Along the lime-green wall, next to the window of an empty kitchen, a wooden clock ticked the minutes by. The warmth of the gas-powered oven still clung to the air. A glass dish sat atop the stove, holding the gelatinous contents of a grasshopper casserole mixed with a slather of cheese and white rice. The one who'd prepared the dish had only enough will to pull it out of the oven several minutes ago. Afterwards, she'd secluded herself to the arm chair in her living room to wallow in her pit of guilt.

Mrs. Olivia Wilde wept all alone, heaving breaths of sorrow as tears seeped into her red fur. With a handkerchief wrapped within her paw, she dabbed at the corners of her hazel eyes, sobbing silently so the sound didn't carry upwards to Nick's room. Her chest was wound up in tight knots as her thoughts dwelled on her mistake.

Nearly an hour ago, Olivia had made the biggest mistake of her life. She'd involuntarily groped her son, disgusting him as much as she disgusted herself. The urge had struck her out of nowhere. Seeing Nick in her husband's old suit brought back a flood of emotions she'd held within herself for so long. Holding him within her arms, she'd slipped into a trance. It felt like she was holding James all over again, feeling his strong body wrapped up in her grasp. Even after he'd died thirty years ago, she could still imagine his presence.

Despite the surprise of Olivia's pregnancy, James was thrilled with the news all the same. Even as her belly swelled with the baby's growth, James never once stopped making her feel beautiful. So many nights spent with both of them lying in bed, their bodies completely bared for one another. They'd had to change how they went about making love, but James didn't mind a bit. With Olivia laying on her back, her large belly made it difficult to see James' face going to work between her legs. She could feel him however; her body would light up with electricity with every lick and kiss he planted on her wet folds. Then to bring her home, he would crawl up behind her, and slip his paw down between her thighs, giving her that extra push she needed.

Atta' girl. He'd whisper between kissing and nipping at her neck, as she moaned in ecstasy. That's my sweet little Olive.

Olivia missed hearing that name from her husband more than she'd realized. All those dormant feelings, that longing and need for an intimate embrace, all of it buried after Nick's birth. Being a mother helped keep her mind occupied, especially with such a sweet little cub for her son. Nick distancing himself had cut her deeply. She hadn't more than a few other ladies as her friends, and the isolation took its toll on her over the years. Having Nick come back, matured and charismatic as ever, flooded her with a joy she wasn't prepared for. Seeing him all dressed up made her realize just how dashing and handsome of a fox he had become. She hadn't even realized her paw had moved that far down until Nick had jumped away and glared with ferocity her. It was an accident, old forgotten habits that had resurfaced before she could do anything about it. She'd realized her mistake too late. The damage was done.

Olivia cursed herself for her emotions getting the best of her, allowing such a depraved thought to enter her mind. With her paws covering her face, she lamented what she assumed would happen in time. Nick would leave the house, probably without saying a word to her. He would distance himself from her once again, not just for another twelve years, but for good this time. Olivia wouldn't blame him; how could a son ever feel comfortable around his mother knowing she wanted to get into his pants?

Her ears twitched to the sound of Nick's bedroom door opening from upstairs. He was walking down the stairs at the moment. Olivia wiped her eyes and sniffed through her nostrils in an attempt to hide her sorrow. She wasn't going to try and guilt trip her son into forgiving her. For his sake, she couldn't allow herself that selfishness.

Surprisingly, Nick did not advance for the door. Out of the corner of her sight, she noticed Nick walk into the living room, standing adjacent to where she sat and stared right at her. He was still dressed in his father's suave black suit and tie. Olivia didn't dare make eye contact with him. She was just too ashamed of herself to meet his disgusted glare. She hoped that he would speak soon. Perhaps if he lashed out at her, get it all out of his system, it could lead to them trying to repair what she'd broken. She could put up with some verbal abuse if it meant a chance for them to stay in each other's lives.

With Olivia's eyes still averted, Nick approached her slowly. He stood in front of her, his head tilted down and staring at her even while she kept her head bowed in shame. Nick reached his paw to her muzzle, nudging it back so she could face him properly. Olivia saw a look of tension in her son's green eyes, though it didn't seem angry or disgusted as they had been half an hour ago.

Nick leaned in and pressed his lips against his mother's. Olivia was taken aback, too tense to open her mouth for anything deeper. Bewildered at the act, her mind struggled to comprehend if this was really happening. She didn't fight it though; she remained still, feeling Nick's strong lips nuzzled up against hers. His eyes were closed, and his paw remained on her cheek, holding her steady.

Several seconds passed before Nick broke the kiss, pulling his head back from her. His eyes opened, the same intense look from before still on his face. His gaze drifted downward, and his brow lifted with interest at something.

"Well, what do you know?" Nick asked in a deadpan tone.

Confused, Olivia looked downward where Nick stared. She was shocked at the sight before her: a large bulge poking from the front of her son's pants. It wasn't a semi-erection either, it was close to full mast. She could even see the slant at the top of his pointed tip, pushing at the tight the polyester around his girth.

"I… see," Olivia responded, still flabbergasted at the development between her son's legs. She could feel a little twinge building up within her own folds, making her sit more upright to try and conceal it. "Okay then."

"Right. So," Nick began, his groin still stiff. He lifted his head up toward the ceiling, some anxiousness building up in his face. His jawline clenched up, and his white teeth showed as he fought to speak. "You want to, uh," Nick stammered, running his paw around the collar of his suit and clearing his throat. "You wanna do it?"

Olivia's eyebrows jumped at the question, her ears flicking upright. She fixed her sight upon her son, his eyes darting up and down nervously. Olivia opened her mouth in an effort to reply, but she couldn't process any words at the moment. Her mouth closed again, hoping she could gather her thoughts in due time.

"Well?" Nick asked with a bit more volume.

"I don't know, Nick," Olivia replied.

"What do you mean you don't know? What about upstairs, when you got a paw full of my package?"

"That wasn't on purpose, Nick," Mrs. Wilde retorted, feeling her chest tighten at the same time, "Yes, some part of me has those kind of feelings, but that doesn't mean I think it's the right thing to do. The whole time you've been up in your room, I've been down here feeling disgusted by the whole thing."

"Yeah. I've kind of been feeling the same thing," Nick admitted.

Olivia shook her head, her paws squeezing at her dress while the tingle between her legs persisted. "Nick, what's going on? Up there, you acted like I was some kind of monster. Half an hour later, you come down and kiss me? What changed?"

"I took some time to chill out, thought about it, and, well… maybe we're both just kind of overreacting?" Nick looked down at his feet, drumming them against the carpet floor. "I mean, after dad died, you spent all your time raising me. I don't think I saw you date anyone after I was born. You kind of shut that whole part of your life down, didn't you?" Olivia nodded solemnly. "I guess those urges came back after I grew up."

"But I'm not supposed to feel that way about my own son," Olivia protested.

"Says who?" he asked, looking back up at her.

"Says everyone! Everyone in the world thinks it's wrong, Nick!"

"So? A lot of people in the world think foxes can't be trusted. Does it really matter what they think?"

Olivia's thoughts paused for the moment. She'd never really considered why incest was frowned upon, aside from inbreeding atrocities. It was just something she'd learned growing up was wrong, and taught not to question it. She wasn't looking to conceive a child from Nick; she just wanted to feel the body of her darling boy against hers, the way she'd felt her husband's so long ago.

Nick kept his gaze toward her, the erection in his pants bobbing up and down now and then. "You're my mom. You bent over backwards to give me a good life and raised me as well as you could. Yeah, it's a little weird to think about, but no matter what kind of urges you're feeling, that doesn't erase what a great mom you've been to me." Nick lowered his eyes down to his pants, seeing the tent still poking out from the front. "Besides, saying you're weird for wanting me like that is kind of the pot calling the kettle black at this point."

Surprised as Olivia was, the development of things brought immense relief to her heart. She was glad to hear that her son didn't hold a grudge against her; quite the opposite actually. He seemed keen on making her fantasy become reality.

"Nick, honey, are you sure?" she asked, feeling comfortable enough to use pet names with him once again. "I don't want this to change anything between us. If you don't want to go through with it I won't hold it against you."

"I know. Truth is, things have already kind of changed, now that it's out there on the table. Might as well go all the way, right?"

Olivia nodded slowly, before standing from her seat to meet him at eye level. The idea still seemed odd to her, but looking at the tent still apparent in her son's pants, she couldn't deny what she wanted.

"You still seem so tense about something though, Nick. That's why I'm asking."

"I'm just under a little bit of pressure here. I've picked up a bunch of foxes since I left home, and — oh crap, I shouldn't have told you that," Nick said, seeing his mother's sneer.

"It's fine. I figured you were getting around some when you gained your freedom from home."

"Right. So, I have a one-night stand with a girl, do what I want, even if I make a fool of myself, I'm never gonna see her again. You? God, I don't want to do something that's gonna embarrass me forever."

"Oh sweetheart, come here," Olivia uttered, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around him under his shoulders, "You're my everything. My darling little boy who I'm going to love forever and ever," she assured him. As she rubbed her paw against his back, she could feel his shaft rubbing up between her thighs. The contact made her loins tickle once again, but this time she didn't fight it back. She pressed her body up closer against him, rubbing their chests together, their waists connected. "Nothing you do will ever make me stop loving you. Okay?"

Nick looked his mother in the eyes. With a softened gaze, he nodded, before she kissed him on the nose.

"Uh, just one thing really quick," he said to her, "Can you, uh, take charge, for a little while? Just, to help me loosen up a bit?"

A devilish smile curled over Olivia's mouth. She batted her long eyelashes at him, tracing her paws up his arms and toward his face.

"I see," she began in a low sultry tone, holding his chin in her palms, "You want your mommy to take care of you?"

A low moan escaped Nick's mouth. His erection twitched with strength, up toward the vixen who'd spoken to him.

"God, why does that turn me on?" Nick mumbled, his ears slacked down against his head.

"It's okay dear. I'll be nice and gentle with you, I promise. Come on, take my paw," she insisted, slipping his paw into her grasp, "Let's go upstairs, okay?"

Nick nodded hurriedly. With his paw in grasp, Olivia guided him toward and up the stairs, back to her bedroom. Feeling their pads connected, Olivia felt a soothing tenderness rise through her arm. She felt Nick's paw cling to her and take solace in her nurturing grip. Reaching the top of the stairs, she looked back at her son's face. His gaze was focused on her paw, his expression humbled and boyish. Making contact with her hazel eyes made him blush, his open hand moving to cover his face. Olivia beamed at his bashful demeanor, giving the paw in her grasp a reassuring squeeze.

Stepping into the doors, she brushed the green shirt and khaki pants he'd changed out of off from the top of the bed and onto the floor. With space cleared, Olivia sat on the end of the bed and patted the spot next to her as she looked up at her son. Nick sat next to her, still carrying a mountain of tension on his shoulders.

"Nick, if you feel uncomfortable at all while we're doing this, you can tell me to stop," she assured him firmly, "It doesn't matter how far we've gone or what we're doing. I won't hold anything against you if it doesn't feel right."

Nick nodded again. "Okay. Thanks, Mom." Olivia reached a paw and placed it over Nick's. She ran the pad over his fur, sliding it up his arm until it reached his face. Her digits began scratching behind his ears. Nick's apprehension lessened a bit as he tilted into her embrace. He closed his eyes, and a warm smile spread over his lips.

"You're my sweet boy," Olivia whispered into his ear before kissing him tenderly on the cheek. It drew a soft giggle from Nick as her lips moved away and back against his cheek, drawing to the corner of his mouth. His smile warmed Olivia's heart. It was so soothing to feel Nick's fur against her paws once again. She'd cherished him so much as a cub, always holding him in her arms and brushing his soft little head. Though he had grown so much since then, drawing her paws over his ears brought out some of his boyish tendencies that he'd lost touch with for so long. A joyful smile showed how much pleasure he derived from her touch, despite the bit of tension remaining in him. She didn't blame him; she felt nervous too. It was quite nerve-wracking to explore such uncharted territory after all.

Olivia's mouth found its way back to her son's, kissing him the way he'd kissed her earlier. They exchanged a few quick pecks, easing into one another. A few embraces passed before Olivia poked her tongue forward, urging Nick's to let it in. She felt an opening, as well as his own tongue slither up against hers. She felt lightheaded for a moment; she couldn't believe that she was open-mouth kissing her own son, and that it felt so soothing as well. Nick's tongue moved up against hers slowly, feeling it out and testing the waters so to speak. Olivia decided to take the lead, poking her tongue under and over his, guiding the intricate tango within their mouths. With their lips locked together, she ran her paw down his cheek, stroking his soft, red fur.

Nick's paws remained at his mother's hips, stroking her gently, but hesitant to move anywhere else. Olivia understood his reluctance; he didn't want to overstep his boundaries too soon and startle her. She could tell him so a dozen times, and he'd still feel just as apprehensive. That was fine. She would enjoy helping her darling boy in any way possible.

Olivia leaned to the side, guiding him to lay down on the bed before rolling over and laying on top of him. His own legs hung off the end of the mattress, his feet planted to the floor. Olivia's however remained sprawled on either side of his hips. She pressed her chest up against him but kept her lust in check as not to overwhelm him. She continued to stroke his cheek gingerly while coaxing his tongue to stay moving against hers and keep the dance alive within their mouths.

Nick had taken many foxes to bed in the past, a number of whose names he'd forgotten. They were all pure acts of physical lust, each of them tearing into each other like ravenous beasts like a fight for dominance, a race to satisfy their urges as quick as possible. His mother was strikingly different from them. She took her time to kiss and caress him, nurturing his body at a soothing pace. He felt like a young kit under his mother's embrace again, with the exception of the raging hard on she'd given him.

Olivia pulled back her mouth, a thin strand of saliva breaking between them. Their tongues hung out, both of them panting as they looked on at one another.

"How's it feel, dear?" Olivia asked.

"Good," he replied with a smile, "Kind of embarrassed to admit it, but it feels really good! You're a good kisser, M-mom."

Olivia giggled, and lapped her tongue against the front of Nick's nose affectionately.

"I'm gonna get undressed, honey," Olivia whispered to him.

"Okay," Nick squeaked nervously.

Olivia pulled herself back from the bed and stood up straight in front of him. She'd never considered herself much of a performer. She held no experience in stripteases or any theatrics to enhance her undressing; but she knew to pace herself, draw out the spectacle, and let the excitement between both of them grow. Grabbing the sleeves of her blue sweater, she watched her son look on at her from the bed, his chest rising and falling as he anticipated what awaited him. Though she remained in charge of the situation, she still felt a bit of reservation nagging at her, knowing she was about to strip naked for her son.

With another mental push, she slipped her arms through the holes and moved them underneath her sweater. She pushed the garment off over her head and let it fall to the floor. Standing before Nick in her white bra, she moved a paw back to the metals clasps behind her. She felt them unhook, and a bit of tension was released from her breasts. She kept her paws steady, keeping one across her chest, while the other let go of the cloth and let it fall away. Nick's eyes remained wide open, seeing his mother standing topless before him, just her paws covering up her nipples. It took her a moment, but then she moved them about and revealed the pink tips of her bust, the nubs barely visible from a surrounding layer of white fur. Nick's teeth clenched to his bottom lip. Seeing his mother half-naked in front of him rose the tension in his body.

"Sweetheart, you've got to settle down," Olivia urged him, stepping forward and placing a paw on Nick's shoulder, "You're going to make yourself hyperventilate."

"Y-yeah," Nick murmured, forcing himself to space out his breaths of air.

"There you go," Olivia encouraged him, caressing his shoulder, "In… and out. In… and out." As she coached his breathing, she moved her paw down his arm and grabbed his wrist. She lifted it up, guided it toward her chest, and placed it on her left nipple. Nick's breathing locked up at the initial touch of her bare chest.

Vixens weren't known for their bust. Like most predators, they had sleek and agile bodies reminiscent of their ancestors' build to help them catch their prey. A typical A-cup, Mrs. Wilde's chest stood out only an inch more than Nick's. The major difference was the bounty of white fluff coating her chest, soft and plush like a collection of feathers. His paw against her breast sent a surge of arousal through her body. Her nipples stood upright and rigid, the tips of them poking out even more so from their furry envelopment. Stroking the velvety surface of her fur and the flesh of her nipple, Nick's breathing evened back out and returned to a controlled pace.

"There you go, dear," Olivia coaxed him softly, "Not so scary, right?" Nick looked up at her with a miffed grin. His mother reached a paw up to his nose and scratched his fur in a teasing fashion, making his face scrunch up from her touch.

Olivia turned her back to Nick, taking a step forward and raising her paws to her waist. She unzipped the back of her skirt and pushed the black cloth down, leaving her standing in her panties: the final piece keeping the last of her modesty from her son who watched on from behind. Olivia had come this far; she wasn't going to chicken out now. With her grip behind the waistline, she pulled them down to her knees, then moved her legs to let them fall to her ankles.

That was it. Olivia was standing stark naked in front of her own son with only her bushy tail blocking off her privates from his view. She looked over her shoulder at Nick and smiled when she saw his face. Though still a bit tense, he seemed more excited as his sight locked onto her hindquarters.

Just like her bust, she had a lean posterior, outlining some of the tendons within her angular haunches. She was not however spared of the few extra pounds that came with motherhood and age. That extra weight had nestled itself in the areas on either side of her tail, adding just a hint of roundness on her glutes. She wasn't self-conscious about it at all; she didn't mind having a hide with a bit of thickness. Taking a step back, Olivia leaned forward and stuck her posterior outward toward her son. With her paws resting on her bent knees and her bottom poised upward, her tail swished from side to side, brushing against his chest.

Nick's paw crept to life, his digits dancing through the fur of his mother's tail as it wafted against him. His arm glided upwards, tracing her tail until he reached her dock. Curling around it, he lifted it upward causing her to gasp as he revealed what was hidden underneath. Below the soft gray crater right under her tail, Nick could see the pink of her pussy lips spread open and glistening from her wetness.

"Geez, Mom," Nick muttered, his grasp moving along her backside, squeezing her right glute, "How are you this hot?"

Olivia giggled, swaying her posterior from side to side She turned around, leaning forward again with her muzzle just a few inches from his.

"Not bad for an old crow, hm?"

"I keep telling you Mom, you don't look old," Nick assured her, "I can't believe you've stayed single all this time."

"Well, aren't you the sweetest?" Olivia replied, moving her claw down his chest. Panting at her touch, Nick's hips thrusted up in reaction, his bulge twitching with a bit more force than before. "I think we'd better get these pants off you though," she advised before crouching to her knees, "If you get cum on your father's suit, Nicholas, I'm going to be very cross with you." Olivia's brow lowered, staring straight into her sons eyes. The corners of her mouth were lowered in an intimidating grimace, not an ounce of humor within her gaze.

"...Yes ma'am.." Nick replied, the erection in his pants dropping just the tiniest bit under her glare. In an instant, Olivia's face softened to an uplifting smile. Her paws slid up Nick's thighs and across his waistline, unbuckling the belt strap and unbuttoning his fly. The zipper mounted the hurdle of Nick's erection, and he sat upright, leaning on his paws. His mother pulled down his pants, as well as his boxers littered with a pattern of red and blue paw prints. Sliding his pants off his feet, Olivia felt her heart skip a beat when she took a full look at his erection.

It felt quite strange, looking at her own son's genitals in such a way. A web of dark veins coated the red flesh of his pulsing shaft. The slanted tip flared with each throb, struggling to hold back its excitement. Even the girth of his knot had already breached its sheath from his pent up arousal. Just as long as his own paws, Nick's rod stood proudly over her his testicles, the two stones of white fuzz resting on the bed between his thighs.

Olivia's thoughts flashed back to the nights spent with James for a moment. Too much time had passed to remember perfectly; perhaps her mind recreated the past as she wanted to see it. She swore however that her son's shaft and balls matched those of his father's. The sight filled her with a familiar hunger she'd not felt in decades. Looking upwards, Nick's hesitant face looked down at her and brought her back to the present. The longing within her magnified, knowing she was seconds away from sampling the hidden bits of her dear son's body.

With a hesitant paw, Olivia reached up and touched her son's shaft. With a gasp from Nick, his rod flared and nuzzled against her paw. First contact had been made; the last barrier of constraint between them scaled. With a bold smirk on her face, the vixen moved her digits around his girth. Her grip moved down his length, stopping just above his knot, before sliding back up and groping under the tip.

"My my," Olivia muttered as she stroked him up and down repeatedly, "You've grown quite a bit, haven't you?"

"Hnnng!" Nick whimpered, his thighs flexing as his hips rose up just a bit, "Oh God, Mom — I wanna cum so bad."

"Already?" Olivia asked, sounding a bit surprised. With her paw still on his shaft, she shrugged her shoulders with a placid smirk. "I suppose it can't be helped. It's quite a lot of excitement for mama's little boy, huh?" Nick only responded with another feeble whine. "You wanna cum in mommy's mouth?" He nodded in a hurry, and Olivia giggled with delight. Tilting her head back down, she looked at the tip pointing right at her.

Let's see if I can remember how to do this. She thought. Lowering her head just a bit, she stuck her tongue out and lapped at the tip. Nick's mouth remained open, panting with lust as her tongue lapped further and further down, coating his shaft with her saliva. Olivia opened her mouth at the top and slid her lips down his length.

"Ho — ohh!" Nick moaned as he felt her mouth encompass him. His right leg slowly moved from side to side, his lower body squirming just a bit from her ministrations. Olivia's muzzle accommodated her son's shaft, providing a delightful warmth that surrounded its flesh. Her lips were far enough down that they almost touched his swollen knot. Her tongue bobbed up now and then caressing the underside of the rod in her mouth. Each time her lips slid down his length, a gratifying ripple coursed through his body. His soft flesh quivered under the comforting tickle his mother's mouth provided. As her muzzle moved up and down his length, Olivia's paws descended under his balls, caressing the furry orbs resting on her pads.

Nick watched the aged vixen, the woman who'd birthed and raised him in this very house, tend to his twitching erection. With her eyes closed, he could see the dark purple of her eyeshadow and the bit of whiteness at the center of her face. Her hindquarters remained parked on her feet crouched in front of him, her tail swishing across the floor behind her. As if in a trance, she remained focused on the object in her mouth, keeping it snug and coaxing every little nerve along his flesh.

"Ha-ah-ahhh!" Nick exclaimed, as a spasm rocked through his groin. He couldn't hold himself back anymore. The sight of his mother consuming his dick with such prowess became too much too handle. With his paws gripping the bedsheets, Nick flexed his erection up while keeping his hips from thrusting. "Nnnf!"

His length twitched furiously inside her mouth, but Olivia kept her head steady all the while. With his final gasp, Nick's rod shot a heavy strand of semen into her mouth. The sticky substance coated the back of her throat, as well as the surface of her tongue. She swallowed each ejection quickly, not wanting to let a large volume build up for her. Letting out an exasperated heave, Nick laid back against the bed. A series of subtle whimpers escaped his throat, his body trembling with the sensation of his release coursing through him.

Olivia eased her lips off of his member. A string of wet cum began to drip off the tip, and Olivia reached a paw up to catch it on her digit. Her tongue lapped up the substance on her paw before crawling up the mattress and sidling up to Nick. Laying on her left side, her right arm draped across her hip while her left paw held up her chin as she looked at her panting son.

"S-sorry… Mom," Nick muttered.

Olivia tilted her head to the side. "What for?" she asked.

"Just hoped I would last longer than that."

"Oh honey, don't worry about it," she assured him, reaching down to unbutton his shirt, "I already told you, you don't have to impress me." Olivia's paws worked up the middle of his shirt, exposing more of his belly and chest. "All I care about is spending time with you and seeing you happier than I've seen in years."

With the final button undone, Nick sat up and let his mother slip his arms out of the sleeves. Her gaze poured over the cream fur along the front of his body, stopping just above his sticky shaft. Her paw traced over Nick's slender chest, causing his pecs to rise, accompanied by a delighted grumble. Her claw ran down the center of his body, gliding around his belly. Nick closed his eyes, and his body continued to squirm under his mother's touch. Olivia leaned her head down, her lips just a hair's breadth away from Nick's ear.

"Mm, my sweet little boy," she whispered before kissing his ear. Nick's voice sang out with a delighted whimper, feeling his mother's lips trail down his fur. Her mouth found its way down his chest, and began kissing his stomach. He writhed underneath her, and she felt his hips flex in response to her touch. Peering to the side, she saw the sticky mass between his legs twitching once more.

"Ready to go again, dear?" Olivia asked, running her paw underneath his furry balls.

"Almost," Nick replied, moving his paw down his chest and holding hers, "Just need a few minutes."

Sitting up, Nick reached another paw to his mother's chin and guided it towards his own. He pressed his muzzle against hers, their lips pecking one another with tenderness. As their mouths opened up to allow their tongues passage, Nick surprised her by pushing his body forward and rolling Olivia onto her back. Her heartbeat quickened at his sudden boldness. Nick kept his paws straddled at the sides of her chest, his head craned over her as their lips remained locked. Olivia held her paws back, her own hips pushing upwards as every inch of her crevasse tingled with excitement.

Nick inched his paw down Olivia's body and snuck its way in between her legs. His digits traced up the center of her opening, brushing along the nub of her clitoris. Olivia hummed in Nick's mouth, her crease flexing open a bit more in response.

After a moment, the feeling became so strong that she lost focus on her mouth. Her jaw hung low as she moaned, her breath heavy and passionate. Nick pulled his head back, looking down at her with a satisfied grin. All his reservation from before had melted away after she coaxed his ejaculation out of him and into her mouth. Now more than comfortable seeing his mother in such a lustful state, he felt a sense of pride that he could elicit such a gratified reaction from her. Keeping his paw in place, he leaned down to her side, moving his chest up behind her back. With his new position, Nick had a much better angle to rub his mother's snatch. He curled his digits inward, pushing into the wet opening between her thighs. Her hips responded with successive flexes and a squeal escaped her throat.

Hearing his mother's lustful melody sent a rush down Nick's groin. Still a bit sticky from his previous discharge, it stood strong as ever, ready for more affection. Nick ignored his stiffening length and continued plunging his digits in his mother's caverns. He pulled back a bit, moving his touch upwards and feeling around above her opening. His touch found the nub of her clitoris standing upright like a like a pink and fleshy pearl.

"Aaah!" Olivia gasped as he pushed against her clitoris. Wet from her arousal, Nick's touch moved up and down the button then in rhythmic circles. His touch remained slow and strategic, giving her body enough time to savor the bliss of her arousal coming up and down like the ocean's waves. Just like James, Nick had quite the attentive paw. It remained focused and precise, all of its efforts dedicated to touching the right spots at the right time. For a fox who'd grown up without his father, Nick took after him surprisingly well.

Olivia could have let him finish her off with his paw. Nick was a natural at his craft, the way he pressed against her so firm, yet gentle. She wanted him to take it a step further though. Olivia desired for them to leave nothing restrained, nothing left to the imagination. Reeling from his talented paw, Olivia let out a meek whimper.

"Oh God, honey," Olivia moaned, her back pushing up against Nick, "I want you inside me!"

"Really?" Nick asked, his paw ceasing its movements. The sudden halt left Olivia's body tense, wondering why the blissful sensation had stopped. "I didn't exactly bring condoms, you know?"

"It's fine, Nick, I'm on the pill," Olivia said with a touch of impatience in her voice.

Nick's eyebrows rose in confusion. "Why are YOU on the pill?" he asked in a pressing tone, "Are you sleeping with somebody?"

Olivia rolled her eyes and turned to face her son. "They're for my cramps. I've been taking them since after you were born."

"Oh," Nick said, his voice shrinking in defeat, "Kind of wish I didn't hear that."

"Well, you shouldn't have asked. Not like it's your business anyway."

"Yeah, I know. My bad."

Upon seeing her son's guilty expression, Olivia's annoyance faded, and a mischievous grin formed on her face. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" she asked, running her paw against his bare chest, "You want your mommy all for yourself?"

With his teeth pressing down on his lip, his erection stood rigid as ever, pointing up at Olivia's stomach.

"Yeah," Nick said, his voice filled with more bravado than she'd heard in the past several minutes, "I do." Lifting a paw to her face, Nick leaned his muzzle toward hers.

Their lips met once again, their eyes closing as they gave into another passionate embrace. Continuing downward, Nick wrapped his mouth around her neck, his teeth pushing down on the flesh beneath her fur. Olivia gasped as she felt the sharp embrace on her body. Her son kept his mouth in check, restraining enough to keep from piercing her, but pressing with enough force to make her heart race. Her vaginal lips pulsed open in reaction. She needed to feel her darling boy inside her this instant.

Raising her hips up, she felt the tip of Nick's erection slide past her belly, and touch her soaking lips. Letting go of her restraint, she bore down, and the rigid shaft pushed through her lips. The enticing rush of his girth spreading her caverns made Olivia whimper with pleasure. She bore down on the slender and rigid flesh, until her lips rest on top of his wide knot. Rather than push all the way down, Olivia lifted herself up again, her soaking cleft pulling up at his rod.

Olivia's mouth hung open as she moaned, riding up and down on her son's shaft. Each rise and fall filled her with bliss as his girth plunged her caverns, the wet smack of sopping flesh and fur filling the air around them. Nick's gaze remained forward, his eyes fixed on her face. Olivia's cheeks began to burn, knowing her son was watching her react to his body in such a way. His paws slipped down her waist and cradled her buttocks to support her body bobbing against his lap, and her voice rose another pitch.

A harmony of pleasurable moans rolled from Olivia's throat. She'd not felt a comparable bliss in many years. For all of Nick's life, she'd felt the need to maintain an image of purity to stay true to her duty as his mother. Now, she no longer felt those reservations weighing on her conscience. Nick accepted his mother's sensual desires, and embraced them wholeheartedly. The sentimental gesture warmed her heart and added to the fire of her arousal, pushing its' heat to a remarkable height.

Nick's mouth remained open, panting as he flexed his hips upward. Every inch of his mother's cavern was soaked, coating his penis in a layer of lubrication, making it easier for it to slip back and forth within her. Just as Olivia had been a haven for Nick as a kit, her pussy now provided a warm and comforting shelter from the world for Nick's shaft. Her inner walls tugged at his rigid flesh, groping and pulling each time she bore down on him to ensure it plunged as deep as it could.

Olivia could feel the width of her son's knot pressing against the surface, taunting her, daring her to take it in. Each time she pushed herself down, she could feel it pushing up against her. As open and soaked as her lips were, they held off on taking it until the end of their endeavor. Nick kept his head against Olivia's shoulder, grunting as he thrust up into her. His paws moved up and down her back, dragging the tip of a claw down the center. Olivia's paws kept a tight grip on Nick, the swelling in her loins increasing at a steady rate.

"You gonna cum for me?" Nick whispered jeeringly.

"God, yes!" Olivia muttered between breaths, "Sweetheart, I'm so close."

Nick chuckled in a condescending tone, increasing the pace of his thrusts.

"Good girl. That's my sweet Olive..."

Olivia's eyes opened wide at the utterance of that name. The swelling feeling in her body spiked beyond her control. Her lips opened even more, and Nick pushed his hips upward. In an instant, his massive knot slipped into her, filling her inner caverns to their capacity.

"Haaaah!" Olivia moaned, tilting her face up toward the ceiling. Following a brief sting, her vagina adjusted accordingly and clenched around the new width inside nerves of her body stood on end. She continued to whimper as she bounced up and down on her son's lap, not daring to move far enough to let his knot go. Her behind smacked against Nick's thighs, his arms wrapped around her back to keep her steady. Even though her movements were short, the girth and the warmth inside her was more than satisfying. She could feel the shaft flexing upwards, rubbing against the most vulnerable spot inside of her.

Olivia was going to cum any moment now. Her teeth and the rest of her body clenched in preparation for the impending release.

"Ah-ah-ah-ahhhh!" Olivia bore down on her son's lap. Nick flexed his shaft up, pushing it against the spot inside her. It took some effort on his part, but Nick rushed his climax forward. With a powerful grunt, he released a spurt of semen into his mother's chasm, his shaft flaring along with its release. "Oh, God yes!"

Olivia's body shuddered, and her inner walls squeezed the protruder tight. A stream of fluids washed over his shaft, mixing with the white discharge inside of her. A rush of endorphins spread through Olivia's chest and through her limbs, bathing her in a liberating bliss.

Feeling her body weaken, Olivia fell back and pulled Nick with her, the two of them bouncing against the bed. The two foxes laid in one another's embrace, panting for breath. His arm remained wrapped under her shoulder, holding her close to him. With her ear against Nick's chest, she could feel his heartbeat pounding just as her own did. Feeling her dear boy so close to her brought a smile to Olivia's face and filled her with an abundance of sentimental warmth.

After a moment of regaining their breath, Nick moved his body downward so his head was level with his mother's. He began to lick underneath her chin slowly, in a trance-like fashion. It was an instinctual sign of respect towards parents from canines, something he hadn't done since infancy. Olivia smiled as she basked in his affection, rubbing her paw against his chest in return.

Something stuck out in Olivia's mind, despite how much she enjoyed their endeavor. Something that defied perceivable logic, an enigma of sorts that had made itself present in the heat of the moment. She wondered if it was for the best to leave the stone unturned, but her curiosity won out. She had to ask, just to make sure.

"Nick, honey?" Olivia asked. Nick ceased his licking and stared up at her. "Why did you call me Olive?"

Nick's eyes tilted up in thought. "I don't know," he replied, "Name sort of just popped in my head. Why, did it sound too weird?"

An affectionate smile appeared on Olivia's face as she stared at her son's confused face. Her heart filled with the same warmth she'd felt so many years ago, when the one who'd called her by that pet name had lapped his tongue between her legs. Knowing she had a son just as attentive brought a touch of wetness to her eyes.

"No, honey," she replied, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and pulling him in for a hug, "I think it's very sweet. Just like you."

With a warm grin, Nick rubbed his face against her chest. Olivia's paw ran down the back of his head, cradling him against her bosom. The evening had unfolded quite differently than either of them had expected.

It was true that Olivia would carry the pain of losing her husband her whole life. James was too precious to ever completely let go of. Just as it had done decades ago in the hospital bed, snuggling her son helped ease her heartache. She'd wondered when she gave birth to Nick if she was strong enough to raise a child by herself, if she could shoulder the responsibility without James's aid. Though she wasn't perfect, Nick had proven with his heroism and his compassion that she'd done a fine job raising him. Planting a kiss atop his head, she continued to rub her darling boy's ears as he dozed off for the moment. Mother and son had been reunited after so long, and from that day forward, nothing would challenge their bond again.