Lori Currentley Ready to show herself at Nurenberg Courts in handcuffs

"Lori Loud, You are brought here today for crimes such as: Genocide, Neo-Nazism,Murder, Manslaughter and Assault, what do you say to these crimes" said The Judge

"I deny my crimes" said Lori

"What: after Indirecting killing your brother Lincoln and you directly killed your younger sister" said The Judge

Lori started to brake down in tears

"Lori: tears can never bring back those minority's." Said the Judge

"The Reich was responsible with thousands of deaths via genocide and The Safeguards of Peace The Soviet Union tried to create World Peace via killing the reich and by force but were stopped by a secret ally of Loris" said Angelica

"Who" said The Judge

"The United States of America" said Angelica

"(Ignoring Angelicas Awnser) Lori do you have anything to say before your verdict" said The Judge

"No your honour" said Lori

"The Court finds you guilty and sentences you to death by hanging for Genocide,Neo-Nazism, Murder, Manslaughter and Assult

A Few Days Later

Lori was taken to the gallows and her executioner will be Angelica under a hooded mask, The priest was Dil Pickles (and due to the fact that future and past versions of Angelica and Dil Pickles were near each other the 5th doctor was hired with his trademark cricket bat to keep the time monsters away)

"Lori do you have last words before your untimely fate" said Dil

Angelica put a noose around Loris Neck

"I'm Sorry Lincoln and Leni, Heil Hitler" said Lori

Angelica pulled the lever and Lori was Dead

"Ouch that snap of Loris Neck was louder than A 6 in cricket" suddenly said the 5th Doctor

Meanwhile in Austria-Hungary Clyde Finds out about Loris Death whilst fondling with Loris Deputy Führer Waffen-SS Uniform

"They will pay for the death of my wife" said Kaiser Clyde

"I hope so my Kaiser" said The Royal Guard

"You may as well call me Kaiser and Führer of the Nazi Austro-Hungarian Empire

"Oh Dear God" said The Royal Guard


Find out more in the Next Story: Vengeance