Author's Notes

Thank you guys sooooo much for the support you've given me, your reviews are as amazing to read as always, I honestly don't deserve all this praise, after all it's you guys that give me the drive to write, and as much as my stories are touching to you, I want you to know that your reviews are just as touching to me, if not more.

I'm not going to mention just one person so I don't leave you all out, each of you was a delight. But there were two in particular that really caught my eye; one about schoodaly-dooping and one with a pun that made me laugh my heart out just as much as the other.

(You know yourself ;) )

Please don't be mad at me if I didn't choose your idea to write, but I just can't write an AU for a show or movie I haven't seen, so sorry about that

Now the person that I did pick their idea to write was SamCatherine120215, so kudos to her for this one.

Chapter 3:

Hidden In Plain Sight

It was just another sunny day in the calm town of Echocreek, birds were chirping, sun was up and about, weird magical creatures were loitering on the school entrance, you know, just the usual

Star and Marco were headed for what seemed to be just another regular day of school, Marco in his usual nodding position, when star started staring at him

"Uh, star?" he says

But she doesn't say anything

"Um, is there something on my face?" he asks

"Yes" she replies "Hesitation"

"When are you actually going to do something other than standing there nodding like a programmed robot," she says

"Well it's not like you've done anything but stare at Oskar" he replies "at least I nod"

"well-uh-I-it's- it's not- the same Marco!" she stutters

"How so?" he asks

"Well, Oskar is an artist, and artists are meant to be admired," she says

"And stared at from time to time…" she adds

"Whatevs," says Marco "I'm expecting someone"

"Suit yourself! But today is the day I get my date with Oskar!" she yells

"Oh I don't see that happening anytime soon" he mocks

"I can do it!"

"Do it then"

"Wait are you too chicken!"

"Bakaak, baak, chicken" he jokes

"My name is star butterfly and I can fight all sorts of evil, but I can't even ask a guy out!" says Marco in his best voice impression of star

Star had had it at then

She walked straight to Oskar's parked car in the driveway, and with one fell swoop she says "Hey Oskar do you wanna go out on a date today!"

Oskar just casually stopped playing his keytar, and turned to face the princess

"Sure" he lets out

Marco couldn't believe what he was hearing

It's true that he did tease her about it, but it wasn't like he thought she'd actually do it

He got this weird feeling in his chest, like a thorn scratching against his ribcage

And now he was starting to think about what she'd just done, and what it would mean for him

Living alongside a girl, not to mention a princess plays some tricks on your head.

He did like her, but he never thought he liked her in that way

She was always there for him, helping him deal with his problems, even though she mostly caused them

"Oh man, what have I done…" he thinks to himself

"I thought I wanted star to go out with Oskar, I thought it would make me happy seeing her happy"

"Now that I'd gotten star to fess up to Oskar, maybe she'd help me deal with Jackie, maybe even land a date!"

"So why am I not happy?" he asks himself

It was at that moment that Marco realised that what he desired from Jackie wasn't love anymore.

Any other day he would jump at the opportunity of dating Jackie, but now he started having second thoughts

She was always the coolest, most chill person he knew, and he admired her for that. So much as to want to date her, but all of that just shifted when he saw star with another guy

It wasn't long before star trotted back to Marco, with a huge victory smile on her face

"Told you I could do it" she brags

"Yeah, I knew you could" he replies

His tone was slightly off though

It wasn't like he was sad, but just kind of disappointed.


You could hear the sound of a skateboard rubbing against the polished shiny floor

Jackie was rolling ahead, she looked like she didn't have a care in the world

In a second she was in front of Marco

"Hey Diaz" she waves

"Hi Jackie," he says hazily

Star stared at him for a while

"What," he says

"What's wrong with you today? You seem a bit off"

"Nah it's nothing" he replies

"Okay, glad to hear it! Now come-on we have a class to catch"

She leads him by the hand off into the hallway

Later that day star was getting ready for her date

Marco was in the other room, bearing in mind what was wrong with him

He had helped star pick her outfit for the evening

Star was done and gave his door a knock

She went in wearing a white blouse, blue shorts and striped shoes

"What do you think? Too casual?" she asks

"You look beautiful"

"Aw thanks, Marco, I knew I could depend on my best friend"

"That word that would normally cheer him up made him feel even more discomfort"

He escorted her to the door, before saying "good luck"

There was something that made him feel uneasy about this "date"

The moment star was out of sight, he ran upstairs, got his hoodie on and started tailing her from a distance

He ended up following her to a local pizza-rea

"This isn't stalking, I'm just making sure she's safe" was what he'd thought to himself

Oscar was waiting inside, he brought his keytar along with him, an odd thing to bring to a date

Marco sneaks in from the back door and sits in the booth that's a few feet away from them

Careful not to get noticed he'd removed his hoodie and wore a fedora

That just made him look more suspicious

Star, on the other hand, was trying some small talk topics Marco had given her

"So, weather is good today huh?" she utters

Oscar just gives her a look and starts to fiddle with his guitar

"Sure I guess" he replies hazily

"Whoa, I don't about you, but isn't it a bit hot out here" she adds

"Not really, are you ok meteor?"

"Meteor? My name is star…" she lets out

"Eh, star, meteor, planet, all the same," he says nonchalantly

Marco didn't have eyes on the situation but he knew star was feeling bad

The waiter arrives at their table shortly, "ah young love, how pure, may I take your order please?"

"I'll just have a large soda," says Oscar

"Water is fine" star replies

It was obvious to anyone that this was an awkward situation, luckily, the waiter read the atmosphere "ill be right back with your order, sorry for the intrusion" he leaves

"Sure whatever, man," says Oscar

He didn't even lift his eyes off his keytar this whole time

Star had started to feel that this was a waste of time, he was nowhere near the way she had imagined he would be like

She tries to give it another shot

"So, uh what got you to like the keytar so much?"

He was suddenly filled with excitement

"Well, I looked at it and it was pretty so I got it, plus I'm already a pro so I can teach you a little if you'd want to"

Star couldn't believe this guy, he was so full of himself, nothing like Marco

"No thanks, pass" she replies

"What do you mean pass, you know I don't waste my time for nothing, at least be a bit grateful I offered"

He says

Star just wanted to go home by then, this guy was so blinded by his arrogance he didn't even care about anything

"Yeah sure, I'm sorry"

Marco had completely lost his nerves by then, hearing her apologise to an idiot like that made his blood boil

He just couldn't take it, all of a sudden he got up and pulled Oscar out of his seat, Oscar's keytar fell on the floor

"Dude my keytar!"

"Screw your keytar!" Marco yells

"Now look here, I don't know who you think you are, acting all cool and mighty, no one deserves to hear what you just said, whoever they are, you think you're wasting time! Look at star you stuck up brat, she spent 3 hours today just picking out this outfit and you say you "wasted" time"

He was furious, gritting his teeth

"Marco!? Since when were you here" star yells

Everyone in the restaurant was looking at them by now

"Why are you doing this to yourself star, you deserve much better than this lame excuse for a human being"

Star's eyes had started watering up

"I know for a fact that you really try hard at something once you set your mind to it, and I know you were looking up to this, I am so sorry I couldn't change your mind about Oscar, it was my fault in the first place"

Oscar just picks up his keytar, not even bothering with Marco

"Whatever dude, I'm out" he leaves

"Marco lifts star's chin for her eyes to meet his as he wipes off her tears

"You know star, cute girls shine much much brighter when they're smiling, this frown you have now isn't befitting of a person like you"

Star's eyes had a glow to them, it was like a shred of light had sparked inside

Marco takes off his fedora and heads for the door

"I'm sorry I followed you here star, it's not something a friend should do"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" star screams

"Of course this isn't something a friend would do"

Marco stared at the floor, embarrassed

He wanted to apologise

"Star, I"

He was cut off by star running towards him

He closed his eyes and braced for impact, but to his surprise, he fell into a soft embrace

Star was bawling

She hugged him tighter than she ever did

"It's ok star" he tries to comfort her

"You idiot, of course, I don't wanna be friends anymore"

"I like you more than I would like a friend, I mean like like you"

Marco couldn't believe what he was hearing

"I know it's selfish Marco, I know you like Jackie, but still, I can't just-"

"It's alright star, I like like you too" he answers

The waiter sheds a tear, once more he says "ah young love, so pure, so beautiful"

Marco wipes her tears off

She gives him a cheerful smile, how he loved to see her smile

"What do you say we get out of here," she asks

"I'd love to, nachos?" Marco asks

"Nachos" star replies

Author's notes

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's a wrap ladies and gentlemen, I hope you've liked it, even though it was a bit sloppy. Expect more in the near future.

As always thank you for following, liking, and reviewing. I think I said this before but if you have an idea but not the words to tell it, I'm your guy, drop a suggestion for future stories in the review.

Stay awesome