Ranma ½: The Wild Gene

Disclaimer: The following is a fan written parody. Ranma ½ belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Media, Studio Deen, Shogakukan and Madman Entertainment. X-men Evolution belongs to Marty Isenberg, Robert N. Skir, David Wise, probably also to Marvel Comics, Marvel Entertainment and The Walt Disney Company. Other IP used have their respective owners as well, I do not own characters and events and they are used without permission. Support the official release, and don't sue me.

"Someone has to keep the fort, boys."

Chapter 4

Home Alone

Above was a person, majestically flying through the air. Below was something strange, white, skulls and bones, as long as one could see. He/she was flying over them. It was a odd, like being next to him/herself, able to see his/her form in full glory. The sight was incredible to behold for he/she displayed all the mutant attributes of both Ranma-kun and Ranma-chan. Wings, tail, horns and the tattoos. The... thing was androgynous, both unearthly handsome and disturbingly beautiful at the same time. Slowly he/she landed on a hill, next to three other people. A girl with auburn hair and a strange white strip going through it, who was wearing a a long trench coat and her features were hungry, almost ghoulish. Next one was a another girl with long brown hair and tanned skin. She had claws, just like Logan, only she had two of them. The final person was that slime ball, Tolansky, only his skin was covered with some strange bulbous spheres, each dripping some kind of venomous fluid. He/she turned towards the acolytes gathered underneath the hill.

"Bring him." The androgynous mutant ordered, with eerie, melodic, ideally placed between the female and male voice. The acolytes were eager to follow the order, dragging forward someone's half alive, tortured body. It was Scott.

"Why ?" He asked, trying to speak through the beaten lips.

"The weak die." The strange voice he/she had answered "Only the strong shall survive ! You are just a..."

Ranma sat on her bed, awakening from her dream. She was sweating all over and felt really hot.

"Gah, that was a strange one..." The redhead said, eager to hear her own voice "As far as a nightmare goes, top ten easily." She looked at her clock, 45 minutes till she would have to get up anyways, not worth to try falling asleep. "I better not start having dreams about Scott." yawning she started to dress up, and went towards the bathroom. This mission would be infinitely easier if she could be a guy and dating Jean.


"Okay, Saotome, this wont be that bad." Ranma whispered to herself "You fought on flying ships, faced a Dragon Prince and defeated whatever Tarou changes into, you can do it." The redhead looked again at the book before her. The mathematics midterm was soon and she felt like she could use another three weeks to study more.

I's been already that long since she arrived at Xavier's school. All those days as a girl, this time not because being locked, or afflicted by some pressure point. Ranma was staying a girl as a deceptive maneuver, so she could infiltrate a superhero team and act as a spy, or if such action would be necessary, saboteur.

This required getting a good position in the team and staying in everyone's grace. So far she was successful. Jean saw her as a good friend, Kurt as a big sister he never had. For Ororo she was a good student and she even had a little form of understanding with Logan. Despite his attitude he was nice to her and commended her serious attitude towards training. Xavier was doing a lot of work with her, both concerning her ESP abilities and the large cat problem the red head had. Finally there was Scott, whom she was dating with. Ranma again revolted at the idea. Scott was surprisingly nice, but still, the redhead was, no matter how she looked, a guy and a heterosexual one at it. Yet Ranma was growing to not only respect him, but also like him. The bespectacled mutant was really trying to stay charming and was ever a gentlemen. Still there were dates and they were kissing. All this was however far better in every way, when compared to the gender challenged martial artists previous experience. All the other dates were either forced, done to get something out of Ryoga, or under the effect of some magical artifact and quite simply far inferior to those the redhead had with the X-men field leader.

With a sigh the redhead mutant went back on the to the task she was doing at the moment, one more math challenge before the cheerleader team practice. Just about ten minutes left until the basketball team finishes their training and they'll get the area for themselves.

Some time later the neo girl ran inside with the rest of her team, just as the boys were leaving.

"Say, who's the red ?" One of them asked another one.

"Oh right, you've been out for the last month on that basketball special course in L.A.." The large, tall Afro-American answered to his friend "That's Yoiko, she's a transfer student from Japan. You're a bit late thought, she is already all mushy with Summers, four eyes made a move before anyone had a chance."

Mark considered the news for a moment. He was one of the more popular guys in the school, perhaps right behind Duncan. His parents were well positioned and rich. He was the rising star of Bayville High basketball team. What a rival could Scott really be to him ? The redhead was stunningly beautiful, exotic and gorgeous and she really should have someone better than Summers. He could bet she never met a guy like Mark Bell.

Half of world away Kuno Tatewaki had a massive sneeze attack, utterly destroying a basket of roses he intended to send to his pig tailed goddess.

It took him two days to finally corner his prey, as the girl was glued to Summers most of the time. What did she actually see in that looser ? Nevertheless he finally got a chance to talk to her.

"Hey Yoiko, got any plans for Friday ?" He asked sitting next to the girl.

"I do and they don't include you." The succubi mutant rose her beautiful little head. Another of the guys who thought they could get her from Scott. "I'm already dating someone and I don't like two timing."

"That someone is Scott Summers. Come on, you're dating such a loser only to get attention of someone better." He said with a massive confidence "Now you have my attention so..." He was interrupted by an explosion of the redheads laughter.

"Priceless." She managed to say fighting the spasms of laughter down "I should write it down. Who do you take yourself for ? Kami-sama gift to all of the woman ? Go take a cold shower or something." She stood up, completely ignoring the boys objections.

"But, Yoiko..." He was at the moment without an idea on what to say, so he went with a first thing that came to his mind "Such knave as Summers is beneath thy assiduity my glorious..." He stopped at this moment recognizing that what he was speaking was utter gibberish. Ranma just shook her head and walked away. More of Nerima spilling.


Today was the midterm... Ranma actually felt confident about it, this would be a great surprise to anyone in Nerima who thought they knew the young martial artist. The redhead girl, ever since Professor informed her that he expects better results at school, attacked the material with a determination usually reserved only for learning the latest obscure technique Ryoga mastered. For the first time in ever the martial artist felt ready to deal with a test. It would be somewhat easier if not for one of the mysteries of having a female body chose this day exact day to begin. It's not like it was a first one, Ranma been through this already, once during the Cat Tongue and again when locked by Herb. Still it didn't make it any easier. Really a period couldn't choose a worse moment to strike, the pads were somewhat uncomfortable. Jean did try to convince her about tampons but even Ranma's dedication to the mission had it's limits. One of them was putting anything in there.

The Literature class came first. Ranma was actually placed in a lower age group for this course, something about not being native or other strange regulations. This was actually useful as she would have more time to catch with the program. The mutant succubi was also in one class with Kurt, who was running late again.

"Ms. Hibiki, could you try to find Mr. Wagner ?" The teacher asked her as she noted the lack of one of her students. It was still a few minutes to the start of a class and the Japanese redhead could find him in no time.

"Of course, Rivers-sensei." She stood up and walked out. Her unique talent for finding missing students was already well known to the teachers. Of course they had no idea that the redhead had her own personal radar, able to pickup minds rather easily. This was a part of her ESP gift. It was difficult trick and the more people were around the harder it was to pickup one particular mind. Luckily a mind she knew well was usually shining bright. Picking up Scott could be done from a mile and tracking Kurt would not be hard either. Right now he was running towards the door, she walked to a window and saw that her devil sibling teleported closer to the school. "Baka..." she whispered and quickly went to the doors.

Kurt was already in the principal's grasp.

"Good morning, Darkhölme-sensei." The redhead quickly came to his rescue "Kurt, Rivers-sensei is already looking for you." She bowed to the principal "I'll be taking him to his class." She noted the pieces of hastily eaten food all around his face "Pigging on a burger again ?"

"What can I do, it's an addiction." Kurt answered in his heavily accented manner.

"Those things aren't healthy, unless eaten in moderation." She said, smiling about her own way to eat. It was a lot and very often, but she was a growing girl and the wings burned calories like a furnace "Kurt, be more careful next time. Someone could see you."

"But no one did..." Kurt started to explain when he noticed where he was wrong "Oh, you did, sorry about that."

"Nothing happened this time..." She said, getting closer to the class "Please be more careful, otouto."

"I promise, Yoiko-neechan." Kurt already learned a bit about honorifics.

Together the pair of masked devils entered the class.

While the launch break fad lasted for a while it eventually faded out, finally giving some peace to the X-Kids who had they table back. Today they group was missing Jean. The second cute redhead was out on a mission, along with Professor and would miss the midterm. Kurt was looking at his own portion of cafeteria gruel and then at the elaborate and delicious looking meal Scott and Yoiko enjoyed. In his opinion it was not fair. He liked to get some sleep and to make something like that for himself he would need to get up as early as the Japanese girl did. Then he heard Ranma's growl and looked around to see the problem. Mark... For the last few days he was pestering the redhead. One of those guys who were keen on keeping scoring, whether it was points, or girls made little difference to him. The redhead succubi caught his eye and he was set on getting her as his latest hit. Mark was one of those losers who just took 'no' as a pointer that they should try harder. In a way he was like Kuno. In Ranma's personal ranking Mark was actually placed lower than the delusional Samurai wannabe, just behind a colonoscopy. Kuno at least had a sister with a good taste for choosing flowers.

A few seconds before he had a chance to sit next to her Kurt jumped over the table, this time careful to not make it look strange and Ranma was now secured from both sides, so the tall boy had to sit on the other end of the table.

Ranma braced herself, cursing the fact that this wasn't Nerima, where she would be able to deliver her point Akane Style, by hitting him with the nearest heavy blunt object until he would stop to move. Sadly the American people were not insanely durable martial artists and actually would die when killed. The redhead was sure that Professor might react badly to a case of homicide, done by hitting someone with a table.

"Hello Yoiko." He sat at the table with his tray "You known if I were a photographer I would look for a face like yours."

"The only person that would ever look for yours will be a plastic surgeon !" Ranma said without even looking at him. Guys in Bayville did have some of the worlds lamest lines.

"Ehrr..." He got lost for a moment, those lines usually worked better. He was like an open book to Ranma and she was getting better at empathy every day. There wasn't really much to read in this one, the guy had only lust there. Compared to a looser like him Scott was really a good catch. Without even thinking about it her hand went to seek the other mutant and found it "Why don't you ditch four eyes here and start with a real guy ? Hey, Mr. Sunglasses inside ! She's way to good for you." Mark noted that the redhead and Summers where holding their hands. He was after her for longer than any other girl ever and he was starting to get impatient and angry "Have you seen his eyes ? Has anyone seen them ?" Suddenly his hand smacked forward aiming straight for his head and was caught midair by a pair of chopsticks. The redhead twisted his wrist, holding it in an iron grip. The wrist started to sound really creepy. Scott placed his hand on her shoulder and she let the other boy go. He looked at his hand in disbelief, before taking a lesson from Ryoga and getting lost. Ranma didn't really like what she read in his emotions.

"I shouldn't do that, but he pissed me... I lost my appetite, I'll go to the class..." She went away and Scott knew that it was the best to just let her go. He spent enough time in foster home's and was able to pick up details a little better than most guys.

"What was that about ?" Kurt asked confused.

"Those days." Scott said like it explained everything.

"What are those days ?" Kurt was even more confused. Scott felt useless at the moment, better to send Kurt to Ororo once she gets back from New York.

The hour of the midterm was on her. Good she had a moment to cool of after the incident with Mark. The test landed on her desk. She took a deep breath...

Fifteen minutes before the end she handed it back to teacher. It really paid off to study hard. It really looked like it would be her best year in school.


Kurt, Ranma and Scott were walking back to the mansion when a blue bike rushed next to them. Wolverine was going somewhere. Ranma caught a bit of his emotions while on her way. Whom did he hate so much ?

"Whats up with Logan-sensei ?" She asked.

"That man is packing some serious attitude." Scott added as the bike left the area.

"Wanna follow him ?" Kurt asked and they rushed to get a car. A moment later they stopped in his car right next to Ranma.

"You're joining ?" Scott asked pointing to the back seat.

"I'll pass." Ranma said, this was an occasion she was waiting for "Someone has to keep the fort, boys."

She looked for a while as they left the the mansion. Jean and Xavier were on a mission, Storm was in New York, Logan and the boys just left. Home alone, time to do some quality spy work.

First to get prepared correctly. The presence of a mutant with strong sense of smell could prove to be a problem. What Ranma intended to do required changing into a boy and would cause the male form to leave it's distinctive scent inside. Luckily Ranma had the unstable molecules clothes packed, they were incredible, never did get dirty, didn't need washing and most importantly, they didn't absorb any scent. The second precaution she did was a bath, done with special, perfume-free, scent-killing body wash that left her clean and gave off a neutral odor. Considering the thing was good enough to fool that beast Magneto kept it should work here as well.

Ranma left the bath and turned her subdermal chip back to a setting that would allow for a change. For the last weeks the chip was set to a molten steel. The redhead expected the worse, Dr. Tofu warned her that if she had a period again changing genders should be avoided. But Ranma had little choice, who knows when a situation like that would happen again. Bracing herself the redhead dumped a bucket of water. He felt the familiar tingling sensation of a change. For some seconds the world started to spin around and the boy had one of the strangest trips of his life as a heavy and instant hormonal change twisted the male body.

"Kuso ! That was terrible..." Ranma was finally able to stand up, he felt dizzy and generally bad. "It really was a bad idea, never again." He looked at the mirror, it was nice to see his own face in it, not the cursed one "Well hello there. Missed you." He checked the image inducer, it worked fine masking his form as a girl again. Ranma filled a canteen with water and set the cold temperature setting. It would be best to have some at hand in case of an emergency. Then he returned to his room.

Ranma didn't bring much stuff from Japan, but he had some. Still the room was mostly empty. The clothes collection that somehow kept growing on every day. Two large anime posters on the wall. The desk where he did his homework had a large Priss Asagiri, figurine on it. There was also something unique to his room that any other didn't have. A small kamidana was hanged on the wall. One of few items 'Yoiko' brought here with herself. While Ranma wasn't a very religious person he had seen enough magic and Oni in his life to not doubt that kami did exist. He hoped that he did not offend any spirits by what he used it for. The magatama and the ofuda enshrined inside were not the sole contents. Ranma used it to smuggle one of Magneto's high tech gadgets and now he had a chance to install it. He used one of his seishin to reach the shrine and removed a metallic disk hidden inside. Before leaving the room he bowed his head before theshrine, just in case.

He went straight towards the study. Ranma had three weeks to study the security inside, he trained inside with Xavier quite often. There was a single camera, but he fully knew how to deal with those already. Blocking it with his barrier he carefully placed the disk behind the bookcase, as close to the wall Cerebro was hidden behind as possible. Ranma didn't want to risk opening the wall, it might set an alarm he didn't know about, he twisted the disk it fist went red, then after a second yellow. It took few more seconds to turn green and then it went back to being just silver. The thing was supposed to somehow spy on Cerebro now. His knowledge of those gadgets included only knowing how to turn them on, from that point he was as lost as Ryoga in a closet.

Mission one done. He returned to his room, sat in a lotus position in the middle and begun to anchor one of his construct inside. An hour later he finished, now if he would need it he had a backdoor to the Institute.

Ranma went back to the bathroom. If this was Tendo Dojo Jean would come back right this moment and walk on him, sitting in a girls bathroom, getting ready to change gender. God thing it was not. This was a really strange, but the Institute did feel more like home after three weeks than Tendo's place felt after a year and the rest of X-Men more like a family than anyone in Nerima did. After few dates with Scott Ranma was actually at a much further stage of relationship than he ever was with any of his fiancees.

Yet any day could be his last here...

"Well, old chap." He said to his own reflection "It was nice to see you again, but we have work to do." Then he triggered the curse again and the redhead began to vomit in convulsions of an ill timed gender change.


Ranma finished cleaning the toilet when he heard a bike coming back. Quickly she came out to see Logan taking it back to the garage.

"Good to see at least one of you kids acts responsible and didn't leave the mansion empty." Logan said as he saw her. Then he sniffed some air "Those days hitting you hard ?" The girl smelled of vomit and woman having period. She had to take a bath recently as there was no other scent on her.

"Ehmm... I'd rather not talk about it with a guy..." Ranma said, Kami-sama this guy was blunt or what ?

"Well there's no one else around." Logan went inside the mansion and beckoned the girl to follow "Scott is probably still crying over his car and the last I saw Kurt, he was waiting for a bus." He led her to the kitchen, sat the girl by the table and then picked up some eggs and other strange stuff, he dropped them into a mixer and then filled a glass with the result "Come on, this should help you. I learned this recipe in Honolulu."

Ranma tried to drink a bit but started to choke. Kami-sama, now she knew from whom Akane learned to cook.

"In one gulp, Yoiko-chan, you're supposed to be a martial artist." Logan encouraged her. Ranma close her nose and drank whatever it was. After a few seconds her stomach did actually feel better and a nice warmth spread through her body "This recipe was given to me by old kahuna lapaʻau. He said that if my wife ever finds herself to go hardly through her monthly time it will make them easier."

"You should patent it Logan-sensei." Ranma said, indeed feeling much better, the aftershock of sex change in a middle of period was now gone "This thing seems to be as effective as it's repulsive."

"I'll make you more tomorrow, though you'll owe me a breakfast for that" he winked "Better get ready, your boyfriend should be back soon, he will need a lot of comfort as his car was smashed by a section of that parking lot. I don't think you could renovate it... I hope it was insured from debris."

Half an hour later Kurt brought Scott back. The older mutant was visibly shaking, repeating a mantra "My car, My car." all over again. Needless to say he was in great shock. Ranma immediately went all over him, trying to get him out of it. A correct and good medicine proved to be some food as the smell quickly snapped him out. A meal proved to be a miracle and Scott was able to move on after a while.

"Hey, kid." Logan came in "Sorry for your ride, it being hauled right now. It's totaled sadly, I called your insurance company, they'll send an expert and quite possibly they'll replace your car."

"It's not really your fault." Scott returned to his normal, serious and responsible self "We shouldn't really follow you."

"You're right there, kid." Logan smiled "What done is done. Now we have some time to kill till Charles is back. You're able to do some training, wings ?" Noting that the redhead nodded he continued. "Devil siblings, with me."


Bamf ! Kurt teleported himself and Ranma as high as he could then dropped a bit and blinked back to the ground. As soon as the redhead succubus was able to start flying he went back high into the air and Ranma caught him. Diving down at a great speed she flew close to the ground and aimed her fuzzy missile right at the simple practice target. Kurt hit it with a powerful kick, back flipped and immediately was gone in another cloud of sulfuric smoke, appearing high in the air again where he was caught by the redhead.

Few seconds later they landed.

"Nice. You did quite well, that took only five tries to pull correctly." Logan commended their efforts.

"I really doubt I could fly holding anyone who weights more than otouto." Ranma didn't breath heavily even, for her that was just an exercise "Though unless he cuts on those burgers this trick won't be very useful. Even he makes it pretty hard to maneuver, without all those tricks with hot and cold air I practiced with Ororo-sensei it would be impossible to do."

"Kurt, get a little rest." Logan ordered as he saw that unlike the succubi the devil was really exhausted "Xavier said that you have some kind of energy attack, wings. Can you give me a little demonstration ?"

"I'm only learning how to do that consciously..." She said trying to sound uncertain, all those acting lessons Mystique drilled in her were really paying off "... That time at the Danger Room was a lucky shot."

"Just try your best." Logan encouraged her.

Ranma went and stood in a front of another practice target. Trying to keep her confidence low she pulled a ki missile. A shining yellow ball of energy appeared between her palms. It was half the size of what she actually was capable of doing. Then with a simple motion she threw it at the target, stopping herself from shouting the attacks name. A sizzling ball of energy hit the target taking a large part of it and leaving the rest smoking.

"Awesome !" Kurt commented from where he was sitting in a shadow of a tree. His succubi sister was really powerful.

"Really impressive, though the one on the footage was twice the size. Now I'd like to..." All three of them looked up as they felt a rising wind, the X-jet was moving over them towards the hangar doors hidden in the cliff. "Well will finish at a different occasion, we should get back now."

Inside hey heard two girl voices, one was Jean, the second was a new one. Ranma felt Professors telepathic probing.

"Yoiko, Kurt, turn your disguises on. Our guest doesn't know some of us look a bit different." The mind voice said.

After a minute Xavier arrived with a new girl.

"Kitty, please meet the rest of the Institute students." He said as the group assembled as if for a military inspection. "Scott Summers, Yoiko Hibiki and Kurt Wagner." He introduced them "Kitty Pride will be staying with us for a while." The newcomer was a petite slender girl and she looked to be somewhat afraid and intimidated.

Kurt tried to move and Ranma felt his emotion, he was about to teleport to impress her. She moved first "Hello, Kate, welcome to the Institute, I can show you around ."

"I'd love too." She brightened a little as the older girl pulled her along. Ranma was very careful not hit her with either the wings or tail. The last thing she would need now is to get freaked, she was already afraid enough.

Kitty was getting dizzy, the mansion was so big and her guide was a bit distracting. The Japanese redhead was like a hyperactive fireball, but she was nice and really beautiful.

"Here is the kitchen. It's like the heart of our little home, especially on Saturday and Sunday morning. Here is the schedule, it says who does the dinner and when. Most people here look rather forward to my shift. Jean does sandwiches only. As for Kurt... I hope you like potatoes ?" Ranma asked noting that it was a good point to end the tour as her guest was getting tired "Once Ororo-sensei is back she will write you here too. I see you're a bit tired, maybe I'll show you your room ?"

"Yeah, it's been a long day..." Kitty admitted "Why are you adding those funny words after names ?"

"I'm Japanese, Kate." Ranma smiled "They're called honorifics, we add them in Japan to mark people's social position. I add sensei after the name of my teachers, but aside from that I reserve them for those that I find the closest to me like Scott-kun and Kurt."

"Scott and Kurt ?" She asked as they left the kitchen to get upstairs "There's something special in them ?"

"Scott-kun and I, we are a pair, we've been dating for some time." Ranma explained once she led Kitty to her room "Kurt is my little brother, otouto. We have a reason to consider each other siblings, even if we are not related by blood."

"So what a little sister would be called ?" She asked, the Japanese girl surely did act like a big sister, even more than Jean did.

"That would be imouto." Ranma smiled "But you'll have to work a bit for it. Kurt has some special privileges." Ranma left the other girl and returned to her own room.

Once inside Ranma decided to do something for the spirits. She might have offended some kami by using a shrine to smuggle spy tech inside. The sake in the offering bowl was to be renewed anyways. After leaving for a short moment to cleanse her hands she walked back in to note that Kitty was inside her room.

"What's that ?" She asked, strangely interested by the shrine on the wall.

"Kamidana, it would mean god's shell in English. It's a shrine to a kami, that means god." Ranma explained, setting a chair next to it to reach it "I follow Shinto, the way of gods. It's the traditional Japanese religion. I'm changing an offering to ofuda enshrined inside." Ranma opened a small bottle of sake and filled a bowl in front of the shrine. Ororo bought those bottles for her once Ranma explained that liquor was necessary for her religious practice and she did not intend to drink it.

"Wow, this sounds complicated." Kitty watched amazed as the little girl got down from the chair and bowed before the shrine, saying several words in Japanese "I'm Jewish and it looks different for me."

"So, what brings you to this parts ?" Ranma asked sitting next to her desk.

"I wanted to ask something, It won't be able to, like sleep until I do." Kitty was perplexed "Everyone calls me Kitty, but you use Kate, why ?"

"I have a certain problem, I'm afraid of cats..." Ranma started to explain.

"Afraid of cats ? That's, like in being afraid of small rooms or heights ?" Kitty asked surprised.

"Yes, it's called Ailurophobia, I used to really freak out when I saw a cat, but Professor is working with me and it's slowly getting better." Psychotherapy took several hours a week and was slowed down by the fact Ranma had to keep her disguise up. So far it was about accident caused by her father, who according to the story dropped her into a pit full of cats. Why there was a pit full of cats Ranma could not explain, as she was six years old then. The best lie is a half of a truth "Kitty, just sounds a bit cat-like to me, so If you don't mind I'll stay by Kate."

"Okay, sorry for acting like this and all." Kitty felt a bit strange, the older girl had a really good reason for not using her typical name "Can I ask something else ? Jean said something about, like true forms on the plane... What did she mean."

"Well, I'm in disguise. Me and Kurt, our gifts change the way we look, without those... " She pointed to her image inducer "We wouldn't be able to pass for humans."

"Could I... Could I see how you really look like ?" Kitty asked. The redhead was so beautiful now, like a goddess. It was such a shame that she looked differently.

"Okay, but don't freak." Ranma turned the image inducer off. The wings filled the room now and her tail moved up and down.

"Wow..." Kitty was stunned, she expected something, but not that. The redhead... she was even more beautiful now. She was just so... grand "You're.. you're so beautiful... Those are real ? Can I touch them ?"

"Sure, my wings are really tough." Ranma pushed one forward.

"They are so hard, it looks like leather, but it's more like steel." Kitty said surprised, touching one of the wings "They work ? You can fly ?"

"Yeah, there wouldn't be a point in having wings if they didn't work." Ranma giggled "I'm rather good at flying, that's the easiest of my powers."

"I wish I could fly." Kitty felt envious, the Japanese girl was not only so beautiful, but also could fly "I only walk through walls."

"That's a really amazing gift !" Ranma as an empath quickly felt her envy "Kate, each one of us is unique. Each one of us was born with a different gift and I don't mean the X-Gene. Some can dance, some can cook, other sing great. There is no point in wanting to have someone's else talent. This world is so wonderful because each one of us is unique. Work on what you have, for it is fantastic !"

"Wow." Kitty's envy disappeared completely "You really sound just like Professor ! Thanks for talking with me, I'll be going now, good night."

"Good night Kate, pleasant dreams." From what Ranma felt in her emotions she was for some really pleasant dreams indeed.

Ranma walked downstairs for some cocoa.

"Yoiko, could you come here for a second ?' She heard Xavier's voice, coming from his study.

"Of course, Xavier-sensei." She went to his study. That was one of the risks involved in walking down those stairs, getting summoned. Ranma was ready for anything, maybe his male form did trigger some alarm she didn't know about. There might be a need to bring the place down with Yama-Sen Ken and retreat.

"I've heard what you talked about with Kitty." Professor begun once the girl sat on a chair "You really have a gift. You reached to her so easily."

"It's a part of my talent... She was getting jealous of my powers, she felt that I have a better one. Envy, it's an emotion that just... how to explain it... tastes wrong." Ranma tried to talk about her emphatic powers, some feelings were nice and tasted good. Part of why Ranma was actually willing to go on dates with Scott was that she felt how he reacted to them "When I feel something of this kind from someone I... it's like having an instinct of knowing how to move or what to say to help someone clear of those emotions."

"Empathy is about being able to understand the emotions and feeling from others person point. Your gift grants you the ability to do it." Charles looked at the girl. She would make a great psychiatrist "You can reinforce good, positive emotions in others and help them to deal with negative." It would be best to pull her towards this, for he was sure she was able to use her gift in another way.


"Gah, the cheerleader team captain, she should get in touch with Pops." Ranma said to herself after leaving the shower and getting dressed. Without the harness she would have no chance of fitting inside with her wings. The training went for good two extra hours today and it already was late when it begun. Adding the factor that the sex change done in the middle of that time left some strong aftershock Ranma was really exhausted.

"What was that about ?" One of other cheerleaders, an airhead named Savannah asked "You said something in Chinese ?"

"Japanese." Ranma sighed, gaijin... "I said that our captain is a real slave driver."

"Right, she is like that. Two extra hours for some new routine..." The airhead blonde girl grabbed her bag "Look, Perkins already fell asleep, looks like I'll have to wake him up. See you tomorrow ?" She left.

Ranma yawned finally getting out. It was already getting late. Good thing those trainings always went without an end so she would avoid a responsibility talk from Storm. Ranma pulled bus schedule from her backpack. Unless she would fly to get to it she would loose the next one and that meant having to wait fifteen minutes for a next one. She missed Scott's car, he would probably be waiting for her otherwise. The redhead walked outside.

"Hi there, Red. Need a ride ?" Ranma just sighed, him again. That guy was really courting death.

"No, I'd rather walk all the way." Ranma continued to walk, but Mark stood before her.

"Hey I just want to talk and drive you home." He said "My car is far better than what that looser had."

"It's not the car I'm having a problem with." Ranma was wondering how one of his bones breaking would sound like "It's the driver. Mark, get inside and ride into the sunset, preferably until you drive right into the Pacific Ocean."

"Yoiko, what do you see in that looser, Summers ?" He asked "I'm three times the guy he is, Mr. Shades doesn't even play for any team, you'd be more popular being with me."

"Do you really think I'm interested in being popular ?" Did guys really think all girls are airheads like Savannah ? "Mark I don't care what car you ride, what team you play for and who your parents are. I'm not impressed by it."

"You still did not answer me." He started to get angry, in his mind this scene looked much different "What does that looser have that I'm missing."

"Besides me that is ?" Ranma snickered, at this rate she would miss the next bus as well "Scott-kun, is just something else. He means what he says and says what he means, he will not make a promise he cant follow. Scott does not play games. For you I'm just a new catch, another toy to score and move. I'm not a little girl, I'm not interested in boys. So grow up Mark, because I'm interested in men." Ranma finally walked away from him, right to that bus stop.

Mark was standing there, next to his car. His mind did not register what did she say, only a little parts that made it inside his thick skull.

"Okay, Yoiko, you want a man ?" He said to himself, getting inside his ride "I'm going to show how much a man I am."

Some distance away one redhead succubi hit a road sign, bending it in half.

"Kuso !" The redhead shouted shifting to Japanese "What is with him !" She stopped, sitting near the bus stop "Did I... Did I just figure the difference between boys and men ?"


The morning found the redhead girl in the kitchen again. She was preparing another bento for her and Scott. She was yawning all the time.

"Bad night ?" Jean asked as she walked in. Her friend was less cheerful than usual, had dark circles under her eyes and was catching flies, displaying some advanced techniques.

"I got back late, was in bad mood and couldn't fall asleep until 3 a.m." The succubus mutant explained yawning again.

"You should change team, the cheerleader captain acts like all of you are some Egyptian slaves and she is the driver." Jean giggled "What did set you on such a bad mood ?"

"You have three guesses." Ranma said, checking the rice.

"Mark ?" It wasn't hard to figure what was the problem. She luckily avoided the problem as Yoiko's suitor was obviously intimidated by Duncan, but the redhead Japanese girl really got Mark's attention and he was quite persistent.

"The first price goes to soccer team star player, Jean Grey !" The redhead laughed, starting to fill the bento box with various products. "He was waiting for me, tried to drive me home. I tell you Jean, I feel his emotions... every single time It's like I should get a good bath, it's just so dirty."

"There are times, Yoiko, when I really want to wipe someone's mind clean." Jean filled a bowl with milk.

"That's hardly a way to solve problems. I hope he eventually either grows bored or finds a new target." Ranma closed the box "Toad and this new friend of his... What was his name, Impale ?"

"Lance." Jean corrected.

"Right, Lance." The redhead continued "They could get a girl on the delinquent mutants team. Preferably one with powers of a Siren or a Lamia that Mark could fall for."

"Keep on dreaming, Succubi" Jean smiled "Mark will eventually realize he has no chance and let go."

"I do certainly hope so." She opened the fridge "We're out of lactose-free milk ? Who drinks it besides me here ?" Ranma cooked few eggs and grabbed the rest of rice as a quick breakfast. Around them the kitchen was slowly filling with other inhabitants of the Institute.

"So, maybe some nice relaxing shopping after school today ? They have some new stuff at that little boutique." Jean asked as the girls finished with their breakfast.

"Not today, I'm already going for shopping with Logan-sensei." Ranma said gathering and washing dishes after herself.

"What are you buying with him ?" Jean asked surprised "Knives ? Military surplus ? A tank ?"

"Logan-sensei must be really looking forward to those okonomiyaki, we are going to buy a griddle." The succubi mutant explained.

Several hours later Ranma, along with Logan were leaving one of the those large specialist shops that sold various cooking utensils for restaurants. The redhead girl was carrying two large bags, filled with spatulas and other cooking utensils, while Wolverine had a large cardboard box with teppan on one arm, and a propane gas bottle under his second. They had to go a few blocks to reach one of the mansions cars.

"You really had to slap that assistant ?" Logan asked "It's a miracle he still has all his teeth."

"He. Pinched. My. Ass." The redhead fumed, obviously angry. She really restrained herself, here she just couldn't deal with that guy as she would like "Even his own manager admitted he should not do that. We even got a discount."

Mark was hiding behind them, waiting for his moment. If the redhead wanted a real man, she would get one.

They were crossing a rather dark alleyway, when someone arrived. Some guy, looked young, who actually pulled a switchblade knife.

"Hey, granddad and hottie, all your money." He said, making some, as he believed scary moves with his knife, Mark moved on to his position, ready to jump up and improvise a fight to save Yoiko and impress her. He actually talked one of his old friends into helping him. He then saw that the pair placed their stuff on ground and started to play paper, rock, scissors.

"Gah !" Ranma shouted after loosing "Best two out of three ?"

"No way, learn to loose with grace." Logan smiled then turned to the would be mugger, who was about to find out that he tried to attack the best martial artists in Bayville "One warning, scram bub."

The mugger looked at him surprised. Then he noted that the granddad looked way younger than he thought first and was really muscular. He gulped, then he dropped the switchblade and started to run, Mark was not paying him enough.

"Punks this days." Logan picked up the switchblade, looked at it, amused, than broke it in half "No respect for their elders, let's go Yoiko-chan. At least this one was smart."

Mark cursed, that's what you get for hiring friends. It looked like he would need professionals.


This was a very big and important match. The Bayville team had a chance to play in the state qualifiers if they won it. So both the football team and the cheerleaders squad were expected to give their best. Even the local television was on the place, providing a coverage of the game. There was now a break and the girls have just finished they newest spectacular routine and were getting from the pitch.

"Those girls were quite good." One of the sport reporters said "They could easily run a show at proffesional level." He wondered for a moment "How about we talk with one of them on vision ? Maybe the Asian redhead ?"

"You like them younger every year, don't you ?" The second reporter laughed "But I don't see why we should not, she indeed is a very god at what she does."

They approached Ranma as she was drinking some water.

"Could we ask you for short interview ?" One of them asked, getting a surprised 'huh ?' from the girl. "Just a few questions."

"Sure." She looked at the camera "Already on ?"

"Just a second." The reporter moved next to the petite girl. They got a nod from the camera man as he started rolling.

"Hello sports fans, we are talking with one of the Bayville cheerleaders, Yoiko Hibiki" He began.

"Hi Scott-kun, I'm on TV !" Ranma tilted her head with one of borrowed kawaii smiles while shoving a V sign with her fingers. The camera man just rolled his eyes, every single time, though he had to admit he was a bit jealous of that Scott guy.

"Could you tell why are you a cheerleader ?" He asked a first question.

"To say the truth, I kinda signed the first sports choice the principal gave me." The girl smiled again in a gorgeous way "I'm a transfer student from Japan and I was a bit lost for the first few days. But when I do something I aim to be the best I can."

"Did you find the transition from Japan to America difficult ?" He continued, with a question that naturally came right away from the girls answer.

"It was a little difficult at the beginning, so many things and customs are really different here." Ranma said "But I have friends who helped me."

"Do you like representing your school ?" the reporter continued.

"Yes, it's like being a part of the schools spirit." The redhead was so natural at this, she could easily be an actress, she definitely had the talent for it, not to mention the looks. The reporter was sure that if some talent scout would be watching this interview the girl would have a contract soon "I like to inspire people."

"Thank you, then Yoiko for this short interview, will be going back to the game." He looked for a few seconds after the redhead. Indeed, whoever Scott was, he was a very lucky guy.

Back at the institute Ranma once again looked at her own reflection. With each passing day the person on the other side was different. The brash, arrogant martial artist was gone. The girl in the mirror was a responsible young mutant, growing slowly up.

"I like to inspire..." Ranma repeated absently "Just an illusion... You're just an illusion..." For some reason, in a home full of friends she suddenly felt alone.

Ranma's Mutant Powers:

Male form:

The ability to form invisible astral construct. The forms mastered include: Unlocked in Prologue, claw like tentacles with limited range and power that can be used for striking and moving his body. As of Chapter 1 Ranma can summon up to four tentacles at once and use them to block or climb. Unlocked in Chapter 1, barrier that is the stronger the more Ranma concentrates on it. Size and range are limited, the barrier can be used to selectively reflect the surroundings, creating a way to fool security cameras. A barrier can be used as a waterproof armor. Unlocked in Chapter 1 forming jump assisting spring constructs. Unlocked in Chapter 1, lash like construct with greater range than claws that can be used to swing. Unlocked in Chapter 1, the ability to anchor a construct on location and perform astral transmission to it. Range is limited to twelve miles and the anchor cannot be moving for the ability to work.

Female form:

Unlocked in Prologue, massive, extremely durable leathery wings that grant the ability to fly. Prehensile tail. Unlocked in Prologue, ESP including ability to detect minds and feel other people emotions. As of Chapter 3 a possible ability to read emotions and/or minds of other mammals, the ability is unknown whether it is real, or was made up on spot to reach Scott Summers. As of Chapter 4 an instinctive ability to know what to do or say to strengthen or lower certain emotions in people. As of Chapter 1 expanded to include weak mind reading. Informed but yet undisplayed ability of Psychometry. Psychic blast attack able to knock down a fighter as powerful as Cologne, apparently available only under extreme duress. Known as of Chapter 1 a psychic aura generating 'Oh my god, she is so beautiful' effect that affects people on various levels. As of Chapter 2 it's known that the aura affect everyone, regardless of their gender or preferences. Known as of Chapter 1 high resistance to other telepaths. Confirmed as of Chapter 2 to be near complete invulnerability to any form of mind reading. As of Chapter 3 ability to initiate psychic contact and use mind voice, the ability is severely reduced by it's range.