Disclaimer: I do not own any Disney or Dreamworks characters.

Author's Note: Thank you 'a faaan (Guest)' for the review and 'Not Normal Stacy' for following.

I have to admit it is slightly liberating to be writing with a plot that has no clear ending. _ Ha. Well hope you like the chapter!

Longer Than a Heartbeat

Elsa let out a sigh, as someone bumped into her and she tactfully lifted her cup to avoid it spilling on her. The music was blasting and the frat house was packed with people. She caught a glimpse of red hair in the crowd of people dancing and tipped her cup to her lips. Her quad mates were quick to take the dance floor after helping themselves to a solo cup.

"Yuck," Elsa mumbled as she pulled the cup back. "Is there anything to drink aside from alcohol?"

Mulan glanced over her should her at her roommate and gave her a weak smile. "You can try the fruit punch but I might have saw someone dump a bottle of vodka in it."

"Would it be judgmental of me to say I'm surprised you're drinking?" Elsa pointed out as she tilted her cup towards the one in Mulan's hand.

"Not as much as it is for me to say I'm not surprised that you are not." There was a pause. "Or at least trying not to drink," Mulan responded as she sipped her drink. "My family drinks during holidays and celebrations. I've drank with them since I was sixteen." Elsa nodded understandingly. "Want to dance?"

Elsa glanced over at the dance floor or what seems to have been the living room. "I'm not one to dance."

"Oh come on," Mulan smirked as she grabbed her hand. Elsa was beginning to think that was the phrase of the day. She thought back to Anna and how she would be encouraging Elsa to dance.

"Oh what the heck," Elsa muttered as she placed her cup to her lips and tilted her head all the way back to down the cup of beer. Mulan gave her a surprised look but smiled nonetheless. "Come on, let's find Jasmine and Ariel and dance."

The alcohol helped, somewhat. She was totally conscious of her surroundings and actions but it did help her relax a bit. Her friends were laughing as they sang along to the lyrics of the song causing her to smile. The four girls were dancing together and Elsa was fully aware of some of the looks they were earning. She watched as Ariel sent a glance across the room, hinting to Jasmine that the guy she thought was hot when they first entered the party was watching her.

"Someone is checking you out too," Mulan mentioned, earning the blonde's attention. Mulan nonchalantly glanced toward her right and Elsa discreetly followed her gaze. He was tall and had a muscular built. Dark hair with light eyes.

"Not my type," Elsa found herself saying. Quiet honestly she was not sure what her type was.

Mulan simply laughed and rolled her eyes. Both knew neither girls were planning a one night fling. She knew she was generalizing and assuming that every male body was looking for fling, but she was quite aware of the look Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome was giving her.

Elsa barely felt it at the moment and she almost ignored it. Pulling out her phone from her back pocket, a picture of her and her sister flashed on her screen. It was almost eleven.

"Why is your sister calling?" Mulan asked, as she peeked over to see her phone. Elsa shrugged and did her best not to look worry. Anna was suppose to be at the after party and she knew Elsa would be out as well.

"I'll be right back," Elsa said, not waiting for a response as she maneuvered through the crowd and out the door for a bit of quiet. Walking pass the college students who were playing beer pong, Elsa quickened her pace and answered her phone, just as she found a quiet place by the sidewalk. "Hello? Anna?"

"Uh—hello?" a deep voice answered.

Elsa quickly glanced at her phone. This was her sister's number. "Hello?"

"I'm sorry is this Elsa?" the deep voice questioned, and in the distance Elsa could hear music playing.

"Yes. Who is this? And where is my sister?" Elsa asked her voice serious, while her heart felt just about ready to explode.

"Sorry, this is Jackson Overlord. I think your sister told you about me."

"Yes," Elsa cut off because her mind was racing. "I'm sorry Jackson, I don't mean to be rude but where is my sister? Is she OK?"

"You have nothing to apologize for. Anna is OK . . . well . . . she's rather drunk," Jack explained and she could sense the concern and worry in his voice.

"Drunk?" Elsa repeated, a tad bit louder than she had expected.

"Yes but please don't be upset at Anna. I don't think she realized the fruit punch was spiked until it was too late," Jack quickly explained.

"Where is she now?" Elsa asked calmly as she began pacing.

"Passed out in my car. I thought about taking her home but I know your parents will be . ."

"Infuriated," mumbled Elsa as she placed her hand on her forehead. "Where is Rapunzel?"

"She left early. She wasn't feeling well. I tried calling her but she must have knocked out." There was a pause as Elsa racked her mind on what to do. It was her older sister persona that wanted to protect her from the overprotectiveness of her parents. Despite it not being Anna's fault, she would be in big trouble if she was to go home intoxicated. She would be grounded for her entire senior year. "I would take her home to my place but I think my mom will freak out if she realized there was alcohol at the party. Elsa?"

"I'm sorry. I'm at Arendelle University. I'm trying to figure out what we can do," Elsa explained as she bit her lower lip. She could borrow Mulan's car but it would take her at nearly three hours to get to Burgess perhaps two considering the time and lack of traffic. Would she even break Anna home?

"I can meet you," Jack offered, as if reading her mind.

"I couldn't ask you to do that," Elsa frowned, she stopped in step.

"I told my mom I wouldn't be home until about three. I can meet you in Dreamworks. It'll be a little over an hour drive for each of us."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I have no alcohol in my system, promise," Jack mentioned and she wondered if Anna told him about just how protective she can be.

"Ok," Elsa said, failing to mention that she on the other hand did. But the thought of her sister drunk was sobering enough.

A/N: I like to think Chapter 3 will be posted in the near future but until then please leave a review (just no flames, please & thank you)