AN: Sorry this took so long, guys, but damn it's tricky to write this. I forgot how much the movie jumps around in the final act, lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, and let me know what you think. Thanks!

Part V

The loud, almost deafening sound of horns and people shouting orders was what woke Chris. She shot up and instantly regretted it. Her head throbbed. She needed a good handful of ibuprofen, or maybe just a morphine drip.

"Shit," she hissed, tenderly cradling her scalp.

"Still hurt?" Owen asked in a dreamy, thick voice.

Chris glanced to the man at her side and noticed he looked half-stoned. She smiled to herself instead of giving him hell for the stupid question.

The familiar sound of Wheatley's voice snapped them all into the moment. Claire, Owen, and Franklin ducked out of sight. Chris scrambled to her feet and did her best to shield them from view a split second before the window that separated the back of the truck from the cab. Wheatley's face was all they could see.

"You got a heartbeat?" he asked plainly.

"Yeah, do you?" Zia shot back without hesitation. Chris smirked. She liked Zia.

"I need blood samples."

"I'll hand you a needle, then. Show ya where you can stick it." Chris replied.

Wheatley glowered at her and Zia, but wisely said nothing else. Instead, she slid the hatch shut, cutting them off from the cab again.

"Okay, go, go, go." Zia said, quickly ushering the others out of the back of the truck.

Franklin didn't have to be told twice and gladly leapt through the flap. Claire was next, while Owen lingered. He took Chris's shoulders in his hands.

"Be careful." He told her seriously.

"Yeah," she nodded. "You, too. Kay?"


Owen gave her a short, quick kiss before diving through the same flap the others had disappeared through. Chris had to steady her breathing. She was scared, for obvious reasons, but knew the emotion would do little to nothing to help her in the situation she found herself in. The best she could do was try to shove it down, deep into the pit of her stomach.

How the hell was she the safest of the two of them? She was in the back of a truck with a still-injured top predator that was ready to lash out at any second, with gun-toting nuts behind the wheel.

Behind the wheel of the truck he'd stolen, Owen had no idea where he was going, but he and Claire were so far back in the line that he only needed to follow the truck in front of him. It helped his scattered mind find a little focus, which he appreciated.

Everything that surrounded him was happening almost too fast for him to let it sink in. He was revved on adrenaline again, despite having only woken up about an hour prior.


Claire's voice made his insides jump. They'd been silent since they left the ship. In truth, there wasn't much to say, but apparently something had come to Claire's mind.

"When's the wedding?"

Owen couldn't help but turn a disbelieving eye to the woman beside him. It seemed like an odd time to ask.

"Who knows?" he replied. "Whenever she wants, I guess. That's how it goes, isn't it?"

She shrugged a single shoulder. "It's kind of fast though, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?" Owen still wasn't sure what direction the conversation was going to go.

"I mean, you guys haven't been dating all that long, right?" She said, keeping her tone light and nonchalant, which somehow didn't sound right.

"It's been a couple years." He said.

Claire nodded a few times again before adding. "Well, congrats."

"Thanks." He smiled, almost beaming.

Claire's eyes lingered on him for a moment. A small part of her, that petty, jealous part, was mad he seemed to be so happy. For some reason, she always thought that they could give it another chance. Their first date hadn't been that great, but she wasn't the same person anymore. She was more relaxed, calmer.

Her stomach sank as her gaze drifted back to the window. She was happy for him, just still a little upset for some reason.

Chris and Zia were led into the laboratory at gunpoint. It seemed a bit excessive, but smart, too. For some reason, Chris couldn't fault them for it because she was more than willing to beat the shit out of someone given the chance. It seemed like they were aware of the fact.

The pair was soon handcuffed to Blue's cage, which Chris thought was a little ridiculous, but she was glad for it. So long as they were deemed slightly important, they'd be left alive. Chris had a very certain idea that if she and Zia were no longer useful, they'd be "dispatched".

Would you leave people alive if they knew what you'd done?

"Beautiful," a man in a white coat said as Blue was moved inside her cage. Chris recognized him immediately.

"Doctor Wu," she said in a flat, even voice.

She drew his eye. Wu smiled, but the action seemed rehearsed. It didn't quite touch his eyes, which just made it hollow to see.

"Doctor Pratt." He greeted her politely, but it was as empty as his smile. "What are you doing here?" She said nothing, simply pointed to the animal in the cage. "Ah," he replied. "Of course." His eyes drifted to Zia. "And this is?"

"Doctor Rodriguez." Chris said. "She's another paleo-vet."

"Hello," he said to her.

Zia said nothing in return. Instead, she chose to glare hatefully at him. Wu seemed to realize comfortable conversation wasn't going to flow and retreated for the moment. Chris wasn't entirely certain why he chose to speak to them in the first place. Part of her assumed it was out of professional courtesy. She had worked with the man for a few years. They may not have been in the same department, but it wasn't entirely uncommon for him to inquire about the specimens and their health. They were what one might consider "work friends", polite and cordial, but she wasn't going to invite him over to dinner, and vice versa.

"That was Henry Wu, wasn't it?" Zia asked with her jaw tight.

"Yeah," Chris replied.

"And all this… is his."


Zia shook her head and let it fall. "I can't believe he's working for these assholes. They talk about him like he's some kind of saint or something in the genetics community."

"It's not his fault." Chris said. Zia stared at her in shock and disbelief. "It's not." She asserted weakly. "The fact is, Wu's a brilliant man, truly. I mean, what kinda mind can engineer this stuff," she motioned to Blue, "and make it reality? Problem is, he can't stop. He's gotta keep pokin', keep learning to see what's possible, but you need money for that. Lots of money. So," she let out a heavy sigh. "He sold himself for it. I've got respect for the guy, but he's an asshole, no doubt."

Zia smirked to herself. "You sound pretty sure."

"Yeah, well, I dated a surgeon for a bit. He was the same way. You see that king of arrogance in someone's eyes long enough, you can see a God complex anywhere."

The pair shared a light, small laugh, but the situation seeped its way into their minds shortly after. It was a hard thing to avoid. They were in the heart of enemy territory, and Chris doubted she and Zia would be useful for much longer. Worse yet, she couldn't stop thinking about Owen and Claire. She wasn't even sure they made it off the boat okay.

Something must have happened. The soldiers in the lab, the soldiers in the halls, and every other doctor was scrambling. Chris watched as they stashed blood samples, took hard drives, and laptops. They were clearing out, there was no denying it. Chris began to smirk.

"What do you think's going on?" Zia asked.

"Owen." She said, without a doubt. "He's good at causin' trouble."

"Good," Zia replied.

Wu approached the pair, telling Zia that he was going to take blood samples from Blue. She laughed in his face and openly told him he couldn't. Wu spouted something about having created her himself, that he made no mistakes when he had. Again, Zia laughed and pointed out she'd done a blood transfusion. Wu was barely able to comprehend what she was saying before Franklin magically appeared.

Chris hadn't noticed him previously, her mind too busy, and jumped when he jammed a tranquilizer into the "good doctor's" neck. She stared at him wide-eyed while he shuffled for the keys.

"Franklin!" Zia exclaimed with pure joy. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving your life." He said as he slammed the key into their cuffs and unlocked them.

Chris didn't hesitate to run off.

"Where are you going?!" She barely heard Zia yell at her.

"To find Owen and Claire!" she screamed back, already down a distant hall. She had no idea of whether or not Zia and Franklin heard her, but she felt the need to answer their question anyway.

Chris ran, past the people going about their business, and past the soldiers. It was possible not many of them even noticed her, too busy trying to handle their own business than deal with an escaped prisoner.

She had no idea where she was going. There were a thousand levels and a million square feet in the mansion (sure, an exaggeration, but it felt like that) so she had no idea where to start.

Chris turned a corner and was presented with a lone guard. She had no idea what the man in black was doing, if he was patrolling or keeping an eye out, but she didn't hesitate to race for him. Chris smashed her shoulder into his side a split second before he noticed her, sending him violently to the floor. She heard his head bounce off the concrete. Unconscious, she knew he wouldn't mind if she took his gun, so she did.

She threaded the weapon over her shoulder, ensuring the strap was in place before actually taking the time to look around. She was surrounded by stark concrete halls, and little else. But, at the end of the hall, was an elevator. Chris didn't hesitate. Once inside, she saw a button labeled, MF, and assumed it stood for Main Floor. She pushed it and took the ride up.

"Okay, okay, okay," Owen said as he did his best to get a grip under the chunk of fake wood that had pinned Claire. He was grateful it wasn't real. He'd never be able to move it, otherwise. "Ready?"

Claire positioned her hands beneath it and nodded. On the count of three, he lifted, and Claire pushed. Slowly but surely, the piece of destroyed decoration moved off of her. Owen took over and guided it away, dropping it to the side. He could immediately see the gash in Claire's thigh. It was horrible, and deep.

"Here," he said, pressing a square of cloth against the wound. She hissed in pain, which didn't surprise him.

"You have to go find her." Claire said.

"I can't leave you like that." He said. "What if-"

Owen's words were immediately cut short by the sound of loud footsteps. They were coming closer, and fast. He slowly rose to stand upright, picking up a piece of twisted metal as he did. His body vibrated with the need to act, buzzing with adrenaline. Within seconds, whoever was running towards them would be in sight.

Without warning, Chris appeared in the display hall. She skid to a halt, aiming her weapon at the sudden movement to her side. She let out an immediate sigh of relief.

"Owen," she breathed.

"Hey, babe." He smiled weakly.

Chris raced forward, over the edge of the broken display and hugged him when she could.

"How'd you find us?" he asked as they parted.

"Work with dinos long enough, you learn to follow the screams." She said. "What happened?" she asked when she spotted Clair's bloody slacks.

"That thing." She spat venomously. Her eyes darted to Owen. "You have to find Maisie. She's not safe."

"Right," he nodded. "Um, take care of her, okay? Her leg's cut up really bad."

"Yeah, of course." Chris nodded.

He started off. "Love you!" he called back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Chris said quickly, forcing Owen to hesitate. She unhooked the rifle from her body and tossed it to Owen. He caught it easily. "Now go."

He gave her a wink, disappearing a moment later.

Chris went to Claire's side. She knelt down and took hold of the cloth. "Look away."

She said. Claire nodded, slammed her eyes shut, and averted her head. Chris peeled the cloth back and looked at the wound. It was… bad. Something had cut through her skin, the fat tissue in her thigh, and into the muscle. Honestly, Chris wouldn't be shocked if it hit bone.

"Okay," she said softly. Chris laid the cloth back into place. "Hold that." Claire took over while Chris leaned back. She began to unfasten her belt. "Who's Maisie, then?" she finally asked. "Another dino or doctor?"

"Neither," Claire replied. Tenderly, Chris wrapped her belt around Claire's thigh and positioned it into place. "She's Lockwood's granddaughter. Or… daughter's clone, I guess."

Chris shot her a skeptical, but slightly confused glance. "Seriously?" she asked teasing. Claire's expression remained serious as she nodded, officially killing any smirk Chris had plastered on her face. "Oh," she mumbled.

Chris turned her attention back to the task at hand. She slipped the end of her belt through the buckle and tenderly tightened it until the piece of clothing rested easily against Claire's thigh.

"Okay, now," Chris said, looking up and meeting Claire's apprehensive eye. "I've gotta tighten this, a lot. After 'bought twenty minutes, we'll loosen it again, but it's gonna have to be tight, which means it'll hurt. Okay?"

"Yeah," Claire breathed. Chris commended her for trying to remain brave.

"Put your hand on my shoulder."

Claire eyed her skeptically. "Why?"

"Cause you're gonna want to grab something really hard, and it might as well be my shoulder." She replied. Claire nodded unsurely, but wrapped her hand around Chris's shoulder regardless. "Okay, now. One, two,"

On "three", Chris yanked back on the belt's excess, tightening it around Claire's thigh in an instant. The redhead cried out, screamed more like it, and her fingers instantly clamped down on Chris's shoulder. The dug into it, actually, biting angrily into her muscles. It hurt to the point Chris had to bite back a groan of pain. She wouldn't say anything about it, however, not when Claire had it so much worse.

Chris tied the belt off as best she could, ensuring it remained fixed into place around the young woman's body. Claire was breathing heavily, her eyes were watering, and she looked like she was on the verge of passing out. Chris understood. Hell, it'd be worse if Claire wasn't so consumed with adrenaline.

"Come on," Chris said. She stood, looping Claire's arm over her shoulder.

Together, they gradually rose to their full heights. They were surrounded by debris, but somehow managed to make it to the main floor of the museum-like room.

"Now," Chris said as she helped Claire walk, "The hell's goin' on?"