Danny Phantom Fanfiction
Boyxboy or Yaoi Slash!
Featuring Dan Phantom and Danny Phantom/Fenton.
Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman! I've only written this to contribute to a fan base!
Danny was captured by none other than his future evil self, and was raped and almost literally eaten alive. Thanks to Clockwork for intervening at the last possible second, Danny was saved and Dan Phantom flew off. Now Danny has been recovering in the hospital for several weeks, and his friends have kept him company. Since Dan killed Danny's parents and sister, the ghost boy has not only been recovering from his injuries, but also from a broken heart. Little do he and his friends know that Dan wants the boy back in his clutches, and will do anything to get him back.
~I'm Still Here~
Danny was soon woken up by sounds of friends calling his name. His vision was first blurry and all he could hear was faint calls coming from Sam. He soon heard a beeping sound like a heart monitor. He looked around and all he saw were blurry shapes. His eyes struggled to adjust.
"Sam, it's him!" There was the sound of Tucker's frantic voice. Running was heard leaving the room and a door was slammed shut. Danny began to worry and tried again to fix his vision but there were still the sight of blurs.
"Don't come near him!" Danny heard Sam yelling from what sounded like down the hall. He opened his eyes, but he still couldn't see very well, just blurs.
There was soon the yelling voice of his friend Tucker and then Vlad! There was the sound of struggle, pushing and shoving and then a scream from maybe a nurse led to another and another. There was the sound of a transformation, like Vlad had changed forms maybe. Danny's eyes were soon focused enough to tell the time on the clock across from him, but he still couldn't move; he was very drowsy.
There was the sound of punches and someone being thrown around; the sound of Sam and Tucker yelling to stop. There was a sudden flash of green and pink light, like plasma was being exchanged. There was the sound of Vlad yelling in frustration, then struggle, then a scream in pain and a loud bang and crash. Sam was now almost crying and Tucker was yelling at whomever to stop and leave his friend alone.
"Please! Just leave us alone! Haven't you done enough!?" Sam yelled and then Danny began to shake as he saw a slim figured being pressed up against his blurred window in his door. The figures hands were raised to the sides of their head and they struggled to get free.
"Let her GO!" Tucker protested and there was then the following sound of him screaming in pain and a crash. The figure was still against the blurred glass.
"Danny! If you can hear me, Ru-" It was Sam's voice calling from the other side of the glass, but she was cut off by a grunt of pain. Blood soon was splattered all over the glass and her body was repeatedly slammed against the door violently. One, two, three, four times! Danny stared in horror and felt a tear escape his eye.
There was the sound of her body dropping to the ground and then silence. Such silence made Danny wonder if everyone outside his room was dead. He soon felt the adrenaline running up his legs and arms, giving him strength to move quickly at removing his IV needle along with all the other bodily attachments. His eyes never left the door. Shaking in fear and adrenaline he got up slowly and quietly.
A large, tall figure suddenly fused through the door like liquid and Danny whipped his head around and bolted off his bed. He rushed to the window and struggled to open it as he attempted to escape. But as he cried in fear, a large hand grabbed a handful of his black hair, lifting him off the ground. Danny kicked and cried, tears purring down and dripping off his cheeks.
"That's the last time I'm letting you slip from my teeth! You hear me?" Danny opened his eyes briefly and then closed them, knowing it was Dan. "LOOK AT ME! YOU HEAR ME!?"Dan thundered and shook Danny's head.
"…mm..." Danny whimpered and continued crying. He held Dan's hands that we're above his head. He didn't want to give up just yet and had to think of a way to get free. But he was way too weak to go ghost.
Dan sighed and put Danny down gently. He turned around and put his hands on his hips while pacing the room. He stopped and tilted his head back laughing. "You're such a character Danny!" He laughed some more and turned to look at the shaken teen. Danny stared at him wide eyes in fear. "You know I can tell you're holding back, I can smell it off you!" His deep voice thundered in Danny's ears.
"Please, can you please stop…, you've killed my friends, you've killed my family…you've killed my girlfriend right in front of me!" Danny found his courage and stood up. "I'm not taking anymore bullshit from you! I will NOT do a single thing you say. I will fight you till the minute I die, and I will die knowing that NONE OF THEIR DEATHS WERE MY FAULT!" Danny was now right in front of Dan and his eye level was only at his logo on his chest. Dan smiled darkly down at him and gripped the boy's shoulders with his claws, throwing him over across the room. Danny's limp body hit the wall with a thud and he bounced to the floor. "Never…Will I give up…" Danny supported himself with his arms and looked up at Dan from the floor.
Dan approached Danny and grabbed his arm roughly, picking him up. "Time for you to grow up!" The ghost passed through the door with Danny and threw the boy into a pool of blood. Sam's face was now facing Danny's as he lie on the floor. Her eyes open and her mouth in a gape. Danny screamed and got up but then slipped in the blood, landing on his rear end with a splat sound. He lifted his hand to cover his mouth, hoping not to vomit as he looked around him at all the dead bodies. Three nurses, Vlad, Tucker and Sam. "See what I can do? You can do it too. I've decided to teach you how to be like me." Dan crossed his arms and ginger widely. "And we're gonna start with the visuals."
Danny looked up at him then back at Sam's bloody face. "No… I'll never be like you!" The teen struggled to get up and he started running down the hall but tripped again, this time over his own feet. "Oof!" He landed hard, just barely catching himself with his arms.
Dan began walking toward him, and his posture was tall and strong. Lights began to flicker as he walked down the hall and his eyes glowed more and more as the lights dimmed. "You don't have a choice, Danny. It's only a matter of time." Dan reached the shaken boy and swiftly punched him dead in the forehead, knocking him to the ground and he was out cold.
Dan sat quietly on one of Clockwork's cog wheels. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs and his hands fisted under his chin. He stared darkly as Danny's non-moving body as it lies on the floor. His belly facing the floor while his head tilted to the side in Dan's direction. The boy was still in his hospital gown and the back was a bit revealing near the rear end. Dan didn't mind at all.
Dan's ghost sense went off and he look to his left where Clockwork was approaching him. "Alright, here's your time medallion. Just take it and leave before someone sees you with this poor, helpless child." Clockwork made it sound a bit sarcastic but serious at the same time, it was kind of strange. He held out the medallion and Dan snatched it from him.
Danny made a groaning noise and moved his head a little. "Damn, and I was hoping he'd stay out till we got home. Oh well." Dan said with a shrug and put the medallion within Danny's chest while making it intangible. The boy moved and looked up at Dan as he picked him up, throwing Danny's limpness over his shoulder.
Clockwork clicked the button on his staff and Dan's timeline was shown in the time mirror as a barren wasteland, covered in ash and ruin. "Don't hurt him too much, please. I like to view a clean show. I will also be checking up on you and the boy every now and then."
"Why?" Dan asked while standing in front of the mirror.
Clockwork sighed, "I care about him just as much as you do, Dan. Don't you forget, that my goal is to keep both of you alive."
Dan rolled his eyes and hopped into the mirror, disappearing.
"Now to explain this to my employers…" The time ghost sighed once again and switched the time in the mirror to the present in Danny's town. There were ghost swarming the place, terrorizing the folk. "The question is: How am I going to explain it?"
Dan flew Danny's drowsy self to a rundown town and then to a somewhat standing neighborhood. In the neighborhood there were a few large run down houses but one house that seemed to be in fine condition, and it was very large. Dan flew himself through a wall and into a room with a tall ceiling and sitting area. Dan set Danny on one of the larger couches of the three in the room, and as his body settled into the cushion his face sank a little and his long black bangs covered his eyes. He groaned and tried pulling himself together; Dan watched while sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and his hands on his knees.
Danny opened his eyes and could see Dan looking straight at him through the breaks in his hair. He knew Dan knew he was awake, it was all too obvious. But Danny wished he didn't, maybe he could surprise him. He felt his ghost half and figured he could blast him with some plasma and maybe get the chance to get away.
Danny swallowed his fear and prepared himself. He knew he had to be quick as soon as he fired. He wasn't sure where an exit was so he thought it being best to just fly up through the roof.
His hand rose with speed and plasma erupted from his palm. He quickly shot off the couch while transforming to his ghost form and flew up as fast as he could, unknowing if he had hit Dan or not. As he approached the ceiling he turned transparent and was already thinking of flying home when all of a sudden his head hit the hard surface and he nearly knocking himself out cold.
"WHAT THE HELL?" Danny looked below him and saw Dan still sitting on the floor, staring up at him with a sly grin. Danny tried again by pressing his transparent hands on the ceiling, and he still couldn't phase through. He then flew to a window and was knocked back again, then a wall, then another wall. He was bouncing around the room like a fly trying to escape a glass jar. He finally hit the floor nearly breaking his neck and his now tired body rested on the large red carpet.
"Ha! Now THAT was funny! You should try a few dozen more times just to see if it works." Dan back sassed and had a clear view of Danny as he lies beside the couch just a few feet away.
"You sick Asshole! You got some kind of shield around this place or somthin?!" Danny barked in anger as he struggled to stand. He then rubbed his neck while groaning. His hair fell in his face again but it was quickly whipped back out of the way.
Dan tilted his head, staring at Danny like a creep. "I must admit I adore seeing you in pain. Reminds me of the time I killed you the first time." Dan's expression softened and he gave Danny shivers.
"You're a different kind of sick, you know that?" Danny dropped his hand and walked around the couch and sat down in the middle. He leaned forward while only feet away from Dan. There was a moment of silence before Danny spoke up again. "Where am I? And why do you seem to be in such a good mood?"
"Both great questions!" Dan's voice was hyper and energetic, he then sprang up and made Danny jump a little. The tall ghost started walking around the couch. "A: This is one of my many homes. Located in Casper Wyoming. How do you like it so far?"
"Smells like death and looks like a vampires lair." Danny replied, un-amused.
Dan smiled at that and made his way around to the back of the couch. His gloved hands snaked over Danny's shoulders, instantly making him shiver. "B: I'm please that you're trapped here with me and also that you're only wearing a rag with no back and is covered in blood. Makes you seem very attractive..." Dan lowered his voice and rested his cheek on Danny's. "Almost good enough to eat…"
Danny gripped Dan's hands and made the stern suggestion to take them off his shoulders. Dan did so and backed off, he then walked around to the front of the couch again. "Alright, but will you ever let me go?" Danny asked seriously.
Dan turned away with his hands on his hips, now facing away from Danny. "Tell you what… there's a single window in this place that is not blocked and I'll give you the royal privilege of finding it." Danny stood up with vigor. "BUT!" Dan's voice made Danny jump. "There are conditions! No powers. That goes for me too. No phasing through walls or x-ray vision." Danny raised an eye brow at that. He knew he couldn't see through walls, and wondered if Dan could. "I'll give you to the count of 30 before I start looking for you. Cross my heart and hope to die, I won't cheat or skip numbers… you have my word."
Danny lowered his head. Thinking. "What will happen if I lose?" Danny asked while reaching behind him and tying his gown strings tight.
"You'll have to change back to you human form." The larger ghost said and glared at Danny. The teen guessed it was to be sure he didn't use is powers. Danny did as told and transformed with the blue ring of light trailing up his body. He now sat there on the couch… human. Dan gave off a low chuckle that sent shivers down Danny's back. Then, without answering Danny's question he covered his eyes and began to count in slow, deep numbers.
Danny's heart started banging against his chest and he hopped over the couch and ran as fast as his feet could carry him. He went to the first set of doors and opened them without a second thought, running through them and down a long hallway. The hall was immense and long. Pictures of random people hanging on the walls. He looked frantically for any sign of a window, but there were none! "Shit." Danny cursed under his breath as he heard Dan reach 20.
Danny made a turn and went into a room with no windows. He cursed again and bolted out of the room and to the next. This room was a kitchen and had a few windows. He made sure to check each one but they were all blocked. He then began to panic as he heard Dan yell 30.
Dan uncovered his eyes and turned to start walking in the direction of the long hallway.
Danny wasn't confident enough to think he could make a break for it if he went back out in the hall. He could hear Dan calling his name. He looked around and saw an air vent above the fridge and swiftly climbed up onto the counter. He grabbed a knife before he climbed up onto the fridge. The vent was luckily a pull off type and he could quickly get into the shaft before Dan came into the kitchen not moment later. As soon as Dan saw Danny's feet he swiftly leaped up like an animal onto the fridge and grabbed Danny's ankle. Danny yelped and swung the knife down at Dan's hand along with trying to kick him, missing till his waste was hanging out as Dan kept pulling. Danny was finally able to nick Dan's hand and it got him to slip his grip. Danny scurried back into the vent, getting away.
"Ha! I love fast food, Danny!" Dan laughed and watched down the vent till Danny made a right. Dan went out into the halls and looked up, listening. He could hear the bending of the metal shaft. He listened and followed the sound down the hall till Danny stopped. Dan stopped, smiling.
Danny rested himself, while laying himself down. The vent was extremely hot and he was sweating profusely. His knees were tired and he felt like this was a safe place to sleep for a moment, that is if Dan kept his word.
"I know you're up there, Danny! You can't live in there." Danny's eyes shot open and he looked down. He didn't know till now that Dan was directly below him. He had to find a way of giving him the slip.
"I bet I can!" Danny shouted and his voice echoed up and down the air shaft.
Dan kept looking up, grinning widely. "Oh Danny, if only you know how much I am enjoying this. Hunting you has been one of my dreams! At least make it interesting!"
Danny figured he could quietly snake along. Quietly enough so Dan couldn't hear him. He threw the knife as a diversion and it clanked along the walls, echoing. Danny slid on his belly as fast and quietly as he could. Not knowing whether his cheap diversion worked or not.
"Come on Danny, I'm not 5! I know the differences between you're loud knees and a fucking knife!" Dan stood in his tracks not able to hear Danny scooting along. Dan kept standing there for a good minuet till he began to wonder.
Danny was struggling to not breathe too heavily or make a single sound. His heart was probably the loudest thing coming from him. It thumped in his chest like a battering ram. He was still sweating and was beginning to stink.
Dan looked around the ceiling of the hall in wonder. He grinned wickedly as he started walking, unknowing to Danny's whereabouts.
Danny kept scooting and came to an intersection. He thought about it for a bit. "Ok, if it were me, I would go right. But what if he goes the same way? We do have two in the same minds. I guess I'll go left…but what if he thinks I thought this through? Would he even stop to think? Is he that kind of person? I know Vlad would think it through…" Danny bit his tongue in frustration and made a random choice going right. He felt a slight breeze and there was a grate up ahead. He looked down and could barely see what was in the room below. He couldn't sit there and cower forever. He tried pushing the grate and it nearly slipped. But he caught it with his fingers and pulled it up, setting it on the far side of the opening.
Dan meanwhile had come to the intersection in the hallway. He thought about what he said about no powers and the idea came over him to make a clone. "I never said cloning was against the rules." He mumbled to himself. His grin widened and he duplicated himself with no trouble. He parted ways with the clone, both of them grinning wickedly.
Danny dropped out of the air shaft with his bare feet first, landing with a shock. His feet felt like they had settled in a pile of glass. "Fucking son of a Bitch! Holy piss and balls, what the fuck!" Danny thought to himself in a rage of pain. The room stunk and the ground was cold and hard like concrete. He thought he was maybe in a cellar or basement. He tried walking forward in the pitch dark room and he bumped into a waste high table. He felt around and there was what felt like a tackle box and a few tools lying on the table. He felt something tickle his forehead and swatted mid air, thinking it was a spider web. But his finger tips felt a string with a small, cold metal piece at the end. He pulled on it and a lamp flicked on. Looking behind him he nearly yelled but covered his mouth.
In the room there were a few bodies hanging from the ceiling. Their heads were missing and they were stripped naked with what looked like claw marks running all the way down their bodies. The skin was pale and appeared to be a few days old. They stunk too. Danny viewed the rest of the room and there was blood spattered all over the walls and ceiling. The area where Danny fell was a trail of glass leading to a broken window.
"YES!" Danny was now beaming despite the horror of the room. He walked over to the window and it looked like he had made his way into a room more underground because the window was higher up and close to the ground outside. He broke the other pieces left in the frame that might cut him, grabbed a nearby stool and climbed up. Halfway out Danny looked behind him and nearly screamed as he saw Dan running toward him.
"Gotch-Ya, you little shit!" Dan grabbed Danny's waist this time and pulled him all the way back in holding him close to his chest. Danny kicked up his feet and yelled, flaring his arms around like a frantic child. He thought fast and grabbed a shard of glass and swiped behind him, then suddenly dropped to the hard ground.
Danny whipped his head around and Dan had disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.
"Damned, fucking cheater!" Danny yelled and got back up.
The real Dan soon heard Danny's cries and whipped his head around while his eyes glowed bright red. He sprinted down the hall with near lighting speed turning corners swiftly without losing his footing. His grin widened and he began to laugh psychotically as he reached the small stairwell to the basement and bolted into the room, his eyes went straight to the window.
Danny had just made it through and was running as fast as he could down the street. His feet were bloody and cut, while his lungs were beginning to struggle. As he ran he kicked up ash and dust that drifted up into his eyes and went down his throat. He looked behind him and saw Dan running on all fours after him like some crazy animal.
"Shit!" Danny yelled with fear and soon tripped over a piece of shrapnel, leaving a nasty gash in his shin.
"Ha ha! Bitch you're MINE NOW!" Dan called out at Danny as he swiftly caught up to him.
Danny was on the ground holding his leg in pain. "Ahh!" He looked up and Dan was suddenly right in his face. Danny froze, staring back at him. Cold air went up his open backside and he shivered in pain and cold.
"Got you… I win! I win! I win!" Dan yelled and clapped his hands. He kicked ash into Danny's face and his wound, causing him to cough and whimper. "You really think I'd just let you LEAVE!? What a stupid brat you are to think that. HA!" Dan crossed his arms and grinned down at Danny, who was on the brink of crying again.
They both just stood there for a few silent moments; except for Danny groaning in pain. The gash on his leg was large and deep, almost down to the bone. Blood pooled down to his foot and into the grey ash. He held as tight as he could. It was bad and he knew that it needed to be treated.
"Ow… I can't believe I'm asking you this…but can you carry me back to your house so I can clean my leg?" Danny tried so hard not to cry. The ash seeped deep into the gash on his leg and his dirty hands that covered it didn't help much. He also bit his tongue for asking Dan for help.
Dan began to laugh hysterically, and put his hand over his chest. His laugh sounded amused but there was a vibe of joy coming off him that was very noticeable to Danny, making him frown. "Man, you're full of surprises, you know that?" Dan finally replied after his laughter. He then just silently stared at Danny for a few moments as the teen sat in the ash in pain. There was a shiver of eeriness that set over Danny's shoulders as he kept eye contact with the red eyed ghost. Danny seemed to visibly get tense and his shoulders stiffened.
"I don't have all day! You want me to die?" Danny bit his tongue. "Don't answer that! Just please help me."
Dan rowed his head and smiled. "You got it boss!" He replied sarcastically and hoisted the boy up so he was sitting on his shoulders. He began walking back to the house without saying anything else.
"Why don't you just fly us there?" Danny asked.
"Because I'd think this would be a good time to get to know each other. Wouldn't you agree?" He looked up hoping to get Danny's eye contact.
"No." Danny replied while leaning down on Dan's head. His hair flamed up and flowed around Danny's arms and chin. "Also why are you carrying me like this? You seem like the type to knock me out, and then carry me back home." Danny rolled his eyes in reference to the first time Dan knocked him out.
"So you'd have a good view. Take a look around you." Dan said proudly.
Danny looked around and saw houses that were barely standing and the environment was all gray and ash. There wasn't a single sign of a tree or bush, just demolished buildings that looked depressed. He looked up at the sky and it was covered in a thick cloud cover, adding to the grayness to the land. It all made Danny frown and feel alone. His heart ached at the sight. The air was also thin and lacking oxygen, causing Danny to be a bit short of breath.
"Hey! So what do you think?" Dan yelled and Danny jumped.
"Um…Dan…where are we?" Danny asked and felt a little scared.
Dan chuckled. "Guess." The ghost challenged the teen.
Danny swallowed hard. "Um…is this…your time?" As much as he hated to ask, it was all too obvious.
"Mhm" Dan's reply gave Danny a painful feeling in his gut.
"So…you must have put one of Clockwork's time medallions in me, because there sure isn't one around my neck." Danny's voice got small.
"Mhm" Dan's grip tightened on Danny's ankles, just in case he had the idea of flying off.
Danny knew there was nothing he could do about his situation. Unless he convinced Dan somehow to remove the time medallion, he was stuck in this time line…forever. But how the heck did Dan even get a time medallion? Danny felt that dwelling on it wasn't going to make him feel any better, so he tried diverting the conversation.
"Hey, if you did all of this, where are all the bodies of all the people? I mean I haven't seen a single skeleton out here." Danny asked raising his hand a bit.
Dan smirked at that. "I have three answers to that. A: Either buried in ash and rubble. B: Totally and utterly incinerated. Or C: Eaten…mostly by me or other animals that survived the carnage." Dan laughed a little.
Danny shivered. "Also, what's with your hair? It's not burning me and it's definitely fire. So what's the deal?" Danny asked while trying to pull on Dan's flames.
"I can feel that you know?" Dan looked up and growled. Danny snickered and pulled some more. Dan then dug his claws into Danny gash to retaliate, making the teen squeal. "How should I know!? I just got it after my birth. It's cool and doesn't burn me. But it still lights fuels like gas or oil. So your guess is as good as mine."
"Does it fizzle out when it touches water?" Danny asked curiously.
Dan thought a moment. "Well… Truth is I'd much rather keep that to myself." His deep voice sounded small for a split second.
Dan snickered again. "So it does?"
"No! Something else happens when it gets wet and it doesn't matter, so shut your trap!" Dan flared up.
"Ok…I'll keep in mind to find some water and splash it on you."
Dan chuckled. "That will gain you a nice slap across the face." His grin widened. Danny kept quiet the rest of the walk.
As they made their way into the large house, Dan roughly threw Danny back onto the couch that he first woke up on. Back in the large room, the place was all too familiar to Danny after smacking his face on all four walls. He looked around a little and the floors were a dark hard wood with a grand red carpet covering over half the floor. There were book shelves, chairs and a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Must have been a sitting area or something.
Dan took his cape off and threw it on a love seat behind him. He then looked over in Danny's direction, giving him a pretty plain frown. He then suddenly lunged forward a step and flashed a toothy grin at Danny, making him jump back and clench the cushion that was the couch.
"Ha! I'm just kidding with ya'." Dan started walking toward the entrance to the hall. "Stay here! I'll be right back!" Danny heard Dan call back but he didn't look.
Danny was now briefly alone in the room and had a moment to think about his situation. "I've gotta find a way to get rid of him, killing him isn't an option. He's already dead, he can't be killed. So… I can ask nicely…and get laughed at. Maybe I should just wait it out…if I stay alive long enough he might soften up and I can sneak away. But how long could I be on the run? I can't get this time medallion out of me without his help or the ghost gauntlets! And the ghost gauntlets are far away in some unknown cave with Vlad. I'll never be able to find them unless I get into the ghost zone and fine his portal! Damn it I'm stuck here!" Danny took a pillow and threw it with frustration. "And if the worse comes up psycho pants will probably brain wash me again."
Danny ghost sense went off and he turned to look over the back of the couch and saw Dan coming toward him with a towel and bottle of some sort. "What's that?" Danny asked as Dan walked around the couch and knelt down in front of him.
The ghost picked up Danny's gashes leg and rested it on his thigh. "Alcohol." Dan replied and opened the bottle. It was a white bottle with a devil girl silhouette on the side. Danny took a pillow quickly and bit down on the corner.
"What kind of alcohol?" Danny asked, trembling, knowing it was going to hurt like a bitch.
Dan just gripped Danny's ankle tightly and purred it over the filthy wound. Danny's pillow did nothing as he just threw his head back and screamed in agony. The wound oozed a light foam and the drink pooled in the dip of the gash, making a puddle. Dan then bent down and licked the drink out of the gash, cleaning it completely. Danny was shaking in shock and pain, his nails dug into the sides of the pillow and his eyes were tightly clenched. Dan then unwrapped the towel and inside it was a bottle of ointment. Dan took the towel and dried the pulsing wound on Danny's shaking leg, then opened the bottle of ointment and pushed a bunch inside the gash. He rubbed it in with his thumb, then took his palm and covered the wound with plasma.
"Alright you big baby, all done." Dan said while taking the now soaked towel of blood and alcohol, throwing it at Danny's face, making a smacking sound. Danny just let the towel slide off as he sat up. "That's the last time I'm helping you with a stupid boo boo. Next time you do it yourself." Dan snapped in a mean tone.
Danny's swallowed his ego. "Thank you." He said with his voice low. He looked down at his leg and poked the plasma that glowed over his gash. "How would this even work? I've never heard or seen anything like it in the ghost zone, or anywhere for that matter."
Dan sat down in the love seat across from Danny. "One day I was in a bit of a pickle with a ghost and they nicked me on the arm, and then managed to blast me with plasma on the same cut. I killed them because it hurt like hell. But a few days later the plasma had seeped into my skin and the cut had healed. Sure beats letting it sit out in the open all bloody and gross." Dan explained and relaxed in his chair, looking at Danny who seemed a bit confused. "I don't know how the fuck it works! But it does the job and that's all that matters."
Danny sat back and tried relaxing. There was a deathly silence between the two and the only sound going into their ears was the wind knocking on the window and the very house creaking. Dan kept starring at Danny with a dark look in his eyes. The room was dim and lacked a sufficient light source. The only light in the room came from the window and Dan's eyes glowed easily.
Danny's began to doze off. His day was exhausting and his body was giving up. Dan noticed this and took it as a chance. He stood up quietly and Danny was as still as a rock. The ghost came right up to the boy and used his claw to cut the boy's shoulder. Danny's eyes shot open and he yelped in confusion. The cut left a stinging feeling that shot down his arm.
"What the hell!?" Danny wrapped his palm around the cut and Dan only laughed.
"I'm just getting a drink! Is there something wrong with that?" Dan asked and pinned Danny by extending his large arms on each side of the shaken teen.
"Danny, Danny, Danny. Have you not noticed at all that I eat humans? I drink their blood too, and I'm a bit parched from chasing you down." Dan's voice went low. "So I hope you don't mind…" Dan lowered his mouth to the cut before Danny could protest and started sucking on his shoulder.
"Yes I do mind! I think it's gross and unnatural, so fuck off!" Danny yelled in anger as he attempted to push Dan off by pressing his hands against his large chest. But of course Dan seemed to weigh a ton and it was pointless. "Stop!" Danny shouted and Dan ignored.
Dan couldn't help himself but bit Danny a little, pushing his teeth sharp fangs into his shoulder, causing more blood to flow into his mouth. The ghost began to shiver in delight and his mouth started watering and drool dripped down Danny's arm. Dan gripped Danny's arms and perched himself on top of the teen's pelvis, sitting on his lap. He kept sucking and sucking till he finally threw his head back and let out a long sigh.
"You finished!?" Danny shouted and kept pushing on Dan to get off.
Phantom put plasma over Danny's shoulder and kept holding him down against the couch. His mouth and chin was now dripping with blood, and he licked as much as he could before wiping himself off.
"Please, get off me!" Danny was still flustered and pushing on Dan. Dan only lowered his weight onto Danny's chest, causing the boy to flare his legs a bit. "GET OFF ME!" Danny screamed and he made eye contact with Dan. To Danny's surprise, Dan's eyes were soft and calm along with the rest of his expression. It gave Danny a puzzled look.
"I can never get used to how good you taste." Dan's voice was so low and soft it sounded sexual!
"Uh huh…just get off me before I blow your head off." Just then Danny's eyes flashed green.
"Please do, I love it when you get mad at me." Dan continued with his low voice. "In fact, the more you push against me the more turned on I get." At this point the ghost now sounded husky and out of breath, making Danny ever more uncomfortable.
"Ok…" Danny was trying to think of something to say that would benefit his situation. "Play his game till he lets down his guard? It's not gonna be pleasant but at least it might give me a chance to get away." Danny thought to himself and swallowed hard. He wasn't sure what to do but he figured going with it was his best avenue. He slowly pushed his pelvis toward Dan's and the feeling made him want to gag as he felt something hard. "Ok Fenton…it's just an act till he lets down his guard. It's not real, it's not real, it's not real!" Danny began to sweat with nervousness as Dan pushed against his pelvis, and the boy's hips sank into the back of the couch.
"You giving up?" Dan grinned and pressed his forehead against Danny's, making intense eye contact.
Danny knew he had to get Dan to believe him. So he relaxed his body, letting Dan push himself all onto the teen's chest and pelvis. Danny thought relaxing would be enough of an answer. But Dan kept looking at Danny like he wanted a spoken answer. The teen lowered his voice and relaxed his throat. "Uh...Y-Yes…Dan." His teenage voice sounded out of breath and low. Danny even relaxed his face and eyes to make himself look tired.
Dan grinned and let his hands graze Danny's neck. He parted his lips in a gesture for a kiss, and Danny closed his eyes, regretting his choice completely. Their lips slowly joined and Danny kept his tongue back hoping it wouldn't touch Dan's. But of course Phantom invaded Danny's mouth the first chance he got and explored the surface of his smaller tongue with his forked, snake tongue. Danny noticed the taste of blood in Dan's mouth and it was a slightly bitter.
Danny also didn't want to act too hard or else Dan might notice. So he made sure to keep his hands to himself. Phantom's hands gripped Danny's hair and pulled his head back over the back of the couch, exposing his neck. Dan then licked all up and down Danny's scar from when he chewed on his neck the first time. His eyes were fluttering and his body was getting more and more heavy to Danny, almost to a crushing point.
The teen couldn't take much more because his chest was being compressed to the point of barely being able to breathe. He planted his hands on each side of Dan's hips and pushed a little. "Please, Dan…I can't get much air with you crushing me." This time Danny's was breathless for real, and Dan let up but not quite sitting up straight. The ghost stared down at Danny with a soft expression.
"I think you'd be more comfortable like this." Dan grabbed Danny by the hips and hoisted him up, turned them both around so now Danny was sitting on top. "There…" Dan said and reaches around to Danny's backside, untying the strings to his now filthy gown. It was covered in blood and ash along with Danny's face; he looked like he had been through hell and back. The bow easily came undone and Dan slid the garment off the boy's shoulders and his bare chest was revealed. No hair, no fat, just a slim figure belonging to a 15 year old boy.
"…um…"Danny was a bit speechless and refused to fuck anything up by saying something. He just kept it to himself. "What a fucking pervert! I can't believe I got myself into this mess! This is so embarrassing!" Danny thought to himself.
Dan smirked and took his gloves off, throwing them to the ground. His turquoise hands grazed Danny's bare chest causing the boy to shiver. Dan took it as a compliment and pinched the boy's perked nipples. Danny flinched and quickly grasped Dan's wrists in protest.
"I'm sensitive there…please don't." Danny said with a serious voice. It made Dan grin and he gripped them tighter and twisted them hard. "Ah! That hurts!" Danny threw his head back a little and gripped Dan's wrists tighter. Dan chuckled quietly and stopped, dropping his hands to Danny's hips. The gown was still resting in front of Danny's dignity and Dan noticed, pulling it off and onto the ground it fell. Danny covered himself calmly and his face was now the Spanish red.
"Aww, Danny, come on. It's not like I haven't seen it before." Dan smirked again and coaxed Danny's hands away so he could see. It was soft and small; causing Dan threw his head back and laughs hysterically. Danny crossed his arms and looks ashamed while still blushing. "You're so cute and small, of course I'm going to laugh!" Dan barked as though he could read Danny's thoughts.
Danny just sat on Dan's lap in a pouting manner and looked away. Dan finally stopped laughing after a good minuet. He suddenly surprised Danny by gripping onto his small shaft. Dan smirked and kept staring at Danny who was flustered beyond comprehension. "Mm…huh, Dan. Please don't."
"What? You gonna tell me you're sensitive there too? Pease, you're so pathetic." Dan snapped and roughly jerked Danny, making his face relax and his head tilted back. He was soon hard and Dan was satisfied. It seemed about a decent length when fully hard, almost 6 inches. "Interesting…you bend to the left a little just like me." Dan spoke softly and surprised Danny by sitting up, now right in front of his face. Dan grabbed Danny's wrist and pulled them up so they rested on Dan's large shoulders. Danny looked away, knowing that the last time he was in Dan's lap like this he got brain washed and nearly died.
"I'm not gonna let you brain wash me again." Danny said with a serious voice and kept looking to his right.
Dan chuckled and put his hands on each side of Danny's face, so he would make eye contact. "From the look of things I won't have to." His comment made Danny's gut clench, because he was right. "If you truly didn't want me to touch you, you would be kicking and screaming, and fighting me. But you said it yourself…you gave into me." Dan's deep voice crept up Danny's neck and into his ear. The ghost kissed Danny's cheek, then his nose and ended at his mouth, where he just left a small peck.
Danny felt the urge to scream and punch Dan so much, but he kept to his plan. "Yes... I give myself to you." Danny whispered and wrapped his arms around Dan's shoulders tighter. The action makes Danny's insides to clench and he felt the urge to throw up.
Dan breathed down Danny's neck and shoved him to the floor, surprising Danny. He stood up and disrobed in front of the teen. His boots were tossed carelessly to the side along with the top of his jumpsuit. He was now only left with his pants on. He stared wickedly down at Danny with a wide grin. "Will you do the honors?" Dan asked and watched as Danny's eyes shifted to the other man's crotch.
Danny's breath hitched and he thought to himself that he didn't have any other choice. He sat up on his knees in front of Dan and undid the belt and zipper. He stopped. "It's just a penis. It's just a penis…" Thinking to himself and reached for the waste line of Dan's pants and pulled down, nearly being smacked in the face by what sprang out. Danny fell back onto his rear and scooted himself back. Dan laughed and kicked his pants off the rest of the way.
The teen's blue eyes shifted to Dan's pelvic area. He swallowed hard as he stared… it was at least 7 inches. "So…what now." Danny could barely hear himself with such a soft whisper.
The large ghost got on his hands and knees and cornered Danny against the love seat. Dan didn't bother replying to Danny's question and kissed the boy roughly, his large clawed hands reached for Danny's length that was once again limp from lack of attention. Their tongues danced, rubbing against each other with saliva dripping down their chins. Danny wanted to gag at the sounds of Dan moaning in his mouth, and his tongue felt very slick, like it was coated with slime. Dan multitasked as he stroked Danny while kissing him. Danny did his best to keep his hands to himself as he was getting the urge to hold onto the ghosts large shoulders. The teen was also feeling his energy being drained, and he slipped from his slouched position against the love seat onto the floor. His fall broke the long kiss and they both took the moment to breathe.
"You're so motivated with that tongue, Daniel." Dan's words surprised Danny when he called him by his full first name. Made him think of Vlad and how he used to call him that. Then again, this monster was a concoction of him and Vlad. Danny thought that maybe Dan was in touch with some of Vlad traits, giving him the upper hand because he knew Vlad better then Dan.
"You too, Frootloop."
Dan chuckled. "I'm not Vlad, Danny." Dan sat up in between the teen's bare legs. This made Danny feel so much better because of the new found distance between him and the ghost. "I don't want to ever be compared to that Cheesehead." The remark made Danny softly giggle under his breath.
"So… You're more me then you are him?" Danny asked and sat up against the love seat again. He kept his head down while looking up at Dan.
Dan laughed and then made eye contact with the boy; his eyes glowed bright red and he licked his lips. "I don't know. Guess I'm sort of your son in a sense. Well, considering I'm the result of you and Vlad; guess this is what your kid would look like." Dan smirked at Danny's disgusted expression.
"You had to make that a reality, didn't you?" Danny said while crossing his arms and had a glaring face.
Dan closed the gap between them again with a rough kiss and causing Danny to gasp. The ghost grabbed the teen's small shoulders and pushed him back onto the floor with a thud. His large legs were now on the outside of Danny's hips and he pushed their pelvises together. Dan grinder himself against the smaller ones crotch and was gifted with moans.
Danny wasn't sure what to think of his situation anymore. His face was warm and red and his insides were bubbling. He wasn't sure if Dan was brainwashing him again or if his body was betraying him. Every second that went by, Danny could feel his ghost powers dimming more and more, and he wasn't sure why. Maybe Dan was stealing his energy, knowing that ghost can do that. They will steal the energy from others for personal gain. Dan was silently sucking the life out of Danny! This made escaping a totally failed idea, because without his ghost powers he wouldn't be able to fly away fast enough.
Danny squirmed as Dan began kissing at Danny's neck. He didn't want the vampire biting him again. But the ghost didn't, he was strangle only pecking small kisses down the teen's neck, kissing his collar bone then his Adams apple and trailing down to his chest. Danny shivered at almost every kiss, they were so gentle to the touch, it defied Dan's personality.
Danny squirmed when Dan started sucking on his perked nipple. "Huh…Dan…" The raven haired boy slowly arched his back and tilted his head. Dan sucked hard, leaving his gentle kisses behind, he twisted at the other nipple and enjoyed every moan coming from the boy's lips. Danny's hands tensed and he clawed at the red carpet below him.
"Dan, please…stop." Dan only smirked and went lower till her reached Danny's naval. His tongue slithered around his belly and licked inside the small navel hole. Danny moaned again and began breathing heavily, his head still tilted back. His thoughts clouded and his energy almost completely gone, wishing he never let into Dan's desires. Dan didn't stop and went lower.
Danny's eyes shot open to the wet feeling of Dan's tongue on his hard shaft. He began twitching to the ghosts light licks. Dan flicked his tongue at the head and Danny jolted at each flick of that warm tongue. Dan took in the whole length of Danny's cock, causing Danny to gasp aloud. His hips uncontrollably bucked slightly causing his dick to go deeper down Dan's hot throat.
"Dan!...Uh-huh…please…it feels…it's too much!" Danny called out as Dan began sucking hard accepting every buck from Danny's hips. The teen began to feel a head rush as he tilted his head back more. Why was he enjoying any of this? Was this Dan's game, to make him want him?
He couldn't take much more as Dan sucked harder. The ghosts head bobbed faster as he cupped Danny's balls, and they felt tight. Danny bucked faster and Dan easily took all of Danny into his mouth. This continued for a couple minutes, and Danny would enjoy the sound of Dan choking every now and then.
Suddenly Danny felt his shaft twitch and tense up as he came full force into Dan's mouth, who took all of it in his mouth. Danny let out a loud groan and arched his back up high. Dan let go of the boy's member and came close to his face and hovered over him with his lips smiling and his red eyes beaming. He parted his lips slightly and drool and cum dripped down onto Danny's face. The boy turned his head to avoid the gross substance but the ghost moved so that the fluid went all over Danny's eyelids, cheeks, chin, lips and neck.
When Dan was done he leaned down to kiss his victim and had a little cum left over on his tongue to let Danny taste it. "Ah! You sick!" the teen whipped his head to the side with a disgusted face.
Dan chuckled. "Oh come on, Danny. You know you enjoyed every bit of it, so don't give me that face." Dan said while tilting his head to try and make eye contact with the boy.
Danny kept his eyes closed and tried collecting his thoughts. "I need to get away from him…before he does something unforgivingly horrible." Danny thought to himself while slowly opening his eyes and wiping them soon after due to spit crawling into his eyelids. "Can you let me clean myself? I'm filthy and feel really gross." Danny said while making eye contact with the ghost. He was asking to bathe for two reasons. One was to actually get clean and the other was to hopefully get away from Dan.
Dan smiled, giving Danny a sense of hope. "I suppose…but first…" Dan took Danny by surprise and flipped him swiftly onto his belly. This caused Danny to cry out in pain due to his hurt leg.
"What…Dan? Please…I know what you're going to do, please don't….it hurt so much the last time! I-I'll do…" Danny began to panic as Dan took hold of his black hair and push his head roughly to the floor. "I…I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Danny felt fear creeping through his chest and his heart was painfully pounding. He almost regretted saying what he said and tilted his head, hoping to see Dan's face, if at all to hopefully see if he was calm or mad.
Dan kept hold of Danny's hair and just sat there while staring at his back. "Anything?"
"Anything! Please, oh please just don't…don't fuck me…please." Danny's voice was now breaking and was on the brink of crying.
Dan let go of Danny's hair and pulled him up so the teen's back was now resting on the ghost's large chest. "Alright then…but someone has to fuck someone…" Dan said softly against Danny's ear, his deep voice echoing. Danny began to sweat.
Dan pushed Danny forward and the ghost fell back. Danny turned around and saw the muscled Phantom on his back, on the floor with his arms behind his head. He looked down at Danny as he sat there in confusion while staring at Dan.
"Well what?" Danny asked, sitting himself up on his knees.
Dan bent his legs and spread them revealing all his manhood. He just lay there, smiling.
"No! I'm not,…no, just NO. N.O. No!" Danny crossed his arms.
"Alright, I'll take you instead." Dan said carelessly and began to sit up when Danny lunged forward and grabbed Dan's neck.
Dan was taken by surprise, and fell back to the ground, hitting his head with a hard thud. Danny gripped his neck hard and choked Dan as best he could. The ghost gripped Danny's shoulders and tried pushing him off while struggling to breath. Danny on the other hand felt his courage and his eyes shined green and he transformed. His hair now snow white and his strength increased he choked Dan with as much might as his arms could muster. The larger ghost put his large hand over Danny's face and blasted it with a burst of green plasma. The light shined bright and lit the whole room for a brief moment. But when the light dimmed Danny was still there, un-phased.
"You can't hurt me! I won't let you!" Danny called out and noticed Dan as he began to really struggle. His eyes were dimming from their bright red and he kicked up his legs and wrapped them around Danny trying to flip him. But the teen seemed to weigh a ton! He couldn't flip him no matter how much he tried. Danny's hands began to shine green and he prepared himself to blast Dan's head off!
Just as Dan felt his consciousness fade a bright blue light shined to the ghost's right. Danny had no time to react as something hard smacks him in the back and then in the face. Dan took his chance and shoved the boy off and threw him over onto the love seat.
Danny blinked and saw Clockwork glaring at him. The thing that smacked him must have been his staff, and it hurt like hell.
"Clockwork!" Danny barked in shock and frustration. He almost had Dan, and what just stopped him would have never been expected.
"You little shit!" Dan thundered and stood up ready to charge the boy before Clockwork raised his staff to stop the ghost; its barbed end resting sideways on Dan's chest. Dan gave the time ghost a hard stare.
"I figured Danny would finally lash out, but I didn't think his courage could over power your Strength, Phantom." Clockwork said with an amused tone. His staff was still resting on Dan's large chest. Dan took the staff and pushed it away.
"Ok! What the hell!? Clockwork you better explain all of this!" Danny shouted.
Dan glared over at Danny still furious with him and he began walking toward the boy before clockwork took his staff and full force swung it at Dan's face, hitting it with a 'smack' sound. He then swung it around to smack him on the ass. "Leave the boy alone!" Clockwork urged Dan to sit on the couch across from the love seat with a forceful glare; Dan did so and sat onto the couch resting his hands in his lap. "Daniel… I'm sorry this has happened to you-"
"Bullshit!" Dan snapped. Clockwork had just about had it and smacked Dan again, this time on the top of his head.
"Shut your mouth, you pathetic excuse for a ghost." Clockwork barked at Dan causing him to cross his arms and pout. "Daniel, as I was saying…This is actually all my fault."
"Clock-face over here let me put a time medallion in you so I could take you back to my time line." Dan rudely interrupted and got another glare from Clockwork.
"I don't understand…why? I thought…Clockwork I thought we were friends! I thought you hated Dan!" Danny felt tears well up in his eyes.
Clockwork sighs and floats over to the ghost teen. He rests his gloved hand on his shoulder, "I did this for personal reasons, Daniel. I…As much as it pains me to say this; I only let Dan take you so that I could…watch…"
"What! Clockwork, he almost killed me! And you just wanted to see him molest me!? What about the first time he got to me!? Did you let him do that too?! Was all this your sick plan?" Danny slapped the time ghosts hand away and stood up with both ghosts staring at him, "I trusted you and now I'm stuck with…with him!" Danny pointed to Dan who was enjoying seeing him upset. "I wanna go home Clockwork! I want to….I…" Danny paused and started to cry. He couldn't go home; there was no point as he remembers all his friends and family were dead. His tears streaming down his cheeks. He felt hopeless and alone. He couldn't trust Clockwork, Vlad was killed too, everyone else at school thought of him as a freak and nobody in the ghost zone would take him. He had nobody, he was forever alone and doomed to be a victim of Dan and Clockworks desires. He covered his face and dropped to the floor in tears.
Dan just sat on the couch staring at his younger self. Clockwork tilted his head down, not saying a word.
After several painful moments of just the sounds of Danny sobbing, Dan sat up and picked up his cape. He went over to Danny and draped the soft cloth over the sobbing boy. He then picked him up bridle style; his large arms fit perfectly around the boy's back. Clockwork looked over at the two and Dan stared darkly at the time ghost.
"I'm gonna put him to bed." Dan said darkly while keeping eye contact with Clockwork who was surprised at Dan's actions. "Now get out of my house…"Dan said and looked at Danny who was curled up in the large ghost's chest, crying still. "Or I'll make you." Dan's eyes slowly looked back up at Clockwork. The glare was intimidating enough to make the time ghost teleport out of there.
"I'm alone..." Danny sobbed. Dan looked down at the boy. "Everyone who every loved me is dead…" Danny began to cry even more, his sobs turned to cries that echoed through the large room and tears purred from his eyes. He cried and cried, curling up tight to Dan's chest.
Dan began walking towards the hall. "No…I'm still here, Danny." Dan said softly and carried Danny away to the bedroom.
Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it!
*Spoilers…Dan might go soft in the next chapter…