So good news for fans of this story: I finally got a suggestion I can use and it's cute enough to work. Thanks to Archangel507 who suggested it! Here is the prompt:

Asriel walks in Frisk feeding Melody. Things quickly get awkward from there.

Now, while this was posted after chapter 3 and I said I was going to keep the story in chronological order, this story takes place during the summer, when Melody is around four months old. I'm sorry for this in advance if it sucks.

On to the next chapter!

As per usual in recent weeks, the early morning silence was broken by Melody crying. Frisk slid her way out of bed and into the nursery.

"Shhhh…" she whispered to her baby. She checked Melody's diaper; yep, that was the issue. "It's okay, Mellie. Mommy's here."

She changed her daughter's diaper and brought her downstairs, where she found the rest of the family already awake.

"Good morning!" she said, balancing Melody on her hip.

"Mornin', Princess," Sans greeted his daughter. Melody babbled. "And mornin' to you, too, munchkin."

"Any plans today?" Toriel asked after Frisk had set Melody in her highchair and sat down.

"Not really, no," Frisk replied, putting some cereal in a bowl and pouring the milk. "I was planning on staying home and working on my transfer to Ebott U, then maybe taking Mellie to the park."

"I could take her," Asriel offered.

"That'd be helpful. Thanks." She gave him a smile, one he'd rarely seen aimed at himself since she'd come home from Megalovania University.

After breakfast, Frisk went into the living room to begin working on her transfer while Asriel strapped Melody into her stroller and headed for the park.

"Okay, Mel. We're gonna have fun at the park," he told her. She gazed at him with her eyes that matched Frisk's, reminding him what he couldn't have. A lump formed in his throat, but he pushed it down and managed to make it to the park.

The park was full of parents, kids, grandparents, and babies. A few people Asriel's age lingered here and there, along with a few younger teens hanging out by the benches.

"Hey, Asriel!" He looked up from playing with Melody to see Daphne, a girl he knew from Ebott U.

"Hey, Daphne!" he replied, shifting Melody to his other knee. Daphne put her hands over her heart.

"Omigod, Asriel! She's adorable." Melody looked up in alarm at the strange new person. "Is she your niece?"

"She's… mine, actually," he confessed.

"Where's her mom?"

"Back home, getting ready to transfer to Ebott. I took Melody here to give her a chance to relax a bit."

"That's so sweet. Can I hold Melody?"


He handed his daughter over gently. Daphne held Melody in a way that seemed comfortable. They sat, chatting for a few minutes, until the subject of Melody's mother came up.

"Her mom's a lucky girl," Daphne complimented. "You two must be such a cute couple."

"Oh. We're not together." He felt his stomach tighten.

"You aren't?" Melody wriggled towards her father, making Daphne hold her a bit tighter.

"No. To be honest, Mellie was a total surprise."

"Well, if it's not a problem, I was thinking maybe we could—"

Melody started crying, cutting off Daphne before she could finish. Asriel took his daughter from Daphne and started rocking her.

"Shhhh…" He gave Daphne an apologetic look. "She must be missing her mom. I'd better take her home. Bye, Daphne."

"Bye, Asriel."

Once he got home, he took Melody to Frisk.

"I think Melody wants you right now."

"I think you're right." Frisk took the baby from her stepbrother and held her in a gentle sort of way. He went downstairs.

"Asriel, would you mind going upstairs and asking Frisk what she wants for lunch?" Toriel asked her son.

"No. I'll go ask." He opened the door to Frisk's room. "Hey, Frisk, Mom wants to—"

He stopped when he saw Frisk. She was in the middle of breastfeeding Melody, meaning one of her breasts was revealed. She gasped, trying to support Melody and cover her exposed area at the same time. Trying to hide his awkwardness (even though he'd definitely seen her completely naked before), he covered his face.

"Sorry!" he yelped. "I didn't—that is—I'm sorry!"

"It's fine!" she squeaked, her face the color of a tomato. Melody finished eating and Frisk quickly pulled her bra and shirt back up. "Why are you in here, anyway?"

"Mom wanted to know what you wanted for lunch."

"Sandwich, please."

They stood there for a minute, neither wanting to move.

"So, um…" Asriel scratched the back of his head. "I'm gonna go."

"I'll see you downstairs, then."

He backed out of the room, and slapped his forehead.

Asriel, you are an idiot!

He might as well accept it: he was still in love with Frisk, and nothing was changing that.

That concludes chapter four. You guys know the drill. Leave all chapter suggestions in the reviews and I will see you next time!

I do have a couple confessions to make. I am a fan of jacksepticeye, if none of you knew that already, but I do not ship Septiplier romantically. I ship it platonically. I ship Jack and Signe (his girlfriend) romantically, though, even though Jack is my celebrity crush. I admitted it. DON'T JUDGE ME!

Anyway, so long and thanks for all the fish!