EDIT: if you want to adopt this, go ahead but please give me a heads-up. I may not read fics any more, but I still take pride in what I wrote and would be royally pissed of someone plagiarized my work.
Hello! Long time no see~~ WELL first I'll let you read. But please also take some time to read the A/N I made at the bottom. I apologize in advance. Oh, and this is unbeta-ed(It was, technically. But I don't have time to apply the changes ((sorrryyyyyy)). I also don't have time for this either but oh well.)
Giotto's mind was currently working at the speed of a hundred meters per second.
'How do I prevent my brother and Tsuna from meeting?! If they meet, there'll be an explosion! Moreover, my brother might just kill me! And the mansion we worked so hard for will be blown to smithereens!' Giotto thought.
'Wait... Wait, wait, wait... If we go on a trip disguised as business, then we'll have a reason not to stay! If that's the case, then Tsuna and brother won't meet...' Giotto nodded his head and interrupted the arguing two.
"PACK YOUR BAGS! WE'RE GOING ON A VACA- I MEAN, BUSINESS TRIP!" He declared, garnering various stares from his advisors.
"Business trip? What for?" G asked, after calming himself down.
"I've been thinking of going overseas to form business relations with other countries," 'which is not a total lie...' Giotto thought, "and checking up on the other branches. Since a large part of the mansion is unusable, we might as well use this chance. We'll pick up Alaude and Daemon while we're at it." Giotto finished.
G stared at Giotto suspiciously, 'Why do I get the feeling that that's not all...' He shook his head and put it on the back of his mind for now. He turned towards the others and yelled, "You heard him! Start gathering what you need. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning at the least." Given that he'll need time to book some tickets, yup, tomorrow morning it is. G took his phone from his pocket and contacted their private plane pilot.
Giotto started pacing again and started mumbling under his breath. Asari started to trek back inside the mansion when Giotto said, "No need to bring extra baggage. It's time we bought new ones as well."
"I'm going to get my flute Giotto. No worries, only my flute." Asari said, grinning at Giotto's direction.
Giotto stayed quiet and took his phone out to send a message to Daemon and Alaude that they will pick the two up at a certain hotel near the area of their mission.
All the while, Tsuna was examining a certain book he brought from the library a while back (he had it with him ever since he went to the library to learn about the chemicals). From what he read, there were these... mummies... in Egypt. Corpses wrapped in bandages.
"Where are they?!" G said, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, arms crossed. "What's taking them so damn long?!"
Asari laughed a little, voice restrained, "Maa, maa. Maybe there were held up a little." And Lampo added, "... Not just a little, you mean."
"Stop yelling Knucklehead!"
"Maa, maa..."
"Yare, yare... They're starting up a fight again..."
And so a messed up road, turned over stall, and some cracked houses were what greeted Giotto, Tsuna, Alaude, and Daemon. Of course, what followed was another metaphorical mad blonde bull. "WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!"
Alaude surveyed the fight between the two advisers and said, "For wreckage and destruction of property, you're under arrest!" Which was of course, an excuse to join the fight.
Daemon nufufufu'ed which was given a "there goes the creepy melon's laugh" comment by Lampo, and Daemon proceeded to hunt the green apple.
Asari was playing his flute in the corner but one stray strike accidentally broke it. And of course, he needed to avenge the flute.
So, it became an all-out brawl in the middle of the streets of Warsaw, Poland. And it all resulted in mass destruction of three streets because they couldn't control the mess. One was courtesy of Tsuna though, because they accidentally hit him in the head, and he unleashed an ultra damaging strike aimed at them and missed because they dodged. This was also the last shot because Giotto screamed at them that their pay will be docked if they continue.
Giotto sighed, "This is becoming one heck of a trip..." Tsuna grinned, "Since we have everyone already, why don't we go to the plane now?" Giotto sighed then gave a nod and they all started the walk to the airport.
As previously stated (chapter 3, I think), the Vongolas are crazy. And one Tsuna with a grudge was even more so. And what became of their trip was... traumatic, to say the least.
"Tsuna what are you thinking?! Get us down from here!"
"Ore-sama is scared of heights! Put me down!"
"Oi whose fantastic brain gave him this idea?!"
"It wasn't meee!"
"Ha! Serves you all right! You destroyed the freaking whole street!"
"You're also hanging upside down, idiot!"
"Nufufufu, this is messing up my hairstyle..."
"If you all stay quiet, I may consider letting you back on the Eiffel tower..." Tsuna said, one quiet Alaude at his side looking down at all of them. Normally, he wouldn't allow this, but since a certain melon head was involved, he let it slide. Why weren't they seen? Tsuna is a demon, after all.
"Wait, where's Tsuna?"
"He said he needed to go to the bathroom."
"When did he say that?"
"A couple of minutes ago, I think."
"Then who is that spiky haired male in the stage?"
"Hmmm? He kind of looks familiar."
"Holy—! That's Tsuna!"
"Now that you say it, he kind of does look like Tsuna." He yelled, "Hi Tsuna!"
"Wait, this is a play about demons, right?!"
"Yep! Tsuna saw it was about demons and wanted to watch so we chose this."
"Oh alright. Wow, this play's got cool tricks! How do they make that mountain float? I can't see any strings."
"Yeah, and the actors are really experienced! Their look of shock is totally realistic."
"Wait, there's no strings...? Then doesn't that mean— TSUNA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"Err, Tsuna, we will be very grateful if you stopped reanimating the mummies..."
"Tsuna, why I do like seeing them running around like headless chickens, I'd appreciate it if the mummy leaves me alone."
Once again, Alaude was spared, because Tsuna didn't have a grudge against him and Tsuna still held a grudge against the others for hitting him. Giotto, of course, was spared because Giotto already got his share of payback while they were in Paris.
Tsuna looked here and there, while the others spent the while chasing him and preventing him from getting lost. But they were the people most likely to get lost though. Tsuna had Asari, the ever enthusiastic Asari, as a tour guide while the others didn't have anyone.
"Hey, you idiots! Slow down!"
"Asari, Tsuna, please slow down..."
"Ore-sama is not fit for this kind of exercise..."
"Shut it. Now don't get lost in this place, it'll be difficult to find you again. Giotto, Are you sure they went here?"
"Huh? I thought you were following them so I followed YOU."
"But I was following you—"
"Ore-sama is reaaaally not cut out for this..."
Before you ask, Alaude and Daemon are in a sparring arena.
"That was a good meal." Giotto said, dabbing his lips with a tissue napkin. He turned to his advisers, "Maybe we should come back here every once in a while."
"And have you skip more paperwork? Not possible."
"Spoilsport." Giotto said, a pout almost audible in his tone.
G rolled his eyes at his boss reply. "I'm not. You're just irresponsible most of the freaking time."
"Hey, pass me some tissue." Tsuna said.
"It wasn't intentional on my part to stop signing paperwork for a time. It just came out on its own." Giotto defended.
G looked at his boss incredulously. "Really. And I'm supposed to believe that?"
"Get it yourself please, Tsuna." Giotto said. "G, I take my responsibilities seriously. It's just that I need a break sometimes."
"Fine then. Don't complain."
"And how frequent is that 'sometimes'? 5 hours a— What." G then stared at the tissues that levitated past his eyes to Tsuna's hand.
"Tsuna, please don't use your powers in places like this!" Giotto scolded. "If somebody sees, it'll be bad...!"
Heads turned to the source of the sound only to see a fallen Starbucks cup on the ground, on the owner gaping at Tsuna. Of course, it was obvious the man saw Tsuna using his powers.
Yamamoto stood up and raised his hands in what looked like a placating gesture, "Uh, we can explain!" The boy looked at him, still at a loss for words.
"That was obviously a magic trick." Lampo suddenly yelled, turning attention to him. An awkward laugh followed, "Hahahaha. T-that's right a magic trick. If you want we can replace that coffee of yours so please don't tell anyone." Giotto said.
After that was settled, Giotto sighed and turned to Tsuna, "Please, no matter what happens, NEVER USE YOUR POWERS OUTSIDE AGAIN."
AMAZON JUNGLE (A/N:What they're doing there? I have no idea.)
"Tsuna...? What are you doing...?"
"Hmm? Poking that ridiculously giant snake?"
"Wait... Isn't that... An..."
"Stop what?"
Too late, guys. Too late.
"Tsuna, stop laughing so loud, or we'll get kicked out!"
"But-but- They think that Tartarus is- HAHAHAHAHA!"
"See?! Tsuna, please be quiet."
Told you it might a bit traumatic, not for just one reason though. Traumatic only for a boss and his advisers, that is.
"WE'RE FINALLY BACK! Urgh, my body hurts..." Giotto said, sitting down on the couch of their mansion.
"How could a business trip take 5 freaking months?! And was that even a business trip? What why did we go through the Amazon jungle again? And whose idea was it to order a gigantic pizza? So many wasted money..." G lamented.
"At least the play in Greece was good. And we got to go to Japan again! Ooh, and next we should go to South-West Asia! Or we could—" Asari was rambling, but was stopped by the slamming of Tsuna's hands on the coffee table in front of him.
"I've decided!" Tsuna yelled. He turned to Giotto and with eyes gleaming with excitement said, "LET'S GO FIND BIGFOOT! I read about bigfoot before in the library in a book that mentioned mythical beings. Since angels and demons were included, and are existing, then maybe bigfoot exists too. If we can find some proof, then maybe..."
"Or we can stop by some resort and get some relaxation." G said, thinking of getting some rest after all their crazy experiences courtesy of resident thrill-seeking demon.
"Now where's the fun in that?" Tsuna countered, sitting down. "We've got a fun world to explore! There's so much more to try and discover! Get off your ass and move! Or is aging doing too much to you?
"Why you—"
G was cut off by the slamming open of the door and the body of a blond male falling through.
Giotto was the first to react and rushed to the man's side. "Are you ok? You should have been more careful! And where's your subordinate? I thought Dad told you never to go anywhere without one!"
The male stood up, brushed his hands on his pants and laughed, albeit a bit strained, "Ahahaha... I guess I was just a bit rushed to see my brother. But more importantly..."
Giotto looked at his brother who suddenly swept his eyes over the inhabitants of the room, "What is it, Dino?"
"Why do I sense a demon in your estate?" Dino said, looking directly at his brother's eyes.
And with that, Giotto broke into cold sweat.
SO FIRST THINGS FIRST, this story will no longer be updated. This will be the last update I make. This might be rude, but it's the truth. I don't have the time for any of this. I don't even have time to read fics. And that's not all. School, stress and pressure stacked up and I can't handle it. I've gotten ill more times this year than all of my school years. These days, if I try to write, it all becomes a mess, I rewrite but I still don't like it so I rewrite again, repeat and it becomes stressful. Long story short, school is overwhelming me, and writing is no longer an escape unlike before. I'm sorry to all my readers. I apologize to everyone who enjoyed my story. I may finish them when I'm out of school but that'll take... 6-7 years(?) minimum.
Anyway, this is the last update. As of 11/21/17, my unfinished stories can be considered discontinued until further notice. Goodbye, and my deepest apologies.
P.S. The text above will be posted to any story wherein I find any unpublished written chapters and decide to publish it, but I won't write any new chapters.