I love ShiroxPidge so I'm doing a fanfiction since there's not many out there. I'm using she/her pronouns for Pidge.
"Are you sure this planet will be safe," Shiro asked Allura who pilot the castle ship.
"The kingdom of Accipitridae has always had a peaceful alliance with Altea," Coran spoke up, "...Of course that was ten thousand years ago, so who knows how much has changed. They could have been taken over by Galra Empire right after Altea fell."
"The Accipitridae are a warrior race, they wouldn't go down so easily," Allura defended. "It's the closet planet with intelligent life that will be willing to help us. If we are lucky we can ask the current king for help fighting Zarkon, if they're not already."
"Even if the planet isn't under the rule of the Galra Empire, would the treaty still stand," Lance asked.
"We'll just have to hope so," Allura said. As they approached the planet some ships came up to them.
"Give us your identification and business," a voice over the communicator ordered.
"I am Princess Allura of the kingdom of Altea, daughter of King Alfor," she spoke with authority, "I wish to speak with your current ruler, as well as gather supplies."
"Impossible, Altea fell at the hands of the Galra Empire ten thousand years ago," the voice remarked angrily.
"Please, just let us land and I can prove I am who I say I am," Allura pleaded.
There was silence over the com link for a minute, "The prince had granted you permission to land."
"Thank you," Allura said gratefully.
"Doesn't seem like a welcome party," Lance commented looking at the control screen, noticing there were armed guards. The Accipiridae people were tall, having similar build to humans and had wings similar to a hawk. "And if they have wings, why do they have ships?"
"They need to be able to breath in space Lance," Pidge reminded, "And you can't blame them for being careful."
"Should we get our armor on incase of a fight," Keith asked as they landed.
"No, and let me do the talking. In fact, stay on the ship," Allura commanded. "I want to make a good first impression."
The four paladins groaned, not liking the idea of staying on the ship when there was a new planet to explore. They were getting tired of staying in the palace, only leaving to go fight battles. Pidge was interested in seeing what kind of technology they had on the planet, their ships seemed rather advanced.
The only ones allowed out of the ship with Allura were Coran and Shiro, just incase there was a problem.
"I'm so boooored," Lance groaned.
"It hasn't even been thirty minutes," Keith said.
"Seems longer," he muttered back.
Twenty minutes later Allura, Coran and Shiro came back in. They were smiling so the group figured it must have gone well.
"Good news, the prince has invited us to visit him at the palace and have dinner," Allura said.
"Yes! Food," Hunk cheered.
"Hopefully the food is better than that green stuff that we keep forcing down our throats," Lance gagged.
"...Why do I have a feeling this won't go very well," Allura groaned. "You all need to be on your best behavior. Which means no inappropriate sounds, stuffing your faces, complaining about the food or flirting with anyone!"
Pidge raised her hand, "Is it okay for me to ask about their tech?"
"I guess it would be alright, just be as polite as you can be about it," Allura ordered. "We don't have long before the dinner so Coran will teach you proper dinner etiquette while I see what I can find for you to wear."
"Why? What's wrong with the clothes we're wearing," Keith asked looking down at himself.
"This is an important dinner in our honor," Allura said, "I'll see what I can find for the boys, Pidge can wear one of my old dresses."
"What?! Th...that's not necessary princess," Pidge blushed.
"It's no trouble, I have one that would look lovely on you," Allura insisted, leaving the room to find a nice change of clothes for the paladins.
Pidge blushed. She didn't hate the idea of wearing a dress, she wore them all the time before she became Pidge. Dresses were pretty comfy, which was her main style. The guys hadn't treated her differently after finding out that she was a girl, through they already knew with the exception of Lance. But she couldn't help but worry that dressing like a girl would make them see her differently. Pidge looked over at Shiro, her blush growing. Would he ever be able to see her as a woman? Or was she doomed to be seen as the younger sibling?
Pidge was the same age Lance, she was just short. So it was annoying when she got treated like a little kid despite how smart she was and how often she proved herself. Lance and Hunk were the biggest problem really. Shiro treated her with respect which was part of why she liked him. To be honest she had a bit of a crush on Shiro before meeting him. She asked Matt to introduce them only to get teased, but her father had promised to introduce them after they got back.
She had kind of forgotten about her crush after getting news of her father and brother, but seeing him against stirred up some old feelings. Pidge told herself it was just a crush and it would pass. Shiro didn't have time for relationships, none of them really did. Her main concern was finding her family and helping the team defeat Zarkon.
Shiro noticed Pidge staring at him and gave her a smile. She turned her head away quickly, her heart racing.
"Alright, we don't have much time so lets get started," Coran said, "Luckily Accipitridae dining habits shouldn't be too hard to learn and you should be able to eat the food. If not, suck it up and act like you like it."
Everyone groaned. This dinner party was not going to be fun.