AN: Hey Ravens! This is my first fanfic, I hope you like it! I will try to update daily. This is just the intro, so tell me what you think.

"TRIS!" Christina yells in my ear, startling me awake. I instantly shoot up in bed, causing me to hit my head on the bunk above.

"Ow!" I groan rubbding my forehead and falling back onto the bed. "What the hell do you want?" I grumble, reaching for my blanket.

"Well for one are you okay Tris?" Christina asks laughing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern. I'm glad you find my pain funny." I tell her sarcastically sinking deeper into the mattress.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry but it was hilarious from my point-of-view." She tells me giggling.

"Also she was supposed to tell you that they're announcing the ranks in like five minutes, so get-up." I hear Will say a little further away.

"Wait right now!" I say, getting up fast but I'm so excited for the ranks I end up hitting my head on the bunk above me, again. Ow! Why does this keep happening. I rub my head and slowly get up careful not to hit myself.

When I'm on my feet Christina is on the floor dying of laughter and Will is using the wall to steady himself. Wow! Thanks guys your such good friends. I can see how worried you are. Note the sarcasm.

"Okay, lets get going." I say trying to get their attention. "Guys... Race you!" I scream taking off to the cafeteria. I hear a faint 'wait I can't even get up' and a 'not fair' but I just laugh and keep running.

"I won!" I yell throwing my arms up in triumph. As we burst into the cafeteria completely breathless.

"Yeah, because you cheated!" Will tells me.

"Did not!" I retort

"Did too!" He tells me

"Did not! I'm just naturally better than you at everything!" I tell him hands on my hips.

"Oooh! Burn!" Christina says in between laughs.

"Whatever!" Will says, rolling his eyes and walking over to an empty table with me and Christina in tow.

Just then Max walks to the front of the room and stands in front of a black screen. The room gradually quiets down so Max can speak.

"Initiates, for those of you who have made it in the top 10, congrats you have successfully completed your initiation. For those of you who have not made it you have the rest if the day to pack-up and head to faction less. Here are your ranks." Max tells us, while moving to the side so we can see the board behind him.

The board lights up and shows us our ranks which are:



3-person I don't know





8-person I didn't know existed


10-person I don't care about

Holy crap! I did it! I made it first! All of my friends made it so I'm really happy for them. Peter also made it that did dampen my mood but who cares? Now I have a chance to make his life a living hell.

I'm pulled out of my train of thought by Christina and Will practically making-out. Eww! Disgusting! Talk about PDA!

"Guys! I understand your happy that you made it, but don't celebrate like that." I yell at them, they both pull away blushing.

"Tris!" Shouts a familiar voice

"Uraih!" I call back, getting up from the table.

"Congrats first!" He tells me pulling me in for a bear hug.

"You too... On being second best!" I reply laughing, which causes him to frown. Well the best frown that Uraih can muster.

"Aww! What's wrong with Uri? Is he sad he didn't get first?" Marlene asks like she's talking to a baby.

"Hey! That hurt and just so you know the only reason I didn't get first was... well... you know... because... I..." Uraih stutters trying to find an excuse.

"...I have talent and you don't." I say finishing for him, which makes Mar laugh.

"It's okay Uri. I feel you. I can't believe I got outranked by a Stiff." Lynn says, coming up from behind Uraih and patting his shoulder. "I probably can't call you Stiff anymore though, huh?" She says looking at me.

"Nope you must now call me Tris the terrific!" I say happily

"Yeah... I'm not doing that, Tris" She says looking at me skeptically.

"Oh my! You know my name it's a miracle." I tell her sarcastically my eyes wide, she rolls her eyes and her, Mar, and Uri walk to where Will and Christina are at.

"Hey." Says a voice from behind me, I turn around and I'm met with Tobias. "Do you think giving you a hug would give away to much?" He asks me. Would it? You know what screw it.

"You know I really don't care." I tell him before I crash our lips together and in that moment everything is perfect. I pull away smiling, but then reality hits me on the face like a brick.

"OH! MY! GOD!" I hear Christina say, I turn around to find my friends staring at us with their mouths dropped. Well this will be fun. "Tris! Tell me everything now!" Christina shouts, jumping over the table to get to me then dragging me to what I now consider my 'interrogation chair'.

"Right um, what do you want to know?" I ask her uncertainly, please let this be over. Please let this be over.

"Okay, when did this start happening?" She questions

"Um about halfway through initiation." I tell her,

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks looking hurt. Great how do I answer that one. After all she is my best friend.

"Chris I really wanted to, trust me I did. I just couldn't risk anyone thinking my score was because of our relationship." I plead to her, her features soften and she nods in understanding.

"Okay, that makes sense. Oh I know have you guys had your first kiss yet." She asks me excitedly, uggh what does this have to do with anything.

"Yeah." I say vaguely, hoping that'll get me out of this. I was so wrong.

"Where?" She pushes

"By the chasm." I say getting annoyed.

"Aww! That's kind of cute. Okay last question do you trust him?" She asks me looking way to serious. What kind of question is that? Out if the corner of my eye I see Tobias's eyes flick up to meet mine.

"Yes, yes I do." I reply nodding

"Okay!" Christina says letting me go and walking over to Tobias a fiery look in her eye. Oh no what is she doing. "You!" She yells pointing at Tobias after pushing him which makes him stumble back a couple of steps shocked. "You better not hurt her, because if you do I will make it my life's mission to make your life a living hell!" She says looking quite menacing. Oh this is the 'don't hurt my best friend talk'. "Understand?" She asks raising an eyebrow, Tobias stands there nodding vigorously eyes wide. "Good." She says nodding with satisfaction and turning on her heel.

"Come on Christina!" Will says picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, and running out of the cafeteria.

"Don't have too much fun you two." I call after them with a wink. Christina turns red and yells at Will to go faster while she hides her face in her hands.

"Well then I did not see that coming." Uraih, Marlene, and Lynn say in unison, creepy. "Jinks!" They say together "You owe me a soda." They say again laughing.

"Last one to the dorm has to get the soda!" Uraih yells sprinting out of the cafeteria

"Hey!" Lynn and Marlene yell running after him.

"Well, that was weird." Tobias tells me, while rubbing his shoulder from where Christina pushed him

"Quite amusing actually." I tell him, turning around.

"Ha ha! Funny." He tells me sarcastically "Hey Tris can I ask you something?" Tobias asks rubbing the back of his neck, nervously? Is he nervous? Why is he nervous?

"Anything." I tell him eagerly

"Um well could you... No would you.. No no do you... Um... Do you..." He struggles trying but failing to form a sentence.

"Mmmhhh?" I ask impatiently

"Do you want to move in with me?" Tobias blurts out in one big breath. Aww that's why he was so nervous. That's so sweet.

"No." I say wanting to tease him, Tobias's face drops. He makes a pouty face pushing out his bottom lip. He's kind of cute when he does that. "Ha ha! I'm kidding! Did you think I would say no? Tobias I would love to move in with you." I say. I jumping up and landing in Tobias's arms while I wrap my legs around his waist and we kiss.

AN: Bye Ravens! I'll see you tomorrow. Remember to review and PM, constructive criticism is welcome. I want advice to improve and make this a good story with happy readers. See you soon! :)