Author's Afterward

This story began in my head a couple of years ago. For the longest time, it incubated. It was SUPPOSED to be an anthology-length short story: young Healer meets and helps Herald. It was planned as a brief exploration of one aspect of Valdemaran life, seen from the perspective of one of the many people that Heralds encounter.

As you've noticed by now, things didn't go as planned. Four months and 80,000+ words later, I've discovered that I've written a novel-length tale. Characters appeared and behaved in ways unexpected (hello Jareth, Delassia!) while Kyminn himself became a man of many parts.

You, the readers, have improved this story. Not only did you keep me honest and true to canon, you asked questions and offered feedback that helped me move the story along. For that, you have my profound gratitude.

About three chapters ago, I had the ending of the story all planned out and I was ready to wrap up Kyminn's tale. I even wrote the last line of the most recent chapter "His words echoed in the cool evening silence. "I'm going to accept" with my planned ending in mind.

And then two things happened.

First, Borys said simply "And so it begins."

Second, reader hornbugv said "I'm looking forward toward the next road traveled."

Those two small comments brought me up short. That sentence WAS an ending. It was also a beginning. I had an image of a young man, on a grey horse, under an autumn sky. He's looking at Guard post and he is about to start a whole new adventure.

Kyminn has come a long way. He has learned, changed, grown and overcome. The road has brought him to this point – from a Healer reluctant to leave his village to a young man who has firmly set his feet on his life's path. Now he has a whole new life ahead of him. There's a war coming and he's part of it.

Kyminn's Road has been decided. Now Kyminn's Journey begins.

Raelynn Daria Mayne

**You may have noticed that I have taken down "Half a Healer". This is for a number of reasons. First, I am going to be focusing on Kyminn for the foreseeable future. I didn't want to leave the story half finished. I have a general sense of where it is going, but I can't say when I might get back to it. I would rather keep it for safe keeping rather than have it linger.

Don't worry, it's not completely gone, it's just hibernating.