ABC/DISNEY owns GH. No copyright infringement is intended.


"What?" Elizabeth looked over at her husband who was trying not to laugh.

"I think it's cute that you are so excited for tonight." Jason turned to face her as they pulled up to a red light.

"We're having dinner with our son and daughter in-law." Elizabeth loved any chance she got to have a visit with her children.

"We just saw them on Sunday." Jason gave up and laughed as he hit the gas. "We'll see them again this Sunday." They had family dinner at the end of every week just to stay connected. It used to be just the boys, now that Cameron was married his wife came when her schedule allowed.

"I know." Liz said giving her husband side eye. "I am aware that I'm really fortunate that both boys live in Port Charles. I really don't know how Johnny and Karen can bare it." The O'Briens also ended up with two children. Both girls, and neither one of them lived in Port Charles anymore. Karen said the house had seemed so empty. Which was why they sold it and moved into the smaller penthouse at the Towers.

"Not only do we get to see the boys around the table once a week, but we see them most days at work as well." Jason knew that he was blessed to have such a close knit family.

Cameron ended up going to work for his mother. He ran her fashion house. From an early age he had enjoyed fashion, and from his teens showed a strong knowledge of what the popular trends were. He started interning with his mother at sixteen. By twenty he knew that was where he wanted to work after college. During his junior year he had talked with his dad and admitted that he was worried that this choice would be disappointing. Jason assured his son he was proud of him and knew he would do great.

Jake went to work for his dad. That decision wasn't exactly met with a positive reaction from his parents. Liz was terrified, she still was. Jason for his part had done his best to change his son's mind. Once they realized Jake was serious about going into the business then Jason relented. He'd rather train his son then let someone else do so. Jake was assigned to Francis, and just because he was the boss's son he wasn't treated with kid gloves. The standard that everyone else had to live up to, was the same for Jake. He turned out to be smart and a natural. Everything he had he earned.

"Have you been wondering why Cameron wanted to go out to dinner?" Liz wanted to know. She was trying not to get her hopes up, but this could be a baby announcement.

Jason just snorted in laughter. "They've only been married a few years." He could read her mind.

"True, but so were we when we decided to start our family." Liz agreed and offered a counter argument. "They've also been together for almost six years already." She wasn't going to pressure the young couple to have a baby any time soon, or at all, but meeting out at a restaurant in the middle of the week was unusual.

"Jake is home." Jason shifted topics.

"Good. How did he enjoy Lisbon?" Liz was proud of her youngest son. He was a good man just like his dad.

When Jake started working in the business he was worried that she was angry. In fact he avoided her for a few weeks out of fear about her reaction. She invited him out of the house when she was home alone and they talked for hours. About his decision and why he was making it. When they were done she had no choice but to offer him her support, because this was something he had given a lot of thought to.

"He said it was a beautiful city." Jason pulled into the valet parking area. "I got back good reports from our friends." Manny had called to say that Jake was welcome back anytime. "We will be going early next year."

"Good." Liz had enjoyed her last stay. They walked into the lobby and past the hostess. They were eating in the private dining room and they both knew where it was located. "Look loiterers." Liz pointed and laughed as they walked past the bar.

"After all these years I still can't believe she is willing to be seen in public with you." Johnny said giving his friend grief.

"You would know that feeling better than me." Jason just grinned. "Hello Karen."

"Hi Jason." Karen ignored her husband. "I have four clients who are waiting for this dress to come back in stock." She said looking at Liz.

"I have more than a few back orders on this one." Liz nodded her understanding. The leaf embroidered form fitting dress with a banded waistline had proven to be one of the breakout stars of the current collection. It was sleeveless which made it perfect for the warmer months, but with a sweater it could transition to colder weather. The keyhole cutout on the neckline showed small glimpses of skin giving the dress some sex appeal. She was wearing it in pale blue, but it was available in four different shades. "Cameron has enjoyed pointing out that he said I needed to order more of these when I submitted the collection." She was now a household name and the head of billion dollar fashion empire.

"That is why you pay him." Karen said with a smile.

"Date night?" Liz looked between her friends.

"No." Johnny said a little surprised. "Cameron invited us to dinner. Didn't he tell you? He said we should be here."

Liz looked at her husband before looking at her friends. "You guys know that you are always welcome to eat with us. However it is a little odd that he would invite you tonight because we are getting the impression he has something to share."

"I got that impression too." Johnny placed his arm around his wife's waist as the two couples went down the hall. "I can't think of what he and Emma would want to share with us, at the same time as you." If Cameron had married one of the O'Brien girls it would make more sense, but he hadn't.

He had married the daughter of Patrick and Robin. The petite doctor had moved away from Port Charles not long after the night Liz was kidnapped. She was gone for about two years before deciding to return. By that point Patrick and Lisa were over, but Robin still wasn't ready to offer forgiveness. In fact things between the two doctors were down right frigid. Robin's relationship with the ladies wasn't much better. She pretty much only hung around with Georgie and Maxie. What Robin didn't do was try to talk with any of the mob guys. Which kept Emily and Carly from trying to kill her.

Johnny had been the one to say all that hate was just repressed sexual tension, and he had been shown to be right when Robin turned up pregnant. Then Port Charles was treated to the two doctors fighting about the pregnancy, then about the fact that Patrick wanted to get married and Robin didn't. In fact it was a rare moment when the two of them weren't fighting about something. That ended when Robin suffered an abruption and almost died.

Cameron knew Emma from an early age. They were in the same grade despite her being younger. Emma was smart like both her parents. The two kids got along well, and Liz encouraged the friendship. Especially since she wasn't required to interact much with Robin. Even now they rarely socialized with the Drakes unless it was for the kids. "Have you seen the Drakes?" Liz wanted to know.

"No." Karen said shrugging. She had been encouraged to make up her own mind about Robin. The ladies were mature enough to understand Karen didn't need their approval of her friends. It just turned out she didn't like Robin either.

"Why don't we just ask the kids?" Jason said grabbing the doorknob to the private room.

"No fun at all." Johnny just shook his head. Jason's lack of curiosity was always a good thing to tease him over. All these years later Johnny still enjoyed messing with his boss.

Jason just smirked and opened the door. They walked in and saw why their friends were here.

"Ali!" Karen gave her daughter a big hug. "Why didn't you say you were coming down?"

"Because then it wouldn't be a surprise." Alison O'Brien looked like her mom but had her dad's colorings. Her dark hair and green eyes had always garnered her a lot of attention from boys. Something that gave her dad grey hairs. "Surprise." She said hugging on her dad.

"Hi sweetie." Liz gave her goddaughter a hug. "You look great."

"I'm in one of your dresses, so that is a given." Alison had grown up wearing her godmother's creations. Which meant that she and Cailin always looked good.

"Hi." Liz walked over and kissed Jake. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He gave her a hard hug. "I brought you something back from Lisbon."

"You are the only thing I need." Liz said hugging him again. She then hugged Cameron and Emma. "Thank you for arranging this." She told her son.

"I didn't." Cam gave her a small smile. He wasn't stealing his brother's thunder. What he would do was help in whatever way was needed.

"We get to have a nice family dinner." Karen was smiling at her daughter.

"Actually before we start I have an announcement." Jake was like his dad, public speaking wasn't his thing. He liked to blend into the background and just observe those around him.

Ali walked away from her parents to stand next to Jake. "We have an announcement."

"We?" Johnny looked between his daughter and his godson. "As in you and Jake?" His little girl had been interested in someone for the past eight months, but she wouldn't say who. She said he would try to scare the guy off. He just countered that was what dads did.

"Yes." Jake looked at Ali. "As in me and her. But no we aren't dating. I want that to change." He had told his mother that he was talking with someone, but he knew she thought he was saying that so that she would drop the subject. Neither he nor his brother lied very often, it was a habit they got from their dad.

Jason looked between her two sons and got that Cameron knew already. That wasn't surprising the boys were extremely close and always had each other's backs. As far as Jason was concerned this was great news. Johnny however might not be so thrilled. He loved Jake, but that was his daughter who was saying that she wanted to start dating a mobster.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Karen wanted to know. She was wondering if her husband was about to have a stroke. He hadn't said anything.

"Dad chased Michael away. So I didn't think that he would be that thrilled about me bringing Jake home." Ali had been the one to decide that they needed to keep their interest in one another quiet. Jake had to be convinced this was the right way to go. When she went to Toronto to work in her friend's art gallery they stayed in touch, talking every day. If anything the time apart made their relationship stronger. "Given what Mikey did and what Jake does I thought it was going to be a tough sell."

Johnny just blinked. He always told his girls that they could come to him with anything. Then his actions had made Ali think that was just lip service. "Ali." He took a deep breath because this was not something he even had a hint about. "Michael and Cailin were a different kettle of fish."

Michael Quartermaine had been the kind of boy no dad wanted to see on their doorstep. As a teenager he had been a nightmare. He very much enjoyed tossing his last name around. He was a bully who thought that his actions wouldn't have any consequences. AJ and Carly were all but pulling their hair out trying to get him to behave. It was Jason who finally put the fear of god into his nephew. However that came after Michael could have killed Cailin in a horrifying moment where history repeated itself.

Johnny told his daughter to stay away from Michael. It was a straight up order. Which was why when Johnny got the call that she had been injured in a car accident with the drunk teen behind the wheel, he pretty much lost it. Cailin had suffered a broken arm, but Michael needed surgery and then rehab. When he was fully healed Jason paid his nephew a visit which ended with Michael deciding that sobriety was a good choice and that he might benefit from some time in London. "He almost killed your sister."

Alison just looked at her dad. Jake's life was dangerous. Something that her dad knew first hand. She just didn't see him accepting this. "That's where any conversation about me seeing Jake would have started. I wasn't going to fight with you about this. Nor was I going to be put in a place where I had to choose. Jake and I want to see each other."

"I have no intention of sneaking around behind your back. I respect you too much for that." Jake told the man he had called uncle all of his life. "Ali was one of my best friends. Now I'd like her to be something more." He looked at the woman holding his hand, the women he had fallen in love with. He was going to marry Ali, hopefully her father could accept that.

Liz and Karen were both reaching for tissues. Jason handed his wife his handkerchief. He was proud of his son, and he didn't envy the position his friend was in. When Liz said two children was enough he had let out a relieved breath that they hadn't had any girls. He would have loved any daughter he was blessed with, but there was no way he wouldn't be ready to kill whoever she brought home.

"I need a drink." Johnny had no idea what to say to this. "Did you know?" He asked Jason.

"No." Jason told his friend. "You want to take a walk?"

Johnny just shook his head. He had raised his girls to be strong. To fight for what they wanted. Michael had just been too dangerous. Cailin had tearfully admitted while still in the hospital that her dad had been right. That she should have stayed away from Michael. The last thing Johnny wanted was to visit another daughter in the hospital, or to put one in the ground. Being with Jake had the potential to see both those things happening.

"What about Toronto?" Karen wanted to know. If Johnny decided that he couldn't accept this it would be up to her to put the family back together. What she wasn't worried about was Jason's reaction. Over the years she had learned he was a fair man. Sonny would stay out of this as well which meant Johnny didn't have to worry about how this affected work.

"I'm moving back home. I bought the gallery on Main Street." Ali had more than enough money to do this. "I've learned a lot in the past eight months. Professionally, and personally." She had found the place her heart belonged. When you dated enough losers the winners stood out.

"You love him." Johnny wasn't asking a question.

"That's a conversation we need to have together before we have it with everyone else." Jake answered for them both.

Johnny looked between the two of them and saw a united front. He also saw that Jake was ready to protect Ali if it became necessary. He was so much like his dad, and Jason was one of the finest men that Johnny knew. He had helped raise the man standing on the other side of the room holding his daughter's hand. And if asked before walking into the room he would have said that Jake was a fine man as well. "I'm going to take that walk. Jason, you and your son should come with me."

"Dad." Alison spoke up for the first time really afraid. She and her sister were sheltered from what their father did, but they still heard things. Her dad was someone people feared. Her and Jake sneaking around could have disastrous consequences, but she was smart enough to know that them being honest could cause a breach as well.

"It's fine." Jake squeezed Ali's hand. He wanted to kiss her but there was no way he could until all this was settled.

"Should I come too?" Cameron's first instinct was to protect his brother.

"No." Jake had told Cameron that he and Emma should stay home but his brother refused. They were family and family stood together. "Let's go." He did give his mother a kiss before walking out.

Liz just watched them go, it was Ali bursting into tears that had her facing the room again. All three women moved to offer comfort, and Liz said a silent prayer that no one came back with a black eye.

They went out to the private garden. "Whose idea was it to stay quiet?" Johnny wanted to know. He could guess, but wanted to see what Jake said.

"Mine." Jake didn't hesitate to say.

"Fuck me, you're just as bad a liar as your dad." Johnny just shook his head. Like his dad Jake could sit for hours in interrogation and not say a word. "I'll kill you if anything happens to her. You have to know that."

"I'll die if anything happens to her so you killing me won't be necessary." Jake told his godfather. "She's everything to me. I'm willing to work on the legitimate side of the business as much as possible from now on if that makes this easier for you to accept. I'm not willing to walk away from her." Jake couldn't get out completely out of the business.

Johnny just looked at Jake before shaking his head again. "I never saw you coming. I thought for sure she was interested in Rafe." Francis's son was in Puerto Rico working for Renaldo, who now ran the island for Jason and Sonny. Sitting in Corelli's office the other day Johnny had said that Jake was going to eventually run things with Rafe as his second in command. Then he said together the boys would be respected throughout the Costa Nostra.

Jake didn't say anything but Rafe was interested in Adela. He was already trying to figure out how to keep Sonny from killing him when he asked her out. If Jake survived this then he might have some tips for his friend. Or maybe Kristina could help her younger sister because she was engaged to Lorenzo and Skye's son Luca.

"Tell me that you'll be good to her." Johnny was going to trust that his baby girl knew what she was doing. He already prayed for her safety every night, now he just needed to hope those prayers were being heard.

"I can stand here and tell you that, or anything else you want to hear. What will convince you are my actions." Jake told the older man. This was his one shot and he was going to make the most of it. "I can say that she'll always be first, but that's not true. You've been in this life a lot longer than me so you know that. I can tell you I won't make her cry, but that's not true either. She will cry. She'll cry because I'm not home and I haven't called. She'll cry because I missed an anniversary because I'm in jail. She'll cry because I have to put on a gun to walk out the door. What I can tell you, again, is that she is everything. Only her. Always her."

"You can't live together before you get married." Johnny told the younger man.

"That's not your call." Jake said with a grin. He wasn't going to bow down to his godfather. "Ali is hoping to move into the Towers. She's going to talk to Uncle Sonny about that tomorrow. I asked her to see if she could stay with you. She said no."

Jason just laughed. "You'll have Johnny sitting there staring at you when you bring her home if Ali moves back in with her parents." He also thought it was smart that she was going to be living in the Harbor View Towers because Jake lived in the Dorchester Towers. No one was saying the kids had to be celibate, but Jake was showing respect for Johnny by having Ali in a different building.

"Put a ring on her finger." Johnny told Jake. He was doing a lot of dictating but this was his little girl they were talking about.

"When it's the right time for us." Jake wasn't going to let his uncle run this relationship. It would be soon anyway because he wanted his ring on her finger. Just like Jake knew Ali would welcome the piece of jewelry when he presented it to her.

Jake was holding his ground, something Johnny very much respected. "I'm going to be watching."

"Understood." Jake said with a nod. A lot of people would be watching. It was the curse and blessing of having such a large, close knit family. Not that he was worried because he intended to treat Ali like a queen. Just like his dad treated his mom. She would never have a reason to doubt his love, and no one else would either.

Johnny extended his hand and kept his eyes on the younger man's as they shook. "Go so that Ali will see that we weren't pounding on one another."

"Want me to order you a whiskey?" Jake asked with a smirk.

"Karen already has that covered." Johnny said with a smirk of his own. His wife knew him well. "Thanks, for letting us talk that out."

"I wasn't going to let you hurt each other, but this wasn't something I was needed to interfere in." Jason told one of his oldest friends. "The two of you have to figure this out. He's going to be your son in-law and that is not a relationship that will involve me. It's just like Cameron and Patrick had to figure out how to coexist in Emma's life."

"We both got lucky, no father in-laws." Johnny looked at his friend and smiled wide. "We're gonna be in-laws."

"I'm never going to be rid of you." Jason said on a mock long suffering sigh. "I've been counting down the days until you retire and I was set free. Now you'll never go away."

"Nope. He's not going to Vegas for his bachelor party." Johnny told his friend.

"Tell that to Cameron, he'll be the one throwing it." Jason gave up and laughed. "He couldn't have picked a better woman." Ali was a good person, and now that he knew about the relationship Jason thought she was just what Jake needed.

"She picked a good one." Johnny could admit that.

"Let's go back." Jason was looking forward to watching his son be in love. They headed down the hall and Elizabeth came over to give him a hug. While they watched Ali hugged her dad, then went back to Jake's arms. Jason looked down at his wife, the center of his world, and dropped her a wink. "I guess we are done the excitement for the night."

"Let's get some champagne to celebrate." Johnny was hoping for at least a year before he had to give his daughter away.

"None for me." Emma said smiling at the room.

"You on call?" Ali knew Emma well and liked her. That she was already a board certified doctor was pretty amazing.

"Nope. Pregnant." Emma said sharing her and Cameron's news.

Cameron dropped his wife a wink before they found themselves surrounded by the family. This was the perfect way to start dinner.

"I'm going to be a grandmother." Liz was still processing the news as they walked into the house. "I'm going to be a grandmother, and by this time next year I'll more than likely have a new daughter."

"You'll be the sexiest grandmother in Port Charles." They had been a couple for almost thirty years and she still made his heart beat faster when she walked in the room.

Elizabeth blushed a light pink. The man was still all kinds of potent. "You will be a sexy grandpa. I can't wait to see you holding Cameron's little one." She walked over and kissed him. Life was crazy and you never knew what it would throw at you. Lucky for her she had a wonderful man who loved her and together they were enjoying the ride. "Our life is so good."

"It is." Jason gave his wife a soft kiss. "When the new baby comes, and Jake gets married it will only get better."

"Thank you for loving me." Liz said leaning into him.

"I couldn't do anything else." Jason said holding her close. "My heart has always been yours. Ready to go to bed?"

"Absolutely." Liz gave him a coy smile. "You can show me something else that is mine." She said before heading to the stairs.

"I can't think of a better way to end the night." Jason said following his wife upstairs. As she had said when they first got home, life was good.

Time sure does fly, we've wrapped another story. Thank you so much Dottie for requesting that our couple take some time to explore Puerto Rico. Its not somewhere I've ever been, but its on my bucket list now. I'm glad you enjoyed the story so much.

Thanks to all of you who read the story. If you left a review, hit the like or favorite button, then thank you again! I love hearing from you guys. It helps me to know what you like and what you don't like. I read all the reviews and I'm keeping track. I use that information to create future stories.

I do have another story coming. After I take a break. So thank you is in order for your understanding that my eyes need special care. This break should not be as long as the last one. The next story is nearing completion so editing will hopefully start soon.

Thank you Liason102 it is always a joy and pleasure to work with you!

See you guys around the site! Be well!

Thanks for the reviews, the follows, and the favorites!