Blah….normal narration/ character talking

Blah….normal narration/ character thinking

Blah…. Kyubi/summon talking

Blah…. Kyubi/summon talking telepathically

Blah…. Kyubi/summon thinking

Chapter 10

Naruto was feeling exceptionally happy today. And why shouldn't he? Last night he had captured a traitor, prevented the leak of sensitive material and got the scroll of the jutsu he so desperately wanted to learn. Right now he was happily skipping along the rooftops to his academy for the final team placements. He knew that he had scored good enough to be above average grade and was pretty sure that he would get decent teammates.Half an hour later he found himself sitting on his usual spot waiting for Iruka to appear as the usual mayhem of the class played around him. He was soon graced with the presence of the scarred chunin.

Iruka looked at the commotion and used his 'Big Head Jutsu' "Silence! Go to your seats!" he yelled. Giving the students a few moments to settle down Iruka started his speech. Naruto simply tuned out his sensei as he began planning on his future training.

"Naruto, pay attention will you!" Iruka exclaimed to which Naruto just gave him a cheeky grin. He stopped his inside ranting when he heard Iruka announce the team "Team 7 Sasuke Uchiha, Haruno Sakura " A scream of happiness was heard. "And Uzumaki Naruto."

Then a crash was heard. All class turned to look at Naruto, who had punched the desk, making spider cracks, his eyebrow twitching 'Oh Jiji you will pay for this….just you wait' Iruka sweatdropped and continued "Team 8 Hinata Hyuga, Aburame Shino and Inuzuka Kiba. Team 9 is still in circulation. Team 10 Akimichi Choji, Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino." causing a whine to be heard "Why those two?" from Ino.

"Wait for your teachers to pick you up. I wish you all good luck!" he said proudly.

Then, three people Shunshined, one was a beautiful woman with black hair and red eyes. "Team 8 with me." she said. The second was a man wearing a bandana and chewing upon a senbon "Team 1 with me! Move it guys" he drolled."

The last was a man smoking "Team 10 with me!" he said bored. Eventually all the students except Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were picked up by their senseis. Naruto turned to look at his team.

Sasuke was in his usual attire wearing a high collared blue shirt, white shorts and Blue Ninja sandals. Sakura wore a pink qipao dress, dark green biker shorts and Blue Ninja sandals. She was currently trying to convince Sasuke to go on a date, causing him to ignore her.

2 hours passed causing Naruto's eyes to twitch while the others were also pissed. Suddenly, he sensed someone coming. Forming a quick strategy he stood up and went in front of the door and fell into a stance ready to kick. Then, the door opened and he sent his leg forward causing a scream of pain to be heard. Naruto proceeded to move out of the way while a white haired man, with one obscured by his forehead protector, wearing a Jounin uniform fell on the ground, holding his 'jewels' as Kurama laughed loudly from the mindscape.

"That was a good one kid" Kurama complimented his partner.

"That's what he gets for being late and I am not finished with him yet" Naruto growled.

"What do you mean you are not finished?" Kurama asked.

"You will see." Naruto replied with an evil smile.

"Why do I feel he is going to be the guinea pig of your new taijutsu style?" Kurama wondered.

"You know me too well Kurama." Naruto replied cheekily as he watched his joning instructor writhing on the ground.

"Uugghh meet me on the roof. Ow." he said painfully while he shunshined, causing the others to run towards the stairs. Once the two reached the roof, they saw Kakashi standing there with an eye smile while scratching his head.

"Alright. Let's introduce ourselves. Tell me your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams." Kakashi told his students in what was supposed a bright tone.

Sakura looked at him "Ehm Sensei, why don't you start so we know how to?"

Kakashi looked at her sceptically but started nonetheless. "Alright. I am Hatake Kakashi. I have many likes and dislikes. My hobbies, you don't need to know. My dream, you will find out one day." he said with an eye smile.

'All he told us is his name…' thought Sakura and Sasuke until they heard Naruto speak "You are Hatake Kakashi. You like porn and reading smut in public and dislike people who don't like porn. Your hobbies are reading Icha Icha and your dream is to star in an Icha Icha movie…" smirked Naruto, causing Kakashi and the rest to widen his eyes. What they didn't know was that it has been a long time since Naruto figured out that Kakashi was one of the ANBUs that shadowed him when he was young. With Kurama's aid he had done some digging to find out a bit about him. Since the jonin was spotted many times by Konoha's memorial Naruto had found him staring at a particular set of graves. He was quite surprised to find his father's grave among them. He had reminded himself to find the details later on but since hadn't bothered much in light of his extensive training.

He then sighed "Since I started, I might finish. My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like ramen, my friends, training and pranking. I dislike traitors, fangirls, annoying people and arrogant shits. My hobbies well as if you care, my dream is my own." he said.

Sakura glared at him while Kakashi smiled, but raised an eyebrow. "You didn't go into much details about yourself did you now?"

All he got in response was Naruto raising his eyebrow and giving him a cheeky grin.

Kakashi turned to Sakura "My name is Haruno Sakura. I like *looks at Sasuke*, my hobbies are *stares at Sasuke blushing*, my dream is *squeals while looking at Sasuke*, I HATE INOPIG AND NARUTO BAKA!" she finished with a scowl.

"You like Sasuke, your hobbies are stalking Sasuke, your dreams are to marry Sasuke and have his children. As for your last remark I couldn't care less" Naruto said causing her to glare at him.

He earned a laugh from Kakashi who turned to the last member "I am Sasuke Uchiha. My likes and dislikes are none of your business. I have no hobbies and my dream, no my ambition, is to kill a certain man and revive my clan."

Naruto interfered once again "You like training and bragging about Uchiha. You dislike everything happy and non Uchiha. Your ambition well as I said earlier I don't care but I am pretty sure that one day you want to make more Uchihas to annoy the world." he grinned causing Sasuke to glare at him while Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Shut up loser" Sasuke growled.

"Says the guy who got his butt kicked by me in the finals." Naruto retorted causing Kakashi's eyes to winden in surprise.

'Well that is certainly unexpected. I don't think his report mentioned anything like that.' Kakashi mused. "All right Naruto no need to get personal. I don't know how you got all that info but I will let it go. Now that this is over. Meet me tomorrow at 9 outside of training field 7 to get the Genin test."

"But Kakashi sensei we are already Genin." Sakura questioned. "That was just a test to weed out the people unworthy of being Genin. Tomorrow will be the actual test. I suggest not to eat or you will puke. Ja ne!" he said and disappeared.

Naruto got up and left to learn his new jutsu. Sakura turned to Sasuke, "Sasuke kun, do you wa ….." she started only to see him leave causing her to sigh.

Next day Training Ground 7

Naruto was angry, no forget angry he was seething. Yes he knew his sensei was a bastard who was always late for everything but seriously 3 hours with only a sulking Uchiha and a fangirl who appeared more and more retarded by the minute was taking their toll on his nerves.

"I am seriously pissed off now" Naruto grumbled.

"Yeah I know you have been yapping that to me for about an hour now." Kurama replied.

"Do you realise how annoying is Sakura's voice?" he exclaimed "And how come you are so composed under the given circumstances"

"Simple I can choose to block my connection to your senses and I just did that. I actually had been having a pleasant nap before you started grumbling" Kurama told in a monotone.

"Oye that's not fair dattebayo. Seriously I can't work in this team. Are you even listening to me Kurama?" Naruto was now almost whining in frustration.

"Yes, unfortunately I can't block your hissy fit so I heard you the first time. Instead of whining prepare a strategy to kick that lazy cyclop's ass. Maybe if you do and report that to Hokage he might consider a transfer although it is highly unlikely." Kurama suggested lazily as he suppressed a wide yawn.

"That good for nothing sensei…..he has been lazing around the memorial for the past two hours. Out of goodwill I couldn't just go upto him to drag him off." Naruto scrunched his eyebrows in irritation. He had sent a shadow clone to find his sensei and clone had dispelled transferring him the information.

"Well let a man lament his comrades but seriously the time he is spending it would be better if I send him to afterlife." Kurama deadpanned.

"Okay if he doesn't appear in next 5 minutes I am dragging his sorry ass from the memorial myself." Naruto grinned evily.

Suddenly Kakashi appeared in a shunshin causing Sakura to yelp in surprise.

"YOU ARE LATE!" Sakura screamed at the jonin.

"Mah mah Sakura, you see an old lady needed help…" he began however Naruto cut him short.

"Cut the crap Kakashi sensei. You have been lazing around the memorial for the past two hours." Naruto retorted causing the other 3 stare at him with surprise.

"You knew where he was?" Sakura was shocked while Sasuke hmphed.

"It's not my business where he goes and it's rude not to let a person remember his comrades." Naruto shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well since we all are here lets do this." He took out two bells "The goal is simple. You must each grab a bell or you will go back to the Academy. Take it from me with the intent to kill." he said, tying them to his waist.

"But Sensei there are only two bells." Sakura asked causing him to nod

"Yes. One of you will go back. Now you got one hour. Begin!" he yelled, causing Sasuke and Sakura to hide.

An hour later….

Sasuke was scowling as Naruto handed him an unconscious Sakura. He was furious. While he had failed to land a single hit on the seasoned jonin Naruto had somehow managed to defeat him. Kakshi now lay twitching on the ground unable to move his limbs as he cursed silently something about burning his precious and revenge on blonde bastards.

"Wake her up." Naruto told Sasuke.

"And why the hell should I do it?" Sasuke scowled back.

"Because you are her prince charming. Any more questions?"

"What are you going to do now?" Sasuke enquired.

"Well I am going to take him to the Hokage office and explain the situation to jiji. Hopefully I will get transferred to a different team after the stunt I have pulled here." Naruto replied casually.

"SO you are afraid that you will get left behind in my wake?" Sasuke taunted.

"Yeah how can I compete against the oh so mighty Uchiha." Naruto replied sarcastically.

"Cut your banter kid. Pick up the damn cyclops and get to the old bastards office already. Your whining is making my ears bleed." Kurama grumbled.

"Sorry Kurama, but that Uchiha is annoying. Lets just hope I get away with this one." Naruto replied. With that he slung Kakashi over his shoulder and shunshined to Hokage office much to the shock of a bewildered Uchiha.

Hokage Office…..

Sarutobi sat in his office, looking at the Jounins. Standing in front of him were several jonins.

"Now how did the genin tests go." Sarutobi asked.

"Team 1 failed."

"Team 2 failed."

"Team 3 passed."

"Team 4 passed… barely."

"Team 5 failed."

"Team 6 passed but they will need work."

"Team 8 passed but they will need work."

"Team 10 passed."

"Where the hell is Kakashi? He should have completed his test by now." Sarutobi asked the jonins who simply shrugged. "I swear I will reduce his pay to a genin if he doesn't change his ways soon. Well all of you are dismissed except for you Kurenai and Asuma. By the way Genma send in Gai I would like to talk to him too."

Genma nodded and sunshined out, so did the remaining jonins leaving Kurenai and Asuma standing there. Genma nodded and sunshined out, so did the remaining jonins leaving Kurenai and Asuma standing there.

"You two make yourselves comfortable. I need a detailed report from you both as your teams have most of the clan heirs." Sarutobi told the jonins.

"Umm Hokage sama should we wait for Kakashi? Kurenai politely enquired.

"Ah yes you are right of course." Replied Sarutobi.

"By the way Hokage sama why have you called Gai in? Is it something to do with Hyuga situation probably? Asuma asked in a serious tone.

"Yes that's the reason." Sarutobi answered with a sigh.

Their conversation was cut off when a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in" Sarutobi called out.

He thought it would be Gai, but what he didn't expect was an irritated Naruto half carrying half dragging the limp form of Kakashi.

"Naruto what the hell happened?" Sarutobi was quite alarmed seeing one of his best jonin looking worse for the wear.

"He got what was coming to him that's what happened." Naruto bristled in anger.

Sarutobi and the two jonins were gobsmacked at the outburst. Composing himself the aged hokage enquired "Naruto what exactly happened? Could you give a detailed explanation of the state your jonin sensei is in?"

"Well he underestimated him and I kicked his ass." Naruto replied.

Now this had the remaining 3 occupants of the room along with the hidden ANBU to gape with their jaws hanging.

"How on the earth did you manage to defeat a jonin even if it was a test and he would have been holding back?" Kurenai asked still trying to comprehend what was happening in front of her.

"Deception is a ninja's best weapon. As I said before he severely underestimated me and I sort of led him on believing my abilities were non existent before capitalising on his lack of concentration." Naruto replied.

"Okay but why is he glaring at you in that manner?" this came from Asuma who was trying to get back the feelings in Kakashi's limbs.

"Well it is mainly due to the fact that I burned the smut he was reading during the test." This earned Kakshi three different looks one furious, one normal and one disapproving.

Before the conversation could proceed any further they were once again interrupted by a knock this time revealing green spandex clad ninja.

"You called Hokage sama?" Gai addressed the hokage before his gaze fell upon the limp Kakashi. "MY ETERNAL RIVAL WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WHY ARE YOU IN SUCH AN UNYOUTHFUL STATE? he hollered.

"Pipe down Gai." replied an irritated Kurenai. "He is in that state because this young genin here put him in it."

Then Gai notice a disgruntled Naruto standing beside Kurenai.

"Naruto? How, when what? Now it was Gai's turned to be shocked. "I mean I know Naruto is competent in taijutsu, but how did you do this Naruto?

"Remember the last time we sparred Gai sensei? Naruto asked the green clad jonin causing others to gape even more. Gai simply nodded as Naruto continued "I completed that technique."

"YOSH NARUTO KUN YOUR FIRES OF YOUTH BURN BRIGHTER THAN EVER." Gai shouted out loud as he crushed the poor genin in a hug.


"Jiji all that shouting is not good for your health." Naruto calmly replied. "And he will be up in a minute" Naruto told Sarutobi pointing at Kakashi.

He briefly told Sarutobi about his acquaintance with Gai and his taijutsu style. He kept the facts that he designed it particularly counter the sharingan and a few finer details from his audience. Meanwhile Kakashi had regained the use of his limbs and was seriously pissed.

"Now since things have calmed down I guess a detailed report is in order. Naruto could you wait outside? You can come in after we have discussed the matters" Hiruzen spoke to Naruto who moved to the waiting area outside the office.

After 15 minutes the three jonins came out and Naruto was called inside.

"Now do you want to talk Naruto?" Sarutobi asked dreading the rant the young genin was about to start.

"Jiji I asked for a decent team with a decent sensei and you gave me exactly what I had told you not to." Naruto was almost yelling in exasperation.

"Now now Naruto Kakashi is one of the best jonins Konoha has in its service." Sarutobi said in a placating tone.

"I know that jiji but that doesn't make him a good sensei. He arrived 3 hours late both the times. He was lazing around the memorial stone lost in his thoughts. The test was good but I can say it from this moment that this team will not work out. Sasuke is Sauke while Sakura is a fangirl. You and I both know it that Kakahsi will be focussed on training Sasuke solely than training the team, especially after I burned his damn book." Naruto ranted.

Sarutobi heaved a deep sigh "Naruto I would ask Kakashi to improve his ways and he would be a good sensei."

"Jiji the problem is with the team. I can try to get along and play nice but sooner or later the team will fall apart." Naruto reasoned.

"Okay even if your reasoning is sound, since when you have been so damn logical?" Sarutobi grumbled to which Naruto rolled his eyes. "We have to find a jonin who will take you or probably exchange you with another student."

"Jiji I am pretty sure Kakashi will be too happy to oblige so that only leaves the other party." Naruto replied.

"Hmm well I will put you on hold for now I guess or you would prefer to do some D-ranks with your current team meanwhile." Sarutobi enquired.

"Actually there is no need. I will exchange him with Kakashi." A voice said as the door of the office opened to reveal the jonin who called out.



AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry for leaving like that but it was sort of necessary as I wanted reader's opinion about it too. So guys who do think it will be Naruto's new jonin sensei…..? I would have started a poll but then I dropped the idea. However you are welcome to express your choices in reviews and PMs, they will be surely considered. I am sorry that the updates are slow but the college work is taxing guys so please please please be considerate and keep enjoying the story. And yes please don't forget to review…constructive criticism is most welcome cheers…