell did this?" Issei growled as he looked at the bruises.

Seryu was shocked at the bruises that her sister held. 'How was she walking so well during our time?' She wondered.

Mein groaned as she opened her eyes, feeling rather chilly. "What?" She mumbled.

"Finally awake, huh?" She heard a male voice.

Mein shot up, ignoring the pain that shot through her body. She sees Issei sitting by a camp fire with Rei resting against his right shoulder, the orange haired female sleeping and using his shoulder as a pillow. Before she can say anything she was hugged by her sister. "S-Seryu?" She gasps in slight pain.

"You're okay!" She cried. She then quickly loosened her hold and looked at her.

Mein relaxed as she held her sister close. "I'll always be okay." She muttered as she looked about the area. "Where are we anyway?" She asked.

"Where on an island that has some wild animals." Akame was perched on a tree as she said that getting the attention of three below her. "I just came back from scouting. The others are currently hunting for food, they volunteered." She added as she held up Issei's backpack. "I also found this with something inside. I was thinking of cooking it for dinner, but changed my mind when it said 'Boss' in a dazed state.

Issei blinked. "Only one person calls me that…" He muttered. "Can you throw my bag down for me please?" He kindly asked.

The red eyed young woman remained silent for a while then let her wings slip out her back. She leaped off the branch, gliding to the male as she descended to the group. "Here you go." She said as she gave the bag to the young devil.

"Thanks." He smiled at her before he opened his back. "Leone…" He stated as he saw the dazed look of his lioness hybrid lover.

"Hey, Boss." She said before she shook her head and leaped out of the bag, catching the sisters' attention. "Thought I would come along. Didn't think that you drop me from so high in the ground and leave me in woods until this girl here came and was saying how she would cook and eat me." She said sending a frown to the winged woman.

"Okay, Leone, just calm down." He said as she patted her head.

"Hmph!" The lioness hybrid huffed as she shifted to her human form, laying her head on her beau's lap, purring as he ran his fingers through her locks.

"I would like to introduce you to one of my familiars and lovers, Leone. She's a lioness hybrid."

"One of your lovers?" Mein frowned at the brunette. "How many girlfriends do you have?" She asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Fourteen." He replied as he kept his feline lover relaxed, not even realizing the gaze of the sisters. "Three of them being my fiancée's due to their parents making a contract that they agreed on. Four being my familiars with Leone being one of them. And three being demons that made an oath with me. I'll also need to save up enough money to buy eleven more engagement rings for them." He said with a small wistful smile, imagining his lovers' expression once he presents them with said items.

Mein's eyes soften at the last sentence.

"You're just a womanizing bastard, aren't you?" Seryu judged as she pointed an accusing finger at the brunette. "You devils are all the same, wanting more than their own selfish deeds. I bet you became a devil just to get all the women you want!" She yelled, getting a growl from Leone.

Mein was about to reprimand her sister, but everyone felt a sudden pressure on their shoulders.

Issei remained silent as he looked at the younger sister, lowering the pressure as Rei began to have problems breathing.

"Woah, Issei calm down." Kiba said to her Peerage member as she and Mira walked to them from behind a foliage.

"Are you okay, Issei-sama?" Mira asked as she gave the three other women a look.

"I'll be fine, Mira-chan." He sighed as he gave the bluenette devil a smile. "Where's Koneko-chan?" He asked.

"Bringing dinner." The whitette said as she was walking out the foliage with a rather large fifteen feet bird held up over her head.

It was rather large indeed. The feather were bright red and gold color and has six small wings in place of two. It has a large horn on the forehead and its beak was shaped like a five pointed claw. Its feet were clawed and red in color.

"A bi~rd!" Leone cheered as she gazed at the giant avian creature, her eyes gazing at it with hunger. "Let's eat! I want a wing!" She claimed.

Issei patted her head, scratching behind her left ear. "You'll have to share that." He chuckled. "It's ten of us here, so we should spread it among all of us."

"A~w." The blonde lioness whined.

"Ready to put up a fire, Isei-kun?" Kiba grinned.

"Fine." Issei huffed a small stream of smoke from his nose.


Akame sighed with satisfied hum as she finished the last of her meat, placing the bone at the rather large fleshless thigh and drumstick that she also ate before. "Thank you for the meal." She said humbly.

"No problem." Kiba smiled after wiping her lips with a napkin. "It was thanks to those plants that Leone found that we were able to make the meat taste really good." The blonde Knight nodded to the lioness hybrid.

"Thanks!" She chirped.

"You have a big appetite." Issei commented.

"Most Tengu's eat double to triple their body mass." She replied.

"Ah." The brunette could only reply.

"We should get some rest." Mein said a she stood up and patted her clothes.

"Who's going to take first watch?" Rei asked. "It's obvious that there'll be some pretty damn dangerous animals on this island." She pointed out as she motioned to the remains of bird that they ate. "I mean I have never seen a bird that big before."

"I'll take first watch." Issei volunteered as she stood up. "You ladies should sleep. I'll wake you up when it's your turn Kiba-chan."

"And why not ask one of us to take guard?" Seryu asked with her arms crossed as Koro began to eat the bones.

"We first off, you don't trust us. And if I do try to wake you up, you might send Koro here to attack me. Thus making this into a big fight. Our fight might also attract some unneeded attention in the process. I would like to avoid that." He said as he turned and walked to a tree. "Just relax. Like I said I don't want to fight a battle that can be avoided. We also need to figure out where the hell we are and who that bastard is that send us here is." He frowned as he sat by the tree and closed his eyes. "And somehow I can't contact Esdeath, Scarlet, or Knightwalker." He sighed. "I can't even get in contact with Shizuka, Ikaruga, and Seilah."

"We even tried summoning our familiar, but couldn't either." Kiba said, earning nods from the whitette and bluenette.

"Figures." The holder of Ddraig sighed.

"Just relax, Hatchling." Ddraig chuckled as she appeared, her wielder raised the gauntlet and looked at her gem with a look. "Oh don't give me that. I would have ended up addressing you like that now since you gave your body as an offering, making you a dragon as well."

'Offering?' The three women thought.

"Hm." Issei hummed. "We'll deal with that tomorrow." He stretched. "Good night ladies." He said as Leone went to him and lay next to him.

The female devils and human female gave their good nights as they too began to take a place to sleep.

Akame flew up to a tree branch wrapped her wings around her shoulders. "I will take a higher look out." She said down to him.

The brunette looked up to the black haired woman. "Okay."

"You seem rather calm to be around your enemies." She stated.

"That's because at the moment I don't see you as my enemies." He said. "We're both stuck on an island and have near no way of getting off."

"Hm." The winged young woman nodded. "We can fly." She proposed.

"I don't think we should do that." He sighed. "We don't know how far away we are from the closest land."

"Hm." The winged young woman nodded again.

Mein remained silent as she lay there, not being able to sleep at the moment.

"Mein." Seryu called her sister. "Are you awake?" She asked. The younger sibling was also lying beside the pinkette, holding the bio-Teigu in her arms.

"I am." She sighed. "Can't sleep, I guess."

"Me neither." The auburn haired female nodded. "I'm honestly confused, Mein."

"Was hast du verwirrt (What are you confused about)?" She asked as she turned to her fellow Teigu wielder.

"Wir sind ausgebildet worden, seit wir Kinder waren, dass alle Teufel böse sind (We've been trained since we were kids that all devils are evil). Und doch (And yet)…" She trailed off.

"Wir sind hier mit ein paar Teufeln, die uns eigentlich nicht kämpfen (We're here with a few devils that are actually not fighting us)." The pinkette looked up to the night sky. "Ich werde ihnen morgen danken (I'm going to thank them tomorrow)."

"Ich sollte das auch das selbe machen (I should probably do the same too)." Seryu muttered as she shuffled closer to her sister. "Wenn es nicht für diese Teufel wäre, dann wärst du sicher tot (If it weren't for those devils, you would be dead for sure)."

Mein turned and hugged her sibling, pulling her to her chest as Koro got comfortable between their stomachs. "Ich gehe nirgendwo hin (I'm not going anywhere), Seryu." She vowed. "Ich bin doch deine große Schwester (I'm your big sister after all)." She smiled as she ran her fingers through the amber eyed woman's long hair.

Seryu smiled. "Wachsen Sie größere und größere Brüste dann werden wir sehen (Grow taller and bigger breasts then we'll see)." She yawned before falling asleep in her older sibling's embrace.

Mein sighed. "Was auch immer (Whatever)."


"Nothing yet?" Rias asked worriedly as she and Akeno were walking through Akihabara at night, both King and Queen worried for their fellow devils.

Akeno shook her head. "No. Nothing at all. Although I do sense traces of a faint aura here being used." She added.

Rias frowned. "Do you think they were captured?" She asked in a worried tone.

"There were no signs of battles." Akeno pointed out.

"Found someone interesting!" Raynare shouted as she Kalawarner, and Mittelt landed before them, a man held by the back of his neck.

The man was your Average Joe. His left eye was bloodshot and his cheeks were swollen. He was missing a few teeth and his nose was broken. His clothes were torn and ripped. The fingers on his left hand were also broken.

And judging by the expressions of the fallen women, they were pretty angry.

"Now start talking." Kalawarner growled at the man before she snapped his right pinky finger, causing the man to scream in pain. "And don't make any dumb ass comments." She added as Raynare kicked him to the ground.

The man got up and tried to run away.

"Akeno." Rias looked to her Queen who simply giggled as she shot a bolt of lightning that pierced through the man's left shoulder.

The man grunted in pain as he fell forward, his face hitting the ground. "You…won't get your…friends…back." He gritted through his teeth with a small chuckle.

Rias was certainly not in a joking manner. To prove that, she sent a bolt of destruction, blowing his left leg off and burning it to ashes, the man screaming in pain at the loss of his leg. "I have no times for your games, human!" She hissed in anger as her iris turn to slit and sclera reddened while walking towards him. "Where. Are. My. Friends!" She growled as she picked him up by his neck.

The man simply grunted before spitting in the redhead devil's face.

Rias simply wipe the spittle off her face before ramming her fist into the man's stomach, causing him to cough and gasps for air. She then threw him to the side.

Just as the man left the redhead's grasp and was about to hit the ground, a large torrent of water hit him hard enough to push him into a takoyaki stand, breaking said small food area with a crash.

Sona, with Tsubaki, was walking towards the groaning one legged man as she summoned more water around her, forming it into a whip. Without a moment's hesitation, she snapped the whip towards the man and it wrapped around his neck, choking him, before he was jerked out of the wreckage and slammed onto the ground and was then dragged over to the Sitri heiress. "Where's our husband?" She growled as her eyes shifted.

"Go…to hell." He grunted before a foot smashed unto his chest, cracking his ribcage and forming a small creator below him and the person that stepped on him. He felt blood rushed out of his mouth by the weight and was both grateful and ungrateful that his body was enhanced.

"Going home is the last thing in our minds." Ravel said in a clipped tone, her heel digging into the man's chest as Yubelluna was glaring at his downed form. "My, my. You have such a strong body. Losing a leg and still lively." She raised her hand as fire blazed over her palm.

The man looked at the flamed palm until he heard the sound of someone clapping.

"Well, well, well." A man chuckled as he was done clapping, sitting at the top of an electronic store, his hood over his head and hiding his face from the devil group below him. "I didn't think you lot would have come sooner." He grinned as he stood up.

"Who are you?" Rias asked.

"Name's, Syura." He said as he pulled his hood down, revealing his face to the six devils. "Nice to meet you lot." He proposed.

"Yubelluna." Ravel glanced as her brother's ex-Queen, the purple haired woman simply tapped her staff on the ground.

Syura looked down as a glowing glyph appeared below and exploded, the young man having leaped away before the explosion erupted. "Whoo!" He laughed. "That was one hell of a bang!" He punned before he landed on another roof. "You're going to have to pay for the damages, you know?" He chuckled as he pulled out a device from his pocket. It was a pendant that was big enough to fit his palm. It had an outer silver ring with an inner purple color. In the center is a triangular formed three star pendulum that are shaped like wide axes. "You know what this pretty little thing is?" He grinned.

"Jigen Hōjin: Shanbara (Dimensional Formation: Shambhala)" Sona simply said as she fixed her glasses, getting a wide eyed look from the young man.

In fact; he can see the calmness in the six females. "How…"

"Tell us where our friends are…" Rias began as her aura erupted from her body. "Or die."

The man laughed. "You really think you can kill?" He gave her a pointed look. "You're a kid!"

Rias simply sighed. "Little Sister Ravel, step away from the filthy man." She said as the younger female did as told.

"Syura! Help me!" The wounded male cried out with his arms held to the man's direction.

Rias simply held her finger to the man, his body suddenly bursting into flames from her powers. Ignoring the man's scream, she glared at the tanned man. "You were saying?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Wow." He whistled as he looked at the redhead and grinned. "Guess you're more than just a dime piece." He chuckled as he placed Shambhala into his pocket, a pink small portal with a ying yang symbol in the center glowed below his feet. "I'll be right back." He grinned as he simply fell into the seal and it flashed away.

The group of six gathered and looked about as several seals appeared around them, each spawning about six to seven humans in armor similar to Seryu's.

Syura then appeared before the devils with a second man beside him. He is a large muscular man with black hair that was graying near his temples. He had an unusual hairstyle with four ponytails or braids on the back of his head wrapped in white cloth. He had a large star-shaped scar over his missing left eye, while his remaining eye was red with a black sclera. His teeth were shown to be quite sharp. He also wears a suit of armor over a black shirt and baggy blue pants along with a set of metal plated boots. Strapped to his right hip was a gladius.

"Is this what you brought me for, Syura?" The man grumbled as he eyed the six females before him. "A bunch of girls?" He scoffed as he pulled out his blade. "Bah. I'll be done with them in a few minutes."

"Don't underestimate them." The tanned skinned male warned.

The man simply grunted. "I'm one of the strongest in the Empire Faction.

"Some people have you beat a long way, dumbass." He muttered. "Anyway. I have to go. I'll leave you lovely ladies alone with these nice people. And if you managed to beat them, you'll out where your friends are." He chuckled before he vanished with the use of Shambhala.

Rias watched as the armed people pulled out their weapons and were ready to charge.

"Look at them girls, guys!" Ogre shouted. "How about we have some fun with 'em, hm?" He encouraged as the men roared in agreement.

"Kill them all." Rias growled out as a purple swirling portal opened behind her. "Leave the scared man alive and wounded. Come out, Gouenma." She said as the portal behind her burned ablaze.

Two powerful clawed hands, each ending with sharp grey nails meant to carve through stones, grip the edges of the blazing portal and pulled a tall eight meters giant of an Oni. It has red eyes that glowed like lava and brown shaggy spiked hair that leads to his brought shoulders, sticking out the corners of his forehead are two large horns. His mouth is rowed with sharp teeth and tusks sticking out the corner of his lower lips. He has muscles upon muscles, bulging at the movements. Five large prayer beads encrusted on his chest. His arms are large and muscular, able to crush a tree trunk with no issue. Over his forearms a bracers made from unearthly materials that has three spikes extended over the knuckles. His chest was wide and barreled and pectorals like drums along with four pack abs. He also wears a shagged loincloth that is held up by what looks like a metal belt with the buckle shaped like a bald one horned man's head with two tusk sticking out of the lower lips. His legs are also powerful looking with the toes ending with sharp nails. He roared swinging his tail and smashing a small stands that was in the way, the spiked mace end breaking it to junk.

Akeno giggled as she watched the men faltered upon the sight of one of her King's familiars. "Dullahan." She licked her lips as a portal appears on ground, a large hooked weapon emerging and hitting very close to the Queen. The hook was bronze colored and adorned with spikes, barbed wires, and was a good four meters long.

The hook then pulled out the rest of the body, its size rivaling that of Rias' Gouenema and also showing that the weapon was the right arm. It wore and armor from shoulder to toes, the leg ending with spikes as if the feet were cut off and ankles sharpened. The body lumbered forward and was jolted by a tug of its left arm, showing that a spiked chain linked was wrapped around the wrist and leading into the portal. With a powerful tug, and what sounded like a cry of pained pleasure, a gibbet was pulled out.

Inside it was a severed head with a portion of the spine.

The head was that of a bearded man with messy hair and many scars and cuts, his facial expression morphed in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"MO~RE!" His voice bellowed before the body swung the chained head to a group of soldiers, killing a good amount of them in the process. "GHUAAAAA~HAHAHAHAHAHAH~!" He laughed.

Also, the large armored body was headless.

"Ushiwokina." Sona glared at the many men and women that are involved in her shared fiancée's disappearance.

A swirling portal appeared below the Sitri heiress as water flooded out of it. Seconds later, the head of what seems to be a catfish broke the surface, the bob haired heiress sitting on the forehead besides the ridged spikes. Two webbed hands came out of the watery portal and the rest of the oni was revealed as it came out. Its skin was silky dark blue with a shine on it. It was rather long reaching, to a good twenty three feet in length with a vertical webbed tail. Like a cat fish it has a two long whiskers, one each side of the nostrils. Its eyes are red with and orange glow and its maw can put a crocodile to shame, showing two rows of razor sharp teeth on both the lower and upper jaws. Within either sides of its gum is a large curved tusk that lowers to the lower jaw and bends forward. It opened its maw a shot a force of water at another group.

"Attack them, damn it!" Ogre shouted, prompting the soldiers to do as told.

Tsubaki fixed her glasses. "Kashiri"

"Hinomagatori!" Ravel called out.

Two portals appeared in the sky, one being vertical as the other was horizontal. A large four limbed red demon flew out of it the horizontal portal. It has bat like wings with black spike at the stub of them. It was built like a dog with a manly muscular chest that has white fur on it and human-like limbs. The claws were human-like with five digits that ended with black talon like claws as the feet were hind and sported four toes with black sharp nails. The tail was rather long and whip-like with a spear tip at the end adorned with an anchor like base shaped like two lines of blade shaped spikes. The face was like that of an a demon with gold yellow eyes taking the whole ocular organs, yellow teeth, long and needle like and set in a nightmarish grin. The nose was long and pointed. The large red oni growled before taking a deep breath as it turned to a group of charging men and women. Exhaling a torrent of white and black mixed flames at them, burning them and causing them to scream as their bodies mutated and become deformed beings.

The oni demon flew out if the vertical like a flaming spiral. It then stopped in mid-air and released a loud screech as the flames dispersed through its spreading out the four wings that it has, two top set being small as the lower set were at least three times larger This seems to have the appearance of a rooster-headed dragon. It uses its four wings to keep itself in the air, the blade like limbs flapping in an opposing manner. The dragon like chicken's sclera and iris are yellow with black pupils.

"Archers!" Ogre shouted as several men and woman pulled the notches of their bolt weapons and we're ready to fire.

"Shiragou!" Yubelluna shouted as a portal appeared below the arrows, stopping them in their track. A large hand with larger knuckles rose from the portal, the palms up and five fingers fanned widely. The hand was purple with the knuckles being a far darker tone, showing that it was extended to the elbows. The rest of the oni emerged showing that it has a built for pure power and brute force. Its eyes are yellow and it has two small curved purple horns with an enlarged forehead. Its legs were short, but powerful with four toes that ended with purple curved nails as the fifth toe was by the inner heel that bend forward. It has several purple spikes on its back that bends down and outwards. Its face was like that of an old man that trains in the mountain.

The arrows were sent back with enough force to pierce through the armors the archers were using to protect themselves with.

"What the hell!" A female shouted before she was crushed by the Gouenema's brutal fist.

Rias launched herself at a small group, her powers bursting out in an aura of destruction. She then gathered the aura to her hands and sends a rather large torrent of Destruction to the men and women.

Akeno bit back a laugh as she saw two of her enemies crushed by her familiar's large head. 'That's it. Cry in pain.' She giggled mentally as sparks flickered over her head and raised her hands, electricity coursing through her fingers. Whipping her arms out, she formed two barbed electrical whips. "Make them suffer my pet!" She shouted as she whipped her familiar several times.

The Dullahan shivered in pleasure as his head contorted in euphoric cries escaped his lips. "YE~S!" He hissed as he swung his now electrified hooked weapon about, hitting several fools that were in his path "PUNISH ME, MISTRESS! I LIVE FOR THE GREAT PLEASURABLE PAIN DONE TO MY BEING!"

Akeno managed to control her emotion before she turn around and shot a bolt of lightning at a man that was about to attack Tsubaki from behind.

Sona saw that her familiar was shooting pressured water at the enemies, tearing them off the ground and sending them crashing against the stalls and walls of the building and stores. "Kill them all my pet. Only let the scared man alive."

The fish-like familiar rushed forward, ramming people down with its weight and managing to pierce several humans with its tusks. It then dug on the ground.

"Everyone get back!" The Sitri heiress shouted at her friends as their familiars grabbed the mistress leaped/ flew back.

Sona's familiar suddenly raised its head, shooting out large globs of purple water, the attack falling about the enemy and striking some of them.

Ogre watched as the poison blob hit his shoulder and scowled. Before he can do something about, Ravel landed behind him and delivered harsh rolling kick to his back. She reveled in the fact that she caught the human off guard then turned to see a lone soldier about to attack her with a large blade. She quickly moved to the side and took a deep breath.

"Stand still!" The man shouted as he once against launched at the youngest Phenex offspring.

The young heiress breathed out a thick stream if fire, engulfing the human in its high heated flames. She huffed as she made her way to help the others, idly noticing that more lambs were coming for the slaughter.

The red skinned winged oni roared as it took to the skies, breathing out small bursts of flames at the enemies below, Tsubaki standing on its left palm. She calmly fixed her glasses as several arrows were shot at her.

"Mirror Alice." She muttered as a glass figure appeared. It was shaped like a girl wearing a dress with an apron over it, the girl holding a rather large mirror like a shield.

The soldiers watched as the arrows struck the mirror, sinking into the reflective object before being shot back at double the force and speed.

"Please do be careful with those things. You can kill someone with them." She calmly commented.

Yubelluna raised her staff, seals and glyphs of explosion appearing below the enemies. Tapping the staff on the ground, a series of explosions rounded about killing most of them and making others suffer a pain filled death.

Kalawarner, Raynare and Mittelt were sending volleys of light arrows at their enemies with deadly precision and accuracy, purposely hitting the limbs and vitals.

"Take down those birds!" A man yelled.

The three Fallen scowled as they held their hand together, three magical circles appearing before them and merging as they rotate. Seconds later, a barrage of javelins, arrows, bidents, and any other type of bolt and pole arm weapon of pink, yellow, and red, rained down on the enemies.

It was nothing but a one sided battle.


Ogre crashed against the wall, courtesy of a still pissed Rias' right foot. Before he has the chance to move, Gouenma's hand came down on him, smashing him more into the wall and keeping him there with no problem.

"Now then, Ogre-san." Sona fixed her glasses.

"It would be a good time to tell us where our beloved friends are." Ravel stated.

Ogre gritted his teeth. "I have nothing to tell you!"

Akeno simply walked up to him and gave him a swift kick to the face, breaking his nose in the process. She then grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall, shaking his brain and almost knocking him out. "Talk!" She snarled.

Ogre felt like his life would end.

And not in the best of ways.


Kiba shot up sitting, gasping loudly as she held her hand over her rapidly beating heart. 'Not again!' She thought as she shook her head, before running her hands through her hair. She then looked to the side and sees a sleeping Koneko leaning against Rei, the whitette's head snugging ling against the feline woman's bust. Mira was behind the sleeping human. She gave them a small smile before she pulled the sheet over the three and stood up, revealing that was sleeping in a blue sport's bra and matching shorts. She sighed as she can see the other's sleeping and diced to give her fellow Peerage member company instead of relieving him of the duty.

Issei gritted his teeth as he held his left arm, its form looking almost draconic with a pink-red color. "Shit…" He cursed as his clawed shaped fingers were twitching

"I'm sorry that you're going through this, Hatchling." Ddraig sighed at her host.

"N-No worries." He sighed as he forced his arm to revert back to human appearance and rested his head against the tree he was leaning on. "See. No pro-kch!" He grunted in pain is his left arms complete formed into that of a dragon with the green gem on the back of his hand and the second one by his elbow.

"You will need someone to absorb the mana from the arm." Ddraig stated.

"Then I guess I'll wait until I reach home." He said with a sigh.

"Issei?" Kiba called him as she rounded around the tree, gasping at the sight of dragon like arm. "What happened? Where's Leone?" She asked in shock as she neared him and held his left arm, feeling that metallic scales were rather smooth to the touch. "How?"

Issei gave the blonde tomboy a small smile. "Everything comes with a price." He said. "Leone went to scout around." He added.

"Oh, Issei." Kiba frowned sadly at her fellow Peerage member. "How long has been happening?" She asked as she sat closer to thePawn.

"Oh this?" He waved the arm around, the small scales making some scraping noises. "Since I beat Riser. Woke with my arm like that and Shizuka-san took care of it."

"How do you get it to calm down?" The blonde ask, hoping to help the brunette out.

"No worries." He smiled. "I'll take care of it."

"Issei." Kiba muttered a she held his draconic arm to her cheek as she looked into his eyes. "Let me help you." She pleaded. "You've done so much without even asking for anything in return." She said with a sighed. Seeing that the current holder of Ddraig was about to protest she pushed forward, straddling her legs around his waist. "No buts, Issei. You tell me how Shizuka fixed this problem or so help me I will beat you badly in our sparing matches." She threatened.

Issei gave up. He knew that eventually anyone else besides Shizuka, Ikaruga, and Seilah would have to find out. "She…sucked it directly, absorbing the mana in my arm. It hasn't changed much since she absorbed a good amount of mana." He muttered with a mild blush.

Kiba's face flushed at that. "She…She sucked it." She repeated, getting a nod from the brunette. She then gulped. "Okay." She took a deep breath and moved back until she was sitting on his leg. She then reached forward and gripped the hem of his pants.

"What are you doing?" Issei whispered grabbing her hands as he did not want to wake up the others. "I was talking about my arm."

"I know." Kiba giggled as she pulled herself closer to her fellow Peerage member until she was pressing her breasts against his chest. "Just teasing you." She said before she took draconic hand and kissed it. She then pulled the pinky into her mouth and sucked on it, being careful not to cut her tongue over the sharp nail. She glanced at him as she pulled the finger from her mouth, noticing the changes of his arm. 'It's working!' She thought as she went to the ring finger sucking on loudly than she had in mind. Her face flushed as she caught his eyes and vice-versa. 'He's…looking at me.' She mentally moaned as she slowly pulled the digit from her mouth, allowing an audible pop to be heard in the cold air. She then went for the middle finger and trigger finger, actually liking the taste of his skin and feeling the power she's absorbing into her. 'I feel…really hot.' She mentally hummed as she felt his skin become more human like and smoother.

"K-Kiba." Issei muttered as the Knight took in his thumb and sucked on it, his arm reverting it back to its human state. He couldn't deny that the blonde looked rather erotic in the manner that she was sucking his thumb and wondered if Kalawarner lent her some of her books. 'Wouldn't surprise me.' He thought with a sigh is the mana in his arm finally calmed in its flow. "Thanks, Kiba-chan." He smiled as the blonde released his thumb and looked at him with glazed eyes. "Kiba-chan?"

The Knight of Gremory moved forward, smashing her lips against his own and humming as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Issei was at most a lost. He didn't expect for the mana she absorbed to have such an effect on the blonde. He managed to gently push her back, his hands on her shoulders. "Kiba-chan-"

"I love you, Issei." She cut him off. She felt like it was the only moment she can confess to him.

Issei froze, the words having an equal effect from when he hears his lovers say that to him. "I know that this is sudden timing to confess, but now would be better than never." She allowed a nervous smile on her face as she leaned her forehead against the brunette. "And before you asked I already spoke to the others before we left."

Issei could only look at the blonde. "You didn't really have to do that." He finally said.

"They said the same thing too." She giggled. "But I still did it. And here we are." She whispered before she pecked his lips, stomach fluttering as the brunette returned the kiss. "I honestly developed a crush on you from the time you joined our Peerage."

"Really?" Issei raised both his brows. "Wow. I need to try and pay attention." He chuckled.

"Indeed." The Knight agreed. "But I rather like that you do try to pick up on those hints." She said before she stood up and turned, planting her boxer clad butt on his lap, giving a small grind before she leaned her back against the Sekiryūtei (Crimson Dragon Emperor)'s chest.

Issei allowed his red tinted devil wings to wrap around the blonde Knight. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yup!" The tomboy answered as she took his hand and folded them over her stomach. "Damn sure." She giggled. "Face it, Issei. You chose the harem route the moment you met Raynare." She said cheekily.

Issei simply took a deep breath and sighed. "Guess I have to get more of those engagement rings, huh?" He smiled.

"Un!" Kiba grinned as she relaxed in the brunette's embrace, feeling warmth from him.

Rei was leaning on the other side of the tree with a small smile on her face. "Next time then." She said to herself before she went back to the two sleeping devils, taking the spot that Kiba had and sharing her warmth with Koneko, that whitette feeling safe in older female's embrace.

Unknowingly, a word slipped from the girl's mouth. "Kuro-nee…"

Akame was silent during the whole exchange, having waken up due to Kiba's movement. Silently, she placed her hand over her chest, feeling her heart beating. She also looked over the horizon. "What…is this feeling?"


Seryu was one of the firsts to wake up, Koro whining by her movements as she shifted to sit. She yawned, stretching her limbs and looked about. "Morning already." She mumbled as she sighed and stood up. She then bent on her knees and shook her sister. "Mein. Es ist Morgen (It's morning). Aufwachen (Wake up)."

"Fünf weitere Minuten (Five more minutes). The pinkette grumbled.

Seryu decided to do just that. "Komm schon (C'mon), Koro. Wir werden uns umsehen (We're going to have a look around). Lassen Sie uns auf die Teufel zu sehen, ob sie etwas an den Ärmeln haben (Let's check on those devils to see if they have anything up their sleeves)." She said to her Teigu as she made her way to the tree. When she reached around the corner, she stopped at the sight of Issei and Kiba sleeping, the brunette having his wings wrapped around the blonde's torso to keep her warm. 'Look at them. Sleeping so carelessly with their guards down. Easy for a kill.' She thought as her fingers twitched. 'I could end them right now. So simple.' She added as she was about to reach out to Koro.

"Issei-ku~n, Kiba-cha~n!" Rei called as she too walked towards their location. When she saw Seryu standing near her friends, she paused. "We're you going to wake them up?" She asked.

"I just reached here myself." The young woman replied.

"Oh." She nodded before she proceeded to shake the duo. "C'mon you two. Up and at 'em."

Kiba groaned as she opened her eyes. "Damn. And I was enjoying my dream too." She mumbled as she snuggled more into the brunette's warmth.

"Did involve a few little devils running about, then I don't mind sleeping some more." Issei joked as he opened his eyes. "I can already imagine the house I have to buy because of you girls." He added as he retracted his wings.

Kiba giggled. "I'm sure we'll do good, right, Rei?"

Rei's face flushed as she was pulled into the mix. "I'll go wake up the others." She quickly said before she rushed do so.

The group was sitting in a small circle, Issei sitting between Kiba and Leone. Koneko was lying on the brunette's lap, purring slightly as the brunette ran his fingers through her white hair. He then focused on the three young women and Teigu. "So where stuck on an island, we have no idea where we are. And we have no way how to contact our friends."

"The island is also surrounded by some kind of field." Akame put in, getting the attention of the others. "I check on how far I can go. Something stopped me. Some kind of dome. So I can only assume that this island was made for something." She summarized.

"Experiments?" Kiba wondered.

"Maybe." Akame thought. "And those animals don't look normal either."

Mein shot up, her eyes wide with shock. "Hurensohn (Son of a bitch)!" She shouted. "Ich hätte es wissen müssen (I should have known)!" She ranted. Forcing herself to calm down she looked at the devils and her companions. "We're on a man-made island." She said. "It didn't come to mind until Akame mentioned the force field." She muttered as she sat back down and sighed.

"So you know where we are?" Rei questioned.

"Our faction has several doctors and scientists. This island is one out of the five manmade ones." Mein replied. "We're on Style-Land V." She sighed. "He has most of his experiments here. That bird we ate yesterday was probably one of them." She muttered, but the devils heard her. "Oh don't worry. I think we're good since we're well…still alive or look normal." She shrugged.

"That's means you're okay, Rei-chan." Issei smiled at the human female.

Rei nodded grateful that she wouldn't go through some kind of mutation. "That's good."

"Okay!" Mein clapped her hands. "We'll split in two groups." She said as she stood up. "Seryu. You and Koro will be teamed up with Rei, Mira, and Leone." She looked at sister, who nodded hesitantly. "The next group will consist of Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Akame, and myself." She said as she looked about. "We'll try to scale how large the island is and to see where the field generator should be. I need us to be careful while we're traveling in groups and being careful not to draw unneeded attention. Also be careful of the warden assigned to this island. He's a nut job." She groaned as she looked at the brunette's cheeky grin at the repeat of his words from yesterday when they were here. "There might be some experiments walking about too. So be very careful and only engage them unless you have absolutely no choice. Most of these experiments were people that did some heinous crimes so their base instinct of cruelty might still be intact."

"Ready?" Issei asked his fellow devils.

"I don't want to leave you, Issei-sama." Mira said.

"It's okay." He assured his servant with a small smile before pecking her forehead. "I'll need you and Leone to look after them like your friends, okay?" He requested.

"As you wish, Issei-sama." She bowed slightly before going to the teigu wielders.

"Take care, Hubby!" Leon said as she pecked his cheek and made her way to them as Mein and Akame walked to the devils. "You better make sure nothing happens to them." Leone growled softly as her eyes turned to slit. "Or I'll carve your throat out with my teeth."

"Make sure my sister is safe and you won't get a third eye." Mein responded with a cold look in her eyes.

"Hm!" Leone proceeded to walk with Rei following her, the honey haired female giving the two older females a small bow.

"She's good." Akame muttered.

"Ready?" Mein asked the taller male as she fixed Pumpkin's container.

Issei grinned as he summoned his Boosted Gear. "Are you?"


Seryu was walking along side Rei, Mira, and Leone before them and Koro behind them in its active form. The auburn haired woman was in deep thought; right now she has one devil and human to look after. The human she is more willing to protect than the bluenette. 'What kind of situation is this?' She thought. "How?" She asked out of the blue.

"Hm?" Leone wondered as she turned her head to the woman. "How what?" She didn't trust this women for nothing despite working with her at the moment.

"How can you follow a devil so easily?" She asked. "How can you be swayed by him?"

Leone turned to the teigu wielder and simply folded her arms under her bust. "Because I love him." She shrugged.

"Issei-sama is a better master than my previous one." Mira added. "He treats me with kindness and respect." Her face flushed. "He also pats my head when I do something good."

"He's tricking you!" She shouted.

"You must have a bad history with devils, huh?" Leone growled. "Don't lump my Hubby and his friends with them!"

"You'll see." Seryu grounded out. "He'll stab you in the back. You'll suffer the same fate like someone important in my life did." She marched ahead. "And don't come crying to me when you realized that he was just using a mask!"

Koro whined deeply as it stood there.

"I'll try talk to her." Mira volunteered as she ran after the older female.

"She must be pretty hurt bad just by being around us." Rei pitied the young woman.

"I could say that all humans are bad, but look at me." Leone motioned to her herself. I'm like this against my will." She gripped her fists. "The one person I want to get is someone that did this to me. I'll rip that fucker apart.

"You were…made this way?" Rei asked.

"Yeah." Leone nodded. "I'll tell Hubby when we get off this place and away from here. I'll tell all of you how I ended up like this."

"When did it went from 'Boss' to 'Hubby' in one night?" Rei decided to tease the lioness hybrid.

"Seryu-san!" Mira ran after the older female, seeing her leaning against a tree.

The woman glanced at the blue haired teen. "Come to scold me too, little devil?" She glared at the shorter female.

"I come to talk to you. A loved one was killed by a devil, right?" She guessed.

"It was a demon." She unintentionally corrected. "Budo. Budo the Lightning Dragon Demon. Code name Adramelech." She shuddered slightly. "Mein was on mission that day and…" She shook her head. "Now is not the time." She stood straight.

"No." Leone said as she and Rei stepped out. "Best if you get this out of the way."

"Why should you care!" Seryu shouted.

"Because we're partners now, rather you like it or not." Leone growled in annoyance.

Seryu looked at the lioness.

"Maybe that's why your sister put you with us." Rei wondered.

Seryu turned to the younger female. "Let's get this done." She said as she walked ahead of the group.


"Your sister doesn't seem to like us very much." Issei said as he moved a large leaf out of the way.

"A demon killed our parents when she was only seven. I was eleven and on a mission to recruit Akame."

"I'm sorry about that." Issei said with a sad tone.

"It was hard for Seryu. I tried hard to help her out, but witnessing her parents' death, marked a deep scar in her psyche." She sighed as she checked the condition of her Pumpkin. "I have a question to you, Issei."

"Shoot. But not literally." He joked.

A small laugh slipped pass the pink haired woman's lips, but quickly regained her composure. "How did you get in all this?"

Issei sighed. "I was killed by my fallen angel girlfriend who was controlled against her will. Later I found the bastard that did, got him killed and…" He proceeded to tell her of the incident.

"That's fucked up." Mein said rather bluntly.

Issei simply laughed. "Yeah." He smiled. "But the good thing I got out of this was love and an even bigger family." He then sighed. "The shitty thing is I have to keep this a secret from my parents."

"Why would you do that?" Akame asked.

"I don't want them to be hurt just because of my involvement in the super natural world." He explained. "I know my aura racked up big time, hence the reason why planning to stay in Makai." He added.

"Won't you're parent be worried, Issei-kun?" Kiba mentioned.

"I'll make sure put some kind of barrier that would alert me if my parents try contacting us through any of our rooms." He said with confident.

"Us?" Mine said with an eyebrow raised to her hairlines

"My mates and I've with my parents. Mira was an assholes's Pawn, but became my servant through her own will. I woke up few times with her besides me." He gave a small chuckle. "But thanks to that, my parents have more daughters than they can count."

"How so?" Akame questioned as she looked around the jungle like area.

"My mom got an accident after I was born, her womb was damaged beyond saving, so the doctors had no choice but remove it in order for her not get any type infection of sorts." He sighed. "My father wasn't happy about the news as my mother cried. But they both were still even happier to know that they have a child to love and raise." Allowing a wistful smile, he continued. "I love my parents and my extended family very much, Mine. And I would do anything to protect them."

"Even up to offering his body as sacrifice." Koneko added.

"A small price to pay to beat that bastard, Riser." Kiba grunted.

"Riser?" Rei asked with a questionable tone. She was sitting on Koro's shoulder.

"My previous master." Mira nodded. "He saw his Peerage as nothing but trophies and toys. Even up to showing them off to his ex-fiancée, Rias-sama."

"And what makes you think that Issei will treat you better?" Seryu wondered.

"Because unlike you, I don't lump everything together as one." Mira said back calmly as she looked to the taller female. "Just because Riser abused, raped, pimped us out, and treated us like stress relief and toys doesn't mean that Issei-sama will do the same. I see how he treats his friends and I see how treats his enemies. And with way how Riser turned out after their match and the second heating he got, I will gladly be his servant to my last breathe."

Seryu remained silent, knowing how some of the female were treated in the super natural world.

Herself included.

'I was never raped or pimped out or even treated like a stress relief, but I do know how it feels to be abused.' She thought as she rubbed her left cheek. "I'm sorry."

"No need." Mira said. "All in the past. I have a new master now. And hopefully in the future, a loving husband." She blushed at that.

"Jumping the big guns, huh." Leone teased the smaller female with a laugh.

"N-No!" Mira flushed as she waved her hands.

Seryu couldn't fight back the smile, remembering the times when she and her sister were younger. She then sighed. "I'll try my best." She muttered. "So…how did you meet Issei?" She asked looking at the blonde woman.

Leone simply grinned.

"I met Leone after my usual morning jogs." Issei answered after looking over a some bushes, beyond them was a pack of rather large four feet tall four legged spiders. Going back down, he continued. "She was wounded pretty badly and was riddled with cuts and puncture wounds. Asia-chan healed her and we made sure she was well. Later we found out she's a human lioness hybrid, most likely an experiment was done to her. I didn't went into that much depth with her, but I want to know who did this to her." He said as he clenched his fist.

"Stay low." Koneko muttered as an even larger spider came onto the field, through coming out of the ground it dug through.

This one is about twelve feet in height and has eight legs with hard ends with the two front sets having two claw like nails with black skin that has a purple hue to it. Its head was like that of a lions with a wild mane of brown hair and four eyes, two on either side of its face. The mouth was rather wide, two large mandibles clicking as it moved about and has two small curved horns on the head with two larger ones flanking them. There were two large curved spikes behind the head and above the thorax and seems to have a good rotation on the joints. Like any spiders it has a rather large abdomen, but with two prongs like protrusion at the end.

"A fucking Manhunter." Mein cursed as she readied the Pumpkin. "Be careful. That's a spider like oni."

"I'm good with oni." Issei said to the older female. "I just didn't think that there would be some here."

Akame looked at the brunette. "You have seen them before?"

The brunette nodded. "Some of my peerage members have onis as their familiars as well. One of my fiancées, Rias, commands a Chthonian Fiend." He said.

"I have a Chimera." Kiba said.

"I have a minx, a cat oni." Koneko added.

Mein's eyes widened at that. 'Fuck…'

"And you cannot summon them." Akame nodded as she drew her grey handled katana.

"Yes." Koneko muttered as she put on her cat paw gloves.

"How are we going to deal with it?" Kiba asked as she summoned a sword, the blade giving a slight red glow of heat.

"Aim for the limber spikes over the thorax, it's one its main used of melee attacks. It can also spray small bundles of paralyzing webs and able to shoot a wide area spray." She muttered to the group as she took a small monocle and placed it over her right eye. She then placed a scope on her rifle and took aim. "I'll take care of the Poisonspitters." She nodded at the small group of four legged spiders.

"Okay." Issei nodded with grin as he summoned the Boosted Gear. Unbiddingly, a second gauntlet appeared over his right arm, matching the left. Blinking at this, he looked to his current teammates and allowed nervous chuckle. "Ready, ladies?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Kiba nodded, slightly awed at her boyfriend's evolution.

"Target acquired." Akame acknowledged.

"Mission start in three, two, one…" She aimed at the furthest Poisonspitter. "Go." She said as she shot a concentrated bullet at the far off four legged spider, striking it dead in the middle of its face and killing it instantly, its legs curling up like a dead insect.

The large purple hued black spider hissed with a roar as it clicked its mandible at the sight of the smaller oni's corpse.

Issei leaped out, matching Kiba's speed with his forced Knight promotion. The brunette was right in front of the Manhunter, his right armored fist raised and was aiming for a downward punch while Kiba clashed her blade against the left sickle while Koneko managed to grab hold of the other one.

Akame was by the Manhunter's side, slashing at the back left leg. She then ducked as the large oni was pushed back by a punch, its right sickle torn off by Koneko's Rook strength. "They're strong." She noted as Kiba leaped over her, her heated weapon turning into a rather wicked looking three bladed scythe before she slashes down on the abdomen.

The Manhunter shook its head as it roared in a mixture of pain and anger, the left horn having been broken and part of its face caved in through the host of Ddraig's fists. It then screeched as it rushed at the blonde Knight, tearing through the grounds as the claws pushed its body like a truck.

"Akame! Up!" Mein shouted as she jumped out of the bushes with Pumpkin aimed at the Manhunter's head just as the black haired young woman leaped up with her wings wide.

The shot was fired with a wide beam and struck the middle right leg, the force being powerful enough to tear through the limb.

Issei rushed in as the creature fell and leaped up, gathering water around him. "Everyone move!" He shouted. "Suiryū no Kassō (Water Dragon's Vortex Talon)!" Shouted as the water had undergone a minor form, resembling the talons of a dragon and proceeded to deal quick and incredible cutting damage through slicing the large spider oni, carving through its carapace with frightening ease. He then leaped back as Koneko rushed in, her left fist glowing with blue aura as she slid under the heavily wounded monster.

"Ei." She smashed the Manhunter from below, sending it high in the air.

Kiba and Akame rushed at the airborne oni and slashed at it, the two having cut the giant spider in four.

Mein was busy scanning the area and was not paying attention of the largest part was falling towards.

"Mein!" Issei shouted as he managed to tackle the smaller woman out of the way. He tumbled with her and landed with his knees grinding across the grassy field, holding the pinkette to his chest as he watched the oni's body parts began to dissolve. "You okay?" He panted.

"Yeah." She said as she sighed in relief. "Thanks for saving me." 'Holy shit. His chest is hard!' She thought.

"You know." Kiba grinned. "If you want some alone time, I wouldn't mind."

Mein's face turned red and leaped off the brunette's arms, dusting her pink dress. "Let's keep going."

"Was that really needed?" Issei raised an eyebrow at the blonde.

"Maybe." The blonde female smiled as she followed the pinkette.

Issei laughed a bit as he felt the weight of the Peerage's Rook. "So you want to ride a dragon, huh Koneko-chan?"

"Hn." She nodded.

Akame simply matched her pace with the brunette, giving side long glances.


Seryu looked about as her group reaches a grassy opening surrounded by trees. "Heads up, ladies. We're not alone here." She said as the wind began to pick up around them.

Suddenly a large four legged beast leaped over them and landed behind the group.

"A Windshredder." Mira tolled everyone what it was.

The Windshredder has a lion/wolf like appearance. It has two large horns on its head triangle topped rectangles, and white mane with some lines of yellow and gold behind the head. Its face is blue with red eyes and has some rather large teeth. It's a quadrupedal oni with mostly golden with some marks around him, on each of it legs he has some kind of spiky object. The large oni has three claws on each foot. One thing that stands out of this fierce creature is its club-like tail.

The Windshredder growled as it reared its head before shooting a sphere of air at them.

The group split with Leone and Mira leaping to the left as Seryu, Koro, and Rei to the right.

"Koro, Null (Zero)!" Seryu shouted as her teigu as she felt her body shifted from her right arm being clamped down and pulled out her black blade. "Koro, Beschütze (protect) Rei! Lass dir nichts passieren (Don't let anything happen to her)"

"Gu~r." Koro growled with a nod as it leaped back, holding the young Miyamoto in its large hands.

"Be careful!" Rei shouted at the group.

"We'll be fine." Leone grinned as she cracked her knuckles, her body shifting to her hybrid state. "Let see which of is the biggest cat, hm?" She lowed herself into a stance.

The Windshredder growled at the females and did not like the fact that it was being challenged. It then charged again, the wind forming about it as it picked up speed.

Leone charged head on as well and leaped, surprising the large lion/wolf like oni at her change in form and size that rivals it.

The three other females, one being protected by the Hekenthonkores, watched as the two growled, bite, and scratch at each other.

Leone managed to knock the Windshredder off of her after being momentarily pinned down, the oni hitting its back rather hard against the ground. She quickly leaped at it, her claws extend and was ready to carve into the chest of the oni. She was successful as the Windshredder was to slow to roll off its back.

Seryu rushed in and impaled her sword into the side. Yanking the blade out she leaped back as she opened her mouth, six shots were fired and hitting the wound she inflicted earlier.

The Windshredder roared in both pain and anger, finally kicking Leone off with its hind legs and standing on all fours, the lioness hybrid shifting to her human lioness form and grabbed its tail by the base.

The wind type oni growled as it swung its tail about trying to throw the lioness off and failing to do so.

"Yee-haw!" Leone cheered as she held on to the tail with a grin.

Mira rushed in with her staff and struck struggling Windshredder with it, smacking the face to the side. She then leaped back before she was hit by the left fore-claw. Her feet dragged over the grass before she leaped up again aiming to smash the head of the blue faced oni.

The Windshredder growled as it spun in place, kicking dirt and creating a small tornado.

Mira was unfortunate to get hit by the tail, Seryu catching her with her one arm.

Leone growled as she kept her grip on the tail. She raised her left hand and began to claw at the base, tearing through it with some resistance. "I'm getting dizzy!" She shouted before biting into the tail hard.

The Windsredder growled in pain and stopped spinning and gave its attention to Leone. It then began to gather wind into its mouth and was ready to shoot a sphere at her.

Seryu came and slashed at the front right leg, getting the oni's attention and was almost hit by the attack when it was released. She was sadly not fast enough and was knocked back hard against the tree behind her.

"Seryu!" The lioness hybrid shouted before roaring and slashing down on the tail, the oni roaring in pain as the intimidating tail was reduced to a mere stump.

Mira quickly made her way to the woman and check on her. "She's okay." She muttered to herself before pulling her to Koro. "Please look after her. She's been hit hard." She said before leaping out to fight again just as the young woman regained her bearing.

"Are you okay, Seryu-san?" Rei asked the amber eyed woman.

"Nothing I can handle." She muttered as she stood with the younger female's assistance. "Thanks." She nodded at the young Miyamoto.

"Rah!" Leone snarled as she smashed the club end of the Windshredder's tail, knocking it to the ground.

"Koro, sprung (pounce)!" She commanded the bio-teigu. "Ich werde mich um Miyamoto kümmern (I'll look after Miyamoto)!" She then looked at the orange haired female with a small smile, neither noticing a large green eye looking at them.

Koro leaped up with a loud roar, the left fist cocked back before slamming down on the Windshredder's back, making it hit the ground with bone shattering force. The bio-teigu then grabbed the oni by the throat and began to spin around.

"Throw it here!" Leone shouted as she held the clubbed tail like a bat, which for some reason was ramrod straight. "I'm rearing to go!"

Koro growled before throwing the Windhredder with a roar and sending it flying to the blonde lioness hybrid.

Roaring, Leone smashed the barbed head against the belly of the oni, cutting through the flesh before it was sent hurdling back towards the active Teigu, whom tackled it unto its back and opened its mouth in a very wide fashion.

And then the Hekenthonkores proceeded to devour the oni, causing the wolf/lion like beast to roar in pain.

The Windeshredder tried to bite it, but Koro grabbed its head and slammed it down.

Leone sighed as she held the club over her shoulder as she watched the Teigu eat. "That's one crazy apatite." She commented as she looked at the club.

"Are you alright, Leone-san?" Mira asked.

"I'll be fine." Leone said as she swung the club. "I think I'll keep this." She chuckled.

"Seryu-san!" Rei shouted, getting the attention from the two other two females and teigu.

Seryu heard a twig snapped and turned just in time as a blur rushed towards her. She raised he bladed arm to cut whatever was rushing to her, but was to slow. With a flash, she cursed as her sword arm was cut off by a blade weapon. "Scheisse (Shit)!" She cursed as she stood and glared at the person.

"Seryu-san!" Rei shouted as she ran, but was blocked by the attacker.

"I don't think so." He chuckled in a slight mad manner. The person was a rather tall male, standing at the height of six feet eleven inches. He has blonde hair that was combed back with two large bangs that are swept up like horns. He has baby blue eyes that reflects his wide mad grin. He wears a long sleeved shirt with a blue tie around his neck under a grey long coat and a set of dark blue pants. Armed in his hands are a set of white bladed katars. On his head was a headpiece with a large green eye attached to it. He quickly grabbed Rei by her neck and chuckled. "And where do you think you're going little miss?" He said as he grip her throat a little tighter.

"Seryu-san!" Mira gasps at the sight of the one armed young woman, Koro growling as it bared its teeth.

Leone jumped out, holding the club in her hands.

"Kibuki no Zanku (Zanku the beheader)." Seryu glared at the man as he held the young female teen before her like a shield. "You're supposed to be in solitary confinement."

"Well my good friend Jose decided that I could come out on good behavior as soon as you were here." He chuckled.

"Let me go!" Rei shouted as she struggled against the man's grip. She stopped moving as he held his bladed weapon to her neck.

"Ah, ah, ah." He shook the blade in a 'No, no' manner. "Let's not have that pretty little face of yours get a few scars, hm?"

"What do you want? " Seryu growled out.

"We~ll." He drawled out, lightly pressing the blade to Rei's neck as he noticed Leone and Mira moved, stopping them in their attempt to attack him. "Jose and I were offered a deal." He chuckled as his grin widened. "Get rid of this small group and I can advance you to the higher ranks of the Empire Faction." He giggled. "It's an offer we definitely couldn't refuse."

"And you really think that you'll get through?" The German woman grounded out.

Zanku laughed in a rather twisted maniacal way. "Of course! And I get back to go back to old job!" His eyes widen a good margin, practically bulging. "O~h! Think of all of the heads that will roll!" He cackled. "Gotta go!" The man leaped back as the eye gave a bright flash, blinding the females and the teigu for a short moment. His laughing echoed as the women regained their senses.

Leone growled as he shook her head and rubbed her eyes with her left hand. "Do you think you can somehow contact your sister?" The hybrid asked as she morphed to her lioness form, the club somehow attached to her back.

"I believe I can." Seryu answered with a nod.

"Good." The blonde nodded. "I have his scent. I think Hubby can pick up on our connection here. We haven't tested it, but now's a good time." With that she leaped away.

Mira frowned, worried for the human female and her master's mate. "Be careful." She hoped.

Seryu reached behind herself and pulled out a flare gun. She then aimed up and fired, sending the explosive ammunition into the air. Seconds later, it exploded.

"Hm?" Mein looked to the sky and noted the flare. She stood up and frowned. "I think we have a problem." She said to the group.

"What's up?" Issei asked as he now noticed the flare.

"Seryu just sent a flare. Those types are used to call in back up." She looked to the brunette. "I think they're in trouble."

"How good is your grip?" He asked as his wings emerged from his shoulders.


"What is taking that idiot so long?" A man grumbled in an annoyed tone.

He was sitting in his office behind his desk. The office was lavish looking to be for king more so than a warden. He is a tall, slim man with long, straight, black hair reaching down to his shoulders and a thin mustache with a dark reddish tone that leads down his cheeks. He has long and sharp face, vaguely pointed ears, prominent eyelashes and dark-colored lips. His first attire bore a resemblance to the fictional depictions of both a sorcerer and a jester, consisting of a red flamboyant coat with a high collar that sported a jagged mantle and jagged lower edges, as well as intricately decorated borders and inners, featuring two prominent wings similar to a bat's, with a matching witch-like hat bearing a symbol shaped like a bat wings with a swirled tail, complete with an extremely long, bent top hanging down on the left; a plain shirt which sported a medallion around the neck, with two light ribbons falling down from it, loose striped culottes paired with long socks, and a pair of pointed shoes each bearing two furry balls, one on the front and one on the back of the foot. While donning this attire, his left hand's fingers were adorned by a pair of rings, with one of them sporting a spherical gem.

"Hey Jose! I brought a guest!" Zanku laughed as he pulled Rei into his office.

"What the hell are you doing, Zanku?" The man grumbled as he stood up from his seat, glaring at the taller male and then raised an eyebrow at the female teen. "And who is this?"

"Fuck you! That's who!" Reis shouted at the man. 'Wow. Can't wait to share this with Saya.' She thought in sarcasm.

"Such a mouth on that girl." The man grumbled. "So why did you bring her?"

"Bait." The man replies. "I'm sure they'll come looking for her. She was with a group too. Three more females and a Teigu." He then grinned. "But guess who one of girls are." He chuckled. A raised eyebrow was his reply, earning a sigh from the man. "Sheele's kids."

The dark haired man's eyes widened. Slowly, a grin creeped onto his face. "Is that right?" He chuckled. "I guess we both get to have our revenge after all. When do you expect they'll reach, hm?" He asked.

The blonde male shrugged. "Not sure." He then grinned. "But what I'm sure about is that they'll be heading to a lot trouble." He laughs.

"Dumbest pun ever." Rei muttered.

Zanku's laugh instantly stopped as he looked down to the teen. "I almost forgot about you." He blinked as he turned and walked away. "I'm going to lock her up then prepare myself." He said.

'This isn't good.' Rei thought with a frown. 'Please be careful, Issei-kun. Everyone.' She hoped as she was being carried away, knowing that she can't fight the older male.

The man sat back unto his chair with a small frown on his face. "This could fall into my favor." He then grinned. "You will owe me big for this, Honest."


Asia was lying on the bed, sad that she can't do anything to help her love. "Issei." She sighed. "I hope you're okay."

"I'm sure the kid's doing fine." The male voice from her familiar said in a confident tone.

"Need not worry, my dear. He will return." The female voice soothed as the small yata-garasu flew to her side.

Asia petted the three legged avian. "Thank you, Ikyōto-san." She smiled. "I'm sure that our love is going to be alright." Her stomach suddenly churned. Her face took a slight green tint before she ran to the bathroom. She reached right on time as she blew her chunks down the toilet.

Esdeath rubbed her back. "I have told you that the tuna sandwich was not good." She sighed.

"Master is strong." Knightwalker grunted. "I still don't see why we couldn't have went with them."

"You have probably raised the place to the ground." Esdeath sighed.

"We're all worried." Scarlet said as she looked down.

"Anything, Seilah?" Ikaruga said as she opened her eyes with a small frown. She was trying to get in contact with her master like the others.

"Nothing." The horned woman grounded. "When I get my hands on the person that took our master."

"We'll just have to wait then." Shizuka sighed with a sad expression.


Ogre groaned in pain as the purple oni held him in his grip, the large beast growling as he tightened his hold on the older man once he tried to pry himself out.

"Pathetic." Rias hissed as the man was brought down to her level, the redhead devil enhance eyes glaring at the single red of the bearded male.

Ravel simply walked to the captured male. "Where are our friends?" She growled out as her left trigger finger glowed red and pressed it against his right cheek, burning the area and causing the man to scream. She pulled her finger back and wiped the blood off on his shirt.

"We don't have any games to play and we are in some very bad moods." Mittelt said. "You should be glad that we are still thinking logically about this."

"We wouldn't have brought more people." Sona fixed her glasses. "Now where is that friend of yours?" She questioned.

"Why don't you all suck my dick and find out, huh?!" He shouted.

The females simply glared at the man, their powers erupting from them.


"So do you know who that guy was that sent us here?" Issei asked as he was flying, carrying Mein as the four other females were behind him.

"His name as Syura." She replied as she held her arms around his neck, Pumpkin's container hanging off her back as she being carried princess style. "He's the son of the leader from our faction." She answered with a sigh. "He always does this." She muttered.

"So you went through this before?" Kiba asked with a small frown.

"Don't give me that look!" She shouted at the blonde. "I didn't think that he would have sent us here!" She defended.

"Why didn't you mention this earlier?" Koneko asked with a neutral tone.

"I don't know, okay?" She grounded. "It's just…" She sighed.

"Let's all calm down." Issei said. "We need to find with the others and find out what's the problem. Mein. Who's the person in charge of this island?"

The pinkette looked to the direction of their destination. "His name is Jose. He's the warden in charge of this island. He's more like a clown because of the way he dresses and feels he's top shit." She frowned.

"In other words, an asshole." The brunette muttered as he looked down and noticed the other half of the group. "Rei and Leone aren't there." He looked around the area worriedly. "Seryu's missing an arm too." He didn't like this situation.

Not one bit.

"Let's get down there now." Mein said in urgency.

Seryu sighed as she flexed her right arm, parts used from Pumkin's extra parts were used to make a crude substitute. "Thank you, Mein." She smiled.


The sisters looked to side to see a large explosion of flames in the distance.

"He seems really angry." The pinkette said with a small frown.

"I'm sorry, Mein." Seryu looked down in shame. "Had I been paying attention…"

"It's not your fault." Mein quickly stopped her sister form blaming herself. "Let's just hope that Rei-san is alright and the Leone finds her in time before something worse can happen to her." The pinkette hoped.

"RA~AH!" Issei roared as he shot a large flaming tornado to the sky, his wings were out. He panted in anger. "How the hell can I have been so stupid?!" He shouted raged.

"Forgive me, Issei-sama." Mira said kneeling before the brunette. "Had I been paying attention, Miyamoto-san would not have been captured by the enemy."

"It's fine, Mira." Issei took a deep calming breath. "It's not your fault." He said to her. "C'mon. Stand up. Don't do that to yourself." He said as the bluenette did so.

Kiba hugged the brunette from behind. "Are you feeling better?" She asked.

"Not much." He breathed.

"I can follow Leone's aura." Koneko offered.

Issei patted her head. "Lead the way, Koneko-chan." He said.

The whitette's cheeks flushed at the affectionate action and nodded.

"You three coming too?" He asked as he caught sight of the three females and now smaller Koro.

"You really think we'll let you do this alone?" Mein raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe." Issei smiled sheepishly.

Seryu snorted. "Getting arrogant, devil?" She said with no malice in her tone.

"Oh?" Issei raised an eyebrow. "Getting a bit chummy, huh?" He teased.

"H-Halte den Mund (S-Shut up)!" She yelled at him.

Kiba chuckled as she released her hold on her boyfriend and Koneko leaped unto his back, being gentle with her strength.

"I can follow Leone's aura." The whitette said.

"Alright." The brunette nodded. "Can Koro fly?" He asked.

Seryu shook her head negatively.


Rei was sitting on a bed of the room she was locked in, thankful that the man that brought here was a psycho killer and not a rapist. 'But I still need to get out of here.' She thought.

The teen looked around the room to see if she can find a way out. She frowned slightly, seeing a ventilation at the ceiling. "Let's see if I can get out of here." She said with determination.


Leone landed on a branch, sniffing the air to pick up Rei scent. "She's close." She muttered as she leaped off the branch, changing into her full adult lioness form before landing on the ground. 'Now where are you, Rei?' She thought.


Jose was stroking his beard as he thought what plan he should go with in order to get his revenge against that woman's daughters. "I can torture them slowly." He muttered to himself. "Maybe chop off their limbs in a painful slow manner." He smiled in a rather sick manner. "And maybe keep their Teigu as trophies." He planned.

Just then Zanku entered the man's office. "Jose, I'm going to take a look around. I feel like I've been followed."

"Do what you want." The weirdly dressed man waved him off. "I let you out so you can have some fun, so I'll let you go out and check if anyone else came."

"Sure thing." The blonde man chuckled as he left the office, a crazed look beginning to form on his face. "I'm going to have so much fu~n."

Jose clapped his hands as he stood up. "Maybe I should pay that girl a visit." He chuckled. "I have been rather…lonely."


Leone stopped on her tracks as she sees a rather large building that looks like a castle. She sniffed the air again, picking up Rei's scent. 'Got ya.' She mentally grinned as she looked around, seeing if there were any guards and saw none. She frowned. 'That's not right.' She thought.

'Leone…' Issei's voice rang though her mind.

'Hubby?' She blinked in surprise. 'How?' She thought.

'Thank goodness it worked.' Issei thought with a small smile. "I got through." He announced to the others. "Looks like I can communicate with her from here." He was carrying Seryu as Koneko was flying besides him.

"That's good to know." Kiba smiled as she was carrying Mein, ignoring how the pinkette was grumbling about her bust pressing against her cheeks. She then proceeded to tease the older smaller sized female by rubbing her breasts against her face.

"Klopfe es ab (Knock it off)!" She shouted with a flushed face.

'Sounds like you're having there.' Leone chuckled as she kept her eyes out in the large castle's surroundings.

'In a way.' His face then turned serious. 'Did you find Rei?' He asked.

"No, but I found the place she being held" Leone reported. That guy, Zanku, smells like blood. A lot of it. I just hope that Rei is well."

"Me too." He nodded. "We're getting close. See if you can sneak inside and try not get caught."

"No worries, Hubby." Leone said as she shrank to a small kitten, the club foring into a small collar. "I'll just tear those that get in my way apart." She ended then link and ran into the large castle, passing the large opened door without stopping.


Rei huffed as she finally managed to climb up to the vent, her makeshift ladder fallen as soon as she feet pushed her way and rested the top half of her body. "That's going to bring trouble." She muttered before she quickly pulled herself up and closed the vent behind her. "Now to get the hell out of here." She said to herself as she proceeded to crawl through the vent, glad that she was not too big for it and was reaching at least ten feet away from her starting point.

Just then, the door the teen's room opened, revealing a smiling Jose as he entered it. "Time for some fu~n!" He laughed and then stopped at the sight of how wrecked the room was. "What the hell happened here?" He muttered with a glare, not seeing his captive anywhere. "How the hell?" He asked no one as he looked up. "So you got away, huh?" He chuckled as he raised his left trigger finger and pointed at the ventilation cover, the tip of finger glowing a deep purple color.

Rei sighed quietly at the silence. 'Thank God.' She thought.

"Shade Beam." Jose muttered as he shot a thin beam of dark purple at his desired target, piercing through it and moments later an explosion rocked the area.

Rei yelped in pain as she sent deeper into the vent by a painful seven meters ahead. "Fuck." She hissed in pain.

"O~h. That looked like it hurts." Jose chuckled, getting the young Miyamoto to turn and looks at him in shock.

Jose was looking at her from the opening he made, his eyes giving of a slight glow as a dark shaded aura was emitting from his body. "Where do you think you're going little girl?" He allowed a large grin on his face. "I have so much fun plan for us." He licked his lips as he chuckled.

"Fuck off!" She grunted as she quickly, as she can, crawled through the vent, making a distance between herself and the older man. 'I have to get away from that freak.' She thought.

Jose simply allowed the girl to go as he floated back down, his aura fading. 'Let's the hunt begin.' He chuckled.


Leone's ears perked at the sound of the explosion she just heard.

"What the hell?" Zanku muttered as he looked at the direction of the sound. "Jeez. He doesn't play around when he's having fun, huh?" He muttered and then made his way to the entrance of the large castle, missing the lioness hybrid. "Oh would you look at that!" He chuckled at the sight of the group that were transported to the island. "Time to play Headhunter." He grinned as his headpiece flashed.


Issei looked and saw a lone man walking out of the castle and into the stone bridge.

"That's Zanku!" Seryu pointed at the man who was standing. "He used to be the Empire Faction's executioner. He was doing it for a good few years, constant taking the heads of the convicted traitors."

The group landed and stood before the blonde man.

"After that he was beginning to lose himself in all the kills he made." Mein continued as she prepared Pumpkin. "Seeing that inmates were not satisfying him anymore, moved to the people outside."

"You can't go giving info to the enemy secrets like that." Zanku chuckled.

"Where's Rei?" Issei growled at the male.

The blonde man shrugged. "Jose is probably having some fun with her right now."

"That explosion." Issei grunted.

"Maybe." Zanku pulled out his blades. "Now let me introduce myself. My name is Zanku. I'm an executer."

"Hyoudou Issei. The person that will kick your ass. Burn you. Drown you. Deplete your air supply. Freeze you. Or just outright destroy you. If you don't give our find back." He growled as his eyes flashed green.

"That's a lot of options." The lone man cackled as he sets himself in a fighting stance. "I'll be able to beat all of you thanks to this nice all seeing weapon here." He laughed.

"You know about Spectator since you know of our teigus, right?" Mein asked as she held pumpkin.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Kiba and I will take care of this asshole. You, Seryu, Akame, Koneko and Mira will try to get inside and help Leone find Rei." He planned.

"Don't you want to go and help your friend?" Seryu asked as she and Koro kept their eyes on the man.

"As much as I want to, this guy will get in our way." He pointed out

"Hey now. Don't be planning things like that, huh?" Zanku said out loud as he readied himself.

"Let me help you with him." Akame said as she stood by his side.

"You sure you can help us out, Akame-san?" The male devil asked as he summoned the gauntlets of Ddraig.

"I can." The red eyed young woman nodded as she drew her red handle katana. "We'll try to make it quick."

"What a dangerous blade you have there." Zanku eyed the weapon. "Wouldn't want to get a cut by that now would we." He chuckled as the headpiece glowed slightly. Slowly, the clothes of the people that he was going to face against faded and revealed them in their underwear. 'Looks like they don't have any hidden weapons on them.' He thought as their clothes reappeared. He grinned. 'This is going to be so much fun.'

Seryu pulled her sister, Koneko, and Mira to her. "Koro, tragen (carry)!" She shouted as the bio-teigu grew and its mouth grew even bigger than its active form.

Mira gasps as she and the other females were enveloped and swallowed by Hekenthonkores' large and teeth filled maw. "What are you doing?"

Seryu ignored the drool from her teigu as she and the other females were swallowed whole within the white furred beast. "Getting us inside. Koro, eilen (rush)!"

Hekenthonkores charged forward, large muscled arms crossed over the mouth and was willing to trample the blonde man in his way.

Zanku leaped up, knowing damn well that his item wouldn't be able to do anything against the rushing living teigu.

"Terminate." Akame's voice whispered neutrally as she swung down her second blade, the blonde managing to block it with his weapon.

'That thing even scratches me, I'm dead.' He mentally grimaced as he kept his wide grin on his face. A movement caught his attention and he deftly raised his left weapon while keeping Akame's blade locked and successfully blocked Kiba's Mountain Weight.

Sadly he was promptly knocked down to the ground with shattering force.

"What a hit." He coughed as he quickly got up.


"Rah!" Issei roared as he was about to slam his flaming fist against the man, but suddenly froze.

"Issei?" Rias gasps as she took a step back. "What are you doing?" She asked in a frightened tone.

"Gotcha!" The blonde man laughed as he swung down,

Akame intervened and blocked the left blade. Seeing the second blade coming, she was about to drew her other until Kiba came down.

"Move!" Was the only warning the Knight of Rias shouted before she slammed the mountain weighted blade down.

Zanku sucked his teeth in mild annoyance, but his grin came back full. "A~w. And I almost added a head to my count." He playfully whined before he launched himself at Kiba, the blonde female summoning her firebrand and icebrand to take him on. "Let's have some fun!" He cackled.

"Issei." Akame said as she shook his shoulders.

Issei shook his head. "Damn." He cursed.


Issei and Sona was relaxing in the Sitri heiress' room, both having a book in their hands.

The young male devil was reading a book titled 'Zeref; fall of a man and rise of a Demon'. He was dressed in a blue shirt with long black pants and was barefooted. He was holding the book with his right hand as his left was combing through the Sitri heiress' hair as she leaned against his shoulder.

"Ise." She called her shared fiancée, getting his attention away from the book. "I've been thinking about those…Imperial Arms…that Kalawarner showed me." She said. The younger sister of the Leviathan was dressed in a slightly low-cut knee length blue blouse. "They are very dangerous if left in the wrong hands." She stated as she looked to him, lying on his lap.

Issei nodded, remembering the users of Hekenthonkores and Pumpkin.

"The one that has me worried is Goshi Bannō: Supekuteddo (Omnipotent Five Sights: Spectator)." She said. "The user of this Teigu will pretty much win the fight before it has even begun." She looked at him. "I want you to be careful, Issei." She said as she rubbed his cheeks. "We don't want you to get into a mess that will be hard for you to get out."

"Everything will be fine." The brunette assured her with a confident smile.

Sona stood up and sat on his lap. "I still want you to be careful, Hyoudou." She stated as she leaned against his chest, sighing at the feelings of his arms wrapping around her stomach.

"I know." He rested his head on her shoulder. "I'll try my best."

Flashback ends

Issei stood tall and nodded at the Reed eyes woman. "I'm fine, Akane-san." He gave her assured smile. "Promotion: Knight." He muttered as the symbol of the chest piece appeared on his forehead.

Kiba blocked the two blades, gritting her teeth in annoyance as she was nearly getting cut before leaping back from a cross slash. "You have one hell of a resistance against my elemental blades." She commented.

"Why thank you, little miss." He chuckled before he blocked her blades as she began to swing at him with a flurry. "It's all thanks to this little piece here." He said as he did a back flip, nearly hitting the blonde Knight in her face.

Kiba took the chance and leaped back, her two blades vanishing and she summoned the demonic axe. She rested the weapon over her shoulders. "Goshi Bannō: Supekuteddo (Omnipotent Five Sights: Spectator)." She frowned.

"So you know about it, huh?" He muttered. His eyes widened slightly before he leaped back just as Issei crashed down with his fist.

The brunette leaped up. "Karyū no Saiga (Fire Dragon's rushing Fang)!"Issei shouted from above, his right gauntlet fired up as he swung down at the man. He took a deep breath. "Tenryū no Hōkō (Sky Dragon's roar)!" He roared, sending a large twister of wind towards the older male.

Zanku's eyes widened at the wind attack and covered his face from the gust. "What the hell?" He grunted. He felt the wind receding and then a heavy blow to his stomach, the force being hard enough to make him cough blood. He looked up as his teigu glowed, confident that he would stop his attacker. Imagine to his surprise when he felt a wind imbued fist slammed into his face, the wind blast hitting him and sending him into the castle. The blonde man coughed as he stood up and rubbed his stomach. He looked as the three teens that were a facing him.

"Teryū no Kagizune (Sky Dragon's Claw)." Issei muttered as wind bursts from below his feet, reaching the man in an instant with his fist pulled back encased in ice "Hyōryū hyōga no ken (Ice Dragon's Glacial Fist)!" He shouted as he rammed his fist into the man's face.

"Gah!" The older male gripped his nose and glared at the teen. "You." He growled. "No one ever did what you did." He blew a glob of blood from his nose before fixing it. "You're a smart one, kid." He complimented.

Issei stood there with his eyes close and in a fighting stance. "If I keep my eyes close you won't be able to show me those illusions, right?" He stated before he rushed at him. 'Promotion: Rook, Knight!' He thought.

"And if we move fast enough." Kiba said as she was by the man's left.

"You will not be able to dodge accordingly in time." Akame added being at the man's right.

"That's why you're going to lose!" Issei was before the male.

Zanku grinned as he leaped up, managing to avoid the trio's pincer attack. He looked down as his teigu glowed red and reflected the trio below. "Show me your greatest fear!"

The three looked up, only to see a bright red flash.


Rei panted as she landed on the ground from above. She was exhausted and was slightly bruised around her arms and legs. She rubbed her forehead of the small specs of sooth and dust that she caught while escaping from the mad man Jose. She then looked down at her attire and groaned as she took off her ripped shirt, standing in her bra and slightly torn jeans. "That guy is crazy." She muttered as she looked around the room that she landed it in. "Looks like a weapons room. Just my luck." She looked around to find just a weapon to defend herself. She kept walking until she stopped and felt something. A presence of sorts.

'Come to me, child.' A woman's voice echoed in her mind.

Rei looked to the direction and sees a stack of weapons, but what caught her eyes was the one on the side by itself.

'Yes, child." The voice said in a calming motherly tone. 'It is I that calls you.'

Rei approached the weapon. It was rather strange looking in her opinion.

The weapon looks like a lance. It was at most four feet in length and has a balled pummel at the end that was a mixed colors of blue, dark blue, and pink feathers. The staff was and silver and was marked with runes of various characters and sizes along the length. The spear was a bright blue crystal shaped like a long one meter long cone with an extremely sharp tip. At the base of the blade is a crescent formed piece.

"Wow." The female teen looked at the weapon with awe at its beauty. "So beautiful." She complimented.

"Thank you, child." The Lance glowed in it spoke to the young Miyamoto.

"Uhn." The honey haired girl paused. "Who or what are you?" Rei asked as she stared at the weapon.

"My name is, Gungnir." The spear replied.

"Gung…nir." Rei's eyes widened after repeating the name. "Y-You're O-Odin All Father's spear?" She squeaked.

"If what everyone says whenever I say to them despite my form." The weapon replied. "For the longest of years I've been waiting for a wielder."

Rei swallowed a lump in her throat. "C-Could that be…me?" She asked.

"I see great potential in you, child." Gungnir said in a praised tone. "I may be able to help you in this situation."

"Can you help me with my friends too?" The young Miyamoto asked.

"I can." The female voice would have nodded if she had a head. "Simply hold me and we shall see if you are worthy to wield me." The All Father's weapon said.

Rei nodded and gently grasps the staff.

Her world then turned black.


Leone sighed as she rushed passed another blown out area, glad that she didn't see any signs of Rei. She was still worried for not seeing the female human though. 'Where are you, Rei?' She thought as she took a sniff in the air and her ears perked up. 'Found ya!' She thought as she rushed, following the scent of the teen.

Unknown to the lioness hybrid, she was being followed.

"So what does that little cat want in my castle?" Jose hummed with a sinister chuckle as he simply glided over the floor.


"Wake up, you bastard!" A woman shouted as she slapped the person.

Issei felt his face stung by the hit and he opened his eyes with a groan. He looked ahead and saw that someone was standing before him. He couldn't see due to the person was just a female formed silhouette. But for some reason he can tell who the voice belongs to. "W-

"You have a lot of nerves to show yourself after what you did!" The shrouded woman shouted as she raised her left hand a familiar power erupting in flames over her open palm. "You fucking monster." She growled out as she tossed her power at his left leg, burning it brightly and causing the male to scream in tortured pain. "Because of your foolishness I lost!" She raged as she shot his other leg. "I'm nothing but a sex slave to that bastard!" She yelled as she shot his left arm, causing him to hang from the single chain that holds his body up. "I wish you were dead, Issei!" She shouted before his eyes saw nothing but red and then darkness.

'I'm sorry.' Was the last thought that went through his mind.

"Ah!" Issei gasps as he was standing before the front door of his home, panting as cold sweat goes down his face. He looked around the neighborhood. "What the hell was that?" He muttered to himself as he opened the front door, knowing that his lovers kept it open. "I need something to drink." He sighed.

He made his way through the house and stopped, hearing a sound from the living room. He frowned, wondering what that was. As he approached the area, it came clear to his ears that sounds he was hearing were those of pleasure. He made his way slowly and peaked around the corner. The sight before him made his heart sank to the deepest parts of hell.

Asia was moaning in euphoric pleasure as she was being pounded by a man wearing nothing but an open coat. On either sides of the sex faced ex-nun, were Kalawarner and Raynare, the man's fingers driving in and out of the sopping cunts as his thumbs were rubbing hard against their clits. Mittelt was gasping and moaning as she was being eaten out by the man that were also dealing great pleasures to the other three females.

"What the hell?" Issei said, earning gasps shocked sounds from the four females, the man sighing as he turned to look at the brunette in annoyance.

"Riser?!" Issei recoiled at the sight of the naked Phenex heir.

"Told you I would have some fun." He grinned as she rubbed Asia's face with her hand, the blonde nuzzling to his hand.

"What the hell are you doing?" The brunette growled as he was about to kill the young man for taking his mates like that. Before he had the chance to even summon his boosted gear, he was punched in the face, the force being hard enough to sending him crashing against the wall and forming a large crater with spider cracks around it. He groaned as he looked and was shocked at the sight of Raynare glaring hatefully at him.

"Don't you dare touch him, you pest!" She spat.

"Ray-chan?" Issei grunted as he tried to get up, but was kicked through the wall by Kalawarner, the force was hard enough to send him through the wall and outside the house.

"Shut up, devil!" The bluenette shouted as she stepped out of the hole she made.

Issei shook his head as he looked around and noted the scenery changed once again. He was in Makai, standing in the field of the arena he fought Riser.

"Mittelt." Riser called the Lolita. "Pin him to the wall for me, please?" He requested with a charming smile.

"Anything for you, my dear." The naked small woman giggled before she summoned a pink javelin and hurled it at the brunette, the young devil being to stunned by the action to avoid the attack and was sent to the far wall and was pinned their by his stomach.

'What the hell is going on?!" Issei thought in pain as the steam was erupting from the wound giving to him from the fallen blonde woman.

Asia stepped up to him, a glare on her cute face. As she reached him, she slapped him hard, snapping his face to the side. "I hate you." She hissed as she gripped his face with her hands to stare hatefully into his eyes. "After everything that Riser did for you! You attacked him?!" She slapped him again, stopping any words from leaving his mouth. "I hope you fucking die, you useless ungrateful piece of trash!" She grounded with so much hate that it shocked the holder of Ddraig. "How could you do this to Ravel-chan and Sona-chan?!" She yelled as she pulled out to pictures, making the brunette recoil in shock, degust, and anger.

Ravel body was naked, carved with various cuts. She littered with wounds and bite marks along with sexual fluid dripping from her abused and bloodied womanhood. Her eyes were lifeless and a large slit was across her throat.

Sona was nearly not recognizable, her face beaten in by some type of blunt object. Her torso was ripped open, showing her innards. There were also fluid stains on her.

"You did this!" Raynare, Mittal, Kalawarner, and Asia shouted as one.

Issei felt his face was gripped and then he was slammed through the wall, falling into the in ending abyss of darkness.

The brunette was then rudely awakened by a punch to the gut. "Wake up, freak!" Tsunado laughed at the chained Hyoudou. "You're going to miss the best part."

Brown eyes snapped open in shock. 'What the he'll is going on?' He thought.

"Eyes here, freak!" Zancrow cackled as he turned the brunette's head to a direction and was shocked at the sight before him and began to struggle against his binding, even mire shocked at the fact that he was being held down by the chains.

Laxus was sitting on a wooden chair, his pants gone and his erect eight inch dick out.

Saya was held above his throbbing member by her thighs. Her mouth was gagged and tears was streaming down her face.

"Glad you're finally awake. Just in time to." The scarred male chuckled as he began to lower the pinkette on his member. "You're about to witness this bitch here turning into a woman."

Saya began to struggle from the man's grip, Tsunado held her shoulders firmly.

Zancrow simply laughed as he let go of the brunette and walked to the defiant pinkette. He took off the gag, only to get spat in the face.

"I'll fucking kill you!" She shouted. She then gasps at the feeling of her lower lips being parted by Laxus' dick. "No! Stop!" She shouted.

"No." The male simply said as he slammed her down, ripping through her hymen in one go and causing the pinkette to scream in pain at the forceful loss of her virginity.

"I…Issei." The young Takagi whimpered as she was suddenly being roughlybounced by the blonde.

Issei was still struggling against his chains, a look of clear rage as his friend was being raped before him. "Rah! Stop it!" He raged.

Laxus' response was a groan. "Damn, you're fucking tight." He chuckled as he pulled out of her with a grunt. "Bitch wouldn't even let my dick go."

"I'm sorry, Issei." She sniffed. "I'm so sorry."

Zancrow walked up to Saya and pulled her face to his crotch, rubbing his dick against her face. "Suck it." He said as he pulled out a knife and threw it, piercing Issei leg and making the brunette groan in pain and anger. "The next one is going to his neck.

Saya gritted her teeth as she hesitantly opened her mouth, but her head was grabbed and felt the long blonde haired male slammed his cockt down her throat.

Issei anger outlasted his pain as Tsunado walked behind the pinkette and parted her butt cheeks. He closed his eyes in shame at his weakness as his friend was being raped by these three scums.


The young Hyoudou's eyes snapped open and found himself in the mindscape and was held in one of Ddraig's massive claw.

"I'm glad I finally got to you, Hatchling." The great red dragon sighed in relief.

"D…DDraig…" Issei muttered as he looked at his partner. "What…I…" Looked around. "Where's everyone? Rias, Sona, Ravel. What ha-"

"You were trapped in an illusion, a very powerful one at that. It took me a while, but I was finally able to break through." The red Nitenryū said with a serious expression. "You must wake up, Issei. That man is about to kill Kiba and Akame."

Issei gritted his teeth in anger as he gripped his fists. He roared in fury as he realest a massive torrent of flames from his mouth. "Let's get that bastard!"


Akame stood alone in wasted field, bodies littered around her standing form as blood dripped from both her swords. She glanced to the bodies, recognizing them in instant. She then frowned at the sight of the 'corpses' twitch and began to rise from their downed forms, revealing the ones closest to her are Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Mira, Seryu, Mein, Rei, and Koro's active form. They all had rotted fleshes and blaring grey eyes. Before she can do anything else, she felt a hand grip her left shoulder and was turned just to get a small fist to the face, sending her to the ground and losing the red handled blade from her hand. Grunting, she raised herself as she saw her attacker picked up the blade.

"This is all your fault, Nee-sama." A black haired girl around fifteen said. She had black hair like Akame, but was short and reached around her neck. Her eyes are grey. She also dresses similar to the red eyed young woman, minus the tie and her skirt being blue.

Akame stood up and faced the person, holding the grey handled weapon.

"Are you going to kill me, again?" The younger female questioned as the corpses surrounded them, forming a ring. "CAN YOU KILL ME A SECOND TIME, NEE-SAMA!" She screamed as she rushed towards with a rage filled battle cry her black wings giving her the boost needed for the extra speed.

Akame closed her eyes until the younger was within striking distance. Instantly, she swung the blade, knocking the red handled weapon from the younger female's hand. She then lowered her stance as she aimed the tip to the girl's chest and trusted forward, piercing through her chest and out her back. "Rest, Kurome." The red eyed female muttered. "Rest and let your older sister carry these sins." She added as she slowly drew the blade from the younger female. She then laid the girl on her back and gave the corpses her attention. "Let's end this."


Zanku was leaning against the wall, a large grin on his face as he looked at the tear streaks faces of the two devils, a glowing purple aura around the three of his targets. The grin shrunk to a small frown as he looked at Akame's neutral expression. "Hm…" He tapped his chin. "I used my trump card. Just have to wait until they lose it and then I'll cut their head off." He chuckled. "Their final expressions will be that of horror!" He cackled.

"HAA~H!" Issei's shout caught his attention. The aura around him burst and was replaced by a green and red aura.

[DRAGON BOOSTER!] Ddraig growled at as the gems in both gauntlets glowed and Issei's eyes were glaring at him.

"No more." Issei's voice was cold as the aura faded and concentrated at his feet, forming the armored legs of the Sekiryutei no Yoroi (Crimson Dragon Emperor Armor). "Knight." He said as the symbol glowed on his chest instead of his forehead.

Zanu didn't even see the armored draconic feet reaching his face, only feeling the wall that he crashed through.

Issei's stood where The Beheader was and went to the closest female. "Akame-san." He shook her gently as the aura around her had lessened. 'Ddraig. Any ideas?'

'Send our magic through her." She suggested. 'That should bring her back.'


Akame was panting as Mein's body fell for the twentieth time, the only person before her was a bleeding Issei equipped with a pair of the gauntlets. 'How many times do I have to this?' She wondered.

The fake Issei rushed at her.

Akame could barely move, she still prepared herself as she was about to slay the male brunette once again.


The corpse was then struck by a flaming dragon formed gauntlet.

Akame watched as a second Issei punched the other one, this one looking alive and not undead. "Hyoudou Issei." She blinked.

"Hey, Akame." He greeted as he kept both his distance and eyes on the dead looking copy. "Sorry I'm late. I had to deal with a crazy blonde guy before getting here." He sent a small smile her way.

Akame nodded. "Thank you for your assistance."

"No problem. Now let's get out of here." He smiled as his aura erupted from his body.


Akame blinked a few times before her eyes regained their focus, Issei's closed eyes face being the first thing her eyes focused on. Unbidingly, her cheeks became peach colored.

Issei opened his eyes and blinked at the red set of the winged woman. Upon seeing them he took a step back and waved his arms, his eyes wide and cheeks blushing. "Sorry! Sorry!" He apologized.

"It's alright." Akame nodded as she controlled her blood flow and the heat of her cheeks faded.

"Rias? Akeno? Koneko? Asia? Issei?" Kiba's voice drew their attention. "Please." Her voice cracked. "Stop."

The two looked to see Kiba standing with tears flowing down her cheeks, her body trembling.

"Think you can hold that guy back while I can get Kiba out of this?" He asked.

Akame nodded. "I can." She said.

The brunette gave her a smile. "We'll be right back." He nodded before he ran to his blonde sword wielding lover and pressed his forehead to her own. He gently held her face as he closed his eyes and allowed his aura to glow around the both of them.

"Good luck." Akame muttered as she looked to see Zanku puling himself from the hole in the wall that he unintentionally made.


Kiba was laying on a silver bed, several people looming over her gagged chained down form. The group were of both genders and counted up to seven. They each wore a white robe with a medmasks covering their noses, mouths, and chins.

"Astounding." A male said in awe expression. "To be able to absorb both holy and unholy attributes." The man chuckled.

Kiba looked to the silhouette of the man, recognizing him as hate flashed through her eyes.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho." The man laughed. "Still deviant, I see." The man took out a scalpel. "Let's see what else we can do to make this project an even greater success." He grinned.

Kiba began to shake in her restraints and moved her head from left to right.

"Don't worry." The man said with mock soothing tone. "Just like all the other times. It will all be over." He said as he dug the medical tool into her chest.

Kiba's screamed were muffled by the gag as her chest was being cut open without anesthetics. Tears stream from her eyes as she relives these painful ordeals.

'Rias-sama! Akeno! Koneko! Asia! Issei! Anyone!' Her mind cried out as one by one, the doctors shifted to the people she's come to now in her new life.

Gremory heiress' form stood over her, a cruel smirk on her face. "Such a fool, Kiba. To think that you were so desperate to become my servant." She chuckled as she raised her hand to remove the gag.

"Kufufufufu." Akeno giggled as she licked her fingers. "I never thought that such a weakling would want to follow you, Rias." She scowled at the bounded Knight. "This Peerage has no need for the weak hearted."

"Pathetic." Koneko muttered.

"To think that someone like you would want to be with Issei." Asia glared at the blonde as her Twilight Healing glowed a red-purple glow.

"My dear would not have a space for you in his heart for such a little fledgling." Mittelt gave a cruel laugh.

Slowly, Kiba's mind began to break by the jabs and insults by those she came to see as family.

"No." She cried. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" She shouted.

"Shut up!" Issei snarled as he gripped her throat. "You really think you have what it takes to be with me?! HA!"

'Issei!' Her mind cried out to her brunette love. 'Not you too.'

"Kiba!" She heard his voice, but it was not coming from the brunette holding her throat.

"Issei!" She shouted this time, regardless of the grip on her throat.

The room faded away leaving her alone. Slowly, children between the ages of five to twelve and elders in their sixties and seventies began to appear. They all had pleasant looks on their faces.

"Live and be happy. Kiba." They all said as one as her vision flashed into a bright white light.

Kiba opened her tear stained eyes to meet the brunette closed eyed face. "I-Issei." Her voice cracked as the brunette opened his eyes.

"I'm here, Kiba-chan." He soothed as he rubbed her eyes.

"Issei. Issei." She sniffed. "Issei!" She cried as she pulled him into a full kiss.

Issei allowed the blonde Knight some time until she pulled away and rubbed his cheeks.

"This feels too real." She muttered.

"This is real." He smiled at her. "C'mon." He nodded to the sound of fighting on the other side of the wall. "Let's go get that asshole."

Kiba nodded as she summoned Mountain Weight. "Yeah."

'How is she so fast?' The blonde man thought as he was still fast enough to block the deadly blade from even nicking his skin.

'He's fast.' Akame thought as she drew the grey handled blade. 'Not fast enough.' She added as she began her assault.

'This can't get any worse.' He thought.

"Hah!" Kiba shouted as she was by the man's side, swinging her curved tip blade like a bat.

"Fuck" He blocked the blade and was launched away from the force.

"Tenyū no Akugeki (Sky Dragon's Grip Strike)." Issei shouted as he was right in front of the Beheader and slammed his palm against his chest. Seconds later, he was blown away like a cannon being shot.

"Gah!" Zanku was unprepared for the blow was driven into another wall, luckily moving out the way in time to avoid Kiba's blade from cleaving him in two.

Akame was right behind the blonde man, cross slashing at him.

Zanku turned and blocked the red handled blade, missing the grey handled one and suffering a slash from it over his left chest. "I'm not going to lose!" He gritted his teeth as he stood before the trio. "Let me ask you something. Do you hear the voices of the people you've killed in the past?" He asked.

The trio simply kept their guards, not even giving the man his answer.

"Well I do." He chuckles as he tapped his teigu. "As long as I have this, I'll always here those voices." He then grinned. "So let me add yours to the collection." He said as his weapon glowed red once again.

Issei refused to let the others suffered like this again. He rushed in, using the wind magic and the Knight's speed to be before the taller blonde in a mere fraction of a blink. He grabbed the man's face and forehead, the gauntlet glowing with heat and causing the man to scream through his armored fingers. "Karyū no Akugeki (Fire Dragon's Grip Strike)!" He shouted as he burned the man and blasted him away with an explosive force.

Zanku cried in pain as the burning attack had seared his eyes shut, disabling his sight. He then began to swing his blades in a desperate attempt to hit his targets. He with his eyes gone and unable to react in time, he felt three blades pierced his body, one on his chest and two in his stomach.

"Got you now." Kiba gritted as she pressed her single blade into the man's stomach.

"Target eliminated." Akame said as she held her grey handled blade next to Kiba's own and the red handled one in his chest.

Zanku's arms slumped to the side, feeling his body shutting down against his will. The two devils looked as strange black markings were crawling over his face, the man coughing blood as he felt his heart beat in pain.

"Ichizan Hissatsu (One cut killer); Murasame." Issei blinked at the markings. "Works like in the book." He commented as the two sword wielding females drew their blades from the man, allowing him to slump to the ground.

Zanku chuckled softly. "I…I can't hear the voices." He said in a low tone, a small normal smile coming to his burned face. "Thank…you." He breathed as the markings stopped moving and he died.

"So you do know of our teigu." Akame stated as she sheathed both her katanas.

"Most of them." Issei said as he went to reach and grab the headpiece weapon and picked it up. He looked at it for a few seconds before handing it to the tengu. "Here."

"You're giving it to me?" The tengu questioned. "Why?"

"You guys might need it." He shrugged.

Akame took the teigu. "I will make sure that it gets a worthy wielder."

"Or lock it up." Kiba said glaring at the item.

"C'mon. We have to go." Issei urged as he ran ahead of the two.


Mein cursed as she leaned behind a wall. "Damn!" She shouted as she held her weapon up. "These assholes are persistent!" She raged as she turned around the corner and fired a few large bursts of energy.

Seryu grunted in agreement as she looked at a recovering Koro. "I hope you have enough energy for one weapon that I need, Koro."

"Ku~." The bio-teigu said in a weak tone.

Several men were hiding behind broken walls that were destroyed by yhe then active Hekenthonkores.

"Damn those girls are annoying!" A man raged as he held up his hand and gathered magic, a magic circle appearing before his open palm.

Mira and Koneko sbot out from their places behind the wall they were hiding, avoiding the attacks being thrown at them.

Koneko quickly closed the gap and smashed the man's face with her small right fist, sending him away with the force. She then leaped up and kicked another man in the chest, sending him against the wall with a loud smack. She then turned in time to catch a man's wrist and snap them with ease, causing the man to scream in pain before she flipped him unto his back. She approached the groaning man before grabbing his throat and lifting him up, her eyes turning to slit as her sclera burned red. "Where is, Rei?"

"W-Who?" The man grunted in pain.

Mira leaped over a toppled beam and threw her staff, hitting an axe armed man with a metal lower jaw in the forehead. She ducked under a woman that tried to stab her from behind. The bluenette then rolled away and picked up her staff. She then blocked the woman's blade and jammed her staff into her gut, lifting her and tossing her to the ceiling and allowing her to fall back down with a sickening crack as she fell back on the bluenette staff that she held up. Throwing the body aside, the bluenette looked about as more people gather in the large room that they were in. Her eyes turned to slit as her pupils burned red. Her teeth sharpened as she narrowed her eyes. "For Issei-sama's sake, you will all die."

"What's with these girls?" A man shouted as he and his fellow members stood guard.

Mein popped around the corner. "Koneko! Mira! Get back!" She shouted as she tossed some smoke and flash grenades. "Seryu! Now!" She shouted to her younger sibling.

"Koro, fünf (five)!" The orange eyed woman ordered the recovering teigu.

The Hekenthonkores activated to its large state and bit down on her left arm, pulling back and revealing to everyone a rather large green construction drill.

"Speer der Gerechtigkeit (Spear of Justice), Enma!" She shouted as she held up the large spinning green construction drill. "There's a door behind there! I think I can blow it up!"

"Go for it!" Mein shouted as Mira and Koneko landed beside her.

Seryu launched herself with the giant drill, tearing through the men and women in her way. Seconds later the giant drill launched itself and was fired like a missile. "Hit the deck!" She yelled as she ran back to the three other females.


Rei opened her eyes and groaned a bit as she sat up, seeing that she was no longer in the armory where she found the javelin. "Where am I?" She wondered.

She was inside of what looked like a court room of sorts, bared off by wall of grey stone colors and silver columns.

"Welcome, young child." A melodious voice said from behind the young Miyamoto, prompting her to turn.

The voice belonged to a copy of Rei. The only difference is that her hair is blue with her eyes being violet with white crescent moon shaped pupils. She was also dressed in the same manner of the teen.

"Gungnir?" Rei asked as she approached her copy.

The human formed javelin simply smiled. "Nice to meet face to face." She gave a short bow. "Are you ready for your test?"

"Depends on what I have to do?" Rei asked.

Gugnir summoned a copy of her weapon form and held it firmly. "Simply disarm and kill me." She said. "That will be your test."

Rei gulped as Gugnir became serious and held the javelin at the ready. She quickly regained her resolve as she set herself in a stance. 'It's now or never.' She thought as Gugnir rushed at her, thrusting the javelin and missed as the young Miyamoto stepped aside form the assault and attempted to grab the spear.

Gugnir saw this and turned, pulling the jeweled tip weapon away from the teen and nearly hitting her with the staff. Missing, she leaped back and smiled at the orange haired teen. "Very well done, Rei." She complimented.

"I try my best." She said before she herself rushed at her copy. She saw Gugnir swung from the side to knock her across. Taking the chance, she slid under the attack and reached the bluenette version of herself and knocked her down. She saw the javelin slip from the blue haired version of herself.

Gugnir fell to the ground, unintentionally dropping the copy of her weapon's form.

Both shot to their feet and ran to the weapon, leaping at it with Rei reaching it first.

Gugnir managed to grab the javelin and the two began to pull from the other.

Rei decided that enough was enough and pulled hard, tugging the bluenette version of herself and flipping her over, kicking her stomach and knocking her off the girl and unto the ground. The orange haired teen quickly stood up and rushed to the still downed Gugnir, thrusting the javelin forward.

Gugnir couldn't move in time so she closed her eyes, accepting her fate and defeat.


Opening her eyes, Gugnir looked as the orangette panted over her form, the javelin impaled several inches away from her head.

"I'm not going to kill you." Rei said. "I want you to teach me how to fight. How to protect my friends." She then smiled. "Will you help me with that, Gugnir?"

Gugnir smiled, the javelin vanishing in a bursts of bright blue feathers. "You have passed, Miyamoto Rei." She said as her body glowed, flashing the teens eyes and blinding her.


Rei groaned as she opened her eyes, seeing that she was within the armory once again. She stood up and looked around. "My head."

'Good that you are awake, master.' Gugnir's voice resonated in her head.

"Gugnir?" She gasps as she looked around for the javelin. "Where are you?" She asked.

"Right above your heart, master." The jeweled weapon replied.

Rei looked down to bra clad cleavage and saw a smaller version of Gugnir in the form of a pendant of sorts. "So beautiful." She admired.


The teen looked as the large armored door exploded inward, forcing the teen to leap behind a pile of armors. "Gugnir. How do I summon you?" She whispered as she saw a lone silhouette in the dust.

"Simply think of me and I will appear." The female weapon replied.

Rei did so and Gugnir's weapon form appear in a dimmed glow. "Okay." She nodded to herself. "I'm ready." She took a deep breath before leaping at the lone figure, surprising herself at how high she jumped. "Woah!" She shouted as she leaped too high and over the person she planned to attack. Only to land in the large hands of Koro.

"There she is!" Mein sighed as she saw the teen. She then raised an eyebrow at the weapon in her hand. "What's with the javelin?" She questioned ignoring in her current dress code.

"Just a little something I found while being chased by some crazy bastard." She replied as she was gently placed on the ground.

"Rei!" Leone shouted happily as she tackled the young female to the ground, licking her face with her tongue.

"Okay! Okay, Leone!" Rei laughed as she managed to pushed the cat formed hybrid off her. "I'm fine."

Leone then shifted to the hybrid form and pulled the teen up. "Glad you're okay, Rei." She grinned.

"Rei." Koneko said as she and Mira approached the group, Seryu patting Koro's head as it went into its inactive state.

"Sha~de." A voice dragged as multiple shadowed figures appears around the females. They appear to be soldiers and have their faces hidden by hooded capes, with their blank eyes glowing under the hoods, they wear long robes and are armed with large sabers in each hands.

The girls, and teigu, stood guard, each brandings their weapons and fists.

"Looks like we have some guesses." Jose sang as he made his appearance, his hands folded behind his back as he walked towards them. "Would you like some tea? No. Maybe some cookies?" He shook his head. "I suppose not." He then laughed. "Allow me to introduce myself." He gave a mock grand jester bow. "My name is Jose Porla. I am the warden of this island."

"And a fruit cake." Rei muttered.

Jose stood tall and sighed. "It's been so long since I've have some visitors. So tell me; are you enjoying your stay so far?"

"The service here sucks." Leone growled as her claws sharpened and pulled out the club.

"Hm. Yes. I should work on that." He rubbed his chin before he held his hand out. "Boys. Let's show our guests some entertainment, shall we?" He said with a cruel grin.

The shades roared, the hoods revealing to be rather large mouth with red teeth coming out of the edges, the eyes extended and lengthened forming into tongue like tentacles in order to pull whatever prey they caught into their mouths.

"Gross." Koneko commented as she cracked her knuckles.

"Koro, drei (three)." Seryu muttered as Koro bit into her arm and pulled back, revealing a large sword with a giant blade.

Mira twirled her staff at the hissing Shades.

Mein just placed another compartment on her Pumpkin and looked around the small group of enemies.

"Get them." The man giggled in a giddy way, spurring the Shades to attack the females.


Issei, Kiba, and Akame were running down the hallway after hearing the explosion they heard earlier.

"How much longer?" Akame asked.

The brunette was ahead of the tengu and the blonde devil, his heightened senses and his connection with Leone guiding the way. "Not longer. I can even sense another person there. And he feels powerful."

"Must be the warden." Kiba muttered.


"We're close!" Issei shouted as he was shrouded in a green light, wearing the armor of the Crimson Dragon Emperor.

"Wow." Was all Akame could say at the sight of the armored clad teen.

"You haven't seen nothing yet." Kiba grinned.

"Hop on my shoulders now." His voice was deep and bordered to a growl.

The two females did as told without hesitation.

"Now hold on." He said as the boosters opened up, launching them with frightening speed as they dashed down the corridor.


Mein avoided a Shade that rushed at her, smashing the button the artillery type teigu unto the back of the head. She then turned as she shot a burst of energy at the second one that was ready to bite into her. She had to roll out of the way as two more Shades attempted to hit her with their sabers. "This is getting out of hand!" She complained as she took out a knife and stabbed the Shade before it had a time to attack again. "Fuck off!" She yelled as she riddled the stomach of the Shade with her Pumpkin.

Seryu was using her burrowed new arm and sword to tear through the Shades, cut and slashing them down with ease. "These guys are like roaches!" She grunted.

Mira and Koneko were fighting alongside each other, each covering the other's back. "Annoyance." The bluenette muttered with the whitette nodding in agreement.

Leone was smacking the shades away with the club she attained from the beaten Windshredder. "This is fun!" She cheered.

Rei was moving beyond what she was used to, the human female wielding the sentient javelin like a war mistress. 'My body feels so light!' She thought as she jumped over a few Shades and pulled her spear back. "Eisen Regen (Iron Rain)!" The word left her lips as she then repeatedly stabbed below her impaling the three Shades that were below her multiple times. She then landed as she looked around, amazed by the power that's coursing through her body. 'Amazing!' She thought.

'And more to come, Master.' Gugnir giggled.

The females were getting tired, even Koro was near exhaustion as its regeneration was slowing down.

'I have one shot left.' Seryu thought as she glanced at the tired Hekenthonkores.

"Du willst nicht tun, was ich denke, was du tust (You're not planning to do what I think you're doing)?" Mein asked her sister.

"Was mehr Hoffnung haben wir (What more hope do we have)?" She asked back. "Koro!" She called the teigu.

"Hold that thought!" Issei's voice roared as he neared the group through the opening that was made by Jose. "Everyone get high!" He ordered as Kiba and Akame leaped off his shoulders, the two females using their wings to keep them in the air.

Mira and Koneko followed suit, the bluenette picking up Seryu with a now smaller Koro as the whitette took both Mein and Rei with Leone morphing to a small cat so the teen can hold her.

"Guren Bakuenjin (Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade)!" He roared as he turned, hot blazing fire expelling from his arms in a whirling manner as it burned and knocked the Shades away.

Jose had to cover his face from the heat with his cape, groaning as the armored person would dare crash his fun. After the fire dissipated, the warden looked as the armored Issei stood there as the females and teigu landed around him. "Who the hell are you!?" He shouted.

The current holder of Ddraig ignored him. "You okay, Rei?" The asked the teen.

Rei nodded, awed at the sight of the armored brunette. "Yeah." She smiled. "A little banged up, but I'm okay."

"He didn't hurt you, right?" He asked as he glared at the man.

Rei held his armored hand. "I'm fine, Issei." She assured him, getting a gentle squeeze from the gauntlet hand she held. "I'm just lucky nothing bad happen to me." She said.

"Good." He nodded. "As to who I am, is of no importance. You will allow us leave from this island and save yourself the embarrassment of being beaten by us." He growled.

"Ha!" Jose mocked. "As if you and some weird armor can beat me!" He claimed as he summoned more of his Shades.

"Suit yourself." Mein shrugged before she pulled up Pumpkin and fired at the man, Seryu and Leone leaping forwards at him.

Jose waved his arms wide. "Shade Shield!" He shouted as more Shades appeared and gathered at the masses to form a wall off sorts, blocking the energy bullets, from Mein's teigu. "Shade Gauntlets!" He cackled as the Shades broke from their wall formation and formed two large gauntlets at his arms, large blades at the knuckles. He then spun, whirling around and forcing Seryu to leap back, but Leone was determined to hurt the man as she leaped up and swung her club down. He stopped and raised one arm, confident that he can stop the attack. He did not take into account of the hybrid's brute strength and was shocked by the force used on him as he raised his second hand.

[BOOST!] Ddraig raised her wielder's stats as Koneko leaped unto his left outstretched arm.

"You ready?" The armored teen.

Koneko nodded as she tucked herself. "Hn."

Tenryū no (Sky Dragon's)…" He began as he pulled his arm back and enveloped Koneko in a wind like barrier. "Koneko Jūdan (Bullet)."

Koneko flew and fast.

Jose was having some problems. He was managing to duck and weave under Leone's heavy onslaught with the Windshredder's club. He grunted as he leaped away just at the club smashed down on his previous location. He did not see the human bullet with a glowing blue fist flying towards him. Nor the fist smashing against his left cheek.

Koneko's feet dug into the smooth ground after socking the man with a vicious punch. "Ei." She simply muttered.

Jose groaned at the pain. He did not like the fact that he was being beaten by a bunch off brats. He looked in time to see two of the females leaping at him.

Mira leaped up, Rei beside her as they began to use a flurry of thrusts and sweeps at the man, both coordinating their bodies, movement and attacks with a whirlwind of staves and mid-ranges attacks.

Growling in annoyance. "Dead Wave!" The man extends his right arm sideways and generate several of his Shades around it along with the Shades that made up his gauntlets, which start circling it in spirals. He then swung his hand out, sending a destructive wave of darkness rushing at the girls, splitting anything in its path, including the ground itself.

The girls couldn't dodge in time at such a close proximity of the attack.

Issei leaped before the two females and crossed his arms. "Promotion, Rook!" He took the hit his clawed feet digging into the ground. An explosion then occurred, enveloping the armored brunette in a smoke.

"Hahahahahaha!" The man cackled.

"Got you now!" Kiba shouted, wielding her halberd, as she and Akame's murasame, flanked both his sides and swing for his chest

The man showed great reflects and acrobatics as he leaped in a manner that neither of blades touched him as he was in mid-air. He then whirls and slammed his fist in both females' chest.

Both Koneko and Mira stopped the two from flying further.

"Pretty strong, for a human." The tengu grunted.

Kiba rubbed her chest.

"Never underestimate a mage, young ones." He smiled as he patted his chest.

"How about this?!" Issei roared as he launched himself at the man his fist pulled back.

"Shade Wall!" The man shouted as the Shades made wall to block the Sekiryūtei (Crimson Dragon Emperor), the teen's armored fist breaking through his defense. "Shade Prison!" He quickly added a combo as the Shades enveloped the brunette in a ball shaped prison. "Shade Shock Therapy!" He cackled as the prison began to send high voltage of black electricity, shocking the prison, hurting the young male inside. "Shade Bomb Blast!" He shouted as he rammed his hand inside the prison and gathered a lot of mana within his fist and send it out in one blow.


"Issei!" The females shouted as the armored clad brunette was sent flying through several walls.

"Shade Field!" Jose took advantage of the distraction as he slammed his palms unto the ground, covering the ground with his Shades and their tongues lashed out and bound them before lifting them into the air. Even Koro was bound by a multitude of the them. "Shade Circuitry!" He added shocking all the female and causing most of them to scream. "I can't hear all of you!" He cackled loudly as he amped the volts of his attack, causing the females to scream in more pain as electricity ran through their bodies.

"Fuck." Issei grunted as he threw a book case off of him. He growled in annoyance as he clenched his fists. Before he had the chance to launch again, a book fell on his head.

"Master!" A female's voice happily shouted from the book as it fell off his head was caught by the clawed gloved hands of the young armored Hyoudou. "Juvia has finally found her master!" She added with a joyous tone.

"W-What?" Green eyes of the helmet glowed slightly.

The book was as thick a his demon servants book forms. This one on the other hand was a deep blue with runic dark blue markings on it. He turned it to the side and read JUVIA on the edge.

"You…are Juvia's master, yes?" The female's voice asked in a shy tone.

"If you will accept me." Issei said as he made his way back to the fight, anger welling in him as he heard the girls scream in pain. His helmet clipped open and folded around his neck. He then bit his lip hard and cut them before he peppered the book with bloodied kisses, getting a small chorus of giggles from the book. "'I, Hyoudou Issei will now make a covenant of blood to Juvia. I will be your master and you my servant. Accept my blood as tribute and may we be together until my last breathe.'"

"Juvia, accepts!"

The book erupted in smoke and woman about her early twenties being carried like a princess by the armored teen. She has azure blue hair, midnight blue eyes, snow skin complexion and a curvaceous figure. Her breasts are rather large, being at most a GG-cup bust that were a topped with pale blue nipples and darker blue areola. Her hair is long and reaches to her rather big and bubbly butt with sea green fin shaped horns sticking out the corners of her head. Her eyes then changed, her sclera turning purple as her iris formed into a five pointed star pentagram. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Juvia is pleased to meet her master." Her double laced voice said in a praised tone before their lips connected.

Issei closed his eyes as he felt the water affinity within his core grew. He also felt his second core grew in power as well.

Juvia's wings flowed from her back, black liquid water forming the shaped of fish scales. "With my water allow me to drown your enemies in the deep dark depths of the sea."

Issei then opened his eyes and looked down to the woman.

Juvia blushed as her master gazed at her naked form. "Master is staring at me." She gushed.

"Let's deal with this first." He said as the helmet clipped over his head.

"Of course, master." The bluenette gushed as she leaped off her master's arms and her body began to liquefy, forming into a body of water that grew in size and mass.

Issei was being carried by the living current through the five rooms that he was thrown through. He and his latest demon servant arrived to the room, the brunette seeing the girls suffering and instantly went into action. "Juvia knock him down!"

"Yes, master!" Juvia obliged as she rushed towards the man, her liquid mass forming into a drill.

Jose was to deep in his activity, but thanks to his instinct, he managed to leap out of the way, avoiding the water drill and keeping himself a float from that large body of water. "What the hell?" He said in disbelief.

Issei quickly gathered the seven females and weakened teigu and put them in the far corner. He noted the javelin that Rei was now formed into a necklace. He checked their pulse and was glad that he felt their heartbeat, even Rei's. 'Their alive.' He thought happily before turning to the person responsible for this part of their ordeal. "Juvia." He called his blue haired demoness.

Jose fell on the ground after being hit by the body of water. He looked up in time as the wave was about to crash on him with unimaginable force before it suddenly stopped.

Juvia's water form rushed back to her master's side, her form solidifying as she shows herself again. Her long hair now tightly curled at the base of her neck. She wears a sapphire blue coat, a cream colored furry trimmed navy blue shawl with a pure white teru teru bōzu attached to it, as well as a matching Russian Cossack hat. Her hands were folded over her stomach as she frowned at the man as he stood up. "Juvia is here, master." She said.


"You're really annoying." Jose gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"All you had to do was let us leave." Issei said back.

"You know what?" Jose said as he stood and patted his clothes. "I'm going to kill you." He began as he pulled out a battery powered dryer. "Then I'm going to have some fun with your lady friends." He snaps his fingers as several more men and women come into the room. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, this is the final act!" He cheered.


"Drown them!" Issei roared in anger, the thought of these fools defiling his friends and mates as well as the illusion still fresh in his mind.

Juvia's aura bursts around her body. "Yes, master!" She announced raising her arms as it began to rain inside the room, shocking and surprising many of the man's minions. She then slammed her hands on the ground, causing large torrents of water to fall from above, smashing most of the people with the heavy pressure.

Jose was yet again shocked at the magnitude of power the woman was using. "Who are you?!" He shouted.

"Juvia is Juvia!" The blue haired demoness said as she controlled the water, gathering many of the man's followers inside the room. "And you will face master's wrath!" She then looked to the young Hyoudou. "Anything else you wish for Juvia to do?" She asked in a gushing tone.

Issei chuckled at that mannerism of his latest servant. "Keep them inside until they can't move anymore." He ordered as he made his way to the man.

[BOOST! DRAGON FORCE!] Ddraig bellowed with a roar as a green and red aura erupted from the teen's form, flickers of black was seen in between.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jose waved his hands, feeling the power greater than his own crushing down on his form. "I'll let you go! I'll bring down the shield and let you guys go! Okay? Deal?" He nodded his head rapidly.

"You had your chance!" Issei roared as his eyes glowed a bright green color.

Jose kneeled, his forehead hitting the ground. "Please!" He begged, a grin coming to his face. "Just one more chance…" He then disappeared.

Issei growled as he looked around the water wall room.

"Yoo-hoo~!" Jose called out to the young brunette, getting his attention and showing him that he had the girls held hostage, each of them held by a Shade with their blades to their throats. "Now let's get back to business, hm?" He said with a smug manner grin.

Issei took a deep breath, his head raring back as the mouth if the helmet cracked open, showing rows of sharp red teeth as the inside of the mouth was glowing green.

"What are you going to do, hm?" The man taunted as he pressed his dagger against Rei's neck. "You don't want to hurt them now, do you?"

Issei didn't listen to the magic using human before he let out a roar, sending a green shockwave that paralyzed the man and the Shades.

The helmet's mouth closed as Issei walked towards the trembling man. "Get the Shades, Julia." He commanded the bluenette. "And take the girls outside the castle. I will be there shortly."

"Yes, master." The water wall encircling them shifted and turned, getting the Shades and removing them away from their summoner. She also took the girls away and carried them outside.

'How?' Jose thought as the armored teen stalked towards him. 'How was I beaten so easily!?' He mentally raged. "I-I'm sorry." He stuttered.

"You had your chance." Issei growled as he raised his left hand. 'Juvia. I've changed my mind. Get everyone away from the castle. Go into the forest and wait for me there.'

'As you wish, master."Juvia replied as she carried the females away, going deeper into the forest to await her master. 'Juvia will do her best!'

Issei raised his right arm high, a small ball of fire bursting to life. The ball then gradually raise in size and heat, almost taking the size of the room. "Karyū no Kōen (Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame)." He said the attack with a growl as it grew more.

"What are you doing!?" Jose shouted as he felt the heat burning his skin. "You'll destroy this place!" He shouted.

"I don't have time to look for the shield generator." He countered. "And we have people waiting for us." He added before slamming the attack down a roar.


Juvia was looking around the forest sensing the creatures and oni on the island. She then heard several people groaning. Turning to the sound l, she saw that women were waking up and quickly moved to them.

Mein groaned as she rubbed her head. "Damn that asshole." She grumbled in a hissed tone. "'I'm going to put a hole through his fucking head and blow his balls off." She swore.

"That will not be needed." Juvia chirped.

"Who are you?" The pinkette asked with a guarded tone as she tried to reach for her Pumpkin.

The fin horned demoness noted that the other girls were waking up too. Without a thought she waved her hands, water gathering around the females and trapping them from their neck down.

"What the hell?" Rei groaned as she felt that her body was wet and found that it was hard to move. "What happened?"

"I'm stuck." Kiba grunted.

"Koro!" Seryu shouted for her partner.

Juvia placed her fist on her palm. "Juvia knew she forgot something." She commented. "Juvia believe that this 'Koro' will be fine."

"Strange woman." Akame simply commented as she could not move as well.

"Release us this instance!" Mira shouted.

"Are you one of that man's goon?" Koneko asked.

Juvia's eyes widen, her eyes looking almost cat like. "Juvia will never be such a weakling's servant. Master is the strongest force I can sense on the island." She said as she walked towards the trapped females "Now stay still while Juvia heals you." She added as she placed her hands inside the water, the fluid element giving a soft glow. "Once the water is green it means that you are healed."

"You're a demon." Mira more than stated.

"Juvia is a demon." She nodded.

"As if Issei can't get enough girls in his life." Kiba chuckled.

Juvia blinked. "What is your relation to master?" She asked.

"I'm one of his girlfriends." She said.

"One of his…girlfriends…" The bluenette thought then nodded. "If by mate then it is understandable that master has more than one. He is a powerful being." She said as if pointing out the obvious.

"Why am I so wet?" Leone mumbled as she regained conscious. "And not in the good way." She added with a frown. She blinked, sensing a connection besides her own to her Hubby. She knew that the others were cut off.

"Juvia is almost done with healing." The bluenette demoness said. "Are you also bonded to Master?" She asked realizing the link she also sensed was from the lioness hybrid. She can also sense six broken links. "Master has more servants than I thought." She commented.

A bright flash occurred in the distance. Seconds later it was followed by the biggest of explosions any of the females have ever witnessed in their lives.

The girls' eyes widen at the destruction, immediately noticing that the castle was there.

"ISSEI~" Kiba shouted as she and the other girls can feel the heat.

"Issei-sama." Mira muttered as her eyes glistened.

"He…sacrificed himself to save us." Koneko looked down.

"Despite our first meeting, he saved our lives." Seryu muttered.

"We will remember him." Mein said.

"Juvia thinks that you should…" She stopped as she looked up.

An object was heading to their location. The object was engulfed in flames and was leaving a trail of smoke. The object crashed several feet away from them, the flames being snuffed out upon impact and the smoke bellowing from the crater.

"Don't...count me out...yet." Issei groaned as he laid in the crater, his armor gone and was holding a bowling ball sized gold orb.

"Isse/Issei-sama/Hubby!" The females called out to him.

"Hey." He smiled as he pulled himself to sit. "Glad you're all okay." He held up the orb. "I have Koro's core." He add looking at Seryu.

"Thank you." Seryu said in a grateful tone.

Mein sighed. "Now we have to wait until the shield goes down.

Issei stood up and patted his battered clothes. He then made his way to Seryu and placed Koro's core inside near her. He then went and gave Juvia a kiss on the forehead, earning a steamed blush from the fin horned woman. "Good work, Juvia." He praised her.

"T-Thank you, master." She gushed as she wiggled about. "You can heal yourself in here." She motioned to the blob of water that other females were in.

"Thank you, Juvia." Issei nodded as he entered the liquid blob, his body shifting between Rei and Leone. "This feels pretty good." He sighed as he felt his body relaxing. He was close to dropping asleep.

"Master/My lord!" Several females within his mind cried out in joy.

The brunette's eyes snapped open. "Girls?" He blinked.

Leone noticed that the other severed links were restored as Juvia now felt the other bonds that her master made.

"The shield's down." Kiba smiled.

"That means the other will be here." Mira nodded.

Juvia removed the girls from the blob as they are done healing, leaving Issei alone inside.

Just then three magical circles appeared before them, the devils recognizing the family sigil of the Gremory, Sitri, and Phenex Households.

"Issei!" Rias was first to appear alongside her Queen as she rushed to the brunette. Before she can reach the brunette, a wall of water rose, blocking her from her shared fiancée. "What's the meaning of this?!" She growled out as she turned to the fin horned woman.

Juvia was not deterred by the glare from the younger female. She had face far worse. "Please be calm while I heal master." She simply said.

Rias kept her gaze on the woman.

"No worries, Lady Rias." Seilah said as she and her fellow demoness appeared via a black portal, Esdeath and the twins coming out behind them. "Like us, she has made a contract of blood with master." She explained.

Sona placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "The important thing is that they are alright, and we have another ally as well." She nodded to the blue haired demoness.

"I think I feel better now, Juvia." Issei smiled.

"As you wish, master." The bluenette complied as she shrunk the water down and it sank into the ground.

Issei stretched as the females began to converge on him, asking him questions of what happened, how did he end up here, and is he fine. "I'm fine." He assured his blond fiancée as she checked him over. "Ravel-chan, I'm okay." He chuckled as he held her, hugging her against his fame.

"I-I wasn't worried about you at all!" She claimed with a blushed face.

"She has been rather vocal of your disappearance, Lord Issei." Yubelluna said with a teasing smile aimed at the youngest Phenex heiress.

"Master!" Shizuka cheered as she tackled Issei, and Ravel, to the ground, her large bust pressing down on the two younger supernatural beings.

Seilah picked up the blonde tipped purplette by the horn with a sigh, the bustier demoness whining as she lost contact with her shared master. "Will you calm down?" She muttered.

Issei laughed as he got up, helping the Phenex heiress as he did so. "Juvia come here." He called his latest horned servant.

Juva shyly made her way to the devil and stood by his side. "Hello. Juvia is also one of Master's servants." She gave the group a small bow.

Mein, Seryu, and Akame were looking from the side lines, the younger sibling hugging Koro's core to her chest as she too was astonished by how caring the devils were at each other.

The pinkette was in deep thoughts. She had a plan and was wondering if she should go through with this. Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the group of devils, her eyes locked on the fame of the brunette male.

Akame simply kept her eyes on the scene, rubbing the grey hilted teigu.

The group of devils, demons, dragons, and the one human watched as Mein was walking towards them.

Ikaruga placed her hand on her sword, Seilah held her hand up, and Shizuka balled her fists, but Issei stopped them.

"It's alright, ladies." The brunette said as he too walked towards the shorter woman, Ravel having let go of his arm.

Demons relaxed their stance, but kept their eyes on the female human. "Yes, master."

"Esdeath, Scarlet, Knightwalker, stand-down." He ordered.

"Yes, master/ my lord." The dragons complied.

Mein was mentally surprised of the power he has over the six females. Seven if she counted Leone and what she remembered. "I want to make a deal with you, devil." She said as she was about a feet away from the brunette.

Issei allowed his eyes to change, his iris turning to slit as his sclera burned red. His wings came out of his back, shocking many that they were two sets instead of one.

"Issei…" Rias smiled in awe at the two sets of wings.

The brunette has evolved to a Trul.

Issei did not notice the extra weight added to him, but he did see the widening of the pinkette's eyes. "What deal do you want to make, human?" He addressed her, going into his profession on instinct.

'Didn't he have one set of wings?' She wondered before she mentally shook her head. "I want you to help me kill someone." She said.

"And would that be?" He asked as Esdeath created a chair for him to sit. He nodded at her in thanks as he took the seat.

Mein swallowed. "I want you to help me kill the lightning dragon demon, Adramelech." She asked.

Seryu's eyes widened. "Was machen Sie (What are you doing), Mein?!" She asked as she ran towards her.

"Wiedergutmachung (Making amends)." She said, keeping her eyes locked to the seated brunette. "Nicht einmischen (Don't interfere)." She ordered her younger sibling. "So do we have a deal?"

"And what will be the prize?" Issei sked with a raised eyebrow. "From what you just told me, this is demon with draconic traits or verse versa. Either way, it will be a hell of a task." He pointed out.

"I'll offer my soul as payment." Mein said with a serious tone.

"Mein!" Seryu shouted at her sister. "Was zur Hölle denkst du (What the hell are you thinking)?" She grounded her teeth.

"Despite being human, I have a rich source o spiritual energy, hence why I can wield Pumpkin with no problem." Mein ignored her sister. "So do we have a deal?" She asked again.

"Take my soul too!" Seryu shouted, getting a wide eyed look from her sister and glance from the brunette. "Both of us have the same mother, so I probably got some good traits too!" She said. "Also using Hekenthonkores drain my life force!"

"Seryu shut up!" Mein shouted at her sister. "You don't have to do this!"

"And you can?!" The auburn haired female shouted back. "If you're going to sell your soul, then I should have no damn reason to live!" She shrieked at her older sibling.

"Seryu…" The pinkette didn't know what to say.

"Ever since your parents died, my mind's been in shambles." She choked out. "That bastard father of mine did nothing but beat and humiliate me. If you're going to find a way to kill that asshole, then I'm coming with you. And don't you think that you can talk me out of this." She glared at her sister, daring her to say anything. Not seeing her sister saying anything, she looked at the young Hyoudou. "Two souls should suffice, right devil?" She challenged.

Issei stood up, the twins melting the throne. "Ikaruga." He held out his right hand.

Ikaruga drew her nodachi, the blade being red. She then held it with both her hands as she handed it to the young Hyoudou. "Master." She relinquished the blade to him.

Issei took the blade, thanking his pink haired demoness and passed his right hand over the blade, cutting the palm. "I, Hyoudou Issei, will make a soul contract with Mein and Seryu, both having decided to offer their souls in payment after the defeat and death of the Draconic Devil Adramelech. Do you accept this contract?" He asked as he handed the blade back to the pinkette and she sheathed it and held out his bleeding hand.

Mein pulled out her dagger. She cut a slit over her left palm. "I Accept." She nodded as she claps his hand with her own wounded one.

Seryu cut her left cheek with her clawed hand and wiped it with her metallic palm. She then placed her hand over her sister's. "I accept!"

An arcane sigil appeared below the three, shining brightly.

The two sisters flinched away, a searing pain traveling through their self-inflicted wounds.

"Seryu, your cheek." Mein gasps as she pointed at her sister.

"You're hand." Seryu responded as she held her pink haired sister's hand.

The sisters look as the wound was gone and replaced with a tattoo. The tattoo having the shape of a red serpentine dragon with green eyes. the tattoo then faded, leaving the skin smooth.

Issei raised his hand, showing the same mark that the siblings had. "This is proof of the contract. When you're ready, you can contact me." He smiled at them. "I hope we work well together and taking revenge for your parents, Mein, Seryu."

Mein nodded. "Thank you." She gave a small bow to the brunette devil. "Is there any way that we can contact you?" She asked.

Issei scratched his right cheek before turning to his water manipulating fiancée. "Is there a way, So-chan?"

Sona fixed her glasses and nodded. "I've seen Elder Sister made contact with those she has contracted and vice-versa." She explained.

"Always the smart one, So-so." Rias sighed.

"As I should be." Sona nodded.

"Mein. We should go." Akame said.

The pinkette nodded as she reached into her dress. "We have to get that arm of yours fixed, Seryu. Stylish is going to ask a lot of questions." She muttered as she pulled out an item.

Issei looked at the item. "That looks a lot like Shambala." He pointed out.

"It was made with the functions of Shambala, only teleporting us back to HQ and places that are registered in its data bank." She explained as she tapped the large button on the front, a grey color of Shambala's symbol appearing below Seryu, Akame and herself.

Akame stepped out of the symbol and walked to the brunette. "Here." She said as she handed him a folder. "You can read this when you are alone." She then walked back to the duo.

"You've saved our lives even though we should be enemies." Mein said. "We owe you a debt."

Seryu nodded. "I guess not all devils are evil."

Issei rubbed his nose. "No. Not all of us." He grinned.

The trio vanished and then there was silence.

Rias walked to her shared fiancée and rubbed his cheek. "Are you sure you're okay, Ise?" She asked.

"I told you I'm fine. But I'm sorry for getting all of you worried like this." He sighed.

"Fufufufufu." Akeno giggled. "I think you can…compensate for this, right?" She smiled.

"I'll see what I can do." He nodded. "How are the other doing?" He asked.

"Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Raynare were training, blowing off some steam." Rias said.

"Asia's not feeling well." Sona added.

"Is she okay?" He asked with a worried expression.

"Just something she ate." Ravel sighed.

"Let's all go home then." Sona said. "We still have some info we can extract from that one eyed fool." She growled.

"Something I missed?" The brunette male blinked.

"Sona-sama is stressed on how tight lipped the prisoner is." Tsubaki commented.

"Maybe I can help out?" Issei wondered.

"Let's just go." Ravel huffed. "I'm getting tired of this place."

"Me too." Rei agreed. "You're walking me home, right?"

"Sure." Issei nodded.

The group was being watch by Syura, the tanned male having a grin on his face. The grin then vanished as he heard a man groaned behind him.

"You...saved me." A heavily wounded Jose coughed. His skin was burned rather badly and he was missing his left arm.

Syura turned and walked towards the man. Once he reached him, the whitette kicked the man in his stomach, causing the jester themed man to cry in pain. "I only saved you so I can kill you myself." He grounded out.

"The…fuck…did I do?" He managed to say between coughs.

Syura pulled out a rather wicked looking dagger. The blade was black as night and was curved forward. The hilt was red with a dark purple pommel. "A six year old boy and a seven year old girl was found, the girl tied up, beaten, and raped while the boy was beaten and scarred. Both were left for dead. The girl died, but the boy survived. Oh yeah. The boy had a scar. Just. Like. Mine. Ring any bells?"

Jose's eyes widen. "No. No. No. No. It can't be." He denied.

Syura slammed the pommel on the man's face. "That was my sister you fucking bastard." He growled. He then stabbed the man in his heart. "I'm going to kill all of you evolved in this. Even my father." He vowed as the man began to lose the light on his eyes. Pulling the blade out, he wiped it away and placed on in the gold sheath. "That's one down. Let us meet once again, Naga Merah (Red Dragon)." He said before using Shambala to teleport away.


Issei and Rei stood before the girl's apartment door, the teen having given one of Raynare's shirts. "Thanks, Issei." She smiled.

"You're thanking me after all the things you went through?" He questioned.

Rei simply giggled. "Well I did have a little adventure. And I get to see you in a cool armor. And I got a new friend." She smiled as she looked at the javelin shaped pendant around her neck.

"Gugnir really helped you out." The current holder of Ddraig smiled. "Thanks." He said to the sentient weapon.

"You are very welcome, Sir Issei." Gugnir replied

Issei then had a wild thought. "Think it will be possible for the two of you to fuse or something?"

"Maybe." The young Miyamoto shrugged before she stepped a bit close to the brunette. "Some training can be done to do that. Interested?" She offered.

"I think I can handle that." Issei answered with a grin.

"Good." Rei said as she leaned a it close. She then moved fast, pecking his lips before leaping back to her door and opening it. "See you around, Issei~." She sang as she closed the door.

Issei stood there, staring at the door for a smile broke out. "See you around Rei." He said as he walked away.

Rei was doing her own version of the 'Happy Dance', shaking her hips from left to right as she held her arms in the air.

"Nice moves."

"Gha!" Rei jumped in surprise as she turned, seeing Saya sitting on one of the seats of her apartment. "Saya!" She shouted as she held her hands over her beating heart.

The pinkette simply laughed as she got off the seat and walked to her friend. She was dressed in a black shirt and a blue knee length skirt. "You like you went through some trouble."

"You don't know the half of it." She sighed. "I'll make some drinks." She offered. "I'll be back."

Saya simply smiled as she pulled out a manila folder. "Take your time, Rei." She said.


Issei opened the front door to his house and entered with Leone, Esdeath, Knightwalker, Scarlet, Julia, Shizuka, Seilah, and Ikaruga. He stepped into the kitchen to take a drink of water while the dragons and demons went to his room.

"Ah. Issei!" Isa smiled at her son. "How was the club trip?" She asked.

"It was great, mom." He smiled at her. "Where are the others?" He asked.

"Their inside your room. Oe~h! It's so great to have such lovely girls in the house!" She gushed as she did see the other girls with Juvia.

Issei chuckled after he finished his cup of water. "I'm going to check on them." He said.

"Okay." She nodded. "Remember it's not too late for me to be a grandmother!" She teased.

"Mom!" Issei blushed.

Asia laid her head on Raynare's lap, the older woman rubbing her head. "I'm feeling better now?" She smiled.

"I wondered why you didn't use Twilight Healing on yourself?" Mittelt wondered.

"I have to focus and concentrate to do so." The Italian devil replied.

The door opened revealing the servants and familiars of the young Hyoudou.

"Oh?" Mittelt raised an eyebrow. "A new friend."

"Juvia's name is Juvia." Juvia introduced herself. Her fin horns were receded into her head and her eyes were normal like a human's.

"I see." Kalawarner smiled. "Name's Kalawarner."



"Asia Argento."

Juvia smiled along with her fellow demons.


Issei sighed as he leaned against the desk. "Are you feeling better, Asia-chan?" He asked his Italian lover.

Asia smiled at her shared love. "I'm feeling better now." She sighed.

"He~h!" Aika teased as she approached her fellow devils and wrapped one arm around the brunette's neck, intentionally pressing her breasts against his side. "Asia is feeling sick, my lord." She teased. "Maybe you should give her a shot." She wiggled her eyes.

"Aika, not you too." He sighed as he ruffled her hair.

The three counted Pawn of Sona laughed as she fixed her hair, making her way to Asia's desk and sitting on it, flashing her black purple edged panties at her King's shared fiancée. "Maybe I can help." She licked her lips. "You evolved, Issei." She smiled at him. "That means you have more power. That also means you'll get some attention in both good and bad ways." She gave him a worried look. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

Issei nodded, having been explained after he freaked out at the fact that he has two sets of wings. "I think so."

'Don't worry, Hatchling. With this you can now handle twenty percent of my full power.' The red dragoness said with confidence.

'I'll be sure to remember that.' He mentally smiled at the prospect of having more power to protect his loved ones.

"Ise." Raynare called her shared love as she entered classroom, gaining looks from the male populace of the class. She made a beeline to the seated brunette and pecked his cheek.

Before the boys can voice their obvious jealousy, the teacher entered the class. "Okay people settle down. Hyoudou, Kiryu, and Amano, please go back to your seats." After that was done, he gave the class his attention. "Today we have two new students." He announced, raising his hands to stop the class from bursting into a marathon of unneeded questions. "Please come inside you two." He instructed.

Issei wondered who would transfer into the school at such short noticed he also wondered if Sona would be able to have a chest match with him again. His brown eyes widened at the sight of two familiar females stepping into the class.

"Miyamoto Rei." Rei introduced herself, wearing the female's uniform. "Nice to meet you!" she gave a small bow.

"Takagi Saya." Saya also wearing the female uniform of Kouh Gakuen. "Please don't be too much of a bother to me." She added.

"Takagi-san and Miyamoto-san can have the two seats behind Hyoudou." The teacher instructed as he ignore the guys in his class grumbling at how lucky the young Hyoudou was to have the new classmates sitting by him.

Saya and Rei made their way, both getting the attention of the class. Saya reached first and stood by Issei's seat. "My father would like to talk to you. I'm sure you know what he wants to discuss?" She raised an eyebrow.

Issei sighed, but nodded. "Sorry for running off like that." He apologized.

The pinkeye patted his hand before lightly grasping it. "It's alright we have a lot to discus. You and I." She pecked his cheek before sitting behind him, ignoring the class looking in shock at the scene before them, Katase and Murayama blinking at how the brunette was calm.

Rei smiled at the brunette. "Hey, Issei." She pecked his other cheek before she grinned. "We'll be seeing each other a lot more now."

"What the hell is going on?" Genshiro muttered in jealousy as he watched the stronger Pawn gain more attention. His jealousy flared more when he heard his King talked about the brunette gaining a second pair of wings. He gritted his teeth as his finger dug into his desk. 'Issei!' He mentally growled.

Aika glanced at her fellow Peerage member, not liking the look he was giving the current host or Ddraig. She locked eyes with him, her expression giving a clear message.

Don't do anything stupid.

The blonde male simply scoffed as he looked away.

Issei sighed, but still smiled. 'I'll do my best to protect you all.' He mentally vowed as he took out his notebooks.


On a building, not so far from the school campus, stood a female about twenty three. She has grey hair that is soft spiked and leads to her shoulders with two bangs framing her face with middle fringe over her forehead being white. Her eyes are blue, but shifted to yellow as she growled. Her bust is at most a DD-cup bust. She wears a white four unbuttoned shirt that's shows a good amount of her cleavage with a tied knot at the front that shows her flat toned stomach with a black and white piercing on her bellybutton. She also wears a set of pants that are torn from the thighs down with an opening at the back that shows her butt crack.

"I found you, fucker." She chuckled as her teeth grew longer and sharper. "I'm going to sink my teeth in your flesh for what you did." She said before leaping away.


Inside an alley, a teen was standing among a group of beaten men. She was about eighteen years old and has dark blue hair set in a twin tails that reaches her thighs and were held by red ribbons. She also has two chest length bangs framing her face with a small fringe between her brown eyes. She's dressed in a long sleeved white buttoned shirt that strains against her E-cup bust, a black skirt that reaches to her shins that has a long slit from her thighs to the end.

"Wendy." A female's voice hissed. The voice belongs to a purple serpent with violet scales and a light colored underside. Crowning her head are four stubbed horns, two on either side. Her eyes are green with black slit pupils. "You're waisting your time here" The serpent stated.

"I guess." The girl scratched her head as she looked around. "We have to find him, Cubellios." She sighed as she sat back down and rubbed her eyes.

"These men had no information of your target." The snake replied as she coiled around the female's neck and rest her head on the left shoulder. "Do you have the reports on you?"

Wendy nodded as she was digging in her bag that she brought along with her and pulled out a photo. "The report stated that it's a dragon that took a human's form." She hummed. "He's cute." She sighed.

"No need for that." The serpent hissed. "We have no time to waste. Remember this dragon has claim lives and women against their wills." The serpent hissed at the picture as she narrowed her eyes.

Wendy clenched her fist as she took a deep breath before blowing a small stream of purple mist unto the picture. "By the time we're done with him, he'll wish that he was never hatched." She vowed as she threw the picture on the floor and walked away.

The picture slowly fell on the ground to show an image of Issei standing alone as he was waiting for Yuuma on his date. The picture then began to rot, breaking apart into nothing.


Just outside at Kouh's train station, three people stepped out of the cart. The three wore white robes over their forms and hiding their figures.

The tallest one being a male. He had blue hair that frames his head with two bangs framing his face and a black tribal tattoo that looks like the half of a sword over his left eye, the ocular organs being blue. "So this Kouh, huh?" Smells like a devil's breeding ground." He grunted as he shifted a rather large sword wrapped in a white cloth that was pinned with tags that has druid marking on them. "Durandel wants to have some fun hacking them."

"You want to fight, Jerard." The female said in a slight Russian tone. Her eyes are covered with white wrappings, her hair is also blue, but with a green fringe at the right side of her forehead. "Wich way do we have to go?" She asked the other female.

The second female smiled, her robe being too big that the hood hid her eyes from the others, showing that she has chestnut hair bangs framing her face. "It's been a while since I've been here, Xenovia." She said. "But I remember where my friend lives. So we'll start from there and ask direction for Kouh Gakuen." She said.

"We're in devil territory, Irena." The blue haired male scowled. "How can you be so happy?"

"Because I have fate that my dear friend is well." The shorter girl replied as she took out a locket and opened it, showing a picture of a younger Issei.

Future lemons (Not in order):

Dragon Lemon: Esdeath, Erza Scarlet Dragneel Belserion, Erza Knightwalker Dragneel Belserion

Heiress Lemon: Sona Sitri

Heiress Lemon: Rias Gremory

Heiress Lemon: Ravel Phenex

Knight Lemon: Xenovia Quarta, Yuuto Kiba

Queen Lemon: Shinra Tsubaki, Himejima Akeno

Pawn takes Pawn and Bishop Lemon: Kiryuu Aika, Hanakai Momo

Neko Lemon: Kuroka, Koneko, Leone

Servant Lemon: Yubelluna, Xuelan, Karlamine, Mira, Isabella,

Servant Lemon II: Siris, Mihae, Shuriya. Ni, Li, Marion, Bürent.

Fall of an angel Lemon: Shidou Irina

Noble Lemon: Elmenhilde Karnstein

Kendo Lemon: Busujima Saeko, -Busujima- Katase, -Busujima- Murayama

Best friends Lemon: Takagi Saya, Miyamoto Rei.

Demon Lemon: Shizuka, Sailah, Ikaruga,

Mass, water, and power Lemon: Brandish, Juvia, Minerva

Empire Lemon: Mein, Seiryu Ubiquitous, Akame

Wild Lemon: Uzaki Hitomi, Raudi, Leone

Rival Lemon: Vali Lucifer, Wendy Marvel

Ride of the Valkyrie Lemon: Rossweisse

Icy Lemon: Grayfia Lucifuge, Serafall Sitri

Infinite Dragon Lemon: Ophis


DXD (30): Rias Gremory, Himejima Akeno, Toujou Koneko, Asia Argento, Fml Yuuto Kiba, Grayfia Lucifuge, Xenovia Quarta, Elmenhilde Karnstein, Sona Sitri, Shinra Tsubaki, Kiryuu Aika, Hanakai Momo, Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, Shidou Irina, Kuroka, Xuelan, Yubelluna, Karlamine, Isabela, Siris, Mira, Ravel Phenex, Fml Vali Lucifer, Katase, Murayama, Rossweisse, Serafall 'Leviathan' Sitri, Ophis,

HOTD (04): Busujima Saeko, Marikawa Shizuka, Miyamoto Rei, Takagi Saya.

Akame ga Kill (05): Esdeath, Leone, Mein, Seiryu Ubiquitous, Akame

Fairy Tail (08) Erza Scarlet, Erza Knightwalker, Wendy Marvel, Minerva Orland, Ikaruga, Seilah, Brandish Myū, Juvia Lockster

Killing bites (02): Uzaki Hitomi (Honey badger hybrid; Ratel), Raudi (Porcupine hybrid).

Total: 50