Chapter 1:

A/N: This is a Harry Potter/ Twilight crossover. Set after the Final Battle in Deathly Hallows. Ignores Breaking Dawn. Also Snape doesn't die.

Bellatrix is a Lestrange by birth, not marriage in this story. Thus Hermione is not related to Draco. Most characters are OOC.

Pairings: DM/HG; HP/DG; BZ/LL; TN/PP; no main pairings with the twilight characters however Edward and Jacob will form a crush on our favourite Gryffindor princess.

Hermione POV

I opened my eyes and immediately the bright white light blinded me. I turned my head and snuggled into a very hard chest. The feeling of Draco tightening his grip around my waist made me smile.

"Good morning", I whispered with yawn.

"Morning love", he replied and pecked my nose.

I closed my eyes and I snuggled deeper into his body.

"So today's the big day. Are you okay?" he asked.

"I will be when I find her… I will always miss her you know."

"I know."

The 'her' that we were referring to was my mother, Bellatrix Lestrange. The ministry had taken me away from my maternal family soon after my mother gave birth to me in Azkaban, and had given me to my biological father and his wife, Jane. John Granger had somehow wooed my mother and she quickly fell in love with him, regardless of the fact that he was a muggle. Alas, the happiness did not last. The day she told him that she was pregnant, he turned his back on us revealing to Bella that he was actually married and wouldn't leave his wife. She knew she couldn't find it in her heart to hurt him because no matter how much he broke her heart, she still loved him. So instead she took out her grief on the first unlucky people she came in contact with, the Longbottoms. She tortured them for hours, wanting someone else to feel the pain she felt but it didn't help, when she finally gave up she fell on the floor crying. At that moment, aurors had surrounded her and she was too weak to fight back or even run away. They took her away to Azkaban for using an unforgivable curse, leaving a very badly hurt couple behind them. The ministry had thought that I would lead a happy muggleborn witch life with my mother in jail for life and no one else but the few ministery officials and John knowing the truth of my mother but they didn't count on me befriending Harry Potter, putting myself in constant danger and eventually meeting my birth mother at the Ministry of Magic after Bella escaped prison. But I did meet my mother. And even though I had the Grangers light brown hair, everything else I had inherited from my mother. My wild bushy curls, my chestnut brown eyes that sparkled, my naturally dark pink lips, my flawless light skin, and my slender body shape, it was all Bella's. If I had black hair, I could have easily passed for young Bella. So when we saw each other in person, we both just knew it. She knew I was the daughter that was taken from her. I knew she was the mother that I longed for, because somehow Jane never felt like my real mother. The ministry didn't count on me and my mother forming a bond in the little time between the events at the ministry and the final battle either. But we did. Suddenly a place in my heart was filled that I didn't even know was empty. I thought my mother would be angry that I was fighting on the opposite side of the war but she wasn't. She was proud that I was brave, intelligent and powerful and that I fought for what I believed in. She felt guilty for not being there for me growing up, and that one stupid mistake caused her to lose me. She promised me that if the dark side won, that she would protect me, and that if the light side won, that she would never forget me. The light side won. And I didn't want to lose her. I couldn't lose her to Azkaban again. And not to death either. So I told her that if she loved me, she would run, and never come back to London. She told me that she would meet me in a "that special place" that we spoke about once it was safe for her. We said a tearful goodbye and that was it. I didn't see her again.

In the months that followed, I had gotten close to some of the Slytherins that had defected to the light side, I even formed a relationship with one. Somehow my new Slytherin friends reminded me of the mother that I lost and I took comfort in it. Of course, it helped to have people to turn to once the Weasley's shunned me for being the offspring of a hated death eater. They shunned Harry too for standing up for me. Eventually we had had enough and decided we wanted a fresh start. I knew I wanted to get away to "that special place" to wait for my mother to appear in my life again but I didn't want the ministry to get suspicious if I suddenly left, so the animosity between Harry and I and the Weasley's was the perfect excuse for leaving without rousing suspicions. So in a way, it was more of a blessing in disguise, being shunned. Thus bringing us to the present day. The big day. The big move. The day that Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Luna Lovegood would be moving to Forks, Washington. Draco was the only one who knew my true reasons for going to the small, secluded, rainy town in North America, however he would not be staying due to handling his family business in London, and assisting in the search for rogue death eaters, but most importantly, to throw off the aurors if they got close to finding his future mother-in-law. His friends however were in the dark, and had believed the half-truth that I had told them, being that my uncle, Charlie, from my father's side lived there and that I knew from him that it was peaceful and serene, what they had all needed after the war. Of course this was true but only half the reason I chose Forks as our new home.

"I'm gonna miss you love", Draco's voice interrupted my thoughts as he lay back staring at the ceiling, "I can always come with, you know".

I laid on his chest and looked into his eyes, "You gonna visit often dray, you promised. You actually doing me a favour by staying. At least I'll know she's safer with you looking out for her."

"I got you something," he sat up and took a small wooden box out the bedside drawer, "here… Open it."

The box had 'Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger' engraved in gold on the top. I sat up and opened the box, and there sitting on a small cream satin cushion was a beautiful gold ring that had a gold snake twisted around the band with the head of the snake at the top right next to a beautiful round ruby, it was as if the snake was kissing the blood red stone.

"The ruby is the stone that represents love, passion, courage and emotion. I think that that is basically you in a gemstone." Draco said with a smile.

"And the snake represents you?" I asked.

"Well I am sometimes known as the Slytherin king." He smirked.

"What's it for?"

"Well it's not an engagement ring if that's what you worried about. I know you not ready to get married. But I also know that you're committed to me," Draco took my hands in his, "And I want you to know that I'm committed to you Mya, I love you," He took the ring out the box and slowly slipped it onto my left ring finger, "This is a promise ring. This is my promise to you that I will always be there for you, I will always protect you, and I will always love you. Till the day I die Mya, and maybe even after that."

Tears started to form in my eyes, I was so filled with emotion that I couldn't talk. So I just did what I knew would tell him exactly how I felt. I enveloped him in my arms and kissed him passionately.

When we broke apart for air Draco said, "If we don't get up now, I'm not letting you leave."

I giggled at that and I got off the bed then I turned around and looked adoringly at my boyfriend who was still lying in bed, "Thank you for this," I picked up my hand to show him, "It means so much to me. And I love you too." Then I pecked him on his lips before I headed off to the shower. Today my new life was about to begin.