Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own either Mass Effect or the Walking Dead games. Telltale and Bioware( or EA) do.

This story is dedicated to the author of " Second Chances" who gave me inspiration to write this story.

AN: I suggest you watch the Walking Dead game season 2 story trailer before reading this story. It's also a badass trailer for the franchise. Also watch the femshep mass effect 3 movie trailer. I also suggest you play both game series or at least know the story.

Just so you know, the Female Shepard in this story is the original femshep from ME3

Author Note (4/25/17): By the way, I finished Mass Effect: Andromeda and I learned the true name of Garrus Vakarian's father. Instead of what I put up in chapter 17 and any other chapters he is mentioned, put Castis in it's place. Sorry I couldn't actually edit it since it ran out of time.

A New Future Ch. 1

AN:Feedback is valued and appreciated.

Shepard knew that this was the the only way. She looked over to the pillar highlighted by red. She saw a flash of white and when she opened her eyes, she saw the ghost of Anderson firing at the pillar. If she chose to destroy the Reapers, while they would be destroyed, so would EDI and the Geth. She couldn't do that to Joker. He was happy and so was EDI. If she did destroy them, Shepard wouldn't be able to live with herself.

She looked over to the twin levers lit by blue and another flash came. When she recovered, she saw the ghost of the Illusive Man, holding the pillars. Bolts of energy tore away at his flesh as he screamed in pain. If she chose to control the Reapers, she was not certain about what would happen, but she knew that would mean Legion's sacrifice would be in vain. Hell, she was fighting the Illusive Man to keep him from trying to do that. Another thing she doubted was if it would be really her or if it would be a copy with no trace of her except for her intentions.

Either one wouldn't be the result they were fighting for. They were fighting for peace and "Synthesis", as the Catalyst had called it, offered just that. Peace between organics and synthetics. That was the best option. Wasn't it? Unfortunately, that meant death for herself. That was the one thing that she was afraid of. She didn't know if it would lead to heaven or if it lead anywhere. Then again, if she didn't that would mean complete annilation for the galaxy. So, with all the bravery she could muster, she started to walk to the beam.

She thought of her adventures. Eden Prime, Saren, Sovereign, recruiting her original crew, Virmire, Noveria, Illos. She then remembered meeting Garrus while going to the council. Then at the med clinic while he was trying to save Dr. Michel. At the time, she thought of him as a turian James Bond. As she grew to know him, she viewed him as a man who was tired of doing things that let the bad guy get ahead. She talked to him about it and he grew to realize what she was saying.

Then she thought about when she was "killed", brought back by Cerberus, recruited her second team, and defeated the Collectors. When she saw Garrus on Omega, she knew she had someone she could trust. When she convinced Garrus to let Sidonis go, she knew he had changed. After that, she found Garrus charming under his tough, sarcastic armor. She convinced him to the idea, even though he was shy and awkward about it. In the end, she knew he meant every word he said.

Then she thought of her more recent encounters. Reuniting with so many. Ashley, Joker, EDI, Wrex, Tali, Grunt, Jack, Zaheed, Kasumi, Liara, & Garrus.

The ones she found. Javik and James.

The sacrifices. Mordin, Legion, Thane, and Anderson.

"This is it" she whispered.

But before running to the beam, she remembers "Come back alive. It'd be an awfully empty galaxy without you."

If she did this, she would hurt the ones she loved, Garrus the most. Could she really leave him? Then she knew that while they would be hurt, they would move on. She hoped he would move on. She could not come back. "Sorry Garrus. I'm not following orders. I love you." Just before she jumped into the beam, and she remembered when she heard him say back in her memory

"Shepard...I love you too".

Then she jumped into the green pillar of light. She felt herself disappearing, but it wasn't painful. It felt like all her worries, fears, and all the things that made her afraid evaporate. She felt like she was going to sleep. She then saw memories flashing before her eyes. Ashley's drunken experience, Mordin singing, watching the sunset on Rannoch with Tali, Grunt's encounter with the police, meeting Jack's varren, Eezo, Zaheed boobytrapping her apartment with Garrus, sitting and learning about Thane, sparring with James, Wrex's tuxedo, Joker's robot imitation, Miranda talking with her sister, and Garrus dragging her on to the dance floor.

Then it went black. Or at least it was supposed to.

Shepard fell onto a moss covered floor. She struggled to stand up due to her wound while she tried to figure out where she was. All she saw was trees, trees, and more trees. She heard moaning. It was not a couple making out in the woods. She had gone past Ashley's and James's rooms enough to know that. It sounded angrier. Then it hit her. Husks!

She reached for her pistol, but when she learned it wasn't there, she remembered she had dropped it before going into the beam. Then she heard a young kid screaming. She willed her body to go as fast as it could, and when she turned around a tree, she saw a husk pinning a small girl with a baseball cap to the ground. The girl had mocha skin, golden eyes, with a red shirt and jeans. Her hat was white and blue with a blue cursive D on a white background. She ran as fast as she could and tore the corpse off her. Just before the husk was about to bite her, an arrow went straight through it's head.

Jane then saw a young adult with an orange shirt and jeans with a machete on his back and an elderly man with army fatigues and a crossbow sprinting towards her and the girl and she watched as they started to take down as many as they could before the older one shouted to the one in orange "I'm out. Grab them and let's go" The younger man grabbed the girl and shouted at me to follow them.

She did the only thing she could do. She ran as fast as she could. As she did, she had one thought in her head. What. The. Fuck?!

Well, that's the beginning of a good story. I'm not proud to say I was disappointed by Bioware when they released Mass Effect 3. It did not expand on exploration, they waited until the fans started bitchin about it to start DLC's, that they even had to do DLC's at all (I hate it because I couldn't get Xbox Live. Crappy internet.) They should've added all that from the get go instead of saying "Oh we're sorry for giving you this piece of crap. Here we'll help by putting all these expensive DLCs instead of just giving them to you as an apology." Hey, Bioware! Making a remaster isn't a way to make easy money! Charging for DLC's is! It was also way too short for my liking. ME2 was better. Better story, better crew, better exploration, better everything except for enemies, combat, weapons. I was severely disappointed when they did the 3rd one. They rushed it into production. If they had just taken all the DLC's and actually put it in the game, they would've gotten a lot better feedback. Wondering what Andromeda is going to be like and hope they make a Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered. I would love them forever if they did.