I have no excuse for this. All I have to say is that this fandom has sucked me in and I don't want to get out! I didn't even mean to be sucked in! I just thought I would watch an episode or two to see if the hype was all up to par… The entire first season and one sleepless night later, I fell in love.

So, why am I starting a new fanfic when I have so many unfinished? Simple, I want to! This has been bugging me! I am stuck in this damn fandom! Send help!

Anyway, so this is another watching the Miraculous tv show. There aren't enough and I am selfish. I want more, more, more. And I am incredibly frustrated with this show! I mean cmon!

Thank you love for being my beta, it means the world to me! I hope to see you soon!

I do not own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, Nickelodeon does. Not me… I wish I had Chat though, he is so cute! But alas, I do not.

So please enjoy this new fanfiction called One Scene After Another!

Marinette yawned as her blue bell eyes blinked open, wincing as the morning light streamed into her room from the trap door above her bed. With a groan, she brought her kitty body pillow over her face to block out the cruelly intruding light. Except, body pillows weren't enough to block out a certain spotted sprite that designated herself as Marinette's back up alarm clock.

"Marinette! Time to get up! You don't want to be late again," Tikki the kwami giggled as she grabbed a lock of Marinette's blue-black hair and tugged lightly. With a huff of annoyance, the young teen swatted at the floating bug-themed kwami.

"Go away! Leave me to sleep in peace," Marinette groaned, curling deeper into her covers and sighing happily at the comfy warmth.

Tikki huffed at her stubbornness and floated closer, dodging the previously swatting hand nimbly. "C'mon, Marinette! It's time to get up!" Tikki stopped and an evil grin spread across her cutely squishable face. "Besides, Adrien is here!" she squeaked.

A squeal came from underneath the blankets as Marinette launched herself from the cocoon of blankets. Tikki watched as Marinette tripped down the stairs that led to her bed.

"What?!" she cried, hopping around to get ready quickly. "Where?!"

Tikki floated down with a self-satisfied smile on her face as she used her arm to point at one of the many pictures of the young teen model heartthrob on the girl's wall. "There."

Marinette froze and stared at Tikki with her mouth gaping. Then, "You are an evil, evil kwami…" Marinette muttered as she calmed down from her scare and as her mind began to work once again.

"It got you out of bed didn't it? I'd say it was quite clever and very true," Tikki said with a giggle as she floated to Marinette's shoulder, beginning to put the dark hair into her signature pigtails with red ties.

A light giggle escaped the girl. "I suppose it did, Tikki. But don't expect it to work every time," she warned. Tikki smiled and snuggled against her Chosen's cheek.

"I won't. Because I know it will," Tikki giggled. Marinette rolled her eyes and began to get dressed. Her usual jacket over her usual white shirt with pink printed flowers and her pink jeans with ballet flats. Her beloved go to outfit.

She grabbed her bag and purse, opening the smaller bag to let Tikki rest in for the day. "For once, I'm up on time and have all my homework done! This is going to be a great day!" Marinette smiled as she skipped down the stairs from her trap door into the main living area of her home, where her mother was standing in the kitchen with a cup of jasmine tea. The smell tickled Marinette's nose, making her smile even brighter.

"You're up early, dear!" her mother exclaimed happily. "I heard a crash in your room, are you okay?" she asked, looking every bit of concerned and loving mother that she was.

Marinette nodded as she grabbed a freshly baked croissant from the pile on the counter. "Yeah, was just a bit too excited about being up on time," Marinette giggled. Her mother laughed with her and kissed her cheek.

"Well, who can blame you? It's beautiful out! Have a great day at school, sweetie!" Sabine said with a smile as Marinette walked out the door, for once not rushing.

"I'm sure I will! Bye, love you, Maman! Love you too, Papa!" Marinette called into the bakery as she passed. Her dad waved as he called back his reply as Marinette left her bakery home.

The fourteen-year-old danced the short distance between her house and the school. Literally danced! She was in quite the mood, despite being woken up in the rude way she was, ahem Tikki.

Tikki peeked from the purse at the girl's hip and smiled brightly. She always enjoyed seeing her Chosen so happy. With her current attitude, it looked as though today was going to be a great day!

Marinette looked around, only to notice that she had made it to the school building even before Alya showed up. She giggled to herself. She really must have been early!

Humming a happy tune, Marinette sat on one of the steps leading up to the school and took out her sketchbook to work on a design she has been outlining for the last week. An elegant ball gown was taking shape in her mind and she wanted it to be perfect. Did she know where she would ever where it? Ha, no. But it's always nice to be prepared. Plus she has been stuck on a certain kitten's style for a while.

"Marinette! Is that you?" a voice called out. This voice was not just any voice. It was bright. It was lively. It was kind. It was his. His meaning it belonged to Adrien Agreste, the love of her life.

Marinette snapped her head up from her sketchbook, immediately blushing as she watched Adrien leave the limo he was driven in to walk over to her. She didn't say anything as he placed his bag on the floor and sat on the steps next to her.

"What are you doing here so early? Usually I'm the first one," Adrien smiled. Marinette blushed brightly and looked down, snapping her sketchbook closed.

"O-oh y-y-you know, just up woke- No, early woke, I mean" Marinette stammered and cut herself off. Adrien looked at her questioningly, trying to follow along with her stammering. She took a deep breath and looked away from Adrien as to be not distracted by his absolute beauty.

"I just woke up e-early," she finally said.

Adrien smiled brightly at the actual coherent sentence she told him. "So what are you working on? You seemed pretty into it when I got here," Adrien commented, leaning closer to look at the cover of the sketchbook she had.

The smell of his cologne drifted in the air to her, making Marinette dizzy and stammer once again. "O-oh it's no-othing really. Just a-a-a design silly, I mean silly sign! I mean," Marinette pouted to herself and opened the sketchbook back to what she was working on. She figured it would be easier to show it rather than say it.

Adrien's eyes widened at the design of the gown in front of him. It didn't escape his notice that it was done in the style of his alter ego.

"Is it based on Chat Noir?" he asked, handing the book back to her. "It looks amazing!"

"Thank you! And yeah it is, I've been stuck on his costume lately. I have an entire clothing line dedicated to him alone by now," Marinette giggled. Her stutter went away as she got consumed into her passion: designing.

Adrien immediately noticed the difference and smiled to himself. She's so cute. He blushed lightly at his own thought.

"Marinette!" a girl's voice called out happily. The two lovebirds (unbeknownst to them) looked up to see the ombre-haired best friend of the girl.

"There you are, Alya," Marinette smiled. Alya stared at the scene of the two on the steps and snuck a quick photo. She doubted that the two noticed how close to each other they were and wanted a pic to commemorate the moment.

"You sure are early today, girl! Any specific reason?" Alya hinted with a scheming smile. Marinette blinked and blushed as she realized what Alya was hinting.

"Of course not! I just got up earlier today," Marinette hurried to explain, hopping to her feet. Looking around, she noticed that the foyer of the school was filling with students and that her class had mostly arrived.

"Hey man!" she watched as Adrien's best friend, Nino, greeted him enthusiastically. Adrien returned the sentiment with a beautifully bright smile, which left Marinette breathless, even though it wasn't aimed at her. "What's up, dudes?" Nino asked the other two, as he noticed that they were there too.

"Just celebrating Mari's early arrival," Alya laughed. Marinette rolled her eyes and pouted.

"I'm not late all the time!" she protested.

"No, just most of it," Alya quipped back at her. With a huff, Marinette led the group into the school. Adrien smiled to himself as he watched her adorably storm off.

The small group of friends chatted about homework, well Alya, Nino, and Adrien did. Marinette just stammered whenever she was meant to be talking. Without her designing distracting her, there was no buffer between her and the boy she loved.

Alya nudged her side with her elbow as Adrien asked Nino a question. "So, girl! What was that I saw outside? You two looked awfully cosy next to each other," she smirked.

If the secret super-heroine wasn't a strawberry before, she certainly copied her supersuit's color perfectly now.

Alya laughed and led the blushing pile of teenage girl into the classroom and to their seat. There was still five minutes till class began, but it was beginning to be filled with other students. And despite being in school and embarrassing herself yet again in front of her crush, there was still that air of it being a great day!

That is… Until the entire class was present. When the last person, minus the teacher, filed in, the door slammed shut and locked itself. Gasps and screams could be heard as the students jumped to their feet.

"Now, now. No need to be alarmed. You are all just going to be taking a field trip today," a voice said. It sounded female and amused, yet with a darker undertone. It made Marinette tense and if she was paying attention, she would have seen Adrien act the same way.

"Daddy! Help me!" the screeching voice of Chloe reached Marinette, which made her roll her eyes. Yes. The mayor is going to help them get out of this. Can you tell how much faith Marinette places in him? Yeah, not much.

"Awesome! This has to be an akuma! Ladybug and Chat Noir will be here any minute to rescue us!" Alya squealed as she turned on her phone. Marinette bit her lip. Yeah, Chat Noir will have to. Ladybug is a little… Surrounded at the moment.

The voice sighed. "No, I am not an akuma. But still, there is no one to help you. Your phones will not work where we are going." And with that, there was a bright flash of white light. It blinded everybody. The air suddenly felt tight and hard to breathe.

But it only last a second, because the light faded away quickly. Looking around, the students found themselves in a home theater type of room. They were all seated in bean bags, with Alya on one side of her, Marinette noted thankfully. And on her other side… Her eyes widened as she choked on the air in her throat. Adrien!

"As I had said, you are going to be taking a field trip today," the voice spoke, only this time, it was a lot more solid and not so airy. Their attention was drawn to the screen, where a girl stood in front of it. She was leaning back against a table, smirking amused at the scene before her.

The girl was a teenager with black hair and blue streaks and sharp eyes behind glasses. "I am Cai, welcome," she said with a smile as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Where are we? I will get my father on you! Do you know who I am?" Chloe screeched from her bean bag. Cai rolled her dark eyes.

"Yes, I do know who you are and who your father is and frankly, I do not care. Try to call him. Your phones will not work and neither will any other technology other than this screen," she hummed.

"What are we doing here?" Marinette asked firmly. Cai turned to look at her and smiled a surprisingly genuine smile. Marinette blinked at the sight of it.

"I am glad you asked, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! You are all here to watch a very special show that is from my dimension. You see, I am from a place where you are just characters in a TV show called Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Why does this matter? Because that is what you are watching," Cai explained.

Marinette felt her blood run cold as Tikki pressed to her side more firmly. This can't be good…

"Wait, so this show is about Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Alya questioned. She was practically bouncing in her seat.

"That is correct. And before you ask, yes you will learn their identities," Cai sighed. "Unfortunately that is a slight side effect to this plan," she muttered. "But the reason I am making you all watch it is because I am selfish. I want them to get together, but both of them are too dense to realize what is right in front of them. And yes, Alya, that means they are in this room with you all," Cai cut her off.

Alya squealed happily. Marinette blinked at the girl's explanation. What was... Right in front of them?

Adrien ground his teeth together. Sure he was excited to learn his Lady's identity but that almost meant that his own was going to be compromised.

"Oh, and before we begin… Everyone in this room cannot discuss, text, or do anything that would compromise the super heroes' identities with anyone outside of here. If they try," Cai cut her eyes to Chloe, giving the brat a glare, "they will be cut off and must change the subject if they want to even breathe again. Are we understood?" Cai watched as the room nodded… Well most did. Chloe and Sabrina simply stuck their noses in the air with a huff.

"Well, let's get started then. I will be seated in the very back, and controlling the screen. The first episode is The Bubbler," Cai smiled and hopped off the elevated stage of the screen. She twisted to point a remote at the large screen, which lit up the dark room.

Without any further ado, Cai went to her seat and watched as the absolutely amusing chaos began in front of her.

Marinette and Tikki stared at the screen in horror as it lightened up further. Then a thought came to both of them.

Maybe this day isn't going to be as great as we thought.

And there is the first chapter! I hoped you all enjoyed, I know I had fun writing it. I hope to have The Bubbler out soon as well. I don't want this to be another slow updating fic like my others have been.

Anyway, I am going to leave with my thank you to my lovely darling! My lovely beta who is my entire world, doing this for me means everything.

Please review and tell me what you think, okay? Follow if you want more, and it shall be given. Favoriting is not required, but it is recommended (I mean look at my favorite stories… It is overrun with Miraculous).

This is OneHellOfANekoDemon85 signing off! Till next time!