Disclaimer: Don't own the Naruto franchise or any of it's characters.

Rating: M

As the summary said, most of it regards their living together, not purely 'the big result'. Still, hope you enjoy


In her Byakugan vision, Hinata surveyed the ends of her newly-cut hair, the remaining parts being held by Naruto. "Little to the left" she directly softly, and he obliged. "Oh! Sorry, my left, not yours."

"Hehe, that's alright, ya know."

Smiling, feeling warm, she nonetheless carefully angled the scissors behind her head, Naruto's fingers adjusting as needed- just had a few adjustments to make. She snipped off a few uneven growths, surveying the back of her head again - having focused that closely - made a last snip on another edge, then nodded, for it all looked good to her.

"Alright, I think that does it" Hinata breathed softly, putting down the scissors, reverting her eyes back to normal.

Barely had she finished before Naruto began to thread his fingers through her hair- she hitched slightly, heart beating faster, but soon welcomed it. "Ya know, it's kinda funny" he breathed, almost in her ear, which she liked as well.


"It almost feels weird, seeing you with shorter hair... but I've seen your hair shorter than this" he explained - in the mirror, Naruto had a sheepish grin as he stood behind her, which only added to things. "How silly is that, that it feels weird to me now?"

Hinata hummed, taking his free hand and half-turning toward him. "Well, I've had my long hair more than I've had it short" she whispered, rubbing his hand between hers. "I don't think it's that silly, Naruto. I understand what you mean."

Naruto's cheeks turned slightly red for a moment, but he smiled and leaned closer. Happier, she eagerly met the kiss herself, holding him closer as it went on - oh yes, she definitely enjoyed this, especially after getting used to all the warm sensations.

It didn't last long, but they still quite enjoyed it.

"Come on" Hinata whispered, after catching her breath a little. "Like I said, once I'd cut my hair we still had to finish our chores."

He got a little sheepish. "Couldn't my Shadow Clones do all that for us?" Naruto asked, half-serious.

She giggled, but gently pushed his shoulder. "If you did that every time, where would that leave us?" she asked. "You might gain the cleaning experience, but I wouldn't, and then we suddenly might have nothing to do."

"We could just be with each other" he pointed out, a little suggestive.

Hinata felt her cheeks heat up, but couldn't deny some small measure of temptation. "We- we could" she admitted after a moment, making a sound. "But if that became the norm, it'd build up until we might not feel anything special. I don't want that, Naruto."

Naruto relented after a few seconds, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, I didn't think you'd agree" he admitted, making a sheepish grin. "I was kinda joking, after all. But I was also kinda serious, about my Shadow Clones doing all the work for us this time; we've been working hard the last few times, so we could use a break, ya know."


Naruto smiled then. "And besides" he whispered, slipping closer, kissing her cheek. "I know you're close to finishing your scarf, Hinata."

Happier from his cheek kiss, Hinata blinked as that last part registered. "That's why you want us to skip it?" she asked, Naruto nodding slowly. "Oh, well that's an entirely different reason- I thought maybe you're just trying to get out of personally doing it."

"Or because I was being suggestive?"

This time, she smiled, seeing that he's being playful- he soon returned the favor.

"Alright" Hinata whispered softly. "Just this once. Thank you, Naruto."

His only answer was to softly kiss her on the lips, and she didn't mind at all, eagerly returning it... Naruto pulled her closer, and she responded equally...


You know, he really enjoys this; just sitting together with Hinata, watching her knit that scarf for awhile. If you listened closely, you could hear his clones doing the chores and whatnot, but for the most part, the only sounds in the room were the steady click-click of Hinata's work.

And adding onto it, Kuruma was asleep too, having said he knows where this might go and wanted to stay out of it.

Naruto smiled, threading his fingers in her hair- having grown more comfortable with him, Hinata didn't even seem distracted by this. She was happy, perhaps a little shy as evidenced by the slightly-pink cheeks, but certainly not so much that she couldn't focus. For his part, he's glad to see the change, remembering how she'd been so shy in the past... heh, where even the mere sight of him could've made her faint. Now he suspected the only way that could happen anymore, was if he were to suddenly do 'everything' all-at-once, but like he'd do that so easily - he's not even sure it's the right time yet, as while he's learning what 'techniques' do good/not-so-good, he's not that great yet at reading Hinata's 'sexy moods'.

After all, he's new to that side of her... but he'll learn.

Heh, listen to him worry; Naruto shook his head a little, leaning forward and kissing Hinata's neck. She moved slightly, but he could tell she liked it, and not just because he sorta-felt her heart-rate increase... but either way, he continued the affection with all softness, while making sure he didn't disrupt her knitting.

"Mmh" Hinata breathed, content. "Almost done."

"You don't need to rush" he whispered, right into her ear, making her jolt a little- still, despite the slight embarrassment, she didn't motion for him to stop.

They stayed just like that for a little, content to be with each other... steadily, Hinata's knitting wove together the last strands of the red scarf, each bit as neat as the previous through her work. Naruto almost literally felt the five minutes pass by, but in the good way, enjoying how he's able to be this close to Hinata, and she to him.

Click click

Eventually, she neatly tied up the last thread, cutting the excess thread with scissors - with his eyes closed, still enjoying things, he didn't immediately see her holding up the scarf. "It's done" Hinata whispered, stirring him from his affection- her voice was softer, shaking a little. "It's finally done, Naruto."

A little happy chill went through him; the scarf looked just like it did before, and before he knew it, he was marveling over it's softness, figuratively and physically. A silly little grin was on his face without thinking, and when he looked at Hinata, there were little happy tears in her eyes- particularly when he gently took it from her, admiring the completed work as it was meant to be.

"Hinata" Naruto breathed, feeling a rush himself. "I- I- thank you."

As soon as he said it, he knew it wasn't enough to show how he felt; he moved closer, and Hinata instantly got his meaning, moving closer herself. She kissed him back with equal force, shaking a little from happiness yet full of love, fingers moving over his back in her special way- he held her back tightly, still holding the scarf yet being very delicate with it.

"I love you, Naruto" Hinata whispered once they pulled apart, fingers tracing his whisker marks. "So much."

By that point, Naruto's certain he had little tears as well - wouldn't surprise him much - and answered that with another kiss.

"Me too" he just whispered, trying to say it all. "I love you, Hinata. I always will."

Hinata kissed him several times, none of which he minded, including how 'forceful' they were... though he did hitch slightly when she then kissed his neck. "H-Hinata?"

"I'll always love you too, Naruto" she whispered in his ear, which sent a thrill through him, in more ways than one. "And I- I want to show you that."

"Y-You mean-?"

Hinata quickly shook her head, cheeks pinker, yet kissed him again. "We don't have to" she whispered quickly, looking a little shy for a moment, yet still loving. "I-I just know that I want to please you, Naruto. Right now, so let's j-just work with that."

After a moment, Naruto just held her closer, kissing her neck in return. "Well whatever we decide, we do it together" he whispered, also in her ear, which got a small sound out of her- he liked that.



This time, they got straight to business... nothing over their clothes; just removed them straight away.

Not that they didn't spend the first few minutes gradually kissing, hands wandering over each other's backs, arms, and so forth- they did, and Hinata enjoyed that part, both of them 'squirming' on the bed. Her heart's pounding with love and passion, loving the strong grip Naruto had, and made sure he enjoyed her grip, her touch - judging by his kisses, he felt the exact same, which was all that mattered to her.



That was all they could say before their mouths found each other's again, but it said enough for them both. Not seconds later, Hinata hitched when Naruto's lips found her neck, working there with semi-practiced motions... while at the same time, his legs were rubbing against her thighs, teasing-yet-not-teasing her. Meanwhile, his fingers were simultaneously trailing over numerous parts of her body, including over her stomach, between her chest, and other places to get her 'worked up'. They worked with the same level of semi-practice as his kisses, not quite smooth and sometimes slipping, but by-and-large making her body heat up, enjoying this.

After all, a few sessions had passed since they'd first seen each other naked... with such sessions being devoted to each other's spots, and one involving a Shadow Clone to help out...

Meanwhile, despite her reactions, Hinata worked to please Naruto just as much as he's doing to her, starting with under his armpits. That tickled him a little, pausing his neck kisses- she took advantage of this, pulling his head down against her shoulder, allowing her to work his neck. At the same time, pulling his head down also pulled his body down, and by extension, pressed him against her chest... this caused them both to groan, really liking that. In fact, it encouraged her to work his neck more, one hand gripping the back of his head (and 'innocently' messing up his hair), alongside the whole doing her best with his back spots.

"Oh man" Naruto breathed, breath hitching with her work, not resisting at the moment. "Hinata, t-that's really good, ya know."

"I'm glad" Hinata whispered, before hesitantly licking his neck, liking his little gasp. "I want to make you happy."

At that, he pulled her in close, enough for a hard kiss. "I am happy" Naruto whispered back, kissing her again and licking her lips- despite herself, she gasped a little, thrilled at the sensation. "As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy."

Such praise was making her body heat up even more, and she didn't want it to stop.

"Any other family too, if we decide to in the future."

At that point, the heat took on a brief fervor pitch, just so full of happiness and love- Hinata kissed Naruto as hard as she could, who groaned in the good way as he returned it. Yet even with these statements, she remained in control of herself rather than lost in the pleasure, and she wouldn't have it any other way... including her enjoyment of Naruto's chest.

He shivered at that, but still held her tightly.

Their passions growing, it soon had an effect upon Naruto's groin-

-she gasped a little, briefly feeling a bit nervous.

Even still, it was enough to get Naruto's attention, who's affections paused- she kissed his cheek. "Keep going" Hinata whispered, assuring; she's surprised, but not unwilling. After a sec, he returned to things, before making her jolt when his fingers moved over her chest again... particularly over her sensitive nipples, which made her gasp.

"You got it, Hinata" he whispered to her.

"Ah, ah, Naruto" she breathed, really liking that sensation - in fact, she brought his other hand up, though she had to put some space between their chests to do so. "Oh wow... ah, hah..."

Her little gasps seemed to embolden Naruto; he started to take control of their kisses, just a little, even as his fingers did their work. The warmth she felt from their passion began to take on that hotter quality again, sending thrills through her system, increasing the more insistent he got. Loving this, Hinata showed her own appreciation by tweaking his chest, almost giggling at the yelp he made, before rubbing along his ribs in a certain way that he liked. The numerous gasps/jolts brought about by his own 'work' did their best to distract her, but she still managed, including a little surprise motion down his back and onto... a-a certain area.

Naruto's yelp made it completely worth-while though.

Despite her own embarrassment, this time Hinata couldn't keep down the giggle- it went well with the warmth, and she soon leaned up, kissing him. Thanks to the little shock, he only half-returned it due to experience, but it was a good one- she smiled, which he returned just before her lips went down to his chest-

-or rather, she tried; Naruto immediately pulled her head up and kissed her, tongue joining in; Naruto wanting to make things even for her tease.

Surprised, Hinata returned it, gasping as their tongues intertwined - when he was satisfied, her own cheeks redder, she returned to what she'd planned on. Minutes seemed to pass in the warmth... over and over, they both made sounds as they worked each other's chests, though Naruto's groin was still very noticeable. She gasped when he slightly pinched her nipples, as well as when he tentatively licked there- her grip on his back tightened accordingly, body shaking from the sensations, yet not wanting them to stop. This time she felt no embarrassment at wanting more... as far as she's concerned now, it's perfectly fine...

"Ha- ah, mmh- harder."

Hinata only heard Naruto's heavy breathing as he processed this, seeming briefly surprised... but he was happy to oblige.


Whenever she thought his tentative brushes or licks sent thrills through her body, it was nothing compared to the full-mouth movements; those made her physically tingle, and this one was no exception. She had to clench the sheets to (badly) contain her moan, yet still she wanted more of it, and Naruto did just that- they 'squirmed' against each other, her in particular from the thrills, oh-so-content with things. Yet with all the mounting passion, all this affection, the warmth started turning really hot... Hinata almost physically felt herself starting to get wet down there. The shy embarrassment at this was still mostly new, so even the rush couldn't suppress it, and her affections/sounds slowed accordingly- but not enough to completely stop her.

Naruto slowed somewhat too, when his motions touched his groin near her core, feeling small hints of this.

"H-Hinata?" he whispered, just managing to get it out, heavily breathing.

She heard the implied question, and needed only half-a-second to consider it.

"Go on" Hinata whispered, intent- quickly, warmly, she kissed Naruto to prove her words. "I want a little more."

As far as her body's concerned, 'little' wasn't enough to satisfy it... but she didn't want to flat-out say 'more', and all it's broad implications. After all, she still didn't know how far she ultimately wanted to go, or if Naruto had any limit in mind... not yet anyway, but close...

This time, Naruto didn't reply with words, but the return kiss proved his intentions - Hinata gasped when his fingers moved to her inner thighs, the teasing affection making her actually start to get impatient, least before she clamped on it. In return, she glanced at his groin, slowly reaching down for it... Naruto's next affection made her yelp a little, heart pounding faster and stopping her hand, distinctly aware of his other hand teasing her butt. Feeling the rush in her system, she instinctively decided what to do; instead of reaching down (just yet), she pulled herself up via Naruto's shoulders. A little thrown by her sudden shift in weight, he looked at her a little dazed, until her next kiss brought him out of it- his hands soon returned to what they'd been doing, occasionally re-working her chest, but all adjusted to her suddenly sitting in his lap.

And this time, she didn't let him stop her reaching downward.


Oooh man, he can't find the words to describe this- Hinata's really something, even sexy in her own way.

Naruto groaned, thanks to Hinata's work on his groin, still somewhat tentative but much less than before- maybe it's the passion. Either way, he spent several minutes trying to return the favor via small teases, but kept faltering due to her touch... it just felt so good...

Eventually though, he got enough sense of mind to move through things, though deep down he was still worried.

Hinata gasped when his fingers moved near her core, looking almost passionately-shy for a moment, before she kissed him in response. He returned it, still feeling her finger's work, but he gently nudged his way to her core... slowly, carefully, Hinata's legs opened up in response, and soon he began rubbing over the outside. Even that made little gasps escape her mouth, all instinctive, and Naruto had to keep himself from stupidly grinning- sure he liked it, but such a grin might look wrong. Due to his previous experience, he was sorta-experienced in the lighter motions, and knew how to stimulate her a little bit... so within a minute, she slowly got wetter under his touch...

At the same time, due to Hinata's efforts he's getting equally stimulated, enough for the 'pre-stuff' - Hinata made a sound, not looking down at the moment. She didn't have to either, as right then he kissed her, something she easily returned... within moments her fingers cupped his cheeks, tracing along his whisker marks...

It only felt like normal rubbing, but still he loved that.

Further down, his fingers moved instinctively-

-Hinata moaned, her whole body 'trembling' from the finger that'd entered her. Only the second time total, and not that deep or good, but still he did his best... after the initial burst, she got more control over the warmth, holding him tightly against her chest (oh yes!). Naruto was about to kiss her before Hinata had other ideas, for she moved to his neck, and then- gah, started sucking on his skin! His finger motions continued by instinct, and the rest of him squirmed under her mouth, but man was that good too! When she finally came up, Naruto saw she'd turned the skin red, kinda like a mark or something - after a moment, he got what she'd done and why.


"Naruto" she whispered, really close to him... her expression and voice passionate, but still the gentle woman she always is. "I love you."

Hearing this deep in their passion, he only felt another rush of warmth. "Me too, Hinata" he whispered quickly, kissing her. "I love you so much."


The way Hinata said that sent a chill through his spine, stopping everything; no way he could've misunderstood that.

Not like this anyway.

"But-" he whispered, glancing down at their bodies- he'd barely started to 'really' work Hinata's core, and she hadn't been working his 'thing' all that long either. "I- we haven't-"

Hinata kissed him, making it so he couldn't finish. "Even if we did everything right, it's still the first time" she breathed, really close. "It's not going to be perfect... but I'm ready now. Are you, Naruto?"

Trying to keep his head in all the passion, Naruto had to pause, just breathing - so, it's finally happening; Hinata was ready. He's known for some time that no matter how good/bad he did, it'd still hurt, which was unavoidable... kinda like the Tenseigan. Reassuring himself though, he also knows that Hinata was trained to be a shinobi, so she's at least partially prepared to handle pain, so it might not even be that bad. He really hoped so; he hated watching her be in pain, and it was gonna be hard to self-inflict it... even if a necessary step that'd ultimately lead to feeling good.

"Y-Yeah" he mumbled, before swallowing. "Yeah, Hinata... as ready as I'll be."

Her fingers moved over his cheeks again. "Isn't that my line?" Hinata whispered, smiling a little.

Naruto let out a breath, almost chuckling but grateful; a bunch of his tension vanished with that question - not all, but a bunch. "Maybe it is" he admitted, before he kissed her, soft and gentle- Hinata returned the favor. "Thank you, Hinata. But one last thing, ya know."


"Are you 'safe'?"

Hinata slowly nodded, fingers still caressing his whisker marks, and other places. "Today, then the next two days, for certain" she whispered. "But, even if I weren't today... I'd still want to do this, Naruto."

Just like before, when she'd mentioned the family she'd like to have, with him, Naruto felt such a rush of warmth. He tried to speak, but yet again he couldn't; he had to kiss her to make his feelings known, yet Hinata welcomed the kiss just like all the others.

They kept kissing for at least a minute, and only after that long did he slowly push forward... they adjusted as her back touched the bed again, both of them breathy as they held each other for awhile. Looking at each other the entire time, they slowly did a little stimulation again, to get back into things; Hinata moved a hand over his chest and considerably lower, sending little sensations through him again - ge did the same thing with Hinata, one hand working her chest/nipples, and the other over her core... even as his hardness rubbed near her core, but not on it.

"I'll be careful" Naruto promised, kissing her several times.

Hinata cupped his cheeks by the end. "I know you will" she whispered, ending it with another kiss.

Despite his promise though, his experiences/passion, he had to suppress a gulp- but it's okay, really, as Hinata's here to help him through it. More than that even, he saw that underneath her willingness, her softness, the passion, she's also nervous... pain aside, this is a big moment for them both.

He took comfort from that fact.

Carefully, Naruto hung over Hinata a little, looking down at her slightly-splayed form- the way she lay there, breathing heavier, skin shining a little from sweat all over. After that, he looked down at their groins, where he slowly-but-gently moved Hinata's legs... she made a sound, not really having had them spread that wide before, but she was flexible enough to do so without issue. He took a few seconds to gently rub against her core, making her move from his affections, before he fully aligned himself down there. Carefully, he placed his hands upon her legs, taking in a deep breath... and before anything else, leaned all the way forward for another kiss, which Hinata returned.

Steeling himself, he started to move forward...

Hinata closed her eyes, lips pursed and brow furrowed- just as he got to her barrier, starting to break it, she made a strained grunt but nothing more. By the time he finished (with effort), her body jerked under the sensations, breath heavier but she looked fine... Naruto fervently hoped so. On the sensation side of things, he involuntarily groaned at just how good it felt- truly indescribable, especially in the heat of the moment. Keeping himself still by an effort, he did his best to enjoy things for a little, before he brought himself back to the sight of Hinata beneath him.

"Does it hurt?"

"It's- it's really tight... mmh, not exactly painful... ah..."

Despite the fact that she's literally on the knife-edge, regarding it being painful, his whole body sagged with relief- oh good. Naruto tried not to move as Hinata lay beneath him, arms on either side of her, her chest moving with each heavy breath... he knew it wouldn't immediately go from sorta-pain to good right away, but it seemed to be taking forever...

Still, the fact that she's not in pain- he's sincerely counting his lucky stars for that unlikely development.

But finally, things eased and Hinata opened her eyes, still breathing harder... she looked at him with love, and the beginnings of (happy) tears as well. "Naruto."

Smiling with relief, he eagerly leaned down to kiss her, returning that love and having it returned ("Hinata.")- she again cupped his cheeks during things. Once it ended, Naruto felt all his emotions mix together, and couldn't stop his goofy little closed-eyed grin showing it all... he didn't see this, but Hinata seemed to feel even warmer at the sight.

In fact, she was the first to move-

-they both gasped.

He looked at her in surprise, but Hinata just smiled a little, slowly continuing- up and down, up and down, gradually getting used to the motions. Blatantly realizing he's supposed to be doing so too, Naruto put his hands back on her legs, and started thrusting- again they gasped at the sensations, even slow-going and not that strong. For the first minute they were literally testing things, trying to find the rhythm... eventually they both got that it's best when synced with Hinata's breathing, while it really didn't affect his pleasure much either way.


Naruto took in a breath, then increased his pace- Hinata's gasps soon increased, fingers clenching the sheets. Despite this, she managed to keep an even pace, pushing back against him every time he thrust, which really seemed to be working for her- sometimes, she even seemed to be open-mouthed smiling. While enjoying that, his gaze remained nearly-fixated upon her chest, which moved with every thrust... not much, because they're still working on speed, and her chest being heavy/harder to move, but the sight made his passion hotter. She herself seemed to feel this partway through, because one arm came up underneath her breasts- it didn't stop their bouncing, but it did slow them.

Driven by some instinct, Naruto moved his hands, and Hinata almost squeaked when he grabbed her chest- thanks to their thrusts, he felt every movement, which made it even better. Seeming to like and/or accept this, she removed her arm after a few seconds, letting him grip her chest even as they focused on thrusting... though he kept squeezing throughout, adding more little gasps.

It blurred together at moments, and then suddenly Hinata gripped his shoulders- he stopped instinctively, breath heavier.

Adjusting herself, Hinata gripped his shoulders and began to sit up, which he helped her do. Now level to him, Naruto started to lean back, thinking that's what he's supposed to do... however, Hinata quickly shook her head and he stopped, giving him the impression she's not ready.

For now, this time- didn't matter; he quickly leaned back to before.

Getting the idea, having Hinata adjust her legs, he started to have her move up-and-down on top of him first. After a few seconds, she started getting into the rhythm without his help, before quickly/passionately kissing him, including her tongue. Groaning with pleasure, Naruto returned the favor in both areas... thrusting upward in this position wasn't easy, and it took him a little to get the hang of things, but he managed anyway. Hinata's gasps were really getting to him too, particularly when his hands returned to her chest, both liking that and helping keep the bouncing under control. Still, even when covering her chest, the sight of it bouncing so close made him really hot, like you can't imagine... if only he could've seen this from below...

Next time.

The blur happened again before he knew it, and this time he stopped them after awhile... in a small rush to continue what they're doing, Naruto moved quickly. Hinata made several sounds as he 'removed' himself, but quickly saw what he's actually doing, moving herself into a position turned away from him/on her knees now, which seemed to make her gulp. Seeing this stalled him for a bit, but he leaned forward, kissing Hinata deeply- her hands quickly came up, holding his head close and enjoying the feel of his lips. After he pulled them apart, Naruto saw that while still a little embarrassed, she's ready to continue... in fact, like him she really wanted it. Quickly, he got back behind her, pushing inside after some effort - Hinata moaned in response, oh so wanting at the pleasure they're both feeling.

A side of her no one would ever know, except him hehe.

Thrusting semi-fast again, both of them groaning/moaning from that, he grabbed her chest like he's supposed to. Because she's on the big side, he couldn't fully cover them, and sometimes they threatened to slip out of his grip, forcing him to readjust constantly... but even with that, the sheer sensations really made it worthwhile.

"Ah!" Hinata moaned, almost repeatedly as they both thrust, sometimes slightly off-rhythm but always managing to get back to it. "N-Naruto!"


That's all they could say, but it managed to say everything; the love, the pleasure, and everything else you could imagine.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Naruto 'remembered' why Hinata was feeling this so strongly; something about stimulation being more intense while in this position. It'd certainly explain why she's so breathy right now, as it must feel extremely good, first time or not... he felt those things somewhere, but still his main focus was on what they're doing.

After an 'eternity', he felt a shift deep in the pleasure; starting to get close - not 'really' close, but only a matter of time.

For a moment, they both groaned when things stopped, Hinata even raising her head- still, when she saw him trying to move her legs, she got the idea again. Turning her from on-her-knees to on-her-back took some doing, and he's embarrassed to say he had to pull out briefly, but the passion kinda overwrote all that... he'd learn from things later. Just before they finished, Hinata kissed him deeply again, which Naruto instinctively returned- she even pulled him tightly against her body. Their passionate kiss was still going when he thrust again, both gasping into each other's mouths, and only stopping when they had to flat-out breath...

At the same time, he confirmed that yup, he's getting closer down there.

Leaning up a bit, grasping her spread legs, Naruto instinctively put a lot more strength into his thrusts while this lasts-

-something which had an effect on Hinata. "Ah!" she cried out, followed by gasps as her body bounced hard, including her chest. "Ah, Naruto!"


By that point, their sounds overlapped with all passion- despite the surprise, Hinata managed to readjust to his harder thrusts, only adding to things and didn't seem to notice her chest being unattended. For his part, even though he's putting everything into this last stretch - groans to match - yet again his gaze remained fixated on her chest.

He'd be remembering that sight for a long time...

Closer he got to the edge, the more Naruto instinctively threw himself into things- Hinata seemed to be enjoying that, all sense of shyness/embarrassment long forgotten. In fact she increased her pace, making things insane as they both moaned, each thrust hitting harder than the last... every moment an eternity, yet over too fast...

All that built-up pressure finally hit the edge-


Their cries overlapped, both shaking at this last release, even if it was only him.

-feeling like he'd exploded, he slumped with a groan onto the bed, onto Hinata, who's head was laying sideways.

They were gasping for breath, covered in sweat, but barely noticed this detail - they must've been that way for a minute, if not longer. Hinata seemed to recover faster than him, as despite her own blissful exhaustion, her hands moved up his back, one going into his hair for awhile... the touch made him stir, and despite a little effort, Naruto managed to lift his head.


She couldn't seem to speak, just laying there panting - but she did look at him, and without a word, Hinata clearly showed what she felt. That gave him some strength, adjusting how he lay and making it so he's more laying sideways to her, but gradually holding her close (and never letting go)- even before he finished, Hinata kissed him, which he managed to returne.

It definitely seemed to help: "Naruto..." she whispered, barely audible, but so warm and happy.

Naruto smiled, gently running his fingers through her hair, even if he's still getting used to it's shorter length- that was his answer.

She snuggled closer to him, resting her head against the crook of his neck, panting slowing down to normal breathing- it was the same with him as the minutes passed. By the end of it, he was feeling sleepy all of a sudden, though he could've fought it off... however, when he realized Hinata had fallen asleep in his arms, he just chuckled a little and let the sleep come.

They deserved it.


The next morning

Hinata half-opened her eyes, but it took her a little to get her senses straightened out... seemed to be rather early morning, but not too late or anything. As for herself, she's still wrapped up in Naruto's arms, which brought warmth throughout her body- but it also made her realize they're both naked, as well as still bearing evidence of... a certain act. Her cheeks heated, embarrassed and a little wanting to clean up as soon as possible, but the warmth continued undiminished. After all, the intimacy they'd shared was something she'd remember forever - just like all the big moments with Naruto, including after the battle with Toneri.

Even if it took them a little to fully adjust.

Slowly, gently, she sat up and untangled herself from Naruto's arms- by some dream instinct, he resisted, but Hinata still moved into a sitting position. She shivered a little at the cool-ish air, an arm underneath her chest, slowly confirming that it did seem to be early morning... then she looked at Naruto, smiling a little.


No reaction.

After shaking him did the same thing, except for a half-turn, she giggled silently and leaned toward his ear-

"I can make ramen for breakfast."

Like a cannonball he launched himself upright, while she quickly got out of the way- but despite what you might expect, he wasn't awake; in actuality he's still half-asleep, even with this reaction. "Gah, what?" Naruto breathed, very groggy and blinking away the light, even raising a hand to shield himself. "Wha... what happened?"

"It's morning" Hinata whispered gently.

The sound of her voice started to penetrate his sleep fog, and give-or-take fifteen seconds, he woke up enough to register her. "Hinata" he breathed, blinking once, before he semi-freaked a little... which she chalked up to remembering last night.


"Before you say anything, we should- we should clean up, Naruto" she said quickly, still embarrassed about that.


About ten minutes later, they were in the bathroom, washing themselves clean with water.

Hinata made a sound, gingerly moving her legs; she's still sore between them, so she had to be careful - glancing behind her, she watched Naruto working in silence (except for the scrubbing water), and guessed he's still gathering his thoughts. She returned to her own work, trying to do the same... no matter how embarrassing, eventually they'd have to talk about last night, at least what they thought...

Not all that easy, given she had to separate the first-time pleasure from an objective viewpoint.



She paused a little, heart beating faster. "Y-Yes?"

"Was I-? Did I do-? ...gah, I don't even know what to ask."

The nervousness in his voice made Hinata smile; even now, both of them slowly adjusting to the aftermath, he's still worried about what she'll say about it. Carefully, she adjusted where she sat, moving to be side-by-side with Naruto, who noticed that... his mouth worked for a little, but he took her hand without any issues.

"I think you were trying to ask... how good it was, right?" she asked gently, if still with some embarrassment.

His cheeks reddened, seeming to have an involuntary glance at her body before he glanced upward, thinking a little- during that time, she isn't afraid to say she did the same, regarding 'involuntary' glances. "Well, I mean- you said it wouldn't be perfect. I knew that much, Hinata" Naruto whispered, taking in a breath. "Still, even with all our practice, I worried deep down about making a wrong move. I-I know it's silly, 'cause it is, but I just wanted to do my best."

"You did, Naruto" Hinata assured, gently rubbing his hand, leaning her shoulder against his (soon followed by her entire side). "We both did our best. One or many mistakes couldn't change that... and they couldn't convince me that you were terrible, because you weren't."

While still a bit redder, Naruto's expression softened as she talked, becoming a little sheepish by the end. "Well, I dunno if I'd call myself 'good' either" he admitted uncertainly. "Hinata, I- I'm pretty sure your own passion helped you, as much as my technique did."

"Y-Yes, it did" she breathed, feeling a small rush of warmth, before she shook that off. "But there's nothing wrong with that."

"I didn't say it was, Hinata. Just that... well I can't count on it every time, ya know."

For a little, Hinata just continued rubbing his hand, before kissing his neck- just as he moved, she looked up at him. "You'll learn" she whispered gently. "As will I. I wasn't expecting anything mind-blowing, and I don't have to anytime soon... but knowing you, Naruto, you'll learn fast and I'll have to keep up in pleasing you."

Naruto sheepishly rubbed his head. "Well, I know you want to, and I don't really mind, but you don't have to, Hinata" he assured back. "Seeing you happy, enjoying yourself, that's enough for me."

She kissed him for that, which he easily returned. "I know" Hinata whispered, really soft. "But I still insist."


"Besides, our passions or experience aside, I... I-I really enjoyed myself."

Part of him seemed to slump with relief, which was reflected in his expression. "Then, you think I was- g-good?"

Gently, Hinata traced a finger over his clavicle, which got his attention for a bit. "Yes, you were good last night" she breathed, still really soft. "You and I still have a lot to learn, but it's true- did you enjoy yourself, Naruto?"

He seemed to gulp a little, perhaps as memories resurfaced, but quickly nodded several times.

Making a little hum, she then reached down and grabbed his bar of soap- Naruto almost yelped when her hand started rubbing it against his chest, as well as made lower passes. "Go on" she assured, feeling her cheeks heat up a little again, but mainly gentle. "Tell me what you liked, or didn't; I'm not going anywhere, and I'd like to hear the details... for the future."

His cheeks also turned redder, but he made a motion, then reached for her own soap- he started working her after a little, which made her heart beat faster.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to get the 'dislikes' outta the way fast" he breathed, pausing to kiss her neck; she nodded in understanding.


"Well... I uh... I'm not sure now, about the 'behind' thing..."

Almost a full month, yet only three-and-a-half weeks; not bad overall hehe.

Regardless, as stated this is the end of this fic, as the lemon was the final one - a 'shame', given how lovingly sweet this couple is. Still, with any luck, the side-story of exploring Hinata with the Tenseigan's powers might further explore them, in a more action format... and makes for a possibility of a Boruto movie semi-retelling, involving Hinata with said powers...

Perhaps in time.

Edit: As it's been noted, either initially or by those who read the reviews, this last chapter had an unfortunate typo ('had'; it's fixed now). For those who wonder/assume, I certainly didn't plan that as it first appeared, but I'm not all that hung up about the 'attention' given to the mistake - I was kinda laughing myself at how that slipped by, and I'm still taking it in good humor. It's just that type of thing you don't live down lol; I get that... I hope not to have more incidents like it, but I'm fine, and don't at all feel aggrieved ;)