Hey, everyone!

So, for those who are wondering why this story wasn't updated in such a long, long time; I was pretty damn busy. I needed to take a side job, besides my normal job and school, to pay the bills and get me and my girlfriend through last month, which meant that I literally had zero time to write. I barely had time to do anything besides sleeping, really.

But, that doesn't matter now, does it? The thing is, I'm back. Well, at least on FimFiction.

You see, I just published an update on FimFiction, and was going to do the same over here. Well, apparently FimFiction fucked the code of their editor up so much that I can't even copy-n-paste this shit over here. It just messes up the whole format of the chapter. So, until they fixed that, or I find another fix (I am not going to use gdocs, sorry), you guys just have to go over to FimFiction if you want to keep reading this story. I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but I sure as hell won't go through this chapter again and edit it until it looks like it should look.

So, if you want to read the newest chapter, here's the link to it: story/327993/37/moving-on/chapter-thirty-five-oh-what-a-beautiful-morning-canterlot-part-2

You don't even have to make an account to read it, so there's that.