A/N I've decided to summarize the story, but I couldn't bear doing it in a quick summary. So, I've decided to split it up into two parts, the Games and the Pre-Games. This is the Pre-Games section (It's short; there were only three of these chapters left). I also decided to make it a little more interesting than a simple "this happened, that happened." I hope this doesn't bore you to death, and I hope you'll hold on as I sort everything out for the second part of this.

Log of Demetrius Flask, Officer in the Capitol Society for Democracy

(a.k.a. Rebel Society)

Day 3, Training

Today was a hot mess. When Royal Avington told me that his son was going to volunteer for the Hunger Games, it seemed like it would be a good idea. Onyx was tough, and he seemed like the perfect person for the job. However, all was not well. I received information that the time wasn't right. There wasn't enough support — unless Onyx became a beloved public figure, there was no way we could get away with assassination. So, I arranged a "sponsor meeting" with him and gave him the details. He did seems awfully displeased, but at least he has the motivation now to win. He could do it; he's a capable boy.

In other news, the trained alliance dissolved today. Apparently, Animata decided that the alliance wasn't working and decided to leave, after which several of the others decided to leave as well. So as of now, the only official alliances are between the Nines, Christina and Raffaella, Delmar and Keesa, and all the district pairs of the former trained alliance. Something seems to be going on, though. Footage of training shows many of the tributes getting friendly with each other. Definitely not normal. Onyx confirmed my suspicions when he told me that Serge has been talking to almost everyone.

On a positive note, the private scores came out today. Nothing seems out of the ordinary; Onyx scored particularly high. But with the alliance fractured, the Games may be a real challenge.

Logging out.

Game Show

I just arrived home from the show and my, was it a show! Out of the many years since the introduction of the Game Show, this has to be the best. It was a fashion competition, and the tributes were given twenty minutes to find something fashionable from a wardrobe before coming out on stage and showing it off. Of course, Onyx and Splendor were dazzling — they knew exactly what they were doing, but the Harbor from Four — the one that was supposedly a prostitute — she was radiant! The way she dressed and showed herself off — I almost considered sponsoring her! Then, of course, I remembered that Onyx had to come out of that arena, but she was something else! If everything fails, I may very well support her. And to think that for the past few days, everyone has thought that she was a dirty little girl.

Logging out.

Interview Night

I had another conversation with Royal Avington — he wasn't pleased at all. At least he cares about his son; I've never seen him exhibit this sort of behavior. But after the interviews of today, we may very well be doomed. Serge revealed during that interviews that he's constructed a non-traditional alliance with most of the tributes — Render, Apple, Harbor, Delmar, Aaron, Raffaella, Christina, Diesel, Taffeta, Ryzee, Allio, Clover, Ezra, and Keesa — and with a disunited trained group — everything's over. Unless Onyx pulls a miracle, our plans this year may be over.

Logging out.

Additional Note: Good news! I've just received a message from Royal — Onyx and Minisa managed to pull their alliance back together. We may have hope now. We just might have hope.

Sleeping will be hard tonight.

A/N. Thank you to all who are still here. Your support means the world to me.

Also, do y'all remember the collab I did with Sophie and Nadine a while back (on Sophie's profile — link in my profile)? We're writing a second story, and though it's vaguely inspired by the Hunger Games, the only commonality is the teens fighting each other to the death. The time frame and world is completely different, and it's a story I'm very excited about. We've already decided to put it on Wattpad, but do y'all think it could fit in the Hunger Gamess section of ? Also, would you read it?

For those who'll review, you may have to log out and post as a guest because this is replacing the note.

I value your input.
