Hey guys, this is my first 'Mortal AU' Fanfic so I hope you find this story interesting!

Traveling across the states and getting arrested at the age of 17 was never my plan in life. I don't know how it got to this point but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I guess I should explain what the hell I'm talking about, but let me introduce myself and my crew first. My name is Percy Jackson. Well, it's actually Perseus Jackson but I prefer that everyone calls me Percy. I live in New York with my mom Sally and my step dad Paul. I attend a pretty nice high school called Goode High which is also where my step dad works as a History teacher for the 9th graders.

I have a fairly large group of friends that I hang out with daily.

There is Leo the hyperactive party animal aka my sassy best friend. Frank, who is shy when you first meet him but after you break his shell he's a beast. Then we have Jason, who seems like serious one of the group but he's not trust me. He can be as crazy as me. Annabeth aka Wisegirl would be the serious one of the group along with Hazel. Hazel is probably the most innocent of the group even if she's dating Frank. Last but not least we have Piper, she's a party animal too. She's also the girl that everyone one wants to be with but no one can have because she's in a serious relationship with my bro Jason.

That's just my main squad. I have other friends in shadier places. For example, The Stoll brothers and Clarisse's gang. I met them about two years ago while I met my main squad in 9th grade. (Well, with the exception of Annabeth because I knew her since my 6th grade year.)

The Stoll brothers were the main people to go to if you needed anything, and I mean anything.

They had drugs, alcohol, and for the sexually active; condoms, lube, and sex toys.

Clarisse and her buddies were quite literally a gang. Clarisse was their leader; the big bad boss that everyone was afraid of. Her gang hid in the shadows at night, picking on the weak and unfortunate. At daytime her and her gang are roaming the campus like adverage tenagers. I should also explain how I know these people because I know you're curious. Let's just say that I know the Stolls from middle school and I earned Clarisse's respect after many late night fights. They were cool people, especially the Stolls, they could prank and steal like nobodies business.

Anyway, now that you know everyone, let's go back to when this whole disaster started shall we...

That's all you guys get for now! If you like it and want me to continue just leave a review or follow my story.