Hey guys! BeingHere1 here with my new story, Hostile. I know, my title is terrible but I've never been good at that type of thing (names). Anyways, can you guys fill out the What is Your Favorite Guild poll? I want to know what guild Lucy should be with at the GMG. Also, I wanted to apologize for stopping The Anbu Captain Naruto2 but I have lost interest in it entirely. Also, what kind of title is that? Also, I want you guys to review or PM me about a type of magic power you came up with or your favorite power, and I will make a poll with my favorite ones. Lucy will learn the top 2. Or 3, it depends. Thanks for reading, readers!
"Lucy! Hello! Get over here right now. We need to talk!" Erza Scarlet, also known as Titania, Queen of the Fairies, yelled over the sounds of tables crashing and people laughing at jokes that weren't funny in any way. Lucy Heartfillia, known as the weakest member of Team Natsu, was startled out of her day dreaming by the hostile voice of her once sister-figure.
"Oh! Sorry Erza, I-" A cold glare was shot her way. "I mean Erza-san." The blonde winced as she remembered how distant she had gotten from Erza in the past months. People had slowly started ignoring her after Lisanna had been brought "back from the dead." Now, instead of being known as the cheerful girl who always offered a hand at hard times, friend-of-all, she was now seen of as that girl who stood in the background as people tried to remember her name, friend-of-two. Wendy and Juvia were the only ones who talked to her now a days. She had barely even spoken to Erza in lately. Actually, she hadn't spoken to her in 2 months.
"Stop day-dreaming you back-stabbing bi-" a cough interrupted her as a look was shot her way from Juvia. "Just get over here!" Erza shouted even louder as she turned away and stopped towards a table that held Natsu, Gray, and… Lisanna.
Lucy, confused as to why Erza would call her something so foul, scurried after her with her head held low. When they had finally got to the table, because it was a difficult task to dodge all the flying objects, Lucy opening her mouth to ask why such language had been aimed at her.
"Um, Erz- ACK!" Lucy was pushed to the ground by Erza. "What are you-"
"You know what you did! How dare you threaten Lisanna, and HURT HER YOU... you... UGH!" Erza shook Lucy wildly to get her point across.
"What are you talking ABOU- AHHH!" She screamed in agony as Erza punched her nose. She heard a snap and knew it was broken. Again, Erza hit her face but this time the force was aimed at her mouth. Lucy felt a little blood gather in her mouth and her face felt as if it were on fire. Suddenly, Gray joined in the fun as he kicked her side. She sputtered as she coughed up blood.
Juvia and Wendy shouted her name as they ran towards her, but Mira and Elfman held them back.
"Let them be! Lucy has done something terrible and has assaulted another member of this guild!" Mira shouted as Wendy struggled in her grasp. People who heard her gasped and people started whispering things like I knew it, that slut, and I knew she was trouble. Lucy heard this and tears started to run down her cheeks. Minna... why are you doing this?
"No real man would do something so terrible." Elfman spoke as he held Juvia.
"Don't you know Lucy! She would never do this! Don't you see!" Wendy screamed. She kicked Mira and she ran towards Lucy as Natsu prepared to burn her cheek. She didn't make it in time.
Lucy's screams echoed through the guild as her once beautiful face was scorched through and through.
Hey guys! It's been a while since I have updated. I plan to get serious with this fic, but don't blame me if I abandon it because I get bored easily. So I plan on getting into this story.
Anyways, if you have not read the little paragraph above, please do. Also, I know this is short but I need to know the guild Lucy goes to and the powers she gets soon so I will make sure the next entree is more than 3,000 words at least.
Thanks for the support,