* This here goes with my other story, Something I Can Never Have (Kevin Owens/OC) as a sequel. Thanks to LunaticLover142 for inspiring me and giving me ideas to blow this up into a full on story! You're amazing! I don't own anything but my character Taylor.

The past will always be written in italics, present normal!

Enjoy, xo.


"Here's the baby's heart beat... Can you see it?"

Of course Taylor could see the tiny little beating thing emanating from the screen but showing any emotion other than a sad and pathetic excuse of a smile was beyond her. She wasn't like all the other happily pregnant women out in the waiting room whose only problems in life involved deciding between baby names and nursery decorations.

Her life was far too complex for that. Anything baby related wasn't even a priority except keeping up with doctor's appointments which she found got harder and harder to do as time went on.

"Six weeks is my estimation... Take care of the little bean," the doctor added, hoping for a smile but came up short.

Although, Taylor was happy to get her ass out of the office until next month when she had to endure the entire experience all over again. Getting past the other mommies to be was a challenge all on its own. With their loving partners beside them, hand in hand, all in love and what not made her physically sick knowing she had nothing like that other than a tiny baby growing inside her.

Kevin's baby growing inside her.

Six weeks down... Thirty four more to go, Taylor thought as she sat in her car in eerie yet comfortable silence. This definitely wasn't how she pictured her life. At times she thought it was a cruel joke, only to realize she was the master of her own misfortune.

"Make her happy... Make her feel what I've been feeling this entire time. Make her feel like she's crazy in love with you, Kevin."

It was only a year ago when she reluctantly ended everything with Kevin. Problem was she couldn't stay away, and neither could he. Before their unexpected reunion, Taylor tried everything she could to rid herself of Kevin.

Seth was an option- one she did want to stick with. He was perfect in every way but he was everything she felt she didn't deserved. At the turning point in their short lived relationship, Taylor felt like she was wasting his time. Ultimately, she still loved Kevin. She thought about him everyday and it was even harder seeing him at work, going about his life like she was nothing by a co-worker... Like nothing ever happened between them.

A few miserable, lonely months passed- Taylor content with unhappiness. She secluded herself from reality, blowing off plans with Paige and the rest of the gang and switching herself off once she wasn't in work mode. The bubble of a world she created didn't last long though, once a chance meeting with Kevin would again divide her heart and mind into believing what was right and what was wrong...


"Hey! Taylor!" She heard her name being called. It was Paige jogging behind her, urging her to stop so she could catch up.

"Uh... Hey," Taylor tried sounding as into the impending conversation as she could, but it was hopeless.

"Hey, you okay? You looked kind of lifeless out there. Charlotte was dragging you around like a rag doll."

With a shrug, Taylor played off her true colors again- resonating inside her own little world. "Yeah, I'm okay..."

But Paige was all but convincing. "No you're not and stop trying to convince everyone that you are."

Taylor sighed. She didn't want to get into anything at work, especially in the middle of the hall with busy bodies and talent passing through, some with ears for gossip more than others. "Paige, I'm fine... And if something was wrong, I sure as hell am not discussing it here."

"Then come out for a bite tonight," Paige offered, lowering her voice as a couple of the girls walked by, "It'll be just you and me and we'll talk because obviously something is up. Come on, Tator... Its been ages since we've done anything. I mean, I work at the same place you do and I literally haven't seen much of you."

"I know," Taylor mumbled, feeling uncomfortable, "Look, I'll think about it. I'll see you later, okay?"

Paige sighed but she accepted the fact that Taylor was considering a night out. "Okay... Oh, and you might want to head back to the hotel as soon as you can."

"Why's that?"

"You'll see," Paige huffed, venturing off for her on air segment.

Taylor walked down the hall in the other direction, heading right for the women's locker room wondering if the pieces of paper hanging in every direction was what Paige was talking about.

Showers are out of order.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

She read the text from the signs posted overtop the shower heads, cursing about every word in the book.

The last thing she wanted to do was slip on a pair of clean clothes and drive back to the hotel after the show. It seemed like a pain in the ass and Taylor wasn't having any of it.

So she dragged her belongings and contemplated her next move. There was more than one locker room in the arena, there had to be. Maybe a few unused private dressing rooms or something.

Maybe she could find one, lock the door behind her and shower quick. It was super risky but what did she have to lose anyways?

It was definitely worth a try.

So that's what Taylor did- venturing down the hall again to whatever private dressing room came up.

The first one she stumbled upon was empty from what she could see. So she stepped inside, going right for the shower and twisting the knobs to produce hot glorious water.

"Thank God," she mumbled, the sight having never exciting her this much.

She quickly undressed, throwing her clothes on top of her luggage in the corner of the room. Slipping into the shower, she pulled the curtain across and stood in the middle with her eyes shut, enjoying the feel of the running water drenching her entire body.

She didn't move a muscle. It was therapeutic, nothing but the dribbling sound temporarily washing away her anxiety that she didn't even notice the door opening.

Of all people, it was Kevin and his newly won Intercontinental Championship now inside the room. He eyed the overly pink luggage in the corner, knowing full well who the hell was behind that shower curtain.

Mrs. Taylor Blake.

He was about to say something so she at least knew she was no longer alone but he found himself at a loss of words- his throat dry and mind gone blank.

So he continued to stare at her silhouette through the shower curtain, like it was his own little private show. Every luscious curve of her body that he found himself missing on full display whether he could see clearly or not. The way her hands slowly left her sides, running up and down her front made him harden in excitement- his erection painfully and unbearably uncomfortable.

That's when he made the mistake of coughing, his throat like sandpaper from his mouth hanging wide open. He could see she was startled and she had good reason to be since she really had no idea anybody even had dibs on the dressing room- his luggage hidden inside closet.

"Uhm... Taylor?" Kevin asked, that familiar and haunting Canadian accent ringing in her ears.

She slowly pulled the curtain across just a little to peak her head through, Kevin standing there trying to cover himself with his title awkwardly.

They hadn't spoken in months and done their best to avoid each other as much as possible and this is how they were reunited? Taylor completely naked and vulnerable in the shower while Kevin resisted every attempt to jump in the shower with her? Was this some cruel joke the God's cursed him with for all the shit and sins he committed in the past?

It sure as hell seemed like it.

"I, uh, I didn't know anybody had this room," she explained.

"It's okay," he shrugged. He really wasn't complaining. Not one bit. "I don't mind."

"So it's okay?"


It seemed like ages as the two stared at one another but to them it was like time had stopped. But finally Taylor came to figuring she needed to put an end to an awkward stare down.

"Can, uh... Can you do me a favor?" She asked quietly, her eyes settling for the floor.

Kevin nodded like a bobble head. "Uh yeah, what?"

"Can you go into my bag? I left all my soap and stuff in there."

"Little black and white bag?" He asked even though he remembered.


Thankfully his erection subsided as he thew his title to the side and went over to her duffel. He unzipped the bag, pulling out the smaller bag of shampoo and soaps. As he went to hand them to her, he licked his lips- seeing a lot more flesh than either of them anticipated.

"Thanks," she said, grabbing them from him and pulling the curtain closed.

"No problem," he mumbled.

Taylor ran her shampoo lathered hands all throughout her hair, arching her back to rinse it out. He licked his lips again, thinking back to their last night together in the shower, way back then.

"Congrats on your win tonight, by the way... The gold looks good on you," she complimented, breaking the awkward silence. He continued to stare, his breathing deepening as she again ran her hands up and down her body with the soap, so hypnotic like. He couldn't even think or thank her properly, his whole thought process temporarily shot. But when he came to, he said the first thing that came to mind... It was the only thing on his lips these days.

"I miss you."

She was all Kevin could think about, any time and every time. Even when he was with his kids, he wondered what kind of mom Taylor would make. Whenever Kevin was intimate with his wife, he'd even envision her as Taylor. It was totally wrong and Kevin knew it but he didn't care. His heart had always been with Taylor even after all this time spent away. And now there she stood just inches away in all her glory.

He was tempted.

This was temptation at its finest.

"Come in," she offered, no longer able to control herself. She was giving in- something she promised herself she wouldn't do but the distance she created between them closed in- now obsolete as they stood merely inches away from one another.

What was happening now was fate. This was happening for a reason and she knew she needed to act on it.

"I miss you too," she added, fueling the fire.

Kevin was out of his gear in no time and he made the decision to go against his wedding vows once again. Slipping past the shower curtain, he almost choked at the sight of her. It was the first time he'd actually seen her face to face since their very last encounter. She was even more beautiful under the running water- her body glistening, eyes staring back enthralled and entranced.

Taylor slowly gravitated towards him, her hands on his chest like old times. She bit her bottom lip, anticipating the feel of his own. She could even taste it.

"Taylor," Kevin whispered, his hands gripping her hips. His forehead crashed against hers, resting there as they breathed heavily. With eyes shut and space closing in between them, there was absolutely no room for regret.

Just interruptions.

"Excuse me, Kevin?" They heard a voice followed by knocking on the door.

Kevin hissed. He was seething. "What?" He asked, rather loudly.

"I'm sorry to bother you but we need a quick interview for the website."

"You have to go," Taylor whispered, sounding defeated.

"Yeah," Kevin mumbled, reluctantly stepping out of the shower to dry himself off and dress in his gear again.

She was about to turn the shower off but before she could do so, Kevin spoke again. "Stay."

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah... I told you I missed you and I meant it. I've been missing you this entire time and I don't wanna let you go now."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh I'm sure. I'm done pretending."

So Taylor stayed and waited for him to come back which he did... Picking up where they last left off. Needless to say, it was just the beginning of an interesting couple of months to follow- good and bad.


"Please answer. I wanna know how you are."

That was the text message sent from Kevin a couple days ago that Taylor hadn't yet responded nor did she plan to.

"Please... How is the baby?" Was another sent just an hour ago.

It was a funny thing- how much she wanted him before. But things changed. Taylor respected his concern for her and the little bean and she was grateful the kid would have a father like Kevin. But that's where their relationship ended- at being parents. He was still married, he still had a life to himself even after everything they were going through. And she was fine with that. She wanted that for him. The last couple of months between them was a mistake just like all the others. She wasn't supposed to get pregnant or be the reason behind breaking up a family which was the reason why she refused any contact with Kevin.

Taylor was guilt ridden and ashamed.

Soon, his name appeared on her phone screen, calling away. She sighed, really wondering how much longer she could go on ignoring him. It was beginning to eat away at her.

"What the hell am I doing?" She whispered to herself, coming to a realization. There really was no way in hell she could go on living her life while keeping Kevin out of the loop. He was part of the mess too, whether she liked it or not.

So she hesitated but answered her phone, taking a deep breath before she spoke. "Hello?"

"Hey." It felt great to hear her voice but it didn't sound familiar. It sounded as though all the happiness had been drained from the beautifully vibrant woman he was so used to.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm... I'm okay," she whispered, trying to keep it together. But it was no use, having overly hyped up emotions and hormones. He could sense she was crying and it shattered his heart.


"No," she was quick to interject, wanting nothing to do with his sympathy. "I'm okay... It's okay."

"I wanna see you," he said, hoping this time she'd say yes. He hadn't seen her for weeks and it drove him mad. He missed her more than ever, wondering what she looked like with a cute little baby bump. Or did she even have one yet? It made his heart warm to think he was having another child, as messed up as it was under the circumstances they were stuck in.

"You're not going to stop calling me if I say no, are you?"

"Please, Taylor... I told you I wanted to be apart of this as much as I can."

"It's not that easy, Kevin. None of this was ever easy... I don't know what I want to do. I don't want a baby by myself." Taylor couldn't even contain herself. She sobbed into the phone, clutching at her stomach as it pained her to think of giving up a child that was her flesh and blood.

"Taylor... This is why I need to see you," Kevin urged. "We need to talk about this in person."

"Fine," she gave in, sniffling. It was only the right thing to do- talk it out like a couple of adults. "Are you home?"


Home was kind of a different surrounding these days. Actually, really different. His best friend Sami was nice enough to offer Kevin a place to stay after Morgan found out. And oh was she vengeful- locking him out, practically banning him from her life and limiting his time with his kids. It sucked but he figured it was the consequences for his actions.

"I'm here all day tomorrow... Just call me."

"Okay. I will... And Taylor?"

"Yeah?" She uttered, no more above a whisper.

There was a long pause before Kevin spoke. "I meant what I said before. I'm going to be there for you and my son or daughter. I promise you that. Anything you need, just ask... Don't hesitate at all. I hope you know that."

"I know and I do," she whispered, tears threatening to fall again. Words could not even describe how much she wanted him beside her, holding onto her, whispering that everything would be okay rather than over the phone. But those days were past them. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He was reluctant to let her go. The little time he got to hear her voice filled a void inside him, actually bringing life to his being once again. Now he couldn't wait to see her, till tomorrow. Till he could attempt to make things right.

"Okay... See you tomorrow."