Chapter 1: The Past Will Come Back to Haunt You

*Disclaimer- I only own the bad guys. I own nothing! Even though I wish I did*

Authors Note

I hope you enjoy this story. It is my first time publishing on this site. I loved writing this story. Please Review! SO sit back and enjoy the story. Please no bad comments in the reviews. I make no promises if it is horrible.


Alma Dray-Mid 40's

Dylan Rhodes- Mid 40's

Henley Reeves-30

Jack Wilde-20

J. Daniel Atlas-32

Merritt McKinney-37

Bad Guy's name will be released later

A young black haired boy was walking down a dirty road in the middle of the night, following lit light post to a point where they stopped lighting the way. He stopped briefly and pulled out a small flashlight, flicking the button on. Light instantly lit the way. He was walking to a house where 2 FBI agents and 4 Magicians were secretly living and lying low for now. He was carrying a small grocery bag with essentials for the small makeshift family to last them a few days. It was the middle of Fall, making the air crisp and cold. He placed the bag gently on the ground and placed the flashlight under his arm. He brought his hands up to his mouth and cupped them. He let go off a long warm breath instantly warming his freezing hands. A loud buzzing sound came from his leather jacket. He fumbled before grasping the small cell phone and pulling it out of his pocket. ' Alma (Mom)' the bright screen showed. He smiled before clicking the answer button and pressing it to his freezing ear.

"Hello, Jack speaking" he said in the politest way he could say it smiling knowing what she wanted "Where are you? It's past eleven. I am worried sick right now." he heard Alma say in her mother voice.

"I am heading up the dirt road as we speak Alma" He said as he picked up the grocery bag with the hand still holding the flashlight and started to walk but in a slow pace

"Oh thank God! Were waiting in the living room for when you get home." She said before he could hear quiet chatter going on in the background. A loud crack echoed throughout the forest making Jack freeze in his tracks. He shone the flashlight around the edge of the forest, seeing nothing. He quickly started to walk faster, making his feet hurt even more from never breaking in his new leather boots.

"Hey Alma! Are you still there?" He quietly said into the phone making him sound worried and scared.

"Yes Jack. Is there something wrong?" she said before he could hear her shushing the other occupants in the room. He instantly knew that she wasn't lying when she said that they were waiting for her.

" I feel as if I am being watched." He replied his voice cracking with fear. Jacks pace quicken when he heard another crack from a branch in the forest. He felt something was watching him with cold glaring eyes from the depths of the forest as he started to run home.

"Jack are you okay? I am coming outside with Dylan. I will see you when you get home."

Jack sighed as he heard the phone disconnect. He stuffed his phone in his pocket as he was running. The light flying everywhere. The items in the bag jigging as he ran straight up the path. The sight of the old run down 2 story house with paint peeling away relieved him as he ran up the path the the house. He was glad to see Alma and Dylan who was standing, like a couple waiting for their lost son to come home, on the porch with the light on. He ran up the steps and dropped the bag in the nearest chair he could find before being sandwiched between two people. He loved the attention just after nearly having a panic attack. He wrapped his arms around the arms leaning against Dylan's chest as his breath slowly returned to normal. He looked at Alma who was just barely an inch taller than him. Her arms were wrapped around his chest making his arms pinned to his side as she laid her head onto his muscular shoulder as he leaned against Dylan. After Jack's breathe was normal. Alma and Dylan untangled themselves from Jack. Alma placed her hand on Jack's check. He thought of Alma and Dylan as his parents who he never had and Henley, Daniel, and Merritt as his siblings he ever wished for. Yes he was the baby of their little family and they would treat him as a kid but he loved it. He absolutely loved them all more than anything in the world.

"Are you okay?" Alma asked as she started looking over Jack. Making sure he didn't have any injuries. Jack nodded as he started to smile. A loud whining sound came from behind them. An Ace of Hearts suddenly was lodged into a pole that was right next to Jack's head. Dylan acted on instincts and wrapped his body around both Alma and Jack. Loud footsteps behind them echoed deeper and deeper into the forest. When the footsteps ceased and was no longer heard Dylan uncovered them and let them go. Jack looked at the card that had small writing on it 'We Know Where You Are Jack!'. Jack started to hyperventilate as he started to know who was trying to harm him and his family. Alma noticed and pushed Jack inside as Dylan grabbed the card.

Henley, Daniel, and Merritt were currently in the living room cuddled up in a small pile on the couch with the lights off while they ate popcorn and binge watch Supernatural. They were watching it to catch up with Jack who was 4 seasons ahead of them. The lights suddenly flicked on blinding the Horsemen as they jumped from the sudden action. They turned to who turned it on to see Alma supporting Jack whom was about ready to pass out. The Horsemen quickly moved as Alma half dragged Jack to the couch and gently placed him on the couch. Jack slowly closed his eyes accepting the darkness.