Chapter 1 – The Crossing to Port Royal
Two young girls were standing on the edge of a guard-rail. One was a young girl with curly blond hair and freckles. She had a soft shade of brown eyes and had worn a fancy blue dress. Not even a young woman, this girl was named Elizabeth Swann. She looked at her sister, who was two years younger than her. With her auburn hair and blue eyes, Ruth was singing to her heart's content as well as her sister. However, heavy hands were placed on their shoulders.
"Quiet, missy!" said Mr. Gibbs. "Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, now, do ya?"
"Mr. Gibbs!" said a man's voice. They looked to see Lieutenant Norrington was coming. "That will do!"
"She was singing about pirates." said Mr. Gibbs. "Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."
"Consider them marked. On your way," said Norrington.
"Aye, Lieutenant. It's bad luck to have a woman on board, too… even two miniature ones." Gibbs walked away, but strict Lieutenant Norrington stood there.
"Ruth and I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate," Elizabeth said. James offered her a smile.
"Think again, Miss Elizabeth," Norrington said. "Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves – a short drop and a sudden stop."
Both girls were confused. They didn't know how to respond to that. However, the sisters looked and saw that Mr. Gibbs was representing someone getting killed. Both of them gasped fiercely.
"Lieutenant Norrington, I appreciate your fervor, but I'm, uh, I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughters." said Governor Weatherby Swann, the Swann sisters' father.
"My apologies, Governor Swann, answered Lieutenant Norrington. He then walked away, letting the girls' father take over talking to them.
"Actually, I find it all fascinating," Elizabeth confided to her father.
"Yes. That's what concerns me," Governor Swann said. "And while I love you, Elizabeth, think of how this influence is on your younger sister."
He looked down at Ruth, who was giving confused looks at her father. He then proceeded in walking away, leaving the Swann sisters alone. The girls' father walked away.
"I don't think he should worry, Lizzie," Ruth said.
"Why?" Elizabeth said.
"Because, we won't' become pirates. We'll become ladies in high society, we'll...
However, Ruth didn't finish. She was looking inside the water and saw a parasol floating. Then, in the middle of the ocean, both a boy and a girl were floating in the ocean.
"Elizabeth!" Ruth yelled. Her sister looked down. They turned to their father and Captain Norrington.
"Look! A boy and a girl! There's a boy and girl in the water!" Elizabeth shouted.
"Man and woman overboard!" shouted Norrington. The men moved to rescue the boy and the girl in the water. The boy and the girl were lifted into the ship's haul. It took them at least seven tries to get the children up on board. There was smoke rising. Gibbs saw the burning ship. The men looked and saw the ship in flames.
"Mary, Mother of God!" Gibbs muttered.
"What happened here?" Governor Swann asked.
"It's most likely the powder magazine." Norrington answered. "Merchant vessels run heavily armed."
"A lot of good it did them. Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it. Pirates," Mr. Gibbs said.
"There's no proof of that, Mr. Gibbs," Governor Swann said. "It was probably an accident."
"Rouse the Captain immediately!" Norrington yelled. "Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats." He ran into the captain's cabins. They watched as the boy and the girl were put on their ship and lied down on the ship's deck. Governor Swann lowered himself down towards his daughters.
"Elizabeth, Ruth, I want you to accompany the boy and the girl. They'll be in your charge. Take care of them." Elizabeth and her sister nodded and walked to where they were at. The boy and girl woke up scared.
"Shh, it's okay, we're not going to hurt you," Ruth comforted the girl and the boy. "I'm Ruth Swann, and this is my sister, Elizabeth." She pointed at Lizzie.
" W-W-Will Turner," Will said. "Where's my sister?"
"I-I'm right h-h-here," Jane said and cuddled into her brother. "I'm his twin sister, J-J-jane," shivered the girl.
"We're going to look after you, Will and Jane." the girls said. With that, Will fell back asleep as did his sister, but not before Jane snuggled in closer to her brother. Elizabeth looked further into Will's shirt and clutched onto it.
"Ruth, look," Elizabeth said. Ruth came closer and looked at the pirate medallion.
"He's a pirate!" Ruth said excitedly. However, she looked at Jane. "Wait, does that mean she's a pirate too?"
Elizabeth nodded. She was still looking at the medallion in her hands.
"They'll kill them if they find out," Ruth said. That was when Elizabeth's eyes grew wide. Of course, they would kill them. They would kill anyone who was a pirate, or had the blood of a pirate.
"Has he said anything?" said a voice. Elizabeth quickly hid the medallion behind her back with her sister at her side.
"His name is William Turner and his sister's name is Jane," Elizabeth answered.
"That's all we found out," Ruth added. Norrington nodded and then looked down at the unconscious boy and girl. "Take them below
The sailors moved the boy and the girl down the deck as the Swann sisters stayed where they were at. Elizabeth and Ruth looked at each other. They were looking at the medallion.
"Elizabeth promise me as soon as we get to Port Royal, you throw that thing into the ocean, far away from here," Ruth said to her older sister. Elizabeth looked at her ten-year-old sister and nodded.
"Don't worry, I will," Elizabeth said. Both girls looked up and in the distance, saw a ship with black sails float into the mist.