Disclaimer: All rights to Rick.

"Hey, Leo." She said. "What are you doing up?" Leo rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, sometimes I cook when I can't sleep." Hazel smiled and sat down, pulling an enchanted glass toward her. It immediately filled up with apple juice.

In the corner of the room, a beep sounded and Leo checked it. He rushed back over to the stove and got plates out. Hazel looked at the corner, to see a monitor that folded out of the walls. It beeped a few more times as Leo sat things down on the table and hurried to put all the appliances back into the wall, where they folded in.

"What the-" Percy, half asleep, stood in the doorway. He saw the table, covered in food. Nachos, pizza, chips, cookies, and other things like tacos and strawberries. Leo sat down and pulled a plate of food toward him while Hazel munched on her nachos. The others shuffled in after him and sat down. The room started to shift around them.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!" Leo grumbled. They all stood in central park. It was dark out and Leo was asleep underneath a tree. A second figure was sneaking through the park quietly. The stranger had messy hair that stuck up all over the place. As he passed under a street lamp, Annabeth's eyes widened. It was Percy. But in this memory, he was about 14.

Percy frowned and crept over to where Leo slept, tossing and turning. He reached out and tried to shake Leo awake but as soon as his hand came into contact with the other boys' shoulder, he found himself on the ground with a knife at his throat. Leo's eyes were wide and furious.

"Um, hi." Percy said. "Is this how you say hello where you're from?" Leo shook his head and stood up, offering Percy his hand.

"Sorry about that." Leo said, sheepishly. Percy frowned.

"It's like you were expecting to be attacked." Leo shook his head.

"I was expecting to be caught." He said, his eyes scanning the area.

"Do you need somewhere to stay?" Percy asked. Leo frowned.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Percy chuckled.

"If I was going to kill you, I would have done it by now." Percy offered his hand. Leo took it, hesitantly. The memory faded. Now they were on a raft, floating away from an island. Percy covered his mouth with his hand in shock. Memory Leo reached a hand toward the island where a figure retreated. They all knew what was about to happen. Nobody knew exactly what Leo had said as he floated away, because when he had been telling them what happened, he had began arguing with Annabeth. But now, they wanted to know.

"I'll come back for you, Calypso. I swear it on the River Styx." The memory faded and the seven all gathered around Leo.

"We're so sorry." Piper choked as she hugged him. The others followed suit.

To this day, none of them will admit it, but they were thankful that Dike had done what she did. They were able to help Leo. They were thankful for one other thing, though.

They were thankful for the Coffee incident.

All done! This is the end. I hope you guys liked this story!
