Hi guys its me! First just wanted to say, thanks for looking at this story hope you like it. Secondly sorry if there's any punctuation errors in the text i'm still working on improving that. XD

almost forgot I do not own any of the fairy tale characters or fairy tale

Finally the Grand Magic Games were over, and Fairy Tail took first place for what seemed like the first time in history. Everyone was ecstatic, well everyone but Sabertooth, the guild that once held the spot of number one in the grand magic games. Now it was time to head to the local bar in town to celebrate.

"We lost!" cried the blonde dragon slayer, Sting as he leaned heavily on his partner, Rouge "I can't believe we really lost to those fairy freaks."

"HEY!" called Lucy who just so happened to be walking by "Watch it crybaby. No-one insults my family."

"Oh yeah Blondie, what are you gonna do about it." Sting called back

The celestial mage was just about to Lucy Kick him where the sun doesn't shine when Gray placed a hand on her shoulder "It's not worth it." he said to her "We already won, were number one now! So let's go celebrate." he said dragging her away from the two dragon slayers

Gray's POV

What the hell was she thinking challenging two dragon slayers like that! Gray thought as he tried to put distance between the enraged celestial mage and the light and dark dragon slayers. They were the two best mages of Fiore for fucks sake! They didn't get their title for nothing! The win must be really going to her head. Gray shook his head and couldn't help but smile as he recounted the almost fight. She seemed just like Natsu then, so much rage on her face, ready to defend fairy tail no matter what. Lucy and Natsu have been spending too much time together, the crazed, pink-haired, dragon slayer's starting to rub off on the girl.

Lucy's POV

Gray not wanting to fight! What's gotten into the ice wizard's head. He must be extremely happy. Or maybe he's finally lost it! Lucy thought as she was being carted off. Those boys insulted fairy tale, her friends, her nakama, her family. How dare they. If i see them again it will be too soon. She thought with finality as she crossed her arms and nodded.

Meanwhile back at the arena the two dragon slayers plot their revenge