Okay, when it comes down to the musical, Helpless is one of the fucking cutest love stories EVER (disregarding future actions *cough cough*) You can actually look up some of their letters on the internet and Alexander says some really sweet stuff to her, especially in their letters during the war. SO CUTE! X3

The 1770s had SO MANY GOOD COUPLES! George and Martha Washington, John and Abigail Adams, Thomas and Lucy Jefferson, Gilbert and Adrienne Lafayette, and of course, Alexander and Eliza (BEFORE Alexander screwed up DX )

Balls were either hit or miss with Alfred. Arthur would always drag him to balls that were stuffy and no fun at all, and he detested them with a passion. He preferred balls that weren't entirely formal, ones where he could meet a lot of his friends or people he knew, ones that were just for fun and not for some big recognition of some event.

This was one of those balls. And it certainly became a great distraction from the ongoing war.

Alfred could feel all the tension melt away when a bunch of soldiers were allowed to simply traverse the city and have a good time, take their minds off the hardships of war. Tonight was no different, as he, Washington, Alexander, and quite a few soldiers were invited to the Schuyler's residence for a gathering.

Alfred looked fondly upon the Schuyler family; they were good people, and the three sisters were definitely a sight to see. But what Alfred loved about them is that they were not only beautiful, but spunky too; they took nothing from no one and it made them hot as hell!

As usual, the stunning Angelica Schuyler was dazzling the room, when something caught Alfred's eye. He turned to see Eliza, the second oldest sister, seemingly transfixed on something. He had always liked Eliza, despite having not really gotten to know her very well. It wasn't because she was trusting and kind, but because he had the same feeling around her, the same way he felt for Alexander or Washington.

Eliza was going to be important somehow, and he was curious to find out why. He casually made his way over to her, but even when he appeared right next to her, she didn't even acknowledge him. Alfred knelt down slightly, trying to follow her line of sight, "See something you like?"

Eliza jumped nearly a foot in the air, "Oh! You startled me!" She exclaimed before quickly composing herself. "No, I-I wasn't looking at anything."

Alfred shrugged, "I dunno, you looked pretty much hypnotized." He said, smiling mischievously.

"It's none of your concern; you forget yourself." Eliza retorted, turning back the way she was looking.

Alfred didn't speak but went back to trying to see what Eliza was looking at. She seemed to be looking at the stairwell, and a certain aide de camp was currently standing and speaking with Laurens. "Ohhhh, I see what's going on here." Alfred said, making Eliza flinch. "Something tells me your heart just went 'boom'."

"I fail to see how my interests are any of your business, sir." Eliza said curtly.

"So you do like him." Alfred said, his smile still on his face. "Don't deny it, I've seen my fair share of longing gazes, and right now, you my lady, are the definition of helpless."

"Is everything alright over here?" Alfred and Eliza turned as Angelica approached them.

"Perfectly fine, Miss Schuyler," Alfred said. "I was just leaving."

"He certainly was." Eliza agreed, sending him a glare.

Alfred stepped near Eliza's ear, "His name's Hamilton; good luck." He whispered before hurrying off and vanishing among the crowd of people.

Alfred kept watching the two, his grin nearly splitting his face when Angelica led Alexander over to Eliza, soon leading to the two dancing. He now understood a part of that feeling he had for Eliza; it was the same feeling when he met Martha Washington and Abigail Adams.

This was going to be fun.

(The next day)

"Whatcha doing?" Alfred asked as Alexander sat at his desk writing.

Alexander glanced up at him, "Writing."

"I see that. What are you writing?"

"It's not important."

"C'mon Alex, you can tell me."

"I'd rather not."

"Don't you trust me?"

"With this? No."

Alfred pouted, "That hurts, man." The two were silent for a moment as Alexander continued writing. "Are you writing a letter?" Alfred asked.

"It's none of your business."

"Who's it for?"


"Someone special?"

"I told you-"

"Who's it for Alex?"

"Alfred, would you just-"

"Yoink!" Alfred snatched the letter from the desk.

Alexander stood abruptly, "Give it back."

"You're writing to Eliza?" Alfred asked in mock surprise as he looked at the letter. "But you just met her last night!"

"Give it back, Alfred!" Alexander made a grab for it but Alfred was nimble. When it came to teasing people about their soulmates, Alfred was an expert. He learned almost everything when he watched George and Martha; those two were so obsessed with each other it was like a disease they didn't want to and couldn't cure. The amount of teasing Alfred got to do out of it was glorious.

"Dearest Elizabeth, I hope this letter finds you well, despite its abrupt appearance." Alfred began to read while hurrying around the tent to avoid Alexander's failed attempts to get his letter back. "Even though we only just met a night ago, your beauty has constantly occupied my thoughts. Aww, how sweet!"

"Alfred, I mean it! Give it back!"

"Last night's revels were such a joy, but when I laid eyes on you it was like the world stood still. Damn, aren't you poetic?"

"This isn't funny Alfred!" Alexander protested as Alfred simply held him back with a hand on his chest, holding the letter as far away from him as possible, leaving the man grappling helplessly for it.

"I certainly hope to see your face again in the near future, and that you will grace my words with your own. I can only pray that this war doesn't keep us apart. Most sincerely, Alexander Hamilton."

Alfred finally gave the letter back; thankfully, their tussling hadn't damaged it. "So, you and Eliza, huh?" Alfred said with a smirk. He held his hands up as Alexander sent him a sharp glare. "Hey, don't let me stop you; that was pretty romantic if I do say so myself."

"Really?" Alexander said skeptically as he got out an envelope.

"Oh yeah; but I have to admit, yours are pretty tame. I mean, you should've seen George's letters to Martha!" Alfred whistled. "You could practically see the hearts oozing out of the words."

Alexander stared at him, "What?" He finally said; he honestly couldn't even know how to react to that last sentence.

Alfred shook his head and clapped his shoulder, "Trust me, Alex; if you keep writing letters like that, she'll be all yours in a few months' tops; especially if the way she looks at you is anything to go by."

That caught Alexander's attention, "What do you mean?"

"Aw man, you should've seen her last night." Alfred said, draping an arm around him. "She was looking at you like you were the answer to everything she's ever wanted; totally helpless."

Alexander stole a glance at his letter, "…Really?"

"Really!" Alfred said, giving him a pat on the back, "Go send your letter Romeo; tell me if she writes back!" And he exited the tent.

Alexander watched him go and looked back down at his letter, "The answer to everything she's ever wanted…" He mused, a small smile pulling at his face. He then folded the letter, placed into the envelope, and sealed it before sending it off.

Only time would tell if Alfred was right.

From that day forward, Alexander and Eliza were the definition of smitten. They wrote each other almost every day and always made sure to go to any of the gatherings that they could make it to. The soldiers were nearly stunned; the tom-cat Hamilton was falling head over heels for not just any girl, but a Schuyler!

Alfred had never seen Alexander more than when he came back from visiting with the Schuyler's. He was not only getting close with Eliza, but with the rest of her family as well.

"It's like they bring out a different side of me." Alexander was saying Alfred one night after a particularly fun night with the wealthy family. "Peggy confides me, Angelica tried to take a bite of me!"

Alfred whistled. "Do you know how many guys would kill to be in your position right now?"

"Exactly why I don't want you spreading this around." Alexander said, giving him a pointed look.

"Relax; like I'd get in the way of your blossoming romance." Alfred said. "And look on the bright side; if it was Angelica you were courting instead of Eliza, I don't think even I could keep you safe."

"Why you?" Alexander asked, noting the strange choice of words.

"I'm stronger than I look." Alfred answered with a wink. "Once this war really gets rolling, you'll see what I mean."

After only a few months, Alfred could tell that they were meant to be. All Alexander had to do was pop the question. "I…I don't know about this…"

Alfred gawked as they sat in their tent, Alexander fiddled with the ring he had made for Eliza. "Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now!" Alfred said.

"I'm not, it's not about asking her…it's about afterwards." Alexander said. "I have nothing to offer her! I'm not rich, I'm not famous, I'm not even a commander in this war! All I have is my honor and a tolerance for pain."

"Don't forget your college credits and top-notch brain." Alfred pointed out.

Alexander didn't answer and stared at the ring, "I spent everything I had to have this made for her." He said softly. "She deserves the best."

"And you're the best for her." Alfred said, scooting closer to him. "You and Eliza have been courting for only a few months and even I can tell that you two are made for each other; and that's saying a lot, because romance in my life doesn't ever work out for me."

"Really?" Alexander asked.

Alfred grimaced, "Yeah; I'm actually advised to not make any kind of relationships, period."

"The mystery continues to grow." Alexander said softly, shaking his head.

"The point is it doesn't matter that you don't have any fancy stuff." Alfred went on. "What you can give her, will mean a lot more in the long run; trust me."

Alexander looked directly at him, seeing no lies behind his eyes. Alfred was right; he couldn't throw away his shot with her. Eliza meant the world to him and he would be certain to show her that. "Alright." He said, getting up and putting the ring safely in his pocket.

"Atta boy!" Alfred cheered. "Good luck!"

(A few hours later)

Alfred sat in the tent, fiddling with some of Alexander's quill pens, along with Mulligan and Lafayette (Laurens had been called away earlier). They sat in silence, waiting for their friend's return.

Soon, Alexander entered the tent, having just gotten back from the Schuyler residence to ask Philip Schuyler for his blessing of Eliza's hand. Alfred shot up, along with Mulligan and Lafayette.

"So? How did it go?" Alfred asked expectantly.

Alexander looked at him and a smile slowly appeared on his face. "You're all invited to the wedding."

The three men all cheered in triumph.

The wedding was held at the Schuyler residence. It wasn't terribly big as wartime limited supplies, but it was enough to satisfy Eliza. She was marrying the man of her dreams and she couldn't be happier.

With Angelica as the Maid of Honor, Laurens as the Best Man, and the rest (including Alfred) as groomsmen and bridesmaids, the wedding was truly a lovely sight to behold.

Alfred beamed as he watched Alexander slip the golden band onto Eliza's finger and seal their vows with a kiss. A part of him felt complete with them, as their union brought about a new feeling that he was sure would affect him greatly in the far future. But he would think on it later; right now, he was here to enjoy his friend's wedding.

At this point in time, his fight for independence seemed miles away.

Alfred would TOTALLY be that friend. The one that hangs your crush over your head and doesn't stop until you stop screwing around and JUST KISS ALREADY! XD

I fell even more in love with this couple when I found out just how fancy the ring Alex gave to Eliza was. I don't remember the exact details but I know it was a double band made of solid gold. Probably the ONLY fancy thing he could afford to give her, I mean can you imagine how much that would've cost back then?! It really says a lot about how he felt about her since this man was so obsessed with family and his legacy.