CAT: Naruto X World Trigger
Title: Trigger Shinobi
Rating: M
Pairing: Naruto X Mikoto/Karin/ F Juubi
Summary: For the last few years Konoha has lost face in the Chunin Exams and their position as the 'Strongest' of the Big 5 villages has come into Question. Now thanks to advanced Fuinjutsu provided by an 'interested party' they may be able to change that with. "Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto! Why is Iruka-san telling me that you skipped class again.
Killjoy: Sooooooooo we have a problem
Sakura: You made me a FUCKING damsel in distress! What is with Writers either hating my guts, making me a slut, a fangirl for Sasuke, or turning me into a fucking damsal!? HUH!?
Zaara: Killjoy... A little help here bud
Kasumi: Your serious?
Killjoy: Bro the pens in your hand, not mine
Zaara: (glares at Killjoy) traitor
Sakura: (Sakura pulled back her fist and punches Zaara in the face)
"This is the world that we live in," Human speech
"A world in darkness and madness," human thought/Flashback
"Trigger on!" Buji/Boss/High Demon speech/jutsu
"Don't mock a god!" Buji/Boss/High Demon speech
Chapter 6: The Eclipse Harvest Arc Finale
Location: Outskirts of the Sun Village
Room of Bear
a day later
Sakura sat in the bed with heavy chains on and only wearing her black shorts and sports bra. Female members of the SM's had been ordered to strip her and escort her to a room by Bear many of them gave her looks of sympathy, but didn't hide the fact that they were relieved about not being his next 'meal'. A bunch of scared little sheep if you asked Sakura. Sakura looked around the room hoping to find a weapon, but it did no good. The room was bare, except for the bed.
Sakura sighed, before reaching up and into her long hair. She felt around for a second, but stopped when the door opened, quickly putting her hands on her knees, she glared at the door as Bear walked into the room with a smirk on his face.
Sakura shivered as he walked up to her and began to fondle her breasts, and his hand dipped into her shorts and started to pet her lower lips. Sakura closed her eyes in disgust as she felt his tongue lick her cheek.
"You taste exquiest. If only I could have you right now, but orders from that damn Uzumaki forbid it until the operation is complete," said Bear removing his hands and himself from the bed.
Sakura looked at him. "What operation!?" asked Sakura hoping to get any information on what they were up to.
"Every few years an Eclipse happens in this region of Fire county. It may only be for 12 minutes, but in that time frame we must secure The blood of the Viper," said Bear.
"Blood of the Viper?" asked Sakura looking at him as if he was crazy.
"Yes. The blood of the Viper is one of the 12 High Demons remains that can rival the 9 buuji in power alone. Once they commanded legions of Demons and had enough power to bring the world to it's knees. Bacho-sama has promised his 7 warlords and 4 of his elite warriors a chance to become the rulers of a perfect world!" yelled Bear, before forcing Sakura to the bed and staring into her eyes. "A world were I can have any woman I want at any time I want!"
"Your crazy!" Said the pinkette shaking in fear.
Bear didn't respond, but brought his lips to Sakura. Sakura's eyes widened as tears began to develop in her eyes. Her first kiss was just stolen by this... monster! She started to struggle, but stopped as she felt his hardness inside of his pants. Bear reached his hand down and ripped away Sakura's shorts.
Sakura began shaking like a leaf. This was the one moment in her life she had wanted to be perfect, but now... Now it was about to be taken away from her. Sakura let out a scream.
"Water Release: seven snakes!" yelled a voice.
Seven high speed water snakes slammed into Bear sending him flying into the wall. Sakura turned her head as bear got off the Wall and glared at Junburo. Junburo had his sword in his hand at the ready. Bear knew that he had crossed the line as the blade was glowing along with his eyes.
"I thought I told you not to touch the girl until the ceremony is over?" said Junburo his eyes closed, but his sword at the low ready.
Bear smirked at the Warlord. "I couldn't help myself Junburo-sama. She was just such a tease to me," said Bear with a smirk. "And you know how much I hate teasing myself,"
Junburo looked at the shaking Sakura. "If it makes you feel any better I'd rather not see or know about what this animal does in his free time, but he is a evil that we of the Shinobi Mercenaries need," said the Uzumaki, before turning to Bear. "Until the Ceremony is over, I don't want you anywhere near this room,"
Bear followed after Junburo closing the door.
Sakura sat up and reached her shaking hands up and removed a bobby pin from her hair. She inserted it into the lock and began to pick it and began to work the lock. She was going to leave this place with her virginity in tack.
Be it dead or alive.
Location: abandoned manor
same times
Naruto opened his eyes and sat up slowly. His head was pounding and he was in a bad way. Looking around he saw Sasuke and Kakashi across from him knocked out. His chakra was alright, but he was still groggy.
"Wind Release: Fujin!" yelled Naruto consisting wind into the palm of his hand before making a dagger. Slashing twice he easy cut the bars. He summoned his Director coat, but left the mask off.
A portal opened behind him and out walked Mikoto wearing her Full attire as his assistant, right down to the hair and mask. Following her was the requested Rabbits as well as the L. Rabbit walked forward.
"Master! As requested I brought the Rabbits," said Mikoto bowing to Naruto.
Naruto drew his Black Trigger. "Time for round two. BLACK TRIGGER ON!" yelled Naruto as an explosion of power came out of the trigger.
Location: Seal of the Viper
Ceremony circle
Usagi stood at the alter chanting silently with several mercenaries surrounding her and the main 3 standing behind her. While she didn't want to release the seal on the Blood of the viper she knew that it was important to release said seal if it meant that her village would be spared destruction by the Shinobi Mercenaries.
"How much longer before the woman finishes!? This is quite irritating," said Bear.
"Not to long Bear. If anything it should be another minute," said Junburo, before pulling out his watch and looking at the time. "Another minute and the eclipse will began and the seal will break. And the Blood of the Demon Viper will be ours
As predicted the Second the eclipse started the seal fell away. The air before them twisted as two red eyes opened up and glared at them all, before a snake appeared and hissed at them before flying into the air before slamming into the ground before a pillar appeared and on it was a single vile of blood.
"There it is. The blood of the Viper," said Junburo as he took the vile and pocketed it. "You know the drill,"
Bear smiled hearing this. "You weaklings, tear this village apart!" yelled Bear.
The mercenaries did as told and made their way to the village. Usagi looked terrified, before she ran up to Junburo. "You Promised that if I unlocked the seal you'd spare my village!" yelled Usagi only to get smacked by Junburo.
"I promised to spare your life until the ceremony was done. I have nothing else to say to you. Midoka, Bear once the village is destroyed and your done with your fun return to headquarters," Said Junburo, before running though hand signs. "World Gate,"
A black and white tunnel opened up before Junburo stepped into it. Usagi fell to her knees as tears fell from her eyes. "What have I done?" she asked herself, before her hair was grabbed by Bear.
"Your mine now you little bitch. Even with the village destroyed Junburo gave me a free pass. Maybe a week or two with you and that little pink haired bitch, that might take the edge off for a while," said Bear smirking.
Midoka turned to look at the soldiers about to charge out the area before the ground exploded. Standing before the Soldiers were a few figures, and at the front of the group was the boy that they had locked away, only his right arm was encased in a black shell, and his left a white shell.
"What are you doing out of your cell?" asked Midoka.
"Your friend should have warned you about Uzumaki blood. It's quite a pain in the ass to free myself from that poison. While I would like nothing more then to destroy at this moment in time. I have a score to settle with him," said Naruto, before he vanished and reappeared in front of Bear grabbing his face and dragging him several hundred years away.
Mikoto looks at the remaining mercs and understood why her master had ordered only 7. each of them was only strong enough to be a low chunin, maybe a high for at least a few. Turning to the Rabbits she looked at , before signaling him forward. The 'Color Guard' as Naruto had taken to calling them were each semi-sentient and could network commands to the other Rabbits and make them fight.
"Do not allow any mercenaries to escape. All of them are to be destroyed no exceptions," said Mikoto.
Not even giving any indication that it heard her charged in and tore the first man it reached clean in half. That was the signal for the other rabbits to began fighting. Each Rabbit had the power of a Low level Jonin, While the members of the 'Color Guard' each had the power of a High Jonin with their own special abilities.
Mikoto drew her kogetsu blade and slashed apart a SM who attacked her from the side, turning her head she looked at Midoka who was engaging in a fight with one of the Rabbits and winning. Already she had destroyed the poor things arm with her corrosive poison. Growling at her for damaging her Master's things she removed her Black Trigger
"Black Trigger On!" yelled Mikoto as she began to burn up from a blazing white fire. After a minute the flames died down revealing Mikoto her mask no more, wearing a white and black flame leotard with no sleeves a deep V, that stopped just above her crocth, thigh high matching boots, a shoulder cape hanging on her left side, a katana on her left side, shoulder pads, and black wraps on her forearms. "Phenix Force!"
Midoka growled before looking at Mikoto. "So you really think that you can take me out! I'm the most powerful Kunoichi of the Shinobi Mercenaries Enforcer division!" yelled Midoka.
Mikoto smiled, before drawing her katana, unlike the regular kogetsu blades, this one was almost saw like on the bladed side. Mikoto charged in and slashed at Midoka. Midoka jumped back, but felt the air dry around them in only an instant. Landing on her feet she looked at Mikoto who frowned.
"I meant to make your death clean, but you had go and make me dry the air. Now I have to kill you slowly and painfully," said Mikoto palyfully.
Midoka didn't replay before running though hand signs. "Poison release: Toxic claws!" yelled Midoka as her fingernails grew and they gained a green tint.
She charged at Mikoto and slashed her chest, or so it appeared. Midoka yelled in pain her hand turned to ash.
Midoka looked at Mikoto as she seemed to heal on the spot. Mikoto raised her sword and stabbed Midoka in the stomach. Midoka yelled, before her body burst into flames, and became nothing more then ash. Sheathing her blade she turned to find the Rabbits finishing up with the mercs. She allowed her Black trigger to shut down.
"I wonder how Naruto-sama is doing?" Mikoto thought to herself before an explosion occurred.
Location: Rocky plains
same time.
Naruto skidded across the ground with twin blades, one black and one white, before he jumped again to avoid the raging fire balls from Bear. The last clash they had had torn the entire plain apart with nothing but fallen trees and debris all over the place.
Naruto stood up and turned just in time to see Bear coming at him with an Iron Jack hammer. Naruto put his hands out making his two blades fuse together into a Shield as the attack hit the shield. Since his Black Trigger Yin-Yang Force took whatever shape he deemed necessary it wasn't impossible for him to fuse them for his needs.
With Yin he could stop physical attacks from flesh and metal. He could even phase though an attempt to block, as well as converting the energy to be useful later. With Yang Justu were nothing to him as he took the chakra stopping the jutsu. He could also channel any element into Yang. It also did the same as it's counterpart. Together they were a formidable black Trigger, the first black trigger.
With both it was a bit over powered, but in their line of work over powered was a good thing.
Bear jumped back breathing hard as his Iron Jack hammer had failed. The shield turned back into two separate things as Bear growled in anger. He yelled as his body took the red tint from before as his fists turned into iron. Naruto glared before he brought both his orbs to him. He turned Yang into a blade and Yin into a shield, before blocking a right straight from Bear. Yin absorbed the attack, before Naruto slashed Bear across the face. Bear jumped back as blood dripped from the cut on his face. With another growl he ran though hand signs.
"Earth Release: Mud Dragon Bombs!" yelled Bear.
Naruto released Yang from it's sword form, before turning into a young woman as she stopped the attack by absorbing it. Naruto called Yang back into a sword, before charging forward and unleashing several slashes at Bear who could do little to stop the attacks.
Naruto stopped and slid behind bear, before channeling all his energy into Yang. "Omnislash!" yelled Naruto before he unleashed a slash of pure energy from his blade and at Bear.
Bear didn't even get to yell as he was no longer in the realm of mortals. Naruto fell to his knees as he allowed Yin-Yang force to return to it's sealed form. Rolling to his back he looked at the sky. The eclipse was already fading and once it was over nothing but pure blue would remain.
"I need to get more practice in with Yin-Yang Force. The fight was only 5 minutes, but I was already reaching my limit with that trigger," said Naruto before getting up and walking to the the area he just left.
Upon returning to said area the only living people left were an unconscious Usagi and Mikoto who smiled at her master.
"Return to the village after burning the bodies. We don't need the Shinobi Mercenaries collecting their dead and finding out anything out Triggers," said Naurto as he lifted Usagi.
"Of course Naruto-sama," said Mikoto before activating Phenix Force and setting everything on fire.
Location: Sun Village
Several hours later
Sasuke opened his eyes before sitting up in the bed that he had been put in. looknig around he saw Naruto sleeping not that far away. The door to the room opened and in walked Kakashi who was using a crunch to get around.
"Oh your awake Sasuke-kun," said Kakashi as he took a seat next to him.
"What happened? The last thing I remember is being taken out by that Bear guy," said Sasuke.
"According to the client Naruto defeated Everyone by himself, save the village, saved you, sakura-chan, and I," said Kakashi.
Sasuke's eyes widened hear that his friend was powerful enough to defeat an entire group of Shinobi by himself, and more over two of which were listed in the Bingo book as professional killers.
"What happens now?" asked Kakashi.
"I've already sent my report off to the village. We'll be leaving in a day or so," said Kakashi, leaving the room.
Sasuke looked at his hands before clutching his fist. "Just how strong are you Naruto?" Sasuke asked himself.
With Naruto
Same time
Usagi and Naruto sat together with two cups of tea in their hands. Both drank from them slowly. Usagi wore a white Kimono, while Naruto wore his regular clothes.
"Why did you not want me to tell about the woman or the puppets that you commanded Naruto-sama?" asked Usagi.
Naruto looked at her. "Because I'm no where near powerful enough to do what neess to be done," said Naruto.
"What do you mean by that?" asked Usagi.
"I'm sorry, but that's all I have to say on the matter Usagi-san," said Naruto.
Usagi looked at him. "It must be such a burden on you to always hide such things on the inside Naruto-sama," said Usagi with a sad smile.
Naruto smiled. "Not at all. In fact I prefer holding back information from everyone, but those who are truly close to me," said Naruto bowing to Usagi and walking out of the room.
Location: Konoha
Hokage Tower- Minato's office-
Minato and Kazashi sat looking at the two letters that they had received from both Genin teams that had just gone on C-ranked missions that both quickly escoloated to A-ranked missions.
"Team Kushina took out Momochi Zabuza, the Demon brothers, and captured a female with an almost extinct elemental bloodline limit, as well as killing Goto," said Minato sitting down the paper
"And while that was happening, Team Kakashi took out two B-ranked Shinobi from the Shinobi Mercenaries. And not only that, but it was your son who apparently killed them and even claimed the 70 million on the two combinded. He may have just scrued himslef a place in the Bingo book," said Kazashi reading over his letter.
When he found out that they had taken on a known rapist he had nearly called for Kakashi's head for not pulling his team-and more importantly his little girl- in such Danger. Minato trusted his student's judgment so he allowed them to continue. Kazashi still planned on having words with Kakashi.
"So how do you think he did it?" asked Minato making Kazashi look at him.
"Excuse me Hokage-sama?" asked Kazashi making eye contact with Minato
"How do you think my son was able to beat two B-ranked threats? I know that my wife and I were not the best parents or teachers when it came to my son. We even coddled him during family training, stunting his grow. So how did he defeat two B-ranked Shinobi?" asked The yellow Flash.
Kazashi looked at the Hokage and thought about it as they fell into a somber silence.
Location: Sun Village
Naruto's room
Naruto sat in his bed reading data from his Laptop connected to his lab. They would be in the village another day or so allowing Kakashi and Sasuke to expail the poison in their bodies. Naruto already knew that he probably wouldn't be able hide his Black Trigger if they faced another enemy as powerful as Bear was. Already Kakashi had said that they would need additional training. Naruto already had Mikoto working off the data they had on Bear and Midoka to build a new training facility within the lab.
The son of the 4th Hokage looked up from his work as Sakura walked into the room wearing a pink thigh length Kimono. Naruto canceled his work before turning hiseyes to Sakura. The young Haruno maiden slowly closed the door and walked into the center of the room. Her body language was meek and almost submissive, nothing like the young woman he had come to know as his friend over the course of their careers together.
"What can I do for you Sakura-san?" asked Naruto looking at the young woman before him.
Sakura blushed, before walking over to Naruto and sliding onto his bed she made her way over to him and put a hand on his bare chest. Sakura had never seen Naruto without a shirt on. His figure was impressive, he had several scars on his torso, but none of them ugly, in fact they just added to Naruto's overall Powerful aura. Sakura pushed Naruto onto the bed. To him her touch was... different from Mikoto's, Ayame's or even Tenten's touch. Her's was of innocence. It was an innocence that she feared losing to anyone she didn't trust her heart or body to. Sakura straddled Naruto, before slowly undoing her Kimono and letting it fall revealing her breasts to the young man before her
"The other day when Bear had me trapped, the only thing I could think of is him taking my virginity," said The Pinkette.
Naruto felt something wet hit his face and realized that his teammate was crying. "Sakura," said Naruto.
"I know that you aren't the man I love, but I need this right here, right now," said Sakura kissing Naruto as her hands placing her hands on his chest.
Naruto narrowed his eyes, before flipping Sakura and pinning her under his full weight. "Stop it Sakura! Your traumatized and trying to replace a bad experience with a mistake,' said Naruto.
Sakura shuck her head. "I want this. Please," said Sakura pleading with Naruto.
Naruto got off of Sakura and stared at her. He was a red blooded male and he the woman before him. "Not like this Sakura," said Naruto grabbing her kimono and putting it on her. "I want you to think really hard about if you really want this. In a few weeks if you still feel the same then we will go though with this
Sakura nodded her head wiping the tears that she didn't know had spilled. "Then can I sleep with you tonight?" asked Sakura.
Naruto smiled, before kissing her on the forehead. Naruto laid beside Sakura. As the young Haruno woman drifted off. Off to a world were she dreamed of a future with Naruto that would never come.
Killjoy: Zaara is currently on the ground in a pile of meat so...
Sakura: (Putting a beating on Zaara off Screen)
Zaara: (Sounds of bones breaking and screams)
Kasumi: We wish you all a great day.
Killjoy: and we hope you enjoyed the chapter
Zaara: (Crawls over to Killjoy and Kasumi) I'll have the last laugh killjoy.
Black Trigger(s) files
Name: Phenix Force
User: Uchiha Mikoto
Design: Body suit, surraded Katana
Abilities: Instant regeneration, Flame generation from 500-1600 degrees F,
Side effects: With each swing of the blade the air grows hotter and drier, once it reaches the 1000 degrees the temperature of the blade becomes internal. Mikoto can only use the full might of her black Trigger for 10 minutes, before it becomes lethal to herself.
Notes: Full extent of abilities is unkown, but is one of the Three primal force Black Triggers.
Yin-Yang Force
User: Uzumaki-Namikaze naruto
Design: Takes the form of whatever the user wishes.
Abilities: Yin- can stop all physical attacks such as swords, kunai, shuriken, as well as attacks up with fists. Yang- can stop/ phase though all elemental, space-time, and gen Jutsu as well as store chakra to use later
Side effects: unless the Chakra that is absorbed is released in a timely manner, then the backup chakra can kill a person.
Notes: Full extent of ablites currently unkown, but is one of THE primal froce Black Triggers