Special hugs go to cheryl24 and bleachfreak13 for their support. Same goes to those who liked/favorited this story. I see way too much slash regarding these two (they're CHILDHOOD FRIENDS for the love of God!) so I figured I'd give a break to people who might not like that stuff, myself included lol. :)

Enjoy and don't forget to review! :)



The lights were blinding.

The Chicago crowd was raucous and loud.

And he was nervous.

Well, that was a given. They'd headlined NXT PPVs but there was something about a WWE one that was extra special. Payback 2016 was without a doubt the biggest stage Enzo and Cass would step on to date and he didn't want to mess this up. Chicago was a blue-blood wrestling city, the home of CM Punk and one of the toughest crowds to perform in front of. They wouldn't hesitate to boo you out of the building if they thought you sucked.

He should've paid more attention. The warning sign something felt off was when Enzo dropped his mic during their entrance. He of course kept walking toward the ramp, oblivious to the smaller man frantically pointing at him, trying to catch his eye and pick it up.

But he just kept on walking.

Fortunately the crowd didn't make fun of Zo when he ran back for his mic, which spoke volumes of how over him and his friend were. But he knew if someone else did that they'd be grilled mercilessly.

While Zo lit the arena up with his 'gift of gab' a point he emphasized every time they stepped foot into the squared circle, he felt that twinge in the pit of his stomach again. Something wasn't sitting right. But he firmly banished the gut feeling to a lesser known sector of his belly. Now wasn't the time to entertain doubts. Careers and first impressions were important at a PPV and for the dynamic duo it was put up or shut up.

All too soon the Vaudevillians made their entrance with the usual posing and Gotch shouting that "Chicago was going to burn again!" as the throwback tandem marched down to the ring.

Shortly after that the bell rung and the match was under way.

It started out hot and was supposed to run a good fifteen minutes with the Dudleyz running interference towards the end.

The worry roared back full force, despite Cass' attempt to reel it in. Enzo was down on the mat blinking rapidly from English's double boot to the face. Helpless to do anything useful he watched as English tagged Gotch in to keep working Zo over.

And that's when everything became a blur.

He blinked and the next thing he saw was Zo's head hitting the mat with a sickening thud, face whiplashing off the second rope.

Panic flooded his limbs. Everything slowed to a crawl as he rushed around the corner and saw his smaller friend laid out flat on the rubber mat. Eyes glassy and body gasping instinctively for air, like a fish out of water.

His pre-med training helped him recognize agonal breathing. A dangerous sign. It usually indicated a neck/spinal injury or a concussion. And it was the precursor to death.

Don't be dead.

Zo wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.


Cass bolted upright in his hotel bed with a gasp. Pupils dilated as he tried to shake off the clammy remnants of that disasterous freak accident.

Xavier's soft snores in the bed next to his reoriented him back in the present. Cass glanced over at the digital clock on the nightstand. 3:45 am.

He ran a large hand over his face. It's okay. You saw Zo last night. He's gonna be aite. Said so hisself, didn't he? So stop worrying Cassady. Now ain't the the time ta go sawft.

Suppressing a groan he swung long legs over the edge of the mattress and padded over to the bathroom, turning on the faucet. He splashed cold water on his face, trying not to wake his slumbering teammate in the main room.

Since sleep was out of the question Cass decided to hit the hotel's gym. He grabbed his Tapout workout clothes and after quickly dressing, grabbed his key card, water bottle and headphones. Tucking his wallet into his hoodie just in case he quietly eased out of the room and took the elevator to the lobby.

Thankfully the gym was deserted, so he didn't have to worry about bothering anyone or sharing the equipment.

He spent fifteen minutes stretching his muscles before jumping on the treadmill, choosing a steeper incline with a moderate speed and hit start. Maybe if he worked up a heavy sweat, it would purge his mind of replaying Enzo's concussion. Obsessing over it wouldn't change the outcome. The Villians were going to challenge for the belts at Extreme Rules and he'd be lucky to even make it on the card, much less do something impactful.

With music pumping through his ears he allowed his mind to wander to the previous night. Rooming with Xavier was proving to be an experience. The man was hyper and perpetually cheerful with that toothy smile he was fond of flashing. In a strange way, it felt like Enzo was still with him.

Except Zo didn't have a habit of calling him Captain or the shortened version every time he was spoken to. It was harmless fun and Xavier meant no offense when he said it. Cass shrugged as he changed the incline setting to mimic walking down a steep hill. Must be a black thing. He thought.

An hour later found him lifting weights. He just replaced a pair of moderately heavy dumbbells in their slots when his phone buzzed inside his hoodie pocket.

He opened it to find a very frantic text from his roommate.


Cass cursed under his breath at his negligence as he gathered his things before heading back to the room. He'd been so consumed by his own problems he forgot three other people were affected by his attitude and decisions.

Sorry man. Just finished a workout downstairs. Be there in a few.

He rode the elevator back and power walked towards room 345. Hardly had he inserted his key card and pushed the door open than he was set upon by a very agitated Xavier Woods.

"Cap, don't ever wander off like that again! Do you have ANY idea what time it is?!" He jabbed a work-roughed finger at the clock. "It's almost five-fifteen! Seriously I like, woke out of a dead sleep not twenty minutes ago and ya weren't there." Worry flashed in the shorter man's brown eyes and made his tone sharper than he probably intended. "You weren't answering the phone...and I thought something happened to you-"

Cass dropped his workout things on the floor and placed a calming hand on Xavier's shoulder. Immediately feeling worse for not communicating his whereabouts.

He had a ringside seat to a nightmare, Cassady. They were all there when it went down. He wasn't the only one feeling the shock of seeing a fellow wrestler and friend look like he died under the ring. And it had obviously turned Xavier into an oveprotective, hot mess.

"Xavier, breathe. It's alright. I'm here."

The shorter man did as he was told, taking a deep breath, letting out a slow exhale.

Squeezing his shoulder, Cass stepped back trying to reassure his smaller friend. "Sorry bro. I couldn't sleep so..."

"You went to blow off some steam?"

He nodded.

Xavier seemed to relax a bit, but that didn't mean he was done lecturing the taller man as he opened his suitcase and rummaged for a set of clean clothes. He really needed a shower.

"You're just lucky you ain't roomin' with Kof or Big E, Captain. They'd flip out with the disappearing act ya just pulled and believe me, they'd put your seven foot ass on lockdown."

Cass waved his hand acknowledging the man's tirade.

"Yeah, yeah I get it Xave. Now if yous don't mind, I'd like to get cleaned up before we hit the road. I smell like a sweaty jock strap."

Xavier wrinkled his nose as his large friend walked to the bathroom to shower.

"Booty, Cap. Keep that info on the down low."


Later that same day - Smackdown!

May 3, 2016

Welp, here we go again. Cass thought as he trudged through the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri small suitcase in tow. Round two of beating up the Vaudevillians. And it was the last day that Enzo would be backstage before heading home to recover from his concussion. The Queens native tried not to think about that last part too much. But he was relieved his little buddy would be away from potential attacks that would worsen an already stressful situation.

He didn't have a match with the New Day tonight but the big man wasn't complaining. He'd still get a chance to take out his frustrations on the throwback duo after their match with the Social Outcasts. Another nobody team even though its members Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas were anything but. It was a shame they were being booked like jobbers despite the fact both men came from legendary families in the business.

Cass nodded at people he passed in the hallways, outwardly polite as he made his way to the locker room. After changing quickly, he headed to catering to grab a bite to eat.

He started tucking into his steak and salad when he sensed someone slide into the chair across where he was seated. Blue eyes slowly lifted to see just who would dare interrupt his meal. Much to his surprise it was locker room veteran and rock star Chris Jericho.

"Hey man. How's Enzo holding up?"

"He's hanging in there. Saw him after the show last night and he looks fine, but..." Cass pushed his food around on his plate, reluctant to bring up the subject. Jericho took a sip of water, waiting patiently for the younger man to collect himself. Patience and understanding. Two classy traits Cass not only admired, but appreciated.

"I know him. He ain't 100 yet."

Chris nodded. Reaching over he gave the younger man a friendly squeeze on the arm before standing up.

"Hang in there man. I know this sucks, but think of it as an opportunity to show the brass what you're made of. You're super over with the fans so that's half the battle won. Oh and there might be a main event match against yours truly in the not too distant future, so keep on your toes."

Cass nearly choked on his steak. Hurriedly he gulped down a quarter of his water to clear his throat. Whoa. Did...did I just hear that right? Me against Jericho?! This was no small thing. Going up against a decorated multi-champion and future Hall of Famer would elevate his status to the next level.

Jericho chuckled at the taller man's reaction. Remembering the starstruck rookie he used to be many years ago back in the late '90s when he competed with the best WWE-then WWF-had to offer.

"Don't act suprised, kid. The WWE is all about opportunities and your willingness to take them. Chances like these rarely happen and when they come knocking, ya take the ball and run. Fight for these spots, because they may never come again."

Cass swallowed his bite washing it down with water before nodding at the ring veteran a contemplative look on his face.


The Vaudevillians match against the Social Outcasts was nothing more than an appetizer for Extreme Rules at the end of the month and the crowd knew it.

He listened while Mauro Ranallo and Jerry Lawler commented on the aftermath, running his promo lines through his head one final time. Thanks to Enzo's coaching via text and brief phone calls, he was getting more comfortable on the mic. Although he was nowhere near his friend's natural ability to command the room, he was no slouch and was determined to bring his very best to carry the team until Zo came back.

He took a deep steadying breath as a PA handed him a mic, allowing his anger to surge to barely simmering under his skin. Suddenly he was very eager to teach the Villians a lesson. Along with any other unfortunate soul who dared to get in his way.

Cass saw nothing but his two enemies posing in the ring as 'SAWFT is a Sin' blared through the arena speakers, startling the announce team and eliciting a loud pop from the dead crowd.

"Whoa!" Byron Saxton exclaimed.

"What is this?!" King squawked.

"Well, it's Big Cass!" Mauro remarked, slightly surprised at the man's appearance for the audience's sake. Deep down the trio knew there was one reason and one reason only the Queens native would be interrupting the Vaudevillians victory posing.

To continue punishing the duo for injuring Enzo.

"You two," Cass began pointing at Gotch and English who had their backs up defensively ready for the incoming beatdown. "Look like you just stepped off the set of Sherlock Holmes. Ready to solve a mystery. The case of 'which one of you is about to get whooped.'"

English kept making come at us gestures with his hands while Gotch tried to look like he wasn't about to piss his singlet.

"And since we are in Kansas City." He paused letting the audience whoop at his name dropping. "I'm gonna give you a royal beatdown! And there's only one word to describe you...and I'm gonna spell it out for ya."

Cass felt the crowd's support cushion him like a warm blanket as they shouted S-A-W-F-T...SAAAWFT! before dropping the mic and making a beeline to beat up the Vaudes.

It felt good throwing Gotch over the top rope. English wasn't so lucky. Cass bounced his giant frame towards the thespian flattening him with a running big boot.

The crowd went wild.

"Whoa-ho! A big boot!" Mauro exclaimed.

"English caught it with his face," JBL remarked feeling a bit sorry for the unlucky duo forced to endure the giant's wrath as Cass screamed how you doin'?! to the riled up audience. English finally wised up and rolled out of the ring to join his partner on the floor, grabbing the back of his head as he went.

Then Axel decided to join in hurling taunts.

"Lookit you! Yer sawft! He ain't gotta do much...yer sawft!"

Smiling he turned around, thinking Cass would be supportive.

Instead he was met with a very pissed seven foot monster of a man who wasn't amused by his feeble attempt and wound up flattening him with a bone-rattling East River Crossing.

Cass prowled the ring with authority a predatory gleam in his blue eyes, teeth bared in a feral manner.

That was for you, Zo. Hope I make ya proud, buddy.
