Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI

Pigs in a Blanket

"What smells so good?" Nick asked as he came into the kitchen after dropping his field kit by the front door.

He'd had to put in a couple hours of overtime at the lab because of his case.

"I'm making pigs in a blanket." Jackie answered with a smile as Nick came over to her and laid a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Piggies." Karlie said excitedly as she sat at the kitchen table.

Jackie laughed.

"Kids breakfast is ready." She called to the other kids just a couple minutes later.

Jackie got each of the kids a plate and then set two pigs in a blanket on each one and then she carried the plates over to the table to the kids.

"Them not piggies." Karlie said sounding completely outraged that she'd been lied too.

Nick couldn't help it, the look on Karlie's face and the tone of her voice made him burst out laughing.

"It no funny dada." Karlie told him as she glared at him.

"Sweetheart, there is no piggy, that's just what they are called." Jackie explained as she struggled not to laugh.

The glare that Karlie was giving Nick was then focused on Jackie.

"Just try one, they are yummy." Jackie told her.

"No, me want to see a piggy."

"Please, just try one for mommy?" Jackie asked.

Karlie frowned but to Jackie's surprise the child picked one up and took a bite.

"It good." Karlie declared, with surprise obvious in her voice.

Jackie smiled at her.

Jackie then looked at Nick and he gave her a thumbs up.

Karlie was such a character but at least she was entertaining!

The End!