Title: Interludes

Summary: This is an ongoing series of "missing scenes" from after the closing credits and between the main plots, exploring all the conversations, conflicts, and reconnecting we didn't or couldn't see. Mostly Michael/Fiona, with special appearances by other members of the Burn Notice crew.

Author's Notes: As it says in the summary, this is an ongoing series of "missing scenes" (or "Interludes," get it ;)) inspired by various episodes; some of them will take place within or between scenes, while others will continue past the closing credits. Each chapter will be its own short story, and will be named after or in reference to the episode with which it intersects. Chapters alternate between Fiona's perspective and Michael's.

The chapters aren't in chronological order; they're in the order I wrote them, which feels right to me, because my view of this relationship evolves over the course of my writing. Not every chapter is rated "M," but enough of them are for the series as a whole to require that rating. No trigger warnings jump out at me; there are no depictions of non-consensual sex, and no particularly graphic depictions of violence. The "M" rating pertains to the sometimes fairly explicit but (I hope!) tasteful sexual content, all of which occurs within a relationship between two consenting adults who, despite all their flaws and challenges, ultimately love each other very much.

As always: review if you like! But most of all… enjoy!

Disclaimer #1: I still don't own Burn Notice, or profit (financially) from daydreaming about it.

Disclaimer #2: My heroes always practice safe sex.