AN: Here's the next and last chappy!
Marinette explained that Adrien had come to check on her after the attack and then they played Mario Kart. "And then we made a bet that whoever won would get a kiss." Alya lifted her hand, stopping Marinette.
"Alright, I know what happened from there. You lost, finally I might add, and yada yada yada," Alya flailed her arms around. "But what I wanna know is, how was it? Is he a good kisser? Are you guys a thing now? Will you go on double dates with Nino and I?" Alya fired off questions like bullets from a gun.
Marinette went to answer them. "Amazing! He's a fantastic kisser! It didn't seem like he'd ever kissed someone before, well, like we did, we both sort of had to figure it out. Our other kisses just weren't that… passionate." Her sky blue eyes glazed over as she reminisced about it, not catching her mistake.
"Wait! WHAT?! You and Adrien kissed before that? Forget my other questions! TELL ME EVERYTHING." She shook Marinette's shoulders, forcing her from her daze. "Stop fantasizing and TELL ME!"
Marinette laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. "W-well you see, after we worked on the ad and had everything finished, we had grown really close. And h-he kissed me, and I kissed him back." Alya's eyes were wide and her mouth was agape. "It was a chaste kiss, not like the one in my room. That one was just different, burning.
"It's like that saying you always hear in romantic movies and books. It was like I was on fire and he was my only water, and vice versa." Alya nodded in understanding and Marinette sighed dreamily.
"I get what you're saying. Nino and I, we just click. I mean I don't know how to tell him how much he means to me." Alya sighed, slumping into her chair, and Marinette shook her head with a smile on her face.
She put her hand on Alya's slumped shoulder. "Just like that." Alya peered up at her, a little self-doubt seeping into her. Alya didn't often get nervous about herself, in fact, most of the time she was down-right radiating in her self confidence. But Marinette knew that there were some things that got to her friend, and she knew how to recognize them.
Alya nodded slowly at first, then speeding up as she warmed up to the idea. "Alright, I can do that. Now," she said, changing topics abruptly, trying to make it so her lapse in confidence was looked over, "how about that double date?"
Marinette giggled, glad that her friend was back to her old self, she ignored the topic switch to help her friend feel better. She shook her head at her silliness. "I-" Marinette cut herself off, suddenly unsure. "I don't know. Don't get me wrong I would love to! But I don't know what we are. Adrien and I need to figure out, well, us." Marinette had previously donned a nervous expression, but she had switched to beaming excitedly at Alya. Alya didn't quite know what Marinette was smiling so brightly about, but she was happy for her friend.
"Don't you get it Alya! There's an 'us' now! Adrien and I are an 'us'!" Marinette squealed with joy, and Alya joined in. The two jumped up from their seats and cheered.
Sabine peeked her head through the trapdoor. "What's going on up here?" She raised her eyebrows at the girls frozen in the middle of their dance. "It sounds like a herd of elephants came through here." She laughed at the girls, who only giggled along with her.
"We were just goofing around up here," Marinette answered, and Sabine squinted her eyes in suspicion, but nodded anyways, accepting that.
"Alright, but try to be more quiet with your… dancing." Sabine ducked her head back under the trapdoor, and the girls laughed some more.
Alya continued with where they left off, being a little quieter. "Girl! I am so happy for you! You've only fantasized about this day since he ran into you out in the rain and lent you his umbrella!" Alya finished, hands clutched to her chest. "Really, it's quite romantic."
Marinette stared off into space, thinking about that fateful day they met. Alya saw her friend reminiscing, and her eyes softened. She was so lucky to have Marinette. "You know girl, you've had a long day. I think I'll leave you to it. Get some sleep Marinette." Marinette smiled at Alya, nodding her head in agreement. Alya gave Marinette a hug, said goodnight to Tom and Sabine, and then headed home.
After Marinette was alone, Tikki flew back over. Marinette flopped onto the bed, exasperated. "Why does everyone think that I need rest? After today I don't know if I will be able to sleep a wink!" Marinette exclaimed.
"Well," Tikki started slowly, "We could go on patrol. I'm sure that Chat will be out there after today's attack."
Marinette didn't need a second to think before she eagerly agreed. She thought to herself, a little fresh air would be good for me.
Usually when she transformed, she felt a wave of confidence in herself. That day however, she was confident in herself, there was no need for a confidence boost, everything was going great for her. A little voice in Marinette's head said that it wouldn't last, but she chose to ignore it.
As she swung through the streets of Paris, she spotted Chat sitting on a rooftop, swaying his legs back and forth. Getting closer, she could hear slight humming, something that sounded suspiciously like "Ev'rybody Wants to Be a Cat" from Aristocats.
She held back a snicker at the sight. Ladybug landed next to Chat with a 'thump'. She decided to comment on Chat's good mood. "What's got you so happy Chat?" Ladybug wouldn't admit it, but it warmed her heart to see her kitty so upbeat. Before her family advertisement, when everything seemed hopeless with Adrien, as Ladybug, she was less 'mission first' with Chat. They had hung out quite a bit, taking extra time on patrols and making them more frequent. In their time together, she had teased him more than usual and admittedly harbored a little, tiny crush on Chat. But that didn't matter anymore, she was with Adrien.
Chat's emerald eyes glittered as he turned to Ladybug. He seemed a little hesitant to speak, but ignored his qualms about it and went on. "I've been hanging out with this girl lately…" Ladybug's heart sank a little, but she ignored it. I love Adrien, not Chat. He went on, oblivious to her inner turmoil. "And today, I went to see her. We've gotten really close with our time together. She's so sweet! She just gets me! She made a Star Wars joke with me too! It's like we are into the same things!" Ladybug ignored how her heart sank further. This girl sounded perfect. "She's so gorgeous too, but it's like she doesn't know it, which just makes her even more beautiful. And she loves joking around with me! She really just knows all of me! I trust her, and I really, really like her!"
Her throat was tight, and she didn't know if she could trust herself to speak. Ladybug nodded slowly. He had found someone, and apparently couldn't keep his mouth shut about her. It sounded like he was finally over Ladybug. Ladybug tried to tell herself that that was what she had wanted all along anyways. But she couldn't help but hear the little voice in her head. He's one of your best friends, and you got close to him. It's no wonder you like him, even in the tiniest way. You have Adrien though. Marinette felt a little better, muscles relaxing a bit. She loved Adrien, more than anything really, and she wouldn't give him up for the world.
She felt a temptation flood through her about telling Chat about Adrien, her boyfriend. Then she thought better of it, and decided against that. Ladybug tuned back in to hear Chat still going on, talking about his girl. "And get this!" he finally paused, taking a breath for dramatic effect. "My Princess kissed me!"
Ladybug's mind raced as he kept talking. His Princess. "Well, technically I kissed her, but that doesn't really-"
She cut him off with her hand. "P-Princess?" she stuttered. Chat tilted his head in confusion. He didn't think that he had ever heard his Lady stutter.
Her mind continued to race. There has to be an explanation. I'm sure he calls everyone he's interested in his Princess. There's no way it's just-
"Yeah," he said slowly, cutting off Ladybug's inner monologue. He continued cautiously. "My Princess, Marinette." He gauged her reaction, trying to see what was up.
Ladybug's heart was pounding, and she was frozen. I need to get out of here! I should leave! There's just no way! All this time he- it just can't be! Her inner thoughts screamed at her, but she needed to know for sure. "Marinette...Dupain-Cheng?" she asked carefully, being precise.
"Yeah. You returned her today to her balcony, at the Boulangerie Patisserie. Mari and I have been working on an ad for a while to help out business. She really is a spitfire." He chuckled a little, thinking about Marinette. Chat's eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw his Lady's reaction.
Ladybug's mind told her to flee. She had switched into her fight or flight instincts, and she wanted to be a thousand other places than where she was. Her heart was beating quickly, so quickly. Chat is A-Adrien?
A thought flickered through her mind. She was panicking, and Chat was sitting there out of the loop. She internally groaned, but then thought of their situation. Isn't it perfect? The two people that you've known for so long, the two people you like, are the exact same person.
All at once, Ladybug was able to piece it together. Adrien made puns all the time, and on top of that, cat puns. Once Adrien was out of his shell, he joked with her, teased her, in a way that was so similar to Chat. In fact, he had just lied to her earlier about his whereabouts because he was busy being Chat. She felt like the dumbest person alive, but at the same time, the luckiest. She had calmed down, standing almost still next to a nervous looking Chat. This wasn't a bad thing at all, in fact it was the exact opposite of a bad thing.
Chat stood up from where he was sitting, and put his arm onto Ladybug's shoulder. She looked into his emerald eyes, picturing Adrien in Chat's place. His appearance flickered in her mind. It was no longer Chat looking at her concerned, but... "Adrien?" she spoke weakly.
Time froze around them as Ladybug could see all the different emotions cross his face. Confusion. Understanding. Then confusion again. Hurt mixed with relief and other emotions flitted across too.
Chat tensed, letting his arm drop from Ladybug's shoulder. "My-my Lady?"
Ladybug ignored his statement, and asked again. "It is you, isn't it? Adrien?" Her blue orbs were soft as she looked at Chat's vulnerable form.
His reply was so soft, she almost didn't hear him. "Yes." He spoke up a little louder. "How did you-" he stopped himself, not caring enough to ask. He looked dejected and his head dropped, hanging low as if he was ashamed of who he was. He stared at the empty Paris streets below.
Ladybug felt her eyes fill with tears, but they didn't spill. She smiled at Chat, who wasn't paying her any attention.
"This is how I knew." She lifted his chin, and pressed her lips to his.
Chat's eyes widened at the thought of his Lady kissing him, but he ripped himself away. "Were you not listening?" His eyes burned into Ladybug's. "I'm with Marinette! And she's made me the happiest I've been in a long time!" He dropped his eyes to the ground again, not being able to stand Ladybug's warm gaze. She felt like rolling her eyes at their stupidity.
It was dark outside, but Ladybug looked around for any people outside. They were on one of the higher buildings in Paris, so the lights didn't quite reach them. They could see each other, and that was what mattered.
Ladybug spoke, crisp and clear. "Tikki, release transformation." Chat looked up at her voice, eyes wide with surprise. He watched as red shades and white light flowed up her body, leaving a very familiar sight.
"M-Mari?" Chat stuttered, his eyes blinking face. Her face was flushed, nervous about his reaction. How did I get this lucky? I don't believe it! But then again… He thought. Chat mentally kicked himself in the ass. Of course it was Marinette, she was just like Ladybug. When she let her courageous side shine through, her hair, her body type, and for crying out loud, her gorgeous electric blue eyes.
Marinette rubbed the back of her neck, a habit she had picked up over the years. She turned away from Chat. "I-I know it's probably not what you expected, or wanted-"
Chat jumped forward from where he was standing dumbstruck. He grabbed Marinette's waist, turning her around swiftly, and cutting her off. He was holding her in a slight dip, his warm leather covered fingers touching just under her shirt on her back. She shivered at the sensation. "Please don't say that Mari! You're the best partner I could ask for! In and out of these suits!" He released his transformation to make a point. Adrien's familiar green gaze looking into Marinette's watery blue eyes. "We've worked so well together on the ad for your family and throughout the years as Ladybug and Chat! You're perfect Mari, and I wouldn't want anyone else under that suit!"
Marinette wrapped her arms around Chat, holding him tightly. She hid her face in his chest, letting a couple tears of relief slip down her flushed cheeks. "Thank you Adrien, thank you."
Adrien felt the warm tears splash onto his chest, and he pulled away, holding Mari at arms length. "Don't cry Mari! This is great! I mean, you heard me blether on about you just five minutes ago!"
She blubbered a bit, mixed with a little laughter. She wiped the tears from her face. "I'm not sad, you doofus! I'm just really happy. I never wanted to tell you who I was, because I was afraid that you would be disappointed with who I was. I didn't want that to interfere with what we had."
Adrien pulled her back into his chest. "I would never have been disappointed. Especially now that you are Ladybug! I mean, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world! And I'm not a lucky guy!"
Marinette smiled brightly at Adrien, her watery blue eyes gazing into Adrien's green eyes. "Gorgeous huh?" Adrien nodded enthusiastically and Marinette's heart soared. "I think I'm in love with you, Adrien." She bit her lip, she wanted it out there, but in the silent night, it had sounded so loud. Really, it was loud too, it was a declaration of her love for him; it was a loud, bold confession. Marinette held her breath waiting for a reply.
Adrien's eyes gleamed and he smiled brilliantly. "That's good!" Adrien leaned closer to her as if telling her a secret. "Because I think I'm in love with you too, Marinette."
Marinette stood up on her tiptoes, and Adrien leaned in. The pair's lips met and they knew that everything would be just fine… perfect even.
AN: Thank you all for sticking with my fic! It would mean a lot to me if you would check out my other stories! Tell me what you think in a review! If you want more, feel free to tell me so and if I am convinced I can write a little more! I love you all my claw-some readers!