yoyo sorry for the longest wait ever ahaha! i'm not gonna be like "oh school got in the way" because it didn't i was just really lazy lolol sorry. anyway have this chapter FULL of background info, foreshadowing, and a PARty! + some gajevy

song for this chapter: kero kero bonito - flamingo ;)

Meetings in Fairy Tail were short. Usually, Makarov would welcome everyone with a bright smile. He'd then proceed to all the important information needed.

Today, the Master noted, "We will soon be meeting up with Sabertooth and Lamia Scale! Not in Magnolia, but Crocus. No, it is not the time for the Grand Games," He paused to allow people in the hall to groan. "I'll explain it in another meeting. I'm going to talk about how we are planning to hold our S-Class trials at Tenrou. We're bringing in the other Groups because they are also sharing our island for their trials,"

This was surprising to everyone because Tenrou was Fairy Tail's territory. Although, they didn't mind seeing familiar faces around the island. Supposedly, the founder of FT saw fairies there. But many others believe they were fireflies. Members of the café still argue and say that fairies still exist.

"The following organizations are coming to Tenrou: Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus. Just two, so you brats aren't complaining about sharing," Makarov rolled his eyes.

Groups were associations to help ordinary people and recruit them into their organization. At first, Groups were created for "magical wizards" back in the day, but there was a 'war' back then. Which wiped out all mages. Now, these Groups are full of human beings filled with hope and humbleness.

There are different Groups and they all had separate locations, like Fairy Tail. They were all in dissimilar areas. So it was easier to help out other ordinary citizens all over the country of Fiore. For example, Mermaid Heel hosts at the beach while Sabertooth was near a castle. These Groups were intended to help out others. Although, there were also evil Groups that do terrible things. Their locations are unidentified, but they don't serve a big threat.

However, they did pose a danger towards Magnolia when Lucy's father sent the Group, Phantom Lord, to retrieve his daughter. Luck was on their side that day because Fairy Tail fought back, lead to a victory, and even recruited a member named Juvia. Since then, Phantom Lord has gone into the shadows or has been disbanded.

"Now getting into the good stuff, candidates for the S-Class trials, chosen by me! As always, I picked 5 people who I thought qualified this year. Cana Alberona, Gray Fullbuster, Freed Justine, Levy McGarden, and our newest member, Juvia Lockser! You have the entire week to select your partners and may you choose wisely. Good luck to all participants! This meeting is over, thank you for coming, brats." The Master concluded, disappearing into the kitchen.

The hall turned into laughter and happiness floated in the air. "Congratulations" went to all of the candidates.

In Fairy Tail, there are normal employees such as Max or Kinana. They go on jobs to help others, just like S-Class. There are also S-Class workers who not only get paid more, but they have private meetings between only them. No one else knows what they're about other than the actual S-Class members. Even though it doesn't seem very important, everyone in Fairy Tail was curious.

"Let's have a party tonight at me and Lucy's place!"


Soon enough, the celebration settled down. "Okay, but seriously, let's have a party at our place." The brunette brought up again to which the blonde shook her head firm.

"C'mon Lucy~"

"A 'lil party!"

"Our place is too small!" Lucy argued.

Cana laughed as if it was no big deal, then replied, "It's okay, most of the members have plans anyway. Like Laxus is holding a small party for Freed already with the Raijinshuu and the Strauss family. We're gonna do our usual group of girlies and add whoever else we want! That's the fun of party making."

"Oh, I thought it would be okay if we could borrow Levy for today?" Jet asked with a smile.

"Guys... I'm not a toy.." Levy spoke up as she held a pout on her face, arms crossed.

"Jet, you and Droy can join our unofficial party! But if you want her all to yourselves, then it's fine!" The bartender offered, and the two men nodded in excitement.

"Lucy, if you're going to reject this, you're going to reject everyone's, HEART. You don't wanna be the cause of that, right?~" Cana asked with a tone of her voice, making Lucy unable to deny the suggestion.

"FINE. Party at ours. Everyone's invited." The blonde agreed in a stubborn manner.

Cheers broke out once again while one could hear Cana's obnoxious loud laugh even through all the noise. Many conversations Lucy heard was about several different parties, like what to bring or how to do their hair.

To be honest, the woman didn't mind the party a bit, she wanted some time to talk to Natsu. Unfortunately, it seemed like that wasn't going to happen. As she realized that, she frowned a bit.

"Uhh, Lucy?" A voice stirred her away from her isolation.

She swiveled around to tilt her head down and that led to a conflicted boy named Romeo. She bent down to talk to him. "What's up, Rome?"

Romeo was the son of Macao Conbolt and the youngest worker in the café, practically every single person loved the kid. He was very adventurous and determined about anything. He said, "Can I go to the party? And can you ask my dad for me?"

Lucy let out a giggle. "Why do you need me to ask your dad? Are you.. scared?" She exaggerated the last word and a dramatic gasp escaped her lips.

The raven haired boy's eyes widened as a light shade of pink dusted his cheeks. "OF COURSE NOT! I'm jus' asking because, uh, I've never been to an actual party so it'd be good to have the, um, permission of the, mm, host!"

She squinted at him. "Well, you have my permission if you go ask your dad."

He groaned in exasperation, "Fine! I'll go ask, but you have to come with me!" He declared in confidence as Lucy nodded in a brief motion.

Some of the workers noticed the young Conbolt marching and stomping towards his dad, a few stumbles on the way. They laughed at the boy and said, "Go get 'im!"

And with that, lead a strong Romeo who reached his father and stated, "Dad, I want to go to Lucy and Cana's party tonight."

Macao raised an eyebrow at Romeo, then glanced at Lucy as if he was saying, "Did Cana put him up to this?" So the blonde furiously shook her head. His eyes went back to Romeo, "Well, I guess, as long as Lucy's watching you, you can go ahead." His son let out a big, "Yes!".

After that, Romeo and his father rearranged their plans for this day after Lucy spoke a quick goodbye to the two. She walked towards Cana, Levy, and Juvia who saw the astronomer making her way towards them. They waved her over and she smiled back at them. Once finally reaching her girl group, Lucy asked, "I'm going to the grocery store to buy stuff for the party. Anyone wanna come with?"

Levy pouted, "Sorry Lu, I already promised to help Cana clean up the place!" Cana nodded after, confirming the blunette's task.

"Juvia would love to! She needs to bake a cake for Gray, anyway." The other blue haired woman smiled at Lucy, who was grateful that she had a friend to go with.

"We're heading to the store, then. We'll see you, girls, later!~" Lucy held the door open for Juvia. Both of them waved and left the building.

Arriving at Cana and Lucy's 420 apartment, Cana herself was in front of the door. Levy was waiting in a patient and polite manner.

"I promise it's not that bad, Lev." The brunette claimed, opening the door to the apartment.

Levy's eyes widened in surprise as she followed Cana into her home. It wasn't actually that bad. Then again, Cana lives with Lucy who is more of the cleaner roommate. There were few clothes laying around in their respective spots. Walking into the kitchen, however, was a different story. Unwashed plates since both owners of the apartment were busy or lazy. Chips placed in separate areas, as the same with pretzels. Ah, yes, Lucy's pretzel obsession. Soda cans seemed like they'd been thrown around. Levy also spotted money sitting in a corner.

She pointed it out. "Is that a tip for me?" The woman said in a joking tone.

"You wish," Cana rolled her eyes and laughed. "This can all be cleaned up in an hour or two. I'm positive."

"Yeah. Let's get to it!" The two high-fived each other before starting to clean.

During the cleaning process, Lucy and Juvia had linked arms as they were walking around to find the right ingredients for the cake. A made-from-scratch plus love cake. Lucy already bought chips, pretzels, soda, and she was planning to order pizza later. She decided to help out Juvia with her cake since Juvia helped her as well.

"How's your relationship with Gray going~?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at Juvia.

Juvia shook her head, "Lucy is too much. Juvia isn't sure about Gray... Juvia truly hopes Gray loves her because sometimes she doubts herself. Like, what if Gray doesn't love Juvia anymore and just wants her to go away? She can't imagi-"

"Shhh. Shush. Shut it. Shut up. Any other form of saying be quiet. You know that Gray loves you, right? A few times he's been over to our place, asking how he should he impress you on Valentine's Day or your birthday. Asking, 'what would she want?' Yeah, Gray sucks at being romantic, but he means well. He's really improving. Don't ever think that, because you're the hottest bean in the world and he will forever and always will appreciate you." Lucy said without hesitant stuttering.

The cerulean haired girl smiled in confidence. She straightened her back, "Lucy is too much," Juvia laughed and Lucy pouted, "but Juvia thanks her. A lot."

"No problem, Juv." The blonde grinned, nudging her with her shoulder. "Now lettuce go find your special ingredient!"

Back at the apartment, the buddies decided to take a quick break. They were halfway done. Cana poured out lemonade for both Levy and herself.

"You're not drinking?" Levy queried.

"Levy, please, you know I'm not that wild," Levy sighed in relief, but Cana continued, "I'm saving it for tonight."

"Why did I even hope?" The blunette asked herself and the brunette laughed.

After plopping on the couch, they took a sip of lemonade. There was a moment of peace and quiet, breathing was the only sound that occurred. Cana started to get sleepy before a blinding light shined around the room. She sat up imminently, while Levy was cautious as she stood up.

A voice said, "Yo."

That voice belonged a specific pink haired demon, who was staring at the screen. Or rather, his dark eyes dashing around as if he was searching for something. Someone.

"NATSU?!" Both companions yelled, staring at the hologram. They looked each other, "HOW DO YOU KNOW NATSU?"

Cana spoke first, "Last night, Lucy and him were talking and I came in. That's it?"

Levy giggled, "Alone?" Cana nodded and snickered.

"I met Natsu when Erza, Juvia and I came over to force her to summon a demon." The short woman said. Every word that was said had a hint of delight.

"Sounds like y'all." The brunette laughed, shaking her head.

"Sorry to interrupt your wonderful conversation, but is Luce around by any chance?" Natsu asked with hesitance.

"Luce... Lucy?" Cana questioned, glancing at Levy who shrugged. She looked back up at Natsu who nodded. "Uhh, Luce- I mean, Lucy, went shopping with her friend for a party tonight. Why you asking, demon boy?"

Natsu looked a bit disappointed, but covered it up well with a smile. "No reason. Can I come to the party? You guys have enough space for the greatest and strongest, Natsu!"

The two women bursted out laughing. They couldn't hold in their giggles for a second. "Ah, Natsu, you wish. I betcha Lucy would love if you could hop on over to Earth. We have plenty of space here in the land of CanaLucyia! You're welcome anytime, my dude."

"Alright! Natsu signing off, I'll see you guys-"

"Who're ya talking to, firebutt? Oi! Is that the Shrimp over there?" Another low voice joined into the conversation, abruptly finishing the demon's sentence.

Cana grinned at Levy, "Shrimp?". While the blue haired girl ignored her smirk, instantly glaring up at the hologram. Her eyes met a deep red color and immediately put her hands on her hips. "Gajeel, I will murder you if you call me that again."

"Woah! Shrimp, oh sorry, Levy, seems pretty upset. What'd you do this time?" The raven haired demon looked at Natsu accusingly.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! YOU CAME IN AND CLEARLY INSULTED LEVY! ARE YOU CHALLENGING ME TO A FIGHT, IRON EATER?" Natsu yelled, now completely ignoring the humans on the other side.

"Ahh shut up." He rolled his eyes and turned back towards the two women. "Who's that, 'shroom?"

"Did you call me a mushroom?" Levy's right eye twitched.

"Ahh, I am Cana Alberona! It's nice to meet you, Gajeel." Cana smiled evilly. "Levy talks about you all the time!"


"Alright! Great conversation, you met Cana! Everything's great, no more nicknames, oh! And tell Lucy that I'm mad at her now. Thanks, Levy! Bye!" Natsu quickly interrupted and spoke fast. The last part was easy to catch before he hung up and the hologram disappeared in a second.

The humans took a moment to breathe before the blunette screamed, "YOU JUST MET HIM TODAY I NEVER SPOKE ABOUT GAJEEL!"

"Levy, Lev, Lev, it was a joke! Don't worry about it, babe. Worry about getting ready for the partay~ tonight!" The bartender laughed as Levy huffed.

Soon, Juvia and Lucy came to the apartment with a finished cake that had icing written, "Congratulations, Gray!" Of course, Juvia wanted to add, "my love", but it was a cake for everyone to share. Fortunately, Juvia came to accept it quickly and smiled proud.

The decorations were up, everything was clean. Not exactly spotless, but still, clean. The guests came in pairs, such as Jet and Droy. Others like Max and Warren, Kinana and Laki, Romeo by himself. He said his father felt like staying home, sleeping well unlike the youngins. Cana laughed at that. The party was filled with chatter, occasionally screaming from Cana. The songs were a variety of types.

After talking to many people, Lucy sat down on the couch. In her hand was a cup of lemonade, she'd rather drink that instead of alcohol tonight. She knew she was going to be cleaning up alone since Cana will pass out later. On the couch, she met Warren.

"Hey, Lucy!" He said, waving at her.

"You enjoying the party, Warren?" She asked with a polite smile.

"Not my thing, but Max felt like bringing me along." Warren laughed. "Oh! How's the communicator thing I made for you guys? Is it working well?"

Lucy gasped. She totally forgot about calling Natsu. Especially since that random text Levy sent her that said, "Natsu is mad at you right now. Don't ask me, I have no idea why." She received while she was waiting with Juvia for the cake to bake.

"Uh, Lucy?"

The blonde shook her head, looking back up at Warren. "Oh yeah, there is a problem, but it's minor. One time, the hologram opened up by itself when nobody, on either side, called. When can you fix it?"

The man scratched his head, "Oh, is that so? Well, I did make it recently. Plus, it's new so it is difficult to fix because I don't know how I can unless I borrow it for at least a day. Do you need to make a call to anyone tomorrow?"

Without thinking, Lucy responded, "Yes. I'll text you when I can give it to you!".

"Alright, cool." Warren gave her a thumbs up and stood up. "I'm going to awkwardly leave this party. Thanks for everything!"

"Uh, no problem?"

Eventually, with the cake being completely eaten and time slowing down, the party ended. "Thank you for coming tonight!" Lucy said, waving at everyone exiting through the door.

As soon as the astronomer closed the door and sighed, Cana plopped down right on the couch. The only thing heard out of her mouth was a snore.


CHAPTA 4 after many many months! wooo i haven't uploaded since last year! that's terrible lolol. i'm glad i got this done, or else i feel GUILT. i hope u guys like it please review! i love opinions (except for the ones that are actually offensive and say 'but that's just MY OPINION!'). anyway PLEASE review, i preview reviews over literally anything lmao. oh and warren might be ooc but idk how to write him so pls excuse :)

Knighthawk: Thank you for keeping up w this. P sure you're the only one who motivates me cause no one else reads it ahah :'). But yes, Laxus and Cobra will be in the story. Just maybe not as demons~

Guest & sarara1.8 : ;)

thanks for reading!
