Thank you for the reviews and follows so far! They mean a lot to me! :) Here's the next chapter! :)

Chapter 3

The week was pretty much filled with Warbler practice for sectionals and making sure he was up to date with all his work. The lessons were definitely harder than at McKinley but Kurt was managing to keep up with it. It was nice that he'd made some good friends because they all studied together on some days which was helpful.

Kurt was sat on his bed reading one of his school books, making some notes, when he heard a video call come through on his laptop. He hadn't realised he had left himself logged in. He got up and went to sit at his desk and was surprised to see Finn's name pop up. He smiled, though, and answered. He hadn't spoken to his step brother in a while.

"Hey dude!" Finn smiled as his face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Finn." Kurt smiled.

"Sorry I've not been on much this week. Things are crazy busy at school." He apologised.

"It's fine, don't worry. I've been pretty busy here as well." Kurt said. "How's planning for sectionals going? And don't worry, I'm not trying to get information to help The Warblers." He joked.

Finn laughed. "It's cool. Although Mr Schue is mixing it up a bit this time."

"Oh yeah, the girls said when I talked to them." Kurt said. "I'm guessing Rachel's still not happy?" He joked.

"Yeah. Well anyway, how's it going there? Are you enjoying it?" Finn asked.

Kurt noticed the sudden change of subject and wondered if something had happened between him and Rachel but decided not to pry. "Yeah it's good. Everyone's really nice." He smiled.

"So no one's giving you grief?"

Kurt smiled at the protective tone of his voice. "No. I've not had any trouble."

"Good. That's good, man. I'm glad it's going well for you." Finn smiled.

Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by Jeff running into the dorm. "Kurt, you have to hide me from Wes!" He exclaimed.

"What have you done now?" Kurt laughed.

"I may have hidden his gavel." Jeff admitted guiltily.

Kurt smirked. "Sorry Jeff, you're on your own this time."

"Kuurrrt!" Jeff whined. "You're meant to be my friend!"

"I am but everyone knows you don't mess with Wes' gavel!" Kurt smirked. "And I don't want him thinking I had anything to do with it. I don't want to incur the wrath of Wes."

"Jeffery Sterling!" Wes' voice could be heard coming down the hallway.

"Uh oh..." Jeff said and ran into their bathroom.

Wes then appeared at the doorway. "Where is he?" He said.

"Locked himself in the bathroom." Kurt said.

"Traitor!" Jeff shouted from inside.

"Jeffery Sterling, I'm counting to 5 and if you're not out of there by then, I'm going to pick the lock and then I will make sure you don't get picked for anymore solos." He threatened.

Kurt smirked, knowing that would get Jeff out.

"5...4...3..." Wes started counting.

"Fine, fine, I'm out!" Jeff exclaimed opening the door. "I'll show you where your damn gavel is."

"You better." Wes glared at him.

"Just give me one minute." He said.

"To do what?" Wes said.

" away." Jeff said racing out the door and down the hallway.

"Jeff!" Wes shouted following him out.

Kurt rolled his eyes and turned back to the screen. "Sorry about that. It's never boring here." He joked.

"I can see that." Finn laughed. "What was that all about?"

"Wes gets very possesive over his gavel he has at The Warblers meetings and Jeff's the only one who's brave enough to hide it. We all know not to go anywhere near it." Kurt laughed. "Jeff never learns."

Finn just smiled.

"What?" Kurt said suddenly feeling self conscious.

"No, nothing. It's just good to see you laughing. You seem really happy and well...relaxed around these guys. It's nice to see." Finn said.

Kurt smiled. "Yeah I guess I am."

"I better get on with some homework but do you think you can get to sectionals a bit earlier?" He asked.

"Possibly. I think Wes wants to get there early anyway so we can have one last practice. Why?"

"It would just be nice to see you before the performances. It's sort of been weird without you round the house, dude. We miss you." He admitted.

Kurt smiled. "Well I'm sure I can sort something out."

"Cool. Ok well I better go. Your dad will be home soon." He said.

"Ok. Oh and Finn?" Kurt said.


"I miss you too." He smiled.

Finn smiled. "See you on Saturday, bro." He said.

"Bye." Kurt smiled and then hung up. He sighed. Him and Finn's relationship had been rough at the start but they'd settled their differences and he had really grown to love his step brother.

Soon it was the day of sectionals and everyone was feeling nervous. The Warblers all got a minibus together to the venue and as they were getting out, Kurt heard a very familiar voice behind him.


Kurt turned and smiled when he saw Finn, his dad and Carole. "Hey!" He said rushing over to them.

Finn gave him a hug. "It's good to see you, dude." He smiled.

"Yeah you too!" Kurt smiled. He then hugged his dad and Carole. "I didn't realise you were coming as well."

"You think I would miss my son's performance?" He joked.

Kurt smiled. "I've missed you." He said giving his dad another hug.

"You too kiddo." Burt said softly.

"Hey Kurt?" A voice said from behind them.

Kurt turned to see Blaine standing there.

"Hate to break it up but Wes wants us to be able to do one last practice before we go on stage." He said apologetically, knowing how much Kurt had missed his family.

"It's ok. You go." Burt smiled. "Break a leg."

"Thanks dad." Kurt smiled. He then gave Finn another hug. "Tell everyone good luck from me."

"I will. You too." Finn said.

Kurt smiled and turned round and went over to Blaine who then led him inside.

Kurt was stood behind the curtain with The Warblers feeling nervous. He heard the loudspeaker announce them and then the curtain was pulled open and Blaine started singing. As the performance went on, he was able to relax a bit more and actually enjoy it. He tried not to get too mesmerised by Blaine's singing so instead he took the chance to glance out into the audience. He spotted the New Directions all clapping along and cheering and he smiled. As they finished, he saw Finn, Rachel and Mercedes all stand up and encourage others to stand up too which touched him. He really did miss his friends.

The Warblers then took their seats and Kurt waited to see what his friends were going to perform. He glanced at Mr Schue who was sat behind them and they exchanged a smile. Suddenly, Sam appeared from the back of the room from behind a curtain, closely followed by Quinn, singing "The Time of My Life." As Sam passed them, he smiled at Kurt and held his hand out for a high five which Kurt happily reciprocated. Sam patted him on the shoulder before continuing down the aisle towards the stage. Kurt smiled as he watched them. Their voices went together so well. He had always had a soft spot for Sam. Even back at beginning, during the duets drama, Sam had stayed loyal to Kurt despite everyone trying to persuade him not to do the duet with him. Kurt was surprised by that. Obviously he ended up doing the duet with Quinn but he remembered how lovely Sam was about it. And then standing up to Karofsky soon after joining the club. He knew Sam was a good guy and he was sort of glad Mr Schue was giving him a chance to shine.

After Santana took the lead on "Valerie", everyone then gathered on stage for the results. Kurt was certain that his old club had won so was surprised when it was announced it was a tie. He saw Blaine go over and shake Mr Schue's hand before going back to them and grinning at him.

"We're going to Regionals!" He grinned.

"Yeah!" Kurt smiled. "I can't believe it!"

"Your friends were great." Blaine admitted. "I was worried for a second there as well."

Kurt nodded. He then smiled and hugged him. "We get to go on."

"We get to go on." Blaine laughed reciprocating the hug.

Kurt tried to ignore the spark that went through him but luckily he was distracted by Mercedes coming up to congratulate him. Kurt turned round and hugged his best friend and soon he was surrounded by his old friends.

Blaine smiled watching them, knowing how much Kurt had wanted to be up on the stage with them. He was surprised when Kurt suddenly turned round and grabbed his arm, pulling him forward, and started introducing him to his friends. Kurt grinned at him when Mercedes gave him a big hug as well.

"Onwards and upwards right?" Kurt said quietly to him.

"Right." Blaine smiled.

Hope you liked it! Please keep the reviews coming as they really do motivate me! Thanks! :)