A/N: I recently expanded this story to Wattpad. Had an account a while back way before I went with the MLP fanfiction. But I really didn't think it was popular so I haven't used the account. Now however, I think it would be a good idea to expand it there just to get some people to fanfiction as well and hopefully help them as well. (People from Wattpad you probably know my existence as Commandersylveon2930 but this is for the people in fanfiction. I'd have my chapters uploaded there earlier and then here in Wattpad after a few days)

Some people say that there's nothing better than a full stomach. And heck, they'd be kind of right. But I'm pretty sure Ste…

Did I really almost say that!? This is why I hate tests! Your mind fucks up when you try to write something. Ok. One more time…

Penelopea, Grassy and Night had overstuffed themselves. But they didn't cared. Instead, they smiled and talked about what they did while they're not on their jobs. Or what they did as a job.

Grassy apparently is one of the most famous WWPF fighters. He was more famous for defeating some of the most famous fighters as a rookie, which is surprising since he's 23, and his drive of fighting: getting through his depression of his younger brother landing in jail. He was very kind-hearted, or at least what the media said, but always in a hyperactive state, of which he really needs to improve on not doing.

"Maybe you should try meditation and yoga? I could help you with that." Night asked the bonk choy.

"Since when did you became a psychiatrist and a freaking yoga/meditation teacher and a psychologist? I know psychologist is your main thing although people associate you as a psychiatrist but you are hiding more than just secrets. So tell me, how long have you've been doing these things for?"

"Since always. You just haven't heard all of the services that I could give. I am a free psychiatrist worker since there's a lot of plants I can help to get through the scar of battlefield using medicine and half psychologist as well since I help them emotionally with other stuff as well...Only to realize that I am going to have to face those same scars. Guess you can fix something better if you experience it. Plus, the meditation and yoga and stuff, it's more or so to help the soldiers to stay calm in dire situations"

Oh, and fun fact: Grassy was born a day earlier than Fury, which kind of made it extremely funny because how come it took a separation of a whole day to give birth to 2 plants?

Changing the subject, Night was actually quite a die-hard fan of Summer, or as her YouTube channel name: Solar Flare. In fact, Summer knew Night in a very strange way (and half was because he's a psychiatrist, I'll explain later) Night entered a lottery for a ticket to be with Summer at Plants Gamescon 83 and to record with Solar for 10 videos of Plantae Kingdom: Pocket Underwatched. Night apparently won the lottery and it was quite a fun trip around Suburbia. And they became close friends when one day, Summer asked if Night could help her with meditation, since at the point she needed to try and meditate for a class in Drama, one class that Summer had an actual PhD on in an early age. And now? She usually choose Night as the person to record videos of that same game they played a few years back. It was funny, because he was the same age as Penelopea and Summer at the same time, so it was really coincidental.

Speaking of which, Summer's YouTube channel almost reached the 50 million mark yesterday. And this was some news for both Grassy and Night. Whilst Night reached a quite jaw dropping 15 million subscribers under his own YouTube account named Nightcaps.

"Wait I haven't checked her subscribers count after weeks. Last time I saw it, she had around 48 million. Now how much does she have?" Stella asked while munching on her food.

"She reached 49,918,531 subscribers as long as I'm concerned." Night looked at his phone, which he grabbed out of...Actually you know what, how the flippidy flip flipdydoo do these plants grab things in their "pockets" from thin air!? I am always confused!

"It's a cartoon technique called the magic satchel, CommanderSylveon!"

"Just call me Steven, jeez. Also, how the heck did you know my nickname? Cartoon logic is so trippy."

"Have you even done any stories or watch anything with cartoon logic and fourth wall breaks?"

"No Night. I haven't. Ever. The only thing close to that is Deadpool, and even with the fourth wall breaks, it had no cartoon logic whatsoever. And writing? I did a story about Pokemon that I'm going to continue after writing this story and that was the closest to my own attempts at fourth wall breaking. It wasn't even intentional. I swear."

"Oh...Well I'm sorry because you're missing out a lot."

At least someone understands me.

"I thought you'd still be in my control and stuff. Or at least half of my control"

"Yeah. But we only break your control when we think there's an issue of your writing that affects what the readers that are reading right now. Except for that, you control everything, You control pretty much all the plot, otherwise"

"Oh...alrighty then. Back to work."

"I wonder what video she would make when she hits that 50 million mark…" Grassy asked, thinking of what Summer would do. From getting a draw my life, to making a Q&A.

"Who knows. It's up to...Wait she just uploaded a new video! It's called 'So this happened…' Probably her explaining about her contest.

Night opened up the video. In it, Summer had her vlogging camera on the backstage of the event.

"Well...this happened. I look extremely different now. Not a fire flower, but some sort of normal sunflower with these weird spots on my left cheeks. So if you guys didn't know already, if you haven't looked at my Instagram, I got hit by the laser and now I look like this, which was an odd experience for me. But that wouldn't stop me from helping the Sunflower Starz get to the finale, or even winning the Plantae Kingdom: Pocket Undewatched World Cup. Now I am not really that competitively viable, because our team mostly got here due to your support and luck, so thanks to you guys a lot, but I am not that confident. If you guys are watching this 1 hour after this is uploaded, open your TVs and go to the PKTV Esports channel and watch my team trying to get to the final and winning. Even if we don't win, at least you guys can enjoy the other two teams while you're at it. This was a short video but I'll catch you guys next time. Solar Flare out."

"Well. what time is it?" Penelopea asked all of a sudden.

"7:20. We should start to go up. The game is about to start" Night asked as he wiped his mouth with a cloth. The three stood up, tucked the chair and went to the elevators. It wasn't long before they made it to their separate rooms. Penelopea asked if she could go to Night and Grassy's room. They agreed to let her in to watch the match.

The game began as soon as the three settled down. The first match was not played by the Sunflower Starz, so Night decided to record a video playing 1v1 in the game. He was recording with facecam as well, so clearly Penelopea and Grassy could be seen in the yellowish background. In fact, he was livestreaming with wireless headphones.

"Hey guys. Your favorite mushroom is back with another livestream and before you ask, yes. I got hit by the beam, just like Solar Flare. Whatever. As a result we got to be in a big resort with loads of great equipment so I hope you're enjoying the livestream and the great quality so far. Today, we're going to be playing some 1v1 for a bit and then you'll see us react to Summer's match or matches if she makes it to the final. Today, joining me, we have the most legendary fighting rookie in the WWPF history, Grassy Jetta."

"Hey guys…" Grassy blushed a bit at the facecam, a bit excited but worried.

"We also have a peashooter from the next room. She's sharing the room with Solar Flare. So what's your name?" Night looked back at the peashooter, who only smiled before taking a deep breath.

"The name's Penelopea. I am a nobody up until this point. So um...hey guys."

"Really like the outfit. Gives me a vibe of one of those cool kids you see on the street type of thing. Also, you're not nobody. You were the closest to a patient that shares everything about her life and putting her trust in someone else's hands by being real to yourself. I think that's great!"

Penelopea could see the chat on the right monitor next to the one Night is recording on. And the chat seemed to go wild with talking how cute the peashooter is.

"Looks like you're getting some attention from the chat. They think your appearance is charming. Thank the lord I knew you for a while, or I'd be screaming out like a little kid." Night looked at the peashooter, as her face got more red.

But what surprised her the most was that her blush made everyone cry out in the chat that she's way more cuter. And she is. She's standing there, in a pose that could tell her sheepishness. She was flustered at people on the Internet calling her adorable. Her smile of embarrassment was so bright, that it could make a thousand male plants faint in shock, but the appearance of shame and childishness still appearing around Penelopea. Her purple cape somewhat floating because of the air conditioner, her bat mask makes her seemed to be mysterious, her eyes shades a yellowish-tint. And let's not talk about her blush, since mere words cannot describe how cute her blush was. Or it's just that the words I could describe is not that good.

She was the definition of adorable embarrassment.

Then Night received a Twitch donation of 2,000 plant coins, around $2 in the world of the narrator, with a little message.

"How long did it take for you to even stop calling her cute? She's too much!"

Night blushed a bit at the response as the matchmaking of the game rolls on.

"Around 6 months. It was hard. I mean I knew her for 2 years but it took me a quarter of that amount time to stop making myself look like an idiot. Good 'ol days y'all" Night tried his hardest to make a Southern accent, only to cringe the other two plants.

"Okay...I should stop now…" He blushed a bit more as the other two shook their heads.

They played the game for quite a while. And after that while, they saw a message on the super chat. Apparently Solar Flare donated 25,000 plant coins.

"Going to the stage now. Wish me luck *insert heart eye emoji here because some of the signs are not going to appear on fanfiction*"

"I just beat this guy! He's level 1291! So I guess that's enough. We should stop playing and react to Solar's match."

"Affirmative. Also, what's your main in this game?" Penelopea said as she turned on the big TV and connect the screen to the computer Night is recording on.

"Commando Pea 76. Or Superfist." Night said as he adjust the webcam to the beds that the 3 will be lying on to see the match.

"Wait, I thought Superfist was new. You adapted to him?" Grassy asked in curiosity as he grabbed some snacks.

"Yeah. I'm just scared that Fauna is going to be a big issue, I mean she could hack me and then all I have is some laser beam burst shots that deals like 15 damage every 2 seconds." The webcam is now directed to the beds as Grassy swiftly pushes the beds together to create one big bed.

The monitor now shows the facecam on the top right, whilst the background shows what is being seen on the TV: the match between the Sunflower Starz and the PKPU Dazzles.

They are welcoming all of the members on stage. The leader of the other team was a Law Pea by the nickname of MasterRepeater. And just as the name said, he plays the repeater in the game. Whilst the leader of the Sunflower Starz is none other than Summer herself. After a small interview from MasterRepeater, the MC, an electric cactus, interviewed Solar Flare.

"So how's it going? Heard you got shot by the hero beam. How does it feel to change your form?"

"It's going great. I feel somewhat better by doing so. Weird to be the literal hero though."

"I heard some of your fellow heroes are also excited about your team's trip to the finale."

"Oh really?" Solar smirked, knowing what they are going to pull off.

"One of your long-time friend, another YouTuber named Nightcaps, is watching you with two other Heroes. Let's meet them, shall we?"

Then to the shock of the 3 plants that are watching, the channel suddenly appeared the livestream that they were doing.

"Hey Solar Flare! Hope you would win the world cup! Make sure that top 10 does not go to waste!" Night spoke out as the 3 were still comprehending what's going on

"I just want to say some quick things. First of all, I won't let you down Night."

This made Night giggle a bit, knowing that the journey is going to be hard.

"Second, I heard that you are a big fan of me, Grassy. Remind me to give you my signature tomorrow"

Grassy jumped for joy as he heard what Solar announcing that. It was more than what he would hope for in his life.

"And you, Penelopea, I'll see you tomorrow. We'll get together soon so see ya then"

Penelopea gave a salute to the facecam. She bowed out before the screen of the big TV flashed back to the situation at hand.

"So that was awkward. We're famous I guess" Penelopea looked a bit stunned.

"Let's just see how she plays" Night looked at the screen of the monitor, only to realize there was a total of 497,000 plant coins worth of donation from 17 people, all congratulating them for making it to the highlights.

"Holy what?" Night asked in surprise. "497,000 coins...Thanks a ton guys, it's quite a lot of money!"

They watched and watched as Summer's team got somewhat dominated in the map Birkenwald. They lost the first point, although they managed to hold off the cart until the time runs out. Then they attacked and they easily dominated the first point, but they got stuck on the last 0.5 meters of the push.

The last seconds of the match is closing in. Summer's team is struggling as they are contesting the point.

All of the plants on her team are killed. Except for Summer, who hid from the chaos as Fauna on low health.

"Come on Summer, you know what to do here. Throw the translocator, kill anyone in there and you might win." Night looked at the screen, like to evaluate the situation.

Penelopea started to feel tense. She wants Summer to win the game. But then again, the chance is a bit low. Grassy seems to think of another way.

"Just go in, kill any campers and then go invisible to get them to think you're admitting defeat and go back and push the cart."

She grabbed a health pack and hid for a while. The point was mere 1/10th left from being captured and camping it is MasterRepeater, on moderate health whist his teammates searched for the missing plant. Summer threw a translocator and shot MasterRepeater to death with only 2 seconds to go.

"And Solar Flare, going for the translocator kill to destroy MasterRepeater. Now Quintazara is shooting her!" The power cactus MC commentated as he is also excited of what's next.

Solar Flare strafed herself and turned invisible, confusing the other team as they thought she accepted to go to sudden death as cart stopped being pushed. And in that invisible form, she secured the win by going back to the cart and finishing it. Just in time, too, because as soon as she captured it, she was visible again.

"Oh! What a juke from Solar Flare. Tricking the other team to think she gave up and to do a sudden death round, only to trick them back and win the semi-finals for her team! Ladies and gentleman, that's why Fauna is overpowered! It makes the other team make a rookie mistake!"

Penelopea was relieved Summer won the game. Whilst Grassy looked at the Night, who shared an awkward smile as Summer did both the things that they hope she did.

"Well...That's so weird by the fact she did both of the things we thought she did." Night broke the awkward silence as both of them blushed a bit. And then Night noticed another donation by someone named RosiestRosita123. That plant donated 2,000 plant coins and with a little message that kind of made the situation a bit more awkward.

"Love at first sight I see…"

"I know that plant…" Penelopea looked at the username again, realizing it was someone she's familiar with, "Rosita...She's in the room to the left of mine. Let me invite her too."

"Sure. The more the merrier"

"I'll invite some more of my-friends-that-are-heroes, too. They are on the right of ours."

Penelopea walked to the end left side to her room, before going to the next room, where the door is intentionally left unlocked or something. And in the room, Rosita was lying on one bed with her phone while on the other was Jesse, drinking photosynthesized soda. The screen appeared to be Night setting the screen up with a Discord chat with Solar.

"Hey, you wanna join Nightcap's stream?" Penelopea asked as the two noticed her.

"Sure, why not? You got my message, didn't you? How did you know so quickly?" Rosy asked, a bit curious about if her name was really that easy to recognize

"I have a sense that it was you right from the username. RosiestRosita123? Like really?"

"Yeah I was not smart when I chose my name."

"I got nothing to do, either. So let's go I guess." Jesse said as she drank her can of soda.

As both of them walked back to Night's house, they sort of talked about what the watch was all about.

"You two got the watch as well?" Rosita and Jesse both nodded.

"Sergeant Major Fredrick is really taking this seriously. He really wants us to be the last line of defense for Suburbia."

"He doesn't want to let Dave down. Speaking of which, is Dave immortal?"

"Yeah I assume he is." Jesse sipped more of her soda as they arrived to Night's room, where there's already Grassy, along with a wall-nut, a chomper, a citron, and somewhat mutated potato mine.

"I mean his age never seemed to change at all" Jesse looked at the room, a bit more decorated than before, "Either that, or he used time travel to become immortal. And whilst on that same topic, the same philosophy might apply to Dr. Zomboss as well. He never seemed age, even after...what...two thousand years and a couple more decades?"

The three talking plants noticed that the TV also had a camera, which means the whole room could be seen. Night is adjusting and looking at the chat whilst the 5 other plants are settling in the 2 beds that were there. The potato mine himself would take half the bed! The 3 plants settled down on the bed that is still vacant, the one that Grassy and the citron is sitting.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet Andy" Grassy looked at the two new plants and back at Penelopea, before going down and sitting at the space between the beds.

"Hi. I'm Sergeant Staff Jesse. This is Rosita" Jesse introduced the herself and the rose.

"The name's Andy. Full-time bounty hunter and I will shoot my acid beam of pain in your face if you mess with me."

"What citrons do all the time. That's what you do." Rosita commented, a bit ignorant.

"Suit yourself. But I'll tell you that I did over 2,000 missions and not once have I not completed it" Andy smiled at the response of the rose, a very cocky citron indeed.

Night stepped back as he managed to fix all the settings. And then he sat next to Grassy, who blushed a bit at the surprise because he was too focused on the conversation between the 3 new plants.

"Well all we have left is Sergeant Major Fredrick. Although I doubt he would join us"

"You doubt he'd join us?" The potato mine asked as he sat upright.

"If he comes in right now, I'd be the queen of May!" Night looked at the camera for a bit.

Then a donation popped up with 10,000 plant coins by a user named GitTorched.

"Think again, Night" The message read.

Then there's a knock on the door. Penelopea was the first to rush to the door, and out popped a certain plant.

"Did I miss anything?" Sergeant Major Fredrick smiled as he pushed a trolley filled with boxes upon boxes of all different types of soda.

Penelopea turned to Night, whose face turns a shade of red as his words backfired. Penelopea bowed down, looking at Night with a little grin.

"Your majesty, would you like your crown and gown?"

Everybody in the room giggled at the response, which made Night blush even harder.

And then another donation of 2,000 coins which wrote: "Nah I'm done! I'm freaking done! *walks out of the room because it was too good*"

"You get what you paid for, am I right?" Grassy knocked his elbows softly on Night's cheeks, which made him blush furiously.

"I...I'm not going to talk about it. This is too much drama for me" Night curled into a ball, making the only thing visible on the camera from Night is a purple hat that covered his whole body.

But the mushroom sat upright again as soon as the commentator introduced the finale to everyone: a race to 15 point where the team that gets to 15 points first wins the cup. To win, the team who kills all the members of the other team first gets a point or the team that captures the point in the middle after 2 minutes. They'll be playing in a compressed map taking place in Iceberg.

After a long while of battling, Summer's team seems to be drained, even with the 20 minute-break. So everyone (in the hotel who's watching her right now) is scared that she's gonna fail. Ad yeah, it was at some point.

The finale is between the Sunflower Starz and the reigning-champion-for-5-years-in-a-row Plantae Kingdom Telecom, or PKT. The leader of the other team was an Electro Pea by the nickname of Realer. And there was a new commentator, a female Kernel corn with a yellow hat and a striped outfit, joining the Electric Cactus as the MCs of the match.

It was around 30 minutes, and the score was 13 to 12 for the other team. Summer' team put up a good fight, but they are losing. And then, Summer thought of a strategy. A dumb, but incredibly crazy one.

"What's this?" The commentator looked at the screen to see if he could believe his eyes. "The Sunflower Starz are going in for one of the weirdest strategies to be seen. Three Yeti Chompers and Three Thornmakers? What is this strategy?"

Night smiled at this. He knew what Summer's team is trying to do. And apparently so did Grassy.

"The No Skill Thornmaker strategy!" Both Night and Grassy answered the "question", which made them look at each other as if to realize that they have both said the same thing in sync.

"Oh come on! That was twice!" Grassy screamed out loud as the others laughed at the sheer awkwardness of the event.

"I don't know what that was, but it seems though you know Solar's dumb strategies. We did that a year ago and you still remember it?"

"Hardcore fans never die, I guess." Grassy giggled at the still-shocked mushroom.

The silence broke when the screen suddenly emitted a somewhat loud noise.

"Oh! Solar Flare with one of the best trickshot to ever embrace the game! That was sick!"

Turns out it was the Kernel Corn screaming out one of the best shots Solar made when nobody noticed. It was also the kill they needed to tie it up.

"We got to see that again!' The Electro cactus signaled the camera to show the replay.

Solar, as Thornmaker, shot 2 of the plants on the other team and killed them, before using Enigma Grapple to grapple up and 360 headshot Realer, the last survivor of the team.

"Ooooh...Now that's gotta hurt. Thank Dave for the shades!" Andy looked at the screen as he removed his shades as if to see if the shot "burnt" it.

Everyone just giggled at the citron, who shuddered in shame.

"No but seriously though" Andy looked at the screen, "that was sick!"

It was the final match as the teams are evenly tied 14 to 14. Solar looked at her team, their eyes determined as the camera panned to them.

""Alright team. Last game. Do or die, alright?"

"Everyone, serious this time" The sunflower Starz' second in command, an alien flower with the nickname of s1mple, looked at the rest of the team while speaking on the headphones, "remember, we only have 1 shot at this."

"We are the rookies in this entire league…" an electric flower with the nickname of Sn3aky and the support player of the team nodded at the second-in-command, "so we are lucky to be here. Let's show them who's the champion. Sunflower Starz all the way!"

As all of them chose their preferred hero, it seemed to be one of the most strangest strategies ever...all support heroes pretty much...with only s1mple going as a defence hero, using Solar Flare's clutch hero from last match: Fauna.

"Why are they playing 5 support heroes and a defense hero that can't do large amount of damage to save herself? I thought Gattion would be a somewhat better choice for their dumb strategies" The kernel corn asked, a bit confused about the choices of the Sunflower Starz.

"You better believe it. You've seen one of the dumb strategies they made, which going back a year ago was actually a strategy that blew up into a meme as the no-skill thornmaker. So this is probably going to be another dumb strategy they're going to do. What would it be called next, I'm not sure…"

And one of the dumbest strategy is something that nobody expects. But this move, it's so bad, nobody would believe it.

"I don't know what they're going to pull...but this is looking to be interesting…" Penelopea smiled as the screen showed the battlefield cinematically.

Since it's the final match-point game, the game developers decided to remove the whole capture-the-point concept, because apparently developers of this game does not acknowledge that two teams who wanted to split the money could just stand there doing taunts and gestures and make the game less fun but I'm not the one controlling the game so I'm not complaining, just to make it a bit more interesting. Turns out, whilst PKT already made their move, the only plant to move out of spawn was s1mpletheb3st. And then there is something that they realized

"Wait, the other team are not using any healers, nor any hero with a shield, nor any hero that has shield on their health, nor even ones that can self-heal. Oh I think I know what the Sunflower Starz is trying to do."

The other team started to search for the members of Sunflower Starz, only to suddenly get their health chopped down bit by bit because of s1mple. It was a brilliant idea, until Realer managed to snipe s1mple to the ground.

It seemed like all hope was lost. Even so, there was a lot of faith being put to the other plants of the team.

Solar Flare, as Symmetry, baited the other team to their spawn. Realer knew whats going to happen, and warned his team.

"It's a trap! They're baiting us to their spawn. That's where they'll destroy us. Keep the distance…"

His team, however, thought otherwise. I mean, 2 assault heroes, 2 tank heroes and 2 defense heroes with moderate health left against 5 supports, what could possibly go wrong?

Apparently everything went wrong…

Only Realer stayed back and cover fired for the team. Whilst the others entered the spawn, a bit surprised nothing was there.

Until, the could feel their health drain fast. They looked at the corners to see turrets being set up throughout the hidden corners of the place. The whole other team tried to back up, but to no use. The Sunflower Starz ambushed the five heroes, and succeeded!

If Realer didn't snipe them all in the chaos…

Only one plant survived the turret chaos from the PKT, of which was Realer himself. A bit shocked, he tried to use Enigma Grapple to shoot at the other team, only to turn around and meeting an opposing Sana right in his face. Realer panicked as he shot furiously at the player. Realer was taken out by the same Sana as the commentating room went from somewhat silent to claps throughout the crowd.

Turns out, the bait by Solar was just the tip of the iceberg. Since the other team had no plants that could recover health, she let s1mple become Fauna to slowly chop health slowly from the other team. It worked quite well, before Fauna gets sniped. Solar, along with her teammates, used support heroes, to create a kill-gate and whilst the chaos ensured, she told Sn3aky, as Sana, sneak using another entrance of the gate to avoid the fire and whilst flanking Realer.

"And what a way to end this championship with quite a well thought-out plan by the Sunflower Starz. It was something we never expected!" The Electro Cactus commentated as the teams left the room. Whilst the PKT left with sighs and sadness on their face, The Sunflower Starz seemed to be jumping off the roof, with the only person being a bit frozen from the act was Solar Flare.

"Did we just win?" Solar asked, a bit confused to what happened.

"We won! We won Summer!" Sn3aky walked up to the dazed Plant Hero, before lending a hand.

"You're too shocked about this, aren't you?"

Solar nodded, who only smiled as she felt relief flow through her body and grabbed Sn3aky's hand.

They are now victorious...

Whilst back at the hotel, everyone cheered as Solar's team walked tot he podium and get their reward. Everyone was excited, especially Grassy, who pretty much lost his mind at the point because of the win. The room was filled with laughters and smiles as everyone talked about the victory.

Whilst the PKT clapped for the champions, Realer gestured a signal meaning "We'll meet again", of which Solar gestured with a thumbs up.

The Electro Cactus walked to Summer, who only smiled as he slow clapped for her. It was sort of mockery, but at the same time, there{s an amount of respect being heard using the clap.

"So Solar, how's it feel to be with a rookie team who, the recent member fyi, you only met for 6 months. How did that amount of chemistry even came together?"

"It's more or so we know each other. As leader, I am suppose to be the glue, and they're suppose to be the building blocks. And today, it kind of proved that I'm a good type of glue."

"You sure are" The Kernal Corn looked at the Sunflower, "Ladies and gentleman, the winner of the 7th Plantae Kingdom: Pocket Underwatched World Cup: The Sunflower Starz!", Solar Flare lifted the trophy she received from the Electro cactus, and waved it with pride as everone in the crowd cheer.

Penelopea looked at Summer in delight, whilst daydreaming about all the adventures they'd be with together as roomates.

"It's going to be fun." Penelopea giggled on her own as Night wrapped up his stream and everyone started to pack up,

After cleaning the room, everyone made it back to their room, with Penelope walking to her room, closing the door separating her room and Night's, before laying on the bed, stomach-down, and slept a wonderful dreams on what the possibility of adventures she might experience with her sister.

A/N: So I slacked off a bit and recorded like a 20 hour gameplay of me playing Pokemon Brick Bronze pretty much so that's why this is not updated as much. Also, starting a new and last story in fimfiction named "James: The changeling that changed Equestria" so check that as well. Until then, Steven2Desmond out!