So here's a deleted chapter for this story which takes place just before Danny is arrested. This song is from Aladdin the Broadway Musical and it's called A Million Miles Away.


Danny pulled Sam onto the roof with Jazz and Cujo following behind, as Sam stood up and held onto Danny, she found that she couldn't stop staring at his blue eyes.

"Thank you for stopping that ghost from hurting me" Sam said while blushing.

"No problem. So is it your first time in the marketplace?" Danny asked as he used a stick to jump to the next building, Jazz went next and Cujo just flew over.

"Is it that obvious?" Sam asked back.

"Definitely. I mean you probably don't understand how to survive the streets of Amity yet" Danny answered as he was preparing a bridge for Sam, but then was shocked when she did the exact same thing Danny did.

"Don't worry, I learn fast" Sam said as she smiled. Danny then continued to lead Sam to their home, but instead of taking her inside, he took her to the roof of the Emergency Opps Centre.

"So this is where you live?" Sam asked.

"Yep just Jazz, Cujo and I. It's not much but it's got a great view" Danny said as he pointed out to the horizon.

"I'm going downstairs a minute" Jazz said and then left, something told her that they needed to be alone. The two continued to look at the view, then Sam looked sadly away as she noticed the palace.

"The palace looks amazing. I always wondered what it'd be like to live in it, to have servants and butlers" Danny explained.

"Yeah and people to tell you where to go and how to dress" Sam continued.

"It's better than here. Always having to steal food and run from the guards" Danny started.

"Never free to make your own choices" Sam continued.

"Sometimes it makes you feel, trapped" They both said in unison, they then looked at each other and smiled for they realised, that they both understood how they felt but in different points of view.

"So where are you from?" Danny asked as he tossed her an apple that he took from Cujo.

Sam caught the apple and held it as she said, "It doesn't matter I ran away and I'm never going back"

"How come?" Danny asked as he sat down beside her, before taking a bite out of an apple and giving it to Cujo, who looked at it in disgust and began to sneak around Sam.

"My father is forcing me to pick someone to get married to when I come of age" Sam explained sadly.

Danny looked at her with sympathy, but then noticed Cujo trying to take her apple and shouted, "CUJO!"

Cujo fled and then began barking at Danny frantically in anger, causing Sam to giggle and then ask, "What did he say?"

"Cujo said….That's not fair" Danny said as he smiled, earning a confused look from Cujo.

"Does Cujo have anything else to say?" Sam asked while looking in Danny's eyes once more.

"Well he wishes that there was something he could do to help" Danny said as he looked into Sam's eyes as well, Cujo just turned around and whined while shaking his head.

Sam continued to smile warmly at Danny and then asked him, "So do you have parents?"

Danny looked down and said, "No, they both died when Jazz and I were kids"

"I'm so sorry" Sam said with sympathy. She then said, "I lost my mother too when I was eight"

"I always feel like I'm disappointing her whenever I steal food. I don't like doing it but it's one of the only ways to survive" Danny said. "Sometimes I wish I could escape this place and just never look back. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to do that?"

"Only every hour of every day" Sam answered. Danny smiled at her as he knew she understood what he was talking about and then said, "What's stopping us?"

He then held her hand and gestured for her to look at the horizon beyond the entire city of Amity, Sam gazed at the sunset in the horizon in awe.


We'll join a caravan tonight

Count on the stars to be our guides

We'll simply vanish out of sight

Go where the desert road decides

There won't be any obligations


Or fathers to obey


'Cause we'll be a million miles away

Leave everything behind

When you choose to lose yourself

Who knows what you might find

And once the journey's done

You'll have some faith in me

After a million miles or so

We might feel like we're free

Sam smiled as she imagined a future of being free from all the pressures that had been placed on her as part of being a princess and she couldn't help but think being with the boy standing next to him as part of that future.


Maybe we'll travel on the sea


I'll tend the sails and you can steer


Watch the waves roll on endlessly


And the horizon disappear


We'll leave all thoughts about the future

Till some future day


'Cause we'll be a million miles away

Leave everything behind

When you choose to lose yourself

Who knows what you might find

And once the journey's done

It won't seem quite so far

After a million miles or so

We'll find out who we are

Danny and Sam both continued to smile at each other and continued looking at the sun setting in the distance as they held each other's hands.


Follow wherever the wind starts blowing


A million miles away

The kind of life people dream of knowing


A million miles away


We'll never turn back, we'll just keep on going

Vanishing from view

Becoming someone new

We'll be a million miles away

Leave everything behind

When you choose to lose yourself

Who knows what you might find

And once the journey's done

We'll have no need to roam

After a million miles or so

We might find out we're home

They both sat back down and the two continued to stare at each other and smiled romantically.

After a million miles or so

We might find out we're home

They began leaning in slowly towards each other, but just when it looks like they're about to share a kiss, they heard a loud thump on the roof. Standing there was Skulker along with the other guards.

"THEY'RE AFTER ME! They're after you?" Danny and Sam said in unison as they stood up and panicked. The guards continued to come closer to them, Danny looked over the side and saw only one way out.

"Do you trust me?" Danny asked as he held out his hand to Sam.

"Yes" Sam said as she took his hand. Danny then pulled her and jumped off the roof, Sam noticed him floating down for a few moments before crash landing on the ground.

"You can fly?" Sam said as they stood up from the ground.

"No time to explain!" Danny shouted as they began to run, however they didn't get far when he ran into Skulker's grip. Jazz was about to intervene but was given a signal by Danny to remain hidden.

"We just keep running into each other, don't we ghost brat?" Skulker said as he evilly smiled, but then got attacked on the head by Cujo, forcing him to let go of Danny.

Danny and Sam tried running again, but found their path was blocked by more guards and they both turned to run in the opposite direction. Skulker managed to throw Cujo off of him and then he grabbed Danny by his shirt.

"YOU'RE OFF TO THE DUNGEON BOY!" Skulker exclaimed as he threw Danny into the guard's grips.

Danny struggled to get out of their arms, Sam tried to go to him but she was knocked back by Skulker, she only saw one way out of this.

"Unhand him, by order of the princess!" Sam shouted as she removed her hood to reveal herself.

Skulker stood there in shock and then quickly bowed with the other guards while saying, "Princess Samantha"

"THE PRINCESS?!" Danny, Jazz and Cujo all said in their heads.

"What are you doing out of the palace?" Skulker asked.

"That is not your concern! Do as I say and release him!" Sam exclaimed.

"I would your highness, but my orders come from Vlad Masters. You'll have to take it up with him" Skulker explained as the guards dragged Danny away.

"Believe me I will" Sam whispered with anger towards Vlad.