A/N: For the Pocket Morty Competition (Purple Shirt Morty: purple as a prompt)
"Dora, darling," Ted sighs, "do you want to give Nan a shock?"
His four year old daughter shakes her head with a giggle, bright purple hair whipping back and forth with the motion.
Ted tries not to laugh. As adorable as his daughter is, he can't give in this time. Andromeda insists that he's spoiled her, and he can't prove her right. "Then maybe you shouldn't have your hair like that. We haven't explained that you're special yet, and she might panic if she thinks we've colored your hair."
"But I love purple!" the little girl squeals, holding her arms wide open. "I love it this much!"
"I know you do, precious," he says, and laughter slips into his voice. "But we ought to ease your Nan into the news, I think."
"But Nan loves me."
"Yes, she does."
"And I love purple."
"We've established this," Ted says, and his lips tug into a smile.
"So, since Nan loves me, and I love purple, Nan will love my purple hair, too!" she says, nodding to herself. "You love my purple hair, don't you, Daddy?"
"Of course, Dora."
"Then don't make me change it. Please?"
Ted sighs before scooping his daughter into his arms and lifting her up, placing a kiss on her nose. "Okay. You can keep it purple."
"Ted, your mother is-" Andromeda trails off, staring at their daughter's still bright hair. She smiles. "She wouldn't let you talk her out of it?"
"Have you tried arguing with a four year old? It's hard work."
"Four and half!" Nymphadora corrects stubbornly.
"Four and half," Ted agrees. "She-"
"Ted? Where is my precious granddaughter? Oh!"
His mother freezes, eyes glued to the tiny girl. Ted braces himself for the rush of parenting advice. Instead, she grabs Nymphadora from his arms and twirls her around. "Look at you! And that pretty hair!"
Ted releases a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He leans against Andromeda. "See? You were worried over nothing," he teases.
Andromeda elbows him. "Hush, you."
"Mummy! Daddy! Nan likes my hair too!" Dora shouts in delight, giggling.