Game of Thrones: New Era

Final chapter of my Game of Thrones story, enjoy.


Boris Yeltsin: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it, yeah, here we go :)
Marina Ka-Fai: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
Wolfgirl2013: Thanks.
Veridissima: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it and liked the decisions.
wazzup11: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it; well, for a woman with a low opinion of religion and who uses sex as a weapon, I thought a life of piety and celibacy would be a greater punishment :)

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones belongs to George R.R. Martin.

Epilogue: Nestor

A bright smile on his face, nine year old Nestor Stark rode on his horse. Nestor was Prince of the North, the son of King Robb Stark and his wife Queen Jeyne. He had inherited his mother's hair colour and his father's eyes and facial features. He was currently riding through the Crownlands, in the south of Westeros, looking around in amazement.

'Hard to believe nine years ago, there was a war here...Father fought in it; for us all, he helped Uncle Gendry claim his throne...' He thought to himself. 'Yet father always says the hardest part came after the war...The five year Winter, the rebuilding, trying to fix things...The scars still remain, but there is hope, there is hope for things to still get better. There is still peace, that's a good start.'

As he thought this he smiled wider; he was in fact heading for King's Landing, the capital of the southern lands of Westeros, where his uncle Gendry and Aunt Arya ruled as King and Queen of the Iron Throne. Nestor wasn't along in this trip of course, he was accompanied by his parents, as well as other family members.

Winterfell and the affairs of the North and Riverlands were being taken care of by Nestor's grandmother Catelyn and his Uncle Rickon and Aunt Shireen, while they cared for their year old daughter Joanna, a girl who took after her mother in appearance mostly.

Riding alongside Nestor were two other boys, also aged nine. One was slightly taller than Nestor and had fiery red hair and dark grey eyes, mostly resembling his father, Lord Commander Jon Snow of the Night's Watch, his name was Rickard Snow.

The other boy was also baseborn, he had auburn red hair and blue eyes, although he had the strong facial features of his father. This was Steffon Snow, the bastard son of Nestor's aunt Sansa and her deceased lover Sandor Clegane.

"Hey Nestor, bet I can beat you to the top of that hill!" Rickard called out suddenly.

Nestor grinned. "No way, I'll beat you easily Rickard."

Spurring his own horse on, Steffon called out. "Hah, I'll easily beat you both."

At once the three boys began their friendly race. In the end the winner didn't matter to them since they stopped on top, gazing upon their destination, in sight at last, King's Landing.

Nestor instantly sought out the closest family member. "Uncle Bran, look, King's Landing, we're nearly there."

Bran Stark rode up on his own horse, grinning.

"So we are." He said happily. "I'll let the others know."

They all remained waited as they watched Bran ride back. Nestor could see his parents along with his little sister, three year old Ellyn; a girl who again inherited their mother's hair along with the Stark grey eyes, bearing a slight resemblance to their Aunt Arya at that age.

Also present, riding on the car along with Queen Jeyne and Ellyn was Bran's wife, Meera, riding on the cart due to her being heavily pregnant with her and Bran's second child. Their first being four year old Beren, a boy with brown hair and blue-green eyes.

Grinning Nestor and the other boys joined their family as they headed towards King's Landing. As they did, Nestor reflected on the situation of his cousins, Rickard and Steffon, instead of being with their surviving parents, lived with his father, their uncle.

Uncle Jon's role as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch meant that he wasn't supposed to have children, while Aunt Sansa had left Steffon with Robb to protect him from Mace Tyrell and the man's mother, who had threatened to ensure no bastard tainted their family when Sansa went to marry Willas Tyrell.

Willas was of a different mindset and they were merely waiting for the death of Mace Tyrell, then Willas would gladly welcome Steffon into the family. As they entered King's Landing and made their way to the Red Keep, Nestor couldn't help but reflect on how, much like his own father, King Gendry was either loved by his subjects, or at least respected by those that did not love him.

He was distracted momentarily from his thoughts by a happy gasp from Steffon as they saw Sansa, along with her husband Willas and their five year old twins, both having inherited Willas' hair and Sansa's eyes, Eddard and Melara. Steffon immediately dismounted and approached them quickly.

"Mother!" He cried out, delighted.

Sansa smiled widely and embraced him while the others all smiled happily.

Following the happy reunion they made their way inside and soon reached the throne room. Three they were treated to the sight of a boy of six, with black hair and blue eyes, practising sword fighting with a similar looking boy of four, but with grey eyes instead of blue.

They were being watched by their father, Gendry. The two boys being Crown Prince Willem and his younger brother Prince Sefton.

"Sefton guard up, Willem, remember your brother is still learning." Gendry called out.

They both nodded and resumed, until they noticed their guests. There were shouts of joy from the boys and Gendry smiled as he too approached.

"Ah, I'm glad you made it, it's good to see you all again." He said at once.

They all exchanged greetings before a door opened and Queen Arya entered, while not as far along as Meera, she too was noticeably pregnant. She was also quite a 'controversial' Queen, still retaining her old interests while also proving adept enough at statecraft, yet by now, those who felt her improper were outnumbered, again by those that either loved her, or respected her.

She raised an eyebrow. "You could have told me they arrived Gendry, I'm pregnant, not ill."

Gendry laughed and together they made their way to a private room to talk and catch up. Things had turned out to be improving, slowly but surely. They were by no means perfect, but they were getting better and there was strong hope for the future.

End of chapter, of story and of this series, hope you enjoyed it.

Just to clarify, a few things that might clear up some lose ends that may still remain; since this was mainly just to show things nine year later and have a nice family moment for the growing Stark/Baratheon families:

Cersei is still stuck in her punishment.

Jaime is now married to Brienne, while Tyrion married Shae and rules Casterly Rock, they now have a son, Pod serves them directly as a knight.

Myrcella and Tommen now live in Dorne, Myrcella married to Trystane and has a child of her own, Tommen has recently becoming closer to one of the younger Sand Snakes.

Final note, the Small Council is made up of representatives from each of the realms Gendry rules over and the Kingsguard is as follows:

Lord Commander Balon Swann
Ser Kaleb Swann
Ser Tobias Blount
Ser Loras Tyrell
Ser Robert Hightower
Ser Wynston Manderly
Ser Victarion Fowler

Anyway, that's everything I think, read and review please.