Chapter 1
Roy DeSoto leaned over for the third time to take a nice long draught from the water fountain. This fire had dried him out. The three alarm call came at 0100 hours at a century old four story hotel that had been recently restored into apartments. Four paramedic teams had been run ragged with victims and fire personnel injuries. The last victim had been brought in only to die shortly after arrival. Roy sighed and leaned against the wall waiting for his partner to pick him up.
"Morning, Roy."
Roy turned to see Dr. Kelly Brackett walking up to him, donning his lab coat. Roy glanced at his watch. It was a little past 6:30 a.m. and Brackett was starting fresh. The doctor looked at Roy and took in his appearance.
"Rough night, I take it."
Roy cleared his throat and managed a weak "yeah." Clearing it again, he said, "They'll be glad to have you here, Doc. But I think the worst is over."
Kelly frowned at the raspy sound of Roy's voice. As though reading his thoughts, Roy shook his head. "Now Doc, Dr. Morton gave me the all clear. Johnny's picking me up and we are going straight home from the station. The Chief called all B shifts in early to relieve the stations that were out at the fire."
It happened so fast. The squeal of tires and the sound of concrete and glass being ripped apart interrupted their conversation. From his vantage point, Roy could see nothing but the front end of a sedan barreling through what had been the emergency entrance. Without thinking, he pushed Bracket out of the way, sending the doctor face forward away from the oncoming vehicle. The noise seemed deafening only to be replaced by the quietly ominous sound of steam and the smell of gasoline. Just as the noise from the crash dissipated, a new noise took its place. Cries and yells from hospital personnel and onlookers.
"Kelly! Are you all right?" It was Mike Morton rushing to his friend's side. With a groan, Kel tried to sit up with Mike's hands on his shoulders, encouraging him to stay put. "I'm all right, Mike. Help Roy!"
Mike looked around expecting to see the paramedic but all he saw was a late model station wagon with its hood pressed against the wall. He stood up, barking orders to personnel to begin checking out the people in the car. "And somebody, call the fire department!"
Suddenly, shaking feminine hands were on Kel's shoulders. He looked up to see Dixie staring at him as she tried to regain composure. She had just arrived from the nurse's locker room when the car came through the door. Dixie had seen Kel thrown by Roy and she was desperately trying to get Morton's attention while helping a determined Bracket to his feet.
"Dixie…Roy's under…" Kel couldn't get the words out.
Dixie nodded. "I know, but first tell me you are okay."
Kel did a quick mental check and knew that thanks to Roy he would only have bruises to talk about. He reached out to Dix grabbing her firmly by both arms. "I'm okay. See to the people in the car while I look under …" He couldn't say it. Assured that Kel was okay, Dixie turned to try to organize the chaos.
Mike Morton was trying to open the passenger door of the car. A young man and woman were the occupants. A very pregnant young woman. The sweet acrid smell of marijuana was emanating from the car, from their clothes and their breath.
"Whoa, sorry about that man. I knew the brakes were bad…say, can you help my lady here. She's having a baby!" The man's voice was slurred and Mike suspected there was more than weed involved.
"Just stay put until we get this door open! Miss, are you hurt anywhere?"
Kel tried to tune the conversation out as his eyes searched the area where he knew Roy had been standing. There was no blood. He dropped to his knees to look under the car. The front end of the car had crumpled and it was difficult to see what was car and what wasn't. Then he saw it. An outstretched hand. Kel held his breath as he reached for the wrist. There was a pulse. Roy was alive.
"What in the hell?" John Gage swore as he rushed in from the parked squad to help. He had radioed dispatch the minute he had turned into the parking lot and saw the chaos. Bracket jumped up and grabbed Johnny and pulled him aside.
"Doc, are you okay?" Johnny reached up to check the head wound that took that moment to start bleeding. Kel brushed his hand away.
"Johnny, it's Roy. He's …he's under that car."
The color drained from Johnny's face and the soot smears appeared to grow darker. As he turned towards the car, Brackett grabbed him. "There's a pulse. But I can't see him. We can't get to him." But Johnny wasn't listening. He was down on his belly looking at the hand of his partner. He reached for the pulse for his own reassurance.
Suddenly, another flurry of activity occurred as the siren of Engine 51 temporarily drowned out the noise inside with its arrival. Dr. Joe Early was making his way to Brackett's side. "Come on, Kel. Let's take a look at that cut."
"Joe, I'm fine. We've got to get Roy."
Joe's brow furrowed. "Come again?" Early turned and saw John Gage talking to someone under the car. "Oh god." Before Joe could stop him, Kel was trying to find a way to get to the other side of the car as the rest of A shift arrived. Captain Stanley was giving orders for equipment to be gathered and the hospital hose to be used to spray down the gasoline. The sound of medical personnel evacuating the patients and visitors to another floor was starting to die down.
John stood up and ran to his Captain. "Cap, uh…there's a problem…its.."
"Spit it out, Gage!" The hours of fighting a fire and now this had Stanley on his last nerve. Upon seeing Gage's face, Hank immediately regretted his tone. Something was seriously wrong. "John, what is it."
Johnny wiped a shaky hand down his face. "It's Roy, Cap. He's under the car."