A/N: Inspired from a TV Show called Arrow. My OC is like Oliver Queen, in terms of being the Arrow that is. I do not own RWBY. If I did, PYRRHA WOULD'VE LIVED GODDAMMIT!

It was night time. Everything was peaceful in Vale. No crimes taking place, no Grimm killing/hunting people, no discrimination. The night was nice and quiet.

At the docks, jumping from one warehouse to the next, was a teenager. The teen had a navy blue cloak, the hood over their head, and wore a mask on their face, concealing their looks. With the concealers were a shirt with a leather jacket over it, jeans, boots and gloves, all of the same color with some black. The teen also had a quiver filled with arrows, a sword in a sheath on her left waist and a pouch on her right waist.

The hooded figure stopped at the top of an active warehouse, one that was actually suppose to be abandoned like most. Within the warehouse, there were faint sounds of yelling, screaming and beating. The figure took out a dart from her pouch and stabbed the center of the building with it. The figure then flicked a switch on the body and made their way to an open window.

In the building, there were many people working, most with animal traits. While those with animal parts were moving a lot of heavy stuff, children included, those without any animal traits were giving orders and whipping those who were slacking off, or too exhausted to work.

"Stupid faunus! Pick up the pace!" a big human ordered a child with a fox tail.

"B-but... I'm tired... And we didn't eat anything since yesterday..." she reasoned.

"Don't talk back to me, useless!" The older man whipped the child.

"Hey! Stop! That's my sister you're hurting!" another fox Faunus shouted, this one a couple years older. Two other humans held him back as the first human kept whipping the fragile child.

Having enough of what was seen, the figure took out their sword and changed its shape. The blade split in half and shrunk back and the guards extended a couple of feet, revealing a bow string on each end of the guard attached to the end of the hilt. The hilt released the string and split like the blade did, shrinking back to the bow also like the blade did. The figure took an arrow and aimed at the human with the whip. They released and shot the hand the human was holding the whip, forcing him to drop his weapon.

"Who shot me?!" he demanded.

"I did!" the figure replied with a deep male voice, having everyone's attention on him. "Oline Dash! Jason Legoran! Helix Hide! Cosmen Edgar! George Taderson!"

"How does he know our names?" one of the human nervously asked.

"And lastly, the ringleader, Ivan Koblenz! You have failed this kingdom!" the figure declared. "It is because of people like you the White Fang was created! Because of you the White Fang will destroy this world! And I will put an end to that!" He took another arrow from his quiver and shot it. The arrow split and shot the each henchmen in the leg or arm, leaving some crippled.

"I don't know who you are..." Ivan spoke, pulling the arrow out, wincing at the pain as he did so. "But you must be a fool if you think you can get out of here alive, Faunus-lover!"

"I don't need escape," the figure corrected.

"Kill him!" As soon as Ivan made his order, his henchmen aimed their guns at the hooded figure or charged at him to the best of their abilities. Coincidentally, the ones crippled were the gunners.

The teen shot a pair of arrows at the gunners before they could shoot. The two arrows hit the guns, right where the bullets would come out and exploded, making them useless and caused the gunners to be knocked unconscious from the shock. The figure then evaded the sword attacks and blocked some with his bow. He stabbed a guy with the pointed blade of the sword part and changed it back to sword form, causing the blade to cut through him and kill him. He pulled out his weapon and easily cut the other two henchmen's swords like hot knife on butter. The two got scared and fell on their butts.

"Imbeciles! Can't you do anything right?!" Ivan exaggerated.

"You have two choices, Ivan! Surrender or die!" the figure informed. "Either way, the police will be here at any minute!"

"I will not give up! Not when I'm so close!" Ivan took out a battle axe from his person and charged at the hooded figure. Unlike the henchmen, the figure noticed the ringleader was more experienced in battle. But that didn't stop him from defeating Ivan.

Blades clashed, axe and sword. Ivan wasn't letting up and kept swinging his weapon down at the hooded figure, whom evaded and blocked every strike. He saw an opening on Ivan and kicked him, following it up with some swift punches and hitting him with the butt of his sword. Ivan saw he was at a disadvantage close-range and moved away from the faunus-lover.

"You'll regret that! Big time!" He changed his axe into an assault rifle and started shooting. The figure quickly ran, attempting to get out of the weapon's range. Ivan followed his movements. "Just die already!"

The figure switched his sword back to its bow form and took a arrow. He shot it right by Ivan's foot. The second it made contact, the arrow burst and froze his lower left side.

"The hell?!" the human leader cursed.

The swordsman/archer took another arrow from his quiver and shot it at Ivan's weapon. As the arrow hit its mark, the rifle suddenly got too heavy for Ivan to hold as it crashed onto the ground. Said owner had trouble lifting it. While he was distracted, the figure took another shot at him. The arrow he shot split and hit Ivan in certain places. This caused him to lie on the floor.

"What did you do to me?!" he demanded.

"Hitting certain pressure points leads to different results," the figure answered. "Right now, you can't even twitch. The police will be arriving-"

"This is the police! We have you surrounded!" came a voice outside the warehouse.

"-now. It's over, Ivan!" Unknown to the figure, one of Ivan's henchmen was sneaking up on him, pocketknife in his hand.

Seeing this, Ivan smirked. "You're right. It is... For you!"

The figure turned and leaned back just in time to avoid the knife from hitting his face. Though it didn't make contact with his skin, the small weapon did cut the mask off as the hood slid off his head. Instead of a grown man like everyone assumed, the swordsman/archer was actually a teenage-

"You're a girl!? And a wolf faunus?!" Ivan and the henchman gasped, mainly looking at a pair of wolf ears on her head.

"And you got justice from one," she added in a female's voice. She took advantage of the henchman's shock and kicked him between the legs. The kick was hard enough to hear a sound similar to an egg breaking, as he fell in a fetal position.

"H-Hey!" came a shout. The girl turned and saw Ivan's remaining henchman holding the fox faunus hostage, a sword on her neck. "G-Give up! Or the faunus gets it!"

"Nadia!" the brother shouted.

The girl narrowed her eyes at the name and changed her bow back to sword form, sheathing it. She took her sheathed sword out from its place by her waist and slid it over to him. The moment she saw the henchman smirk, she reached in her pouch and took out what seemed like a controller and pressed a button. This caused her sheathed sword to jump swiftly and hit him between the legs, hard enough to force him to release the faunus and put him in a fetal position.

The girl reached her left hand out and her sheathed sword levitated back in her hand. She unsheathed her weapon and swung it down to Ivan's face. "Now... Do you yield?" Even without the voice changer, she sounded scary and demanding enough. As proof of that, Ivan nervously nodded his head. "TALK!"

"I yield! I yield!"

"Do you give these Faunus permission to be free?!"

"Yes! Yes! I won't harm another faunus again! I swear!"

At those words, the girl signaled them all to leave the warehouse, which they happily obliged to. Despite this, she put her mask and hood back on and took out another arrow and shot. Ivan, assuming she was killing him anyway, felt his heart stopped until the arrow split and tied him up.

"You sick sadist!" he then accused.

"I'm a sadist? I'm a sadist?! You whipped a tired and hungry child and you dare accuse me of what you are?!" Ivan flinched at her deep voice. "Then perhaps, I should have you experience the pain you've inflicted tenfold!" The girl shot another arrow, one that pierced through Ivan's left shoulder and left a burning sensation. "Do you know what feels worse than an arrow going in? One going out leaving the arrowhead inside the wound! And the arrowhead having Fire Dust in it!" As if to prove that, she pulled the arrow out enough to leave the arrowhead in his shoulder. With each passing second, Ivan felt the flaming sensation in his shoulder worsen as he let out a bloodcurdling scream.

The torture ended as the girl pulled the arrow out, much to his relief as he clutched his shoulder in pain.

"He doesn't deserve mercy," she said.

"Despite what he has done, he doesn't deserve that," came a reply. The girl turned and came in eye contact with a blonde woman. The women wore a white suit with puffy sleeves, black business skirt, black boots, and a cape that's purple on the inside and black on the out. She held a crop in her hand, pointing it at the girl.

"Years in prison is too good for someone like him!"

"Natalie Goodwitch! You will show some mercy! What would your family say if they see you like this?!"

The girl, Natalie, froze at the mention of family and turned away from the woman and Ivan.

"Just because you raised me the past five years doesn't mean I'm your daughter. My name is Natalie Palmer. And NEVER! Bring up my family! Especially since it is because of people like him what happened to them had happened!" With that said, he fired an arrow out a window, a wire attached to it, which came from her left wrist. Once she saw the arrow hit a building, she gave it a tug and saw it secured. "See you in Beacon, Glynda." The wire retracted, taking her away from the scene.

"She's scary," Ivan whimpered.

Glynda hit him hard on the head and knocked him out. "Not scary. Just difficult," she corrected softly.