"I mentioned you to my parents."

We were sitting in the meadow enjoying the soft breeze. The sun was shining bright but not enough to heat my skin. We laid on the grass beside each other. Our fingers loosely laced together. It was a wonderful feeling.

"You mentioned me?" He asked. His voice cracking a bit. The noise caught me off guard. He was usually so calm. To hear the slightest amount of fear from him made him seem so...cute.

"Yes" I giggled. "Is that an issue?"

"Well it's not an issue really.."He was avoiding my eyes and then I started to feel a little nervous. "It's just that...in my world, when you introduce another to your parents..it's after both the man and woman have been ...bonded."

I could feel my face warming and was glad we were not facing each other. "Oh," was all I could respond back to him. "This is strange."

"Yes. it is." A light blush began forming on his cheeks. My chest warmed as I fought the urge to touch his cheek. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"In this world. Or at least my culture, when a child speaks about another to their parents it means... that the child wants to make the person a potential partner. The child must really like them if they want the parents to know. Maybe one day, if the child and their partner form a strong... attachment, then the child will introduce their partner to their family." Now it was my turn to blush. I tried so hard to simplify the reason for this but I'm afraid I was confusing him even more. I didn't glance his way, too bashful to look at him after my horrendous explanation.

"So you view me as a potential partner?" I barely heard him spoke. Almost as if he was whispering to himself.

"Well...well... I mean we do have a pretty strong connection." I couldn't look his way. I could feel my cheeks flame as I spoke. "And you are my other half." He spoke the words so softly I almost missed them.

My heart did warm at his words but I did feel some conflicting emotions. As much as I wanted to eventually introduce Edward to my parents, I did not want him to feel pressure. It was obvious we grew up in different worlds. Literally. There would be much learning between the two of us. His world was so foreign to me as well as his customs and culture. I silently thanked Rose for wanting us to experience the bonding slowly.

"If you would like," I started and licked my lips, trying to buy time, "you can let me know how comfortable you are to meet my parents. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable about meeting them. Usually a child introduces their potential partner to their parents to seek their approval in case they choose to marry in the future. But since it is very different in your world, I don't want to pressure you into meeting my parents."

He sat quiet, contemplating my response. My heart began to hammer in my chest. I did not want to overwhelm him but what if he said no? He took a deep breathe and it helped me to focus on him.

"I would want to meet your parents. When you say the word, I will meet them." He answered with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I couldn't help a smile from forming on my face as I held his hand in both of mine. "I hope you know I would never press-" He gently placed his fingers on my lips. His touch set off little tingles on my lips. I so wanted to kiss them but stopped myself. Choosing to blush instead.

"It that is how the customs are here then I will follow them. Plus, why would I not want our parents to approve of me? If they are comfortable with me ebing around their daughter then it is an honor." He answered. Well I'll be damned. He made it sound so romantic.

How long has it been since I last updated this story? Well it's a shame so I'm here with a small Christmas gift. Although this story is not as popular as my other one, I have not forgotten about it. Merry Christmas my lovelies!