This is set right after the season finale lift kiss. This will be a fun hiatus story with some angst and romance with some plot that I'd enjoy in season 6! I hope you guys enjoy! This is a mostly CS story with Snowing and Regina/Evil Queen It will be multi chapter and I will post about once a week! This week I'll post 2-3 chapters to start. :)

Chapter 1: The Future

Killian put Emma down with a soft smile after they finished their passionate kiss. He looked over at the entrance to Granny's, but he was in another world. He had fully won Emma Swan's heart.

They have been through 4 realms, numerous curses, memory wipes and even death. She followed him to the end of the world, or time. Killian just stared into the eyes of the woman that he had been yearning for since she had put her spell over him in Neverland. He wasn't sure he'd ever have her, Swan, all to himself. He had won her devotion, her loyalty, her heart. She wanted to remove her armor for him. He had a second chance at life.

"I love you, too." Was all Killian could muster out, knowing those words couldn't even come close to what was reeling through his mind. Emma smiled and glided her hand down from his elbow, taking his hand in hers.

"Let's go inside."

Killian reluctantly walked, trying to shake himself back into reality. Ever since he returned at his grave, he had felt he wasn't truly alive still. Everything seemed so foggy and other-worldly. Everyone was returning to normal. It didn't seem real. He elt so joyful and peaceful that it gave him a surge of fear and anxiousness, not seeming to believe that he belonged here, that he deserved Emma, as much as she would insist that he did. Or that she wanted him- - that she loved him truly. She loved him truly. When he kissed her between bars in the elevator while they were in the Underworld and said his final goodbye to her, he had broken down and could barely move, he knew it was the last time he would ever feel the softness of her hair, see her face light up in a smile, and be intoxicated by her kiss. But no, she was right next to him, he could touch her, feel her. She was real, and she loved him.

The bell jingled and Emma led him into Granny's diner and sat down with David, Snow and Henry. Killian sidled next to Emma, the booth being rather full already. Snow smiled at Killian. "We are so happy to see you here, Killian."

Killian smiled lightly at Snow, not exactly sure how to respond. He had been alive for 250 plus years, and he had never handled the etiquette of coming back from the dead before.

"Thank you." He gave a quick smile back at Snow and then a nod at David. Emma began touching him again, putting her hand on his knee in an intimate gesture that was not lost on him. He looked over at her and she gave the same smile at him that she gave him in Camelot when they had kissed and lit the Promethium flame. He had always thought Emma was beautiful, but she had transcended beauty ever since she had fallen in love with him. Swan was lousy with words, but the open look she would give when she was gazing into his eyes in total love, was by far his favorite Emma expression.

Henry spoke. "I'd like to echo, Grandma," Snow rolled her eyes playfully. "It's not okay for you to die before you have taken me for a trip on the Jolly Roger."

Killian smiled. "Aye, we'll have to do that rather soon before anything else happens here. God knows that as soon as things settle down we are preparing for an even worse crisis." The group laughed and David put his arm around Snow and kissed her forehead. Emma laid her head onto Killian's shoulder. Killian sighed and felt tired.

They had enjoyed a pleasant (albeit quiet) dinner together. None of them ate much because of the exhaustion of the day and out of grief for the loss of their friend.

They all knew each other well enough not to be awkward. They were enjoying the blessing of Killian's return and holding their loved ones close in comfort. Emma found herself unable to do much but pick at her grilled cheese and just touch Killian, promising herself he was still real. She felt such relief but couldn't shake the exhaustion from the ordeal. Killian looked exhausted as well. After a half an hour, baby Neal began to fuss; Snow and David excused themselves from the table.

The two of them they told us we would see them at breakfast the next day. Killian smiled, he felt as though they were family, counting on him, expecting him, accepting him. What a gift he had been given. One day he'd share his feelings for them, but for now, he wanted to just treasure it.

Henry stood up as well. "I want to spend the night with my other mom." He said to Emma. Emma nodded at him solemnly. "She needs somebody. I want to be that person." Henry kissed Emma on the top of the head and took a step away to leave them, stopped, turned on his heels and pulled

Killian into the tightest hug Killian had ever received from Henry.

"I was so scared you weren't going to survive. You mean so much to this family. To my mom. To me."

Killian had no words. He, the orphan, was now accepted by even Emma's son.

This trip to the Underworld had been a twisted sort of blessing.

Henry smiled shyly and walked out of Granny's.

"And then there were two." Emma said with a yawn. Killian brushed a strand of her hair out of her face and said,

"Aye, so it appears."

"You look tired."

"YOU looked tired." Killian retorted. Emma giggled silently and that put a grin on his face. Emma put her hand over his and said: "want to go home?"

His heart stopped for a moment. "Home." he repeated. Emma nodded.

"It's still there...I have it all set up. We could," she said slowly, "go home and rest?"

Killian's jaw dropped minutely but enough to gain Emma's coy smile to spread

across her face. Home. Together. She said it like they hadn't just been Dark Ones

and in the Underworld together. Like it was just a normal day. Like they had been

living together for years. It sounded so natural out of her lips, and he liked the sound of it.

"That sounds perfect, love."


- Flashback in Camelot -

*Emma's heart raced. She held tight to her pirate's stomach and enjoyed the exhilarition of riding the horse. She felt relieved and carefree. Killian looked back at her, seeing the most joyful expression she had had since arriving in Camelot. He smiled and continued on the ride. Drinking in the fact that he was providing her with escape from darkness. He would be her light. He would do whatever it took. He spurred the horse along, searching for the perfect place to take a break and walk around for a while. After a few more minutes of riding, he spied a field with a sort of flower; it looked scenic and beautiful. He stopped the horse and

Emma jumped off immediately, gasping for air and gazing up at him exuberantly. Killian smiled and jumped off after Emma, letting the reins go and stepping closer to Emma. "That was amazing!" Emma gasped out. "Thank you."

"I had a feeling you'd like it." Killian replied confidently. He grabbed her hand, wondering if the distraction had worked entirely. "Now tell me, what do you see?" Emma looked ahead of her to the field. "Lots of flowers." She replied with snark.

Killian smiled and rolled his eyes. "Very good." He responded in kind. He bent down, plucked a pink rose and offered it to her, insisting to hear where the demon was. He looked at her face, "Now, what DON'T you see?"

Emma looked away suddenly, she had just realized that the demon wasn't there.

She hadn't even considered it since getting on the horse. It was gone. She looked around just to be sure. "Rumpelstiltskin." she said in wonder. "He's gone." She felt safe.

Killian was relieved. "I hoped he might be. By trusting me with your burden, you left no room for him in that head of yours." Emma felt safe, with Killian. Killian had freed her. She had no idea what to say. He was her light. Never in her entire life had she ever felt so protected, so loved, so cared for than she did with Killian.

Emma gazed up at him, Killian looked at her, not sure what she was about to say next. This was a new Emma look. He waited, attempting to read her. Trying to see what was coming. Emma took a sharp breath in and looked down. "Well," she responded in a quiet, low voice, nervous to meet his eyes. "Now that we're alone."

Killian raised his eyebrows in confusion. He watched her face, her eyes transfixed on his lips, moving closer and closer to him. As if he were enchanted, he moved closer to her and filled the space in between them. He kissed her softly and chastely. Emma, feeling her inhibitions lower considerably, moved her hands up his arm and chest, and deepened the kiss. She pulled him closer, holding the rose in one hand and reaching her hand around his shoulders and kissed him harder. Killian reacted and passionately kissed her harder, letting the intensity of his affection for her show. Emma wrapped her other hand around his neck and held him even tighter. Unable to control himself, he pulled her as tightly as he could with his hooked hand around her waist. Emma started to touch his face, and Killian removed his lips from hers momentarily to kiss her neck softly. Emma giggled, and sighed breathlessly. He met her lips again. Emma pushed her body as close as she could to him and he felt a rush through his body. He moved his good hand to tangle in her hair, then to the small of her back. Emma started to help him down to the grass. Without much thought, he guided her down and she stopped kissing him momentarily, only to give him the look she had given him when on the Jolly Roger, while trying to seduce him the past, luring him down. Emma felt all walls down and was chasing this sensation of safety and trust, needing to show him how much light he was bringing her. Killian began to realize in that moment, what this meant. He had finally earned all of her trust. They had both been intimate before with other people, but they had waited this time unconsciously. For him, he wanted her heart. He hadn't spent much time fretting on this. Emma, likewise.

As he laid down on top of her, his hand slowly moving above her stomach,upwards. Emma sighed into it and they began to let their bodies express their intensity, their trust for each other, and their love for each other. Words were no longer needed. They were in a state of ecstasy and bliss.


Killian walked up the steps to Emma's - their - home. It would be the first time he would go in without the feeling of dread he had when Emma was filled with darkness. Emma was moving slowly, looking and feeling completely drained, not even trying to hide it. She reached the door, turned the key and walked in, Killian following slowly behind her. He looked around and finally took in his surroundings and remembered why he considered the house in the first place. Now that Emma was herself, the house felt more like his as well. Still, already so much had happened in the room he was standing in.

Emma began to feel anxious and shuffled around. Not being great with expressing herself, her jitters got the best of her and said, "wish we had gone with another home? Too many painful memories? You could spend the night on your ship and we could start looking tomorrow-"

Killian stopped her. "Don't worry, love. I picked it and it is perfect. Our home has already witnessed us both at our worst, time to start some new memories."

Emma smiled and approached him cautiously. She put her hands behind his head and kissed him tenderly. Whenever Emma kissed him, he felt magic surge through his body and he immediately opened his mouth slightly, unaware that he was doing it. He sighed and pulled her close with his good hand. Closing their mouths slightly and they broke apart.

"How was that for a new memory?" Emma gave him a side-ways glance and a coy smile.

"'s a start." He raised an eyebrow at her.

Emma said nothing. They had numerous conversations about their future, it was no surprise they both wanted it, this should have been an easy transition. But there was an awkwardness in the room between the two of them. With all of the commotion, there was never much belief that they'd actually be here, in their home, ready to do, well, whatever they were here to do. In the underworld, they found they were true loves. Now that reality was here, had hit them, what did that really mean for them? How do true loves settle in? What did the future begin with? Neither seemed to know what to say next.

Killian felt equally as awkward. Normally, Swan was the one to make the first moves in their relationship. He looked at her from the side and she looked away. Killian smiled at her shyness but wasn't quite ready to say anything himself. Emma needing desperately to break the tension, so she blurted, "how about some rum?"

Killian chuckled and looked over at Emma and scratched the back of his ear. Oh come on, Killian, you're a pirate, she loves you, you're not two schoolchildren with a crush. He thought. He realized she would need him to start acting like the confident pirate he was and take the lead this time. He turned her to face him, kissed her quickly, and said. "How about we start by going up the stairs?" Emma smiled shyly. Killian put his hooked hand underneath her knees and lifted her off the ground carrying her. He made his way up the staircase and walked her to their room. He placed her on her feet and Emma took a couple of steps in, removed her jacket, and turned to face Killian. She stared at him for a second and grabbed him by his lapels, and kissed him with a fury like she did in Neverland. He held her hip in his hand and guided her to her - their - bed.


Neither one remembered when they fell asleep that night, but the next morning Emma squirmed and opened her eyes, there Killian was, in her bed, with his arm resting on her waist and his hook on the bedside table. She stared in content wonder for a moment and leaned over touching his bare chest and kissed his scarred cheek. Killian stirred slightly and opened his eyes as if he didn't expect to be waking up where he was. He immediately saw Emma's face and his heart raced and his mouth turned up in a smile.

"Sleep well?" Emma asked.

"Aye, that I did, darling." Taking his hand and touching her hair. "And you?"

"I don't know, I slept ok, but I'm exhausted and feel a tad hungover." She said, oddly.

Killian frowned. "You alright?"

"No, just a little unsteady and still so exhausted. I suppose it'll take me weeks to feel better after the ordeal we just went through."

Killian nodded slowly, still playing with her hair, "Aye, I suppose you're right. What time is it?"

"11:30," Emma replied. "I probably should get out of bed, not sure if my dad is expecting me or not today at the station." She picked up her phone to check for missed calls and realized she hadn't planned on spending the night here and her charger wasn't there and all she had was a dead phone.

Killian groaned. "I think you deserve a day off."

Emma laughed. "Yeah, maybe it's time for a vacation."

"About that," Killian started cautiously, "I was wondering, would you and Henry like to take a trip on the Jolly Roger, just the three of us next week? The lad said he wanted to and I want to make good on my promise before any other...mishaps...happen here in Storybrooke."

Emma opened her mouth to respond but there was a loud and desperate banging at the door downstairs. Killian's head dropped back in exasperation and Emma scrambled out of bed. Pulling her sweats on and throwing a robe over her tank top and planted a kiss on Killian's forehead. "I'll get it and get rid of them." Killian offered a not so hopeful smile and rolled over. "I'll go shower." He said.

Emma scurried down the stairs and ran to the door. She looked through the peephole and it was David. Cinching her robe tighter, she opened the door poking her head through.

"Hey. I have been trying to get a hold of you and Hook all morning. Your phones just went to voicemail."

"I was going to call but my phone died. " Emma nervously sputtered.

"Do you know where Hook is?" David asked innocently. Emma's eyes darted back and forth a bit. She felt like a teenager instead of a 30 year old with a true love, her own house, and a steady job. Why would this be so awkward to tell David? She realized she had never told him they were going to move in together before Killian had died. This would be the first he would hear of it.

Reluctantly she spat it out. "Yes, I know, he's, um, upstairs." She looked at her feet. Killian, not to miss a moment, came down the stairs, shirtless, and in his boxers.

"Swan, I can't bloody get the shower to not be scalding or freezing cold. A little assistance?"

David turned pale. Killian looked awkwardly at David then at Emma and said, "morning, mate. Um, would you like to have a cup of coffee with us?"

David looked at Emma, and shook his head quickly as if to rattle any of the uncomfortable thoughts that just went through his brain out.

"What is it that you need, Dad?" Emma tried to move the conversation on.

David looked uncomfortable, "Did you forget that we were supposed to meet for breakfast? I don't know exactly what's been going on but Mary Margaret seems to be a little more jumpy than normal when it comes to...well, everyone. I think she just wants to keep tabs."

"Ok, well, tell her we'll be there in a few." Emma responded. David nodded and walked away blushing. Emma closed the door and cringed.

Killian looked at her with a similar face. "Well, that wasn't at all awkward." He muttered sarcastically.

"Well, I had to walk in on them in bed once, looks I'm returning the favor when it comes to awkward teenage daughter experiences."

Killian cocked his head to the side, "You caught them..." he shook his head like David had done just a minute before, "Never mind. I really don't want to know."


Emma and Killian walked into Granny's hand in hand, and saw Snow waving in delight at both of them. David was hiding behind his menu. Emma and Killian sat next it the opposite booth and gave Snow a smile and an awkward glance at David.

Snow eyed all of them suspiciously.

"Ok, what's going on?" She said with a playful tone. Killian stared at his menu. Emma squinted awkwardly looking off the the side. David looked at his daughter and her boyfriend and folded his arms.

"You're acting like someone walked in on you naked or something, you guys." Snow joked. At that Killian exhaled, raised both eyebrows and gave his menu a tight lipped, forced smile. Emma rolled her eyes at him.

Snow's smile turned into a shocked, motherly stare, "Oh." She said, in realization.

David sighed, "You could have warned me you guys are living together."

"I'm sorry?" Emma offered. "We decided back in Camelot, so much happened, we never really had a chance to let anyone know."

Snow looked over at David's disapproving frown and nudged him in the ribs. "That makes perfect sense, of course you guys would want to be together." She smiled at the two of them. David was rubbing his sore rib. He coughed.

"Yes, I'm happy for the two of you. Next time, just give us a warning." David said.

Killian smiled, "Aye, I suppose we aren't the most traditional of couples, are we?"

His commented elicited a chuckle from the whole table.

"That's putting it lightly." David responded.

After breakfast, Emma had kissed Killian goodbye and went to check in at the Sheriff's Station since being gone for 8 weeks. Snow cleaned Neal up and headed back to the loft. David had asked Killian to hang back for a moment. Killian wasn't sure what was coming. Their relationship had grown much friendlier and though David had always known he and Emma were an item, this newfound intimacy between him and Emma was a dynamic change for sure. Killian looked nervously at David.

"So, what's this about, mate?" H said, mustering up his confidence..

David looked seriously at him, "Well, since things are getting really serious with you and my daughter and you're back for good, I'd like to have a talk."

Killian's eyes widened and then squinted, trying to see what David was talking about.

"I wanted to ask you something. Listen, I know you're a pirate and have plundered lands before -"

Killian stopped him, "Whoa mate, what are you getting at here?"

David stopped and then shot him an annoyed glance, "Not like that!" He sighed. "Like actually plundered lands. You probably have more treasure than you know what to do with. You're most likely not hurting for money. Am I right?"

Killian nodded slowly. "Aye, that much is true."

David continued, "I know you don't need a job but we need a deputy. You are one of the most perceptive people I know, you are resourceful, and you aren't afraid of danger. I also feel as though you, me, and Emma make quite the team. I'd like to see you join us. Would you like the job? It could give you a sense of purpose in Storybrooke. Well, aside from Emma, of course."

Killian didn't realize how much having a role in the community would make him feel like he truly belonged. He nodded gratefully, "Aye. I accept."

David gave him a nod and put his hand on his shoulder. "Welcome aboard, mate."


Emma smiled, "I can't believe Dad offered you the deputy position! I think that's perfect." She said to Killian while pouring coffee that next morning. Killian chuckled as he put his jacket on and sat at the table.

"Aye, I suppose I'm settling into Storybrooke in every way, might as well start contributing to society." He shook his head in disbelief, "The irony..."

"What?" Emma asked.

"Oh, just, I've spent lifetimes sticking it to local rulers, thieving, and breaking the law for fun. Now I'm helping to uphold it. Who knew piracy was a stepping stone to a career in law enforcement."

Emma brought him a cup of coffee and hugged him from behind, "You're a changed man now." She kissed his cheek and then his head and sat right next to him.

Killian smiled at Swan, she was only in a tank top and sweats, she had bags under her eyes looking still just as tired as she was in the Underworld but still looked gorgeous, the last 3 days had been out of a dream. Emma took a sip of her coffee and made a face. "Ugh, this coffee is too strong again." She put it down and nibbled more on her toast and she yawned.

Killian looked at her, "Not sleeping well?" He inquired.

Emma shook her head, "No, I've been sleeping perfect." She eyed him coyly, he smiled back, "We must just be getting to bed too late."

"Perhaps we should work on getting to sleep at an earlier hour." He offered, suggestively.

She slapped his playfully on his arm "No, I wouldn't hear of it." Emma's expression changed into bewilderment, "I must just still be recovering from the whole Underworld and not sleeping for 6 weeks as the Dark One. I still fee, I don't know, not myself." She received a sympathetic look from him and continued to nibble on her toast.


Henry walked in, "Ok! I got the dvds! It will NOT fail to disappoint."

"Oh really?" Emma said skeptically. "Is there a reason you've been so secretive of which movies you were bringing tonight?"

Henry chuckled mischievously, "Oh I don't know. I thought we'd educate Killian about the stories in our land."

It had been a week of bliss. Waking up with Emma, settling into his new job as deputy, spending evenings with Henry. There were times when he thought that Zeus had sent him to heaven after all instead of back to Earth. This really was his happy ending.

A timer beeped.

"Those miniature circles are ready, Swan!"

"Bagel bites!" Henry exclaimed, enthusiastically. Emma grabbed them from the oven.

Killian took a bite. "The cuisine in this world, though it tops raw fish, leaves something to be desired."

Emma took a bite too, "Yeah, it doesn't taste as good as I remember, either." She made a face.

"More for me!" Henry said. They all moved onto the couch. Henry popped the mysterious dvd in.

"Is there a reason you've picked this Mystery Movie instead of Netflix?"

Killian shot a look at Emma, and whispered, "Why are you talking about Netflix in front of the boy, Swan?"

Emma looked at him like he was crazy. "He's old enough to know what Netflix is, Killian. What's your problem?"

Killian looked stunned. He'd always thought Netflix was something else, something rather adult.

"Ok," Henry said gleefully, "Get ready for Disney's 'Peter Pan.'"

Emma burst into a grin and cracked up. Henry laughed along with her. Killian looked at both of them.

"What in the blazes caused that reaction?" He asked, feeling suspicous.

"Oh you'll see." Emma said between giggles. She put his arm around her and snuggled in tight. Killian smiled down at her but skeptically at the magic picture box that was about to tell the story of Peter Pan and Neverland.


"Killian, come on! You've been on this since last night. It's just a movie."

"It's slandering my name! That Captain was a coward. Peter Pan had him in his underwear and the bloody crocodile has his way with him." He steamed.

"Calm down!" Emma said.

"That movie needs to be destroyed, how can you allow your son to devour such lies? And the Captain looked like some pompous prick."

Emma giggled, "I know you didn't like the movie. Henry was certainly wanting to get a reaction, looks like he did."

"You think this is funny, Swan? What must children think about Captain Hook? For hundreds of years I was a fearsome, dashing rapscallion. All of that to waste."

"Trust me, I like reality much more than the film." She said swaying closer towards him. He picked up on the clue, leaned closer to her,

"I am banning that blasted story from the house." He said seriously to her face. She smiled and moved closer.

"Fair enough, none of our kids will ever see it." She said, teasing. The comment was not lost on him, he looked at her and smiled. Their kids. What the bloody heaven had he just stumbled into? Henry tumbled down the steps.

"Hey, kid!" Emma said. "On your way to school?"

"Yes. Last night was fun, I'm going to be spending tomorrow night with my other mom but...I wanted to ask Killian something." Killian's head shot up, in surprise.

"Yes, lad?" He asked.

"I was wondering, could we go on the Jolly Roger together for a couple of hours after school? I was hoping you could teach me to sail it. I can finally say that I learned to sword fight from Prince Charming, fly with Peter Pan, and learned to sail a pirate ship from Captain Hook."

Killian chuckled, "Sounds perfect, lad. I'll come pick you up at...?"


"Aye, I'll be there." he said with a smile.

"Perfect!" Henry said. "See you soon."

Emma put her head on his shoulder. "You are certainly a natural in my family." Emma said to him.

He looked to her in awe. Her family...he was a part of it, in her view.


That afternoon on his ship, Henry and Killian spent time on the Jolly Roger. Killian made a point to tell some "real" stories from Neverland where Captain Hook came out looking like a brave, dashing Pirate. Henry listened to the stories he shared of days in Neverland and determined more to show that that "infernal film" that made Pan look like a hero and Hook like like such a coward was definitely most wrong. Henry soaked it up and Killian couldn't help but notice that was a natural pirate, just like his mother and father. They didn't do much talking aside from the stories. Just enjoyed the sea and the silence it brought. Killian sometimes had feelings of sadness when he didn't fall asleep to the rocking of the ocean and wasn't off on adventures on the sea but he knew that when he first traded the Jolly Roger to see Emma one more time, that that was a trade he was more than happy to give up. Being in Emma's life was better than all of the hundreds of years he spent as a pirate, even though he had been a sailor since he was a baby. He loved her more than he ever loved the sea.

"Killian," Henry said, interrupting his thoughts. "I have a question for you."

"Anything, lad."

"Are you planning on marrying my mom?" He asked innocently. "

Killian's breath hitched, he had been thinking of it...but he hadn't admitted it yet. He would be honest with the boy, he learned his lesson after what happened with Baelfire. Killian had been happier than ever in his entire life, even when Milah was alive. He had never considered marriage before until Emma stepped into his life. Once he was back, he had been listening to Emma's cues to see if she was ready. Her recent comments about their children and him being part of her family had given him a green light of considering the possibility.

Killian scratched his ear, and sat down on the bench with Henry, "Lad, I'd be lying if I said I haven't been thinking of it. I just didn't know if it was too soon."

Henry smiled, "I think you should." He said pensively.

Killian looked at him and arched an eyebrow, inquisitively.

"Are you giving me permission?" KIllian smiled.

Henry explained. "It just makes sense. You're true love, my mom went to hell for you, you're her prince in the story book, also...every single time I've made a wish for her happiness, you've shown up." Killian looked away and breathed a tight lip smile.

"My moms' happiness is something I care a lot about." He stated. "She clearly loves you. My other mom just lost Robin. You should chase your happiness. Don't wait."

Killian looked over at Henry, "Is this why you wanted to go on the Jolly Roger with me today? To convince me to marry your mum?"

Henry laughed, "Well, that, and I want to utilize all of the skills from my fairytale family members. Girls will think I'm pretty cool if I know how to be a pirate."

Killian looked at him confidently, "That's bloody right. Let's set shore, lad. Almost time for dinner."


After dropping Henry off at Regina's, Killian came home to Emma, she was sleeping on the couch. He sat down next to her, stroked her hair and she stirred slightly. "Hey," she smiled, and laid her head back down.

"I'm pretty beat." she said. "I know it's early." Killian looked at the time...7:30. He leaned over, kissed her cheek and stood up. "No, you rest. I'm going to run out for a bit."

"Ok." Emma said she said, smiling in her sleep, snuggling deeper into her blanket.

Killian left her side, thinking of Henry's comments on the Jolly Roger. Since coming back from the underworld, he truly had been in heaven. He wanted nothing more than to marry Emma. If Henry agreed, just like moving in, it was probably a good plan.


He walked over to the jewelry shop and shopped around for about thirty minutes. He saw a few rings that he liked for Emma, but one ring stood out in particular, it had a tear drop diamond with two blue round diamonds on the side. He loved it, his heart swelled in anticipation of slipping it on her finger. Without much thought he bought it impulsively and walked back to their home. He came in and went upstairs to their room. Emma was fast asleep in their bed. He smiled and stroked her hair once, she smiled and nuzzled more into her pillow. Killian looked at the beautiful angel in his bed and shook his head in disbelief that this was his life now. He hid the box in his old pirate leather jacket that hung in their closet. He changed into his - what Emma called - "sweats" - and laid down next to her. He had no idea when he was going to propose or how quite yet. He just wanted to have that ring just in case, to promise to himself that he was going to marry Emma.

He crawled into bed and faced Emma's back, putting his arm around her, "I love you, Swan." He whispered into her neck. And he nestled his face into her back.