Ok so I'm finally writing the replies to the final chapter's reviews! Sorry it took me so long but I wanted to give people a chance. Anyway here you go!

CrimsonLink310: I passed 200 now lol 201! Whoo! No one caught my joke with Alphonse, real name is Erik. Alphonse Erik... Alphonse Elric... Ya I know it was reaching but there it is lol. I'm glad you liked the ending to the story and I'm so grateful to you for coming along with me for the journey, you're the only one who's been here from day one and consistently reviewing. I am so happy that you did, you reminded me about so many things I needed to think of and to add parts that made it better I think. I hope I live up to this fic in my next one, I'm working on it but I'm having a bit of block on how to go about it all. I may just msg you for a brainstorm if that's alright. Anyway, see you next time!

UserM24: I'm glad you enjoyed my lemony part, as I kept saying it was... interesting to write for people. Yes there will be some, actually more in the next fic. So... yay Gajevy! Making the bad guy Erik wasn't exactly my first theory but someone mentioned it and I liked it. I kept it as a surprise just because I could, I hope it wasn't too much of a stretch. I adore writing about the dragons, imagining their voices and their powers and just all the strength and badassary they'd have. I'm so glad you could picture him and that you liked the fight scene. Personally I think I'm absolutely horrible at it so I try not to do too many lol. The Levy and Gajeel fic I planned from the beginning to do as a parallel story to this one. It'll go back to some of the times they were alone and explain things, give details where I didn't with this one. I'm working on it, I might ask you for some opinions too. You and Crimson are the most detailed reviewers!

Sarara1.8: Yay! I'm glad you liked it! Be sure to check out my next fic!

LazyApples: I had a ball reading all your reviews since they came one right after the other, I wanted to wait and write out the responses to the final reviews until you had finished the fic, now that you have I can go ahead lol. They made me smile and laugh and honestly I'm thrilled you liked it and I hope you like the next one I do!

Tothesky1994: I'm so glad you liked my fic! Yes Gajeel was in Levy's world for the preview, but how it gets to that point you'll have to wait and see! As for how Cana created that world... It will be explained... later hehehe.

Guest: We'll see, I must have some secrets!

Dark Shining Light: Thank you for reading it! I am so glad you enjoyed it!

HolyChihuahua: I'm FINALLY better! I'm so happy you started reviewing, it's so special to me that some people just keep reviewing over and over again. I'm glad you loved this story and I can't wait for you and everyone else to read the next one!

Stormborn Dragneel: I tried very hard to make it all realistic, I get annoyed when it's been like three days and they're already in love. Relationships take time to build and I'm glad you feel I accomplished that well. I'm also a little giggly that you read it all in one sitting, that I captured your attention that much. It makes me feel wonderful as an author. I hope you stick around for my second installment with Levy and Gajeel :)

Loonycrone: I know that's the one thing I wish I had done a little bit more into was the Alphonse/Erik part, but alas, what's done is done and I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway! See you next time!

Oh and guys... I've decided to write the Dragon Slayer series of books after Gajeel and Levy's story. I hope that excites some people.

Thank you once again to EVERYONE who read my story and a big 3 to everyone who reviewed! I miss you guys already and hopefully soon I'll have something new for you :)

Until then,

Lilith Mey