Strife of Discord
I don't own MLP
Regular Speak
Thoughts and Flashbacks
Demonic or Animalistic Speak
Demonic or Animalistic Thoughts
Beta: Dragon_Wizard91
Discord remembered. Or rather, he remembered being able to remember.
That night, he slept and he dreamed. He dreamed of falling, for what felt like an eternity while the wind of the void ripped and tore at him as he fell. And as he went on and on, he had the feeling of everything, every last detail of memory that defined who he was being stripped away from him.
Then he stopped falling. He hit the bottom. And when he looked up, all he saw was HER. That purple pony looking oh so smug, calling him a name he didn't even remember as his own.
The amnesiac god's eyes shot open and glared hatefully at the source.
To her credit, Fluttershy didn't flinch.
The mismatched being softened his gaze at his concerned host, the tension slowly melting from his body. She had been nothing but kind and hospitable to him, if not protective, since he...came to, he supposed.
"Bo-qer," He muttered in greeting as he stretched on the offered couch.
"Hmm?" Fluttershy asked patiently, tilting her head at the foreign word.
Discord raised an eyebrow before understanding flashed through his eyes, "I said Morning. Sorry, I'm still slipping into other languages," He apologized, tapping his paw against his head in annoyance.
Fluttershy was almost disappointed that no goofy noise echoed out of his head.
"That's okay. I just wanted to know if you wanted any breakfast. I'm having a salad, but I can make you toast or something else if you want," She offered with a smile.
He had next to nothing to compare her against, but this mare seemed more and more like a saint to Discord.
"I'll take the toast," He answered simply, remembering at least that that was an easy thing to make. He wasn't exactly starving or anything.
Fluttershy nodded as she headed back to the kitchen, leaving Discord alone again.
Almost alone, he reminded himself, glancing down at the bunny named Angel, sleeping on the pillow near the couch
Pausing for only a moment to crack his neck, Discord slowly picked up the pillow and gently rolled the bunny onto the couch. The hare seemed rather annoyed about him taking the piece of furniture as a bed last night, so he'd let him have it now.
The little fellow grumbled and squirmed a bit before falling back to sleep. Satisfied there wouldn't be an issue with his host', he lumbered on toward the kitchen.
Lumber was the right term too, as his every step was very audible. He wasn't trying to walk heavy, his form just was that large…at least for a pony-based home.
"Note to self: if I move, find a taller species," Discord grumbled, ducking down to get through the doorframe.
Fluttershy scowled briefly in thought, recalling how Discord- the original Discord- was often floating or had his head craned down. She quickly chased that thought away, "I-is there anything you want on your toast?" She asked curiously.
"...Surprise me," He answered with a shrug, not sure what he'd like if anything.
Fluttershy nodded understandingly and added some cinnamon to the fried bread before passing it to the serpentine male. Discord took a curious bite out of it before nodding with a small hum of approval. Fluttershy smiled before turning back to finishing up her salad.
Being used to large creatures in and around her home, she didn't notice Discord walking out of the room, his ears twitching slightly as he walked to the front door.
He opened it, leaving a rather startled Applejack standing with her hoof raised to knock and a satchel filled with tools, "...That's just a mite bit spooky," She commented awkwardly as he watched her evenly, taking another bite of toast, "...Is 'Shy in? I'm here to fix up the fence?"
Discord raised an eyebrow, glancing out to the broken woodwork and then back at the farm pony...
"Thanks for the help, Discord," Applejack said as she held a hammer in one of her hooves, the amnesiac sitting on the other side of the fence and holding up a new rail as she pounded the nails in.
The chimera shrugged uncaringly, "Might as well, since I broke the thing," He grumbled, looking mostly uninterested in the task at hoof.
Applejack finished with the last of the nails, deciding to stay away from the topic of WHY he broke it, "So, how's stayin at 'Shy's been treatin ya?" She asked curiously.
"Fine, I suppose," Discord answered uncaringly.
"Ya suppose?" Applejack inquired with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you want, a song? I have a roof over my head, food in my stomach and a nice host. I got nothing else to compare it to, so fine is the best I can say on it," He responded, snapping lightly as he glared at her, his tail twitching in irritation.
"Sorry, sorry," Applejack apologized, holding her hooves up in surrender.
The Draconequus glared a moment longer before deflating, "Nein, that was my fault," He relented as his tail sagged to the ground, "I'm...on edge, I suppose. I'm not exactly fond of you...but you're a friend of Fluttershy and I suppose I shouldn't be taking this out on you," He added on with a scowl on his face.
Applejack stood there, curiously studying the shell that had once been Discord the Spirit of Disharmony and God of Chaos. A strange knot filled her gut, realizing how true Fluttershy's words had been. The Discord they knew was dead while this new one was lost, confused, angry and obviously a bit scared. He wasn't exactly nice, but with how he was justified about not trusting most ponies at the moment, the bit of hostility wasn't unexpected.
"It's fine. I...can't really begin to understand what this is like, but I can imagine if I woke up some place strange and unfamiliar. I'm a bit paranoid about some newcomers in town, so I'd probably be even worse there," She mused, offering him a small smile.
He didn't return it, but he wasn't scowling anymore. She'd take that.
"Applejack, Discord! I brought you some drinks!" Fluttershy called as she trotted up to them, a tray on her back with three glasses on it.
"Thanks, Fluttershy. Fence is all done too," Applejack informed as she took a glass of apple juice.
"Thank you again, Applejack. Discord, I wasn't sure what to get you...," Fluttershy warned, using her wings to offer him a glace of chocolate milk.
"Kiitos," He said as he took the refreshment and gulped down half of it- mostly because a pony-glassful seemed a bit small to him, "Not bad," He murmured with a shrug, pretending not to notice the two mares watching his reaction closely.
His former self must have liked it. Or hated it, but Fluttershy didn't seem the type to give something she thought he wouldn't like.
As he returned the glass, he noticed the two sharing awkward glances, "If anyone needs me, I'll be at the stream," He informed, getting up and walking away from the two at a steady space.
"Watch out for the turtles! They bite when they're scared!" Fluttershy called after.
"Peas in a pod," Discord muttered to himself as he flicked his ears back, still walking away at a steady clip.
"How are the others doing?" Fluttershy asked in concern.
And like that, he stopped listening. If it got into the topic of that purple menace, he'd just make himself angry again. Besides, the stream had its own calming ability...
"Rainbow is abou like me, not sure what to say or feel exactly. Pinkie is depressed still even if she tries to hide it. Haven't seen Rarity much since then. Same with Twi, but...well, she's obviously not takin this well still," Applejack answered with a sigh, "How's he been?"
Fluttershy took a moment before answering, "He's reminding me of a lot of scared animals, Applejack. He doesn't really trust me; he's just being polite because I'm treating him well. He's so unsure of everything...if he had any idea of where to go or how to survive, he probably would leave right now," She informed.
Applejack shook her head solemnly at that, "Can't exactly blame him. And the Princesses more or less said he could go free once he's okay with his powers and all that."
Fluttershy sighed, "I'm worried about that as well. He has no real way of knowing anything about the rest of the world, let alone where he'd like to live," She reminded.
Applejack shrugged, "I imagine the princesses will help him out with that a bit," she pointed out.
"Indeed we will."
The mares jumped in surprise as they turned to face a certain lunar diarch, "Princess Luna!" They exclaimed, bowing in greeting.
"Arise my friends. I have come to speak with Discord to assure he is doing well," Luna returned with a smile.
"He's over by the stream," Applejack informed, nodding in the direction he left.
"Um, Princess Luna? Is Princess Celestia okay?" Fluttershy asked in concern.
Luna scowled sorrowfully at that, "My sister is most distraught over these events. As always, she blames herself for too much. Still, as always, she shall persevere though I am unsure as to how the matter of Twilight Sparkle will play out," She explained solemnly before moving on.
The two mortal mares shared a look as she went, "I'm...going to go check on Twilight," Applejack decided, getting a nod of understanding from the pegasi.
Luna hummed as she strolled around the cottage, looking for any sign of Discord. To her displeasure and concern, she found none. It was only after coming to the edge of the stream that she spied the tale-tell mismatched tracks that could only belong to Discord. She raised an eyebrow as she saw that they led to the Everfree Forest.
Not good, at all.
Discord without his powers was one thing…Discord without his memories was another. It was true he still had his knowledge, but there was no telling how much or when that would kick in while traveling through such a hazardous place.
With a teleport, she was on the edge of the forest, following the tracks inward. She was both reassured and troubled as he went deeper and deeper into the trees, hearing very little disturbance in the forest activity. That meant Discord either was already being eaten or had yet to cross pass with a significant predator.
She looked reluctant before she allowed her extra sense to become active once more. It was not a practice she or her sister often did, dampening their Alicorn sense, but in light of the new Discord's presence, they had little choice if they were to stay near him for prolonged meetings.
With eyes dilating and labored breathing, she fell to her knees as the weight of The Ocean was once more fully on her back.
Quickly using her magic to block it out again, she inhaled deeply. Discord was definitely alive, no doubt about it.
And he was standing right behind her, she realized with a twitching eye.
"What are you doing?" Discord asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Looking for you," Luna grunted as she stood and regained her composure.
"In the ground?" He asked, only half sarcastic. For all he knew, he could tunnel underground.
"No, never mind that. What are YOU doing out here though? Do you not realize that this forest is dangerous?" Luna asked as she turned to face him-
And the Timberwolf standing next to him.
Discord jumped to the side in alarm and horror as she instinctively blasted the creature in shock, "...WHY THE CAZZO DID YOU DO THAT?!" Discord yelled in anger as he reeled on her, not knowing that his eyes were glowing.
Luna almost buckled under it, but managed to hold steady with a confused look, "D-discord, that was a d-dangerous creature! Its kind attacks anypony that enter this forest!' She explained quickly, being sure to hide the strain his rage put on her Alicorn sense, even dampened as it was.
The rage evaporated as he stared at her blankly, as if he suddenly found her too stupid to be hateful with, "Then please explain how come I just got done playing with him?" He asked in displeasure.
The snark almost reminded her of the old Discord. Almost, "...Wait, you did what?" Luna asked curiously, looking to the pile of twigs and branches...which was quickly reforming, relatively.
"...That normal?" Discord asked in surprise and curiosity as the head took shape.
"Yes, Timberwolves naturally reform, though this is quicker than expected," Luna answered with a raised eyebrow, "Did you really play with it?"
Discord let out a sigh that unintentionally almost sounded like a growl as he went to sit on a log, "Yes...Fetch is where you throw a stick and they bring it back, right?" He questioned with a head tilt.
"Yes...would that not be like catching their own limbs?" Luna asked in jest as she came closer to him but only up to a respectable distance. She was fairly sure he was still displeased with her.
"I think it's more like they literally are what they eat," Discord mused, completely serious as he watched the body finish itself up, leaving just the legs, "Why are you here?"
"To see if you are doing well. I'm...sorry if I soured your day, but I do not know Timberwolves to be friendly," Luna mused, watching cautiously as the canine of wood finished healing itself. It seemed to glare at her mistrustfully before heading back over to Discord's side.
"Perhaps you all just don't know how to handle them," The Draconequus mused as he pulled off a piece of the log's wood with his lion paw, causing a snap to ring through the area. With a casual throw, he sent the tree piece deeper into the forage, but still in sight.
Luna blinked as the Timberwolf went after it. Unless she was mistaken, Discord had pushed a decent amount of magic into the timber when he held it, likely without even knowing it. She watched in fascination as the wolf picked up the piece with its mouth, biting off a small chunk and adding the new piece to its body while adding to the magic that sustained its existence.
Somewhere in that ancient skull of his, Discord knew how to tame Timberwolves.
Devoid of his memories and without awareness of his own powers, the Lord of Chaos still seemed to defy the common sense and knowledge ponies had gathered over the ages.
"You said this place is dangerous?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, still looking straight ahead, tossing another piece of wood for the wolf.
"Hmm? Oh, yes. Timberwolves are the least of worries: There are also manticores, ursas, cragidiles, hydras, and even some dangerous variety of plants," Luna explained as she refocused her attention.
"And yet, there's a town right at the edge of it?" He asked with some skepticism.
Luna chuckled briefly, "Ponyville has a sturdy stock of stallions and mares. Besides, my sister and I originally had a castle on the other edge of the forest," She informed with a smile.
"Originally. As in used to. Past tense," Discord observed pointedly.
Luna looked away at that, "The circumstances of that had naught to do with the wildlife," She assured with a leveled tone.
"..." Discord didn't say a word, just raising an eyebrow without looking at her.
Luna sighed at that growing silence, "Disc-"
"You know, the more I hear that name, the more I don't feel it," He commented idly.
"...Do you have any suggestions for a name?" She asked, getting a head shake, "I shall change how I address you, but I can only do so if you have a replacement to offer," She pointed out patiently.
"...Next time, perhaps," he answered, looking up thoughtfully.
"Discord? You are the victim in this. We are all adjusting to this event, yet none of us have bothered to ask a simple question we normally ask all who have been wronged in the eyes of the law," Luna started off, getting his full attention. He turned to face her, his red eyes staring into her blue ones, "What do you want done in regards to Twilight Sparkle?"
Silence. Absolute silence.
Luna didn't flinch as Discord threw another piece of wood far away, likely breaking it against a tree or rock. As the Timberwolf ran off, Discord scowled at the Alicorn, "What do your laws even say about this?" He asked with his arms crossed.
"I'd have to double check the specifics, but I know that dehorning, sealing her magic and even execution were once suitable sentences," She explained, watching him carefully for a moment. She was a bit reassured by a lack of glee in his eyes, but she was also troubled by the lack of concern or alarm, "In this era, however, the death penalty has been outlawed. Dehorning I believe is consider barbaric due to its potential lethality. Sealing her magic with a potential prison sentence or banishment from Equestria are likely sentences a normal pony would face."
"And being your sister's student makes her special?" Discord asked her with a raised eyebrow.
Luna shook her head, expecting that one, "Twilight Sparkle and her friends are national heroes, having saved or helped save Equestria on several occasions," She elaborated carefully.
"...The entire country?" Discord asked with a raised eyebrow.
Luna nodded firmly, glad he accepted that without issue, "They are also the reason I am able to stand before you, and why my sister still reigns free," She explained vaguely, not letting him know that she and him were each responsible for one of those occasions.
"...I suppose that would grant some leniency," Discord acknowledged, if not bitterly.
It almost pained her how reasonable he was being, "I doubt she would request or even accept it, and my sister and myself have done such things that we did not wish to in the past," She informed solemnly.
"...What do you want from me, exactly, Princess?" Discord asked suspiciously.
His guard was up now…he was almost like a snake ready to strike, "That is what I asked you, remember?" She countered softly.
"...Would you be angry if I said her head?" Discord asked, all but snarling on his words.
"No," Luna admitted with a bow of her head. There were few things that ponies as a whole truly saw as unforgivable, but what Twilight unknowingly did to Discord was likely one of them. Worse still, it was magical irresponsibility, using a documented spell without reading its full effect, let alone that Twilight should have known it was a forbidden/dangerous spell just by what part of which book it was in, "But that does not mean I could condone you doing so," She warned.
"I didn't think you would," He admitted with a sigh "...I don't want her dead. At least, I don't think so"
Luna almost smiled at that before she caught herself.
"...What is this about, exactly?" Discord asked curiously.
"You are angry, confused, don't know what to do and feel wronged on a level beyond common understanding," Luna answered with a sympathetic smile, "In my experience, talking it out will help clear your mind."
"...Thanks," Discord said with a tired look, "That little mind breaker is your problem for now, you and that sister of yours. As long as she doesn't come near me, I won't do anything to her," He promised.
"And if she does?" Luna asked cautiously.
Discord gripped his arms tightly, his expression distant, "...I can't promise what'll happen after that."
Luna stared at him for a long, long moment, "I understand, Discord," She acknowledged as she rose to leave before pausing, "...My sister and I were hoping that you...the former you could learn to become a friend and ally of ponykind," She informed, very unsure if she should say this but knowing there was no going back now, "While, as my sister said, you owe us nothing after what has happened...I do hope that this does not harden your heart to ponies all together or other races for that matter."
Discord scowled thoughtfully, blinking as the Timberwolf came up behind him and poked his arm with its muzzle, "...My heart's not hard, Princess, just...a mess," He informed with the ghost of a smile as he rubbed the creature on the head, getting growls of approval.
"Don't you mean broken?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
Discord managed a small smirk at that, "I was trying not to sound too cliché."
Luna smiled as her eyes lit up. Old or new, Discord's mood had improved a little, "I wish you all the luck in whatever you do, Draconequus."
Discord smiled before scowling, 'Hey! What exactly was the plan with me?" He called after her curiously.
"Fluttershy," Luna answered simply, hoping that would answer itself.
"Oh...that explains a few things," Discord admitted awkwardly, "...Thank you."
"You are most welcome," Luna answered with a nod before heading back out of the forest.
Discord waited until he heard the sound of what he remembered to be teleporting before turning to his companion, "What do you think, Tim?" Discord asked with a head tilt, getting a bark, "Yeah, she's not telling the full story either," Discord mock agreed with a drained chuckle, "Note to self, go find a bukem later," He decided as he rose from his seat, "Well, that mare is probably getting worried" He trailed off before face-palming, "Ponies think this place is dangerous- of course she's worried about me!" He realized in exasperation as he headed back to the cottage at a brisk walk.
Could he run on all fours? Or fly?
Not a good time to try either of those, really, but he'd have to figure it out eventually.
Author's Note:
Beta: DragWiz91
Well, that happened. Discord- well, Strife really- settling with Fluttershy a bit, unknowingly taming a timberwolf, and having a therapeutic legality talk with Luna about what might happen to Twilight down the line. And yet, he still knows that none of them are giving him the true story.
Still, he's got a friend now. Fluttershy might be happy yet jealous that he tamed a Timber. XP
Next chapter or two, Discord will formally take up the name Strife.
Until next time!
Review Response
The Keeper of Worlds- More or less, yes. And we're only getting started.
Soaring Heart the Pegasus- Thanks!
The Richmaster- I figure if I wake up mindless, I'm going to be confused and afraid. And when you realizethis was intentional, to some degree, you're probably going to feel very defensive if not violated.
Lazercolt- All possible, though, Twilight is still just a unicorn at this stage.
UnsanMusho- Happy to hear you like it!
Teo Alonso- You're thinking normal amnesia, the accidental kind. When people learn their minds have been messed with, they usually don't responded well to whoever (they think) did it.