CHAPTER I: The Mistake

Today was supposed to be a peaceful day….

But today wasn't peaceful because of you….

Instead you caused hell….

You caused the realms to be shattered you bitch….

It was a typical day, me and a few of my other friends farming up a powerful yellow ore, Infinium, capable of making other biomes if combined with other resources. Infinium was bought in bulk by the Sun Goddess so she could create infinite amounts of realms, filled to the brim with other colorful biomes by mixing an item called "Dimensional Rift Fragments," and biome-specific materials. How do I know this? I know this because I am one of her many assistants who help her craft these powerful items!

"Hey uh, you just gonna stand and look at the Infinium or actually mine it?" Saber yelled.

Saber was a Shadow-Hunter, just like me, except a lot stronger.

"Oh uh sorry..was just thinking of today's event, apparently The Sun Goddess and The Moon Goddess are suppose to talk about a peace-treaty today."

"Oh boy, that's gonna end up just like last time, The Moon Goddess sending invaders to try to kill us, except we defeat them, same old crap." Max complained.

Max was one of my greatest friends, he made hilarious jokes, was an unkillable Revenant, everything about him was great.

"Is it sad that Max is telling the truth?" Buck said sarcastically.

Buck was the oddest, but the most conning out of us, he was a Pirate-Captain, who knew how to flip a market, or get the most flux out of an item.

Then a global message appeared which meant it was time for the meeting between The Sun Goddess and The Moon Goddess. Mining the last few pieces of Infinium we quickly mounted on our mounts, and headed toward The Sun Goddess's temple. Arriving there, me, Buck, and Saber gave in our Infinium to the Sun Goddess as usual, while Max was busy sorting out his inventory back at his cornerstone. However just then a flash of light appeared, signaling the arrival of the Moon Goddess. The Sun Goddess told me not to unlock the doors to the temple to any-one else even if it was one of our citizens, she said something was off. Max however was still outside the temple and was locked out, I could hear his voice saying to open up. Seeing that it was just Max I decided to open the doors...which is when I fucked up. I was pounded to the ground by a giant eye, and out came an army of shadow spiders, shadow knights, and invaders.

The army was attacking everyone and invading the realms spreading The Darkness everywhere. The Sun Goddess knew what she had to do to make sure The Darkness couldn't spill out into any more realms, so evil could not grow to uncontrollable numbers.

The Sun Goddess killed herself, splitting all of the realms apart as well as everyone and everything else. All I heard was Buck's voice saying:

Today was supposed to be a peaceful day….

But today wasn't peaceful because of you….

Instead you caused hell….

You caused the realms to be shattered you bitch….