A.N.: Hi all. I am so sorry for the delay. This one's a toughie to write. Gazillion thanks and love for your support to this story and BGDC. They mean so much to me. Have a great day everyone. ^_^

Special thanks also to: sapphiiregal, breindelmelay, awesome-raji, angel-ylliya, andrelle, Tyamutz, SweetGirlie14, SalomeKassandra, MsRyomaPotter, JHsgf82, Cari-Bum, Selene101, rezi98, Guest (1), Olamy, Guest (2), ramsha05, shully300, Guest (3), Guest (4), isha, Guest (5), YoungestCullen8.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. If I do, Yi Jeong would bring Ga Eul to Sweden with him in BOF and there'll be a drama for just the two of them and their life there :P

Do I love Ga Eul?

That last time

Yi Jeong trailed his index finger on the flawless soft bare back of his bed companion, starting from her long neck to the valley of her arch and down to her slim waist. Then, he moved his finger up the same trail. She lied on her stomach, her head facing him. Strands of silky rose scented hair covered part of her beautiful face. She had one hand over his bare chest, over his heart to be exact. Fatigue from their delicious and wonderful love moments an hour ago consumed her.

He, however, could not sleep no matter how hard he tried. He was restive. Something was bothering him but he could not pin down to what. So he resolved to watch her sleep. Even in her deep slumber, she looked gorgeous. She too looked peaceful and serene.

He traced her back up and down a few more times before he leaned forward and started to drop butterfly kisses on her cheek and jaw line. Finally, he gently pressed his lips on the corner of hers. She moved a little and smiled with eyes still closed. She then shifted closer to him. Her left knee underneath their shared blanket was dangerously high on his thighs. The warmth from her soft body, inviting.

"Shh. Shh. Go back to sleep, my sweet Ga Eul." He whispered to her and kissed her forehead. She let out a moan. "Mmm. Saranghae Yi Jeongie." Yi Jeong instantly stiffened. He had heard those words for so many times now. His normal respond was either a nod or a smile and not more for he did not harbor the same feelings. He only liked her, a lot, with maybe some affection. What he felt for her never crossed that thin line separating like and affection, and love. Still, with this beautiful girl next to him, he cared for her more than his other one-night bed partners. She was different.

But he could not love her. He would not love her.

He lost his last faith in love when Eun Jae left years ago. His first love left when he failed to meet her that early morning. She thought that he did not love her. He was too afraid and cowardly to tell her that he too, loved her. He searched for her high and low but she was elusive. So Yi Jeong then swore that he would never fall in love again. He was not willing to put his heart out for another heartbreak. Once was enough. And he now had forgotten how it felt like to be in love.

However of late, each time Ga Eul said Saranghae, his heart would skip a beat and something in it stirred. It too beat faster. His whole being somewhat felt content that he had goosebumps all over his body. What is this strange feeling? He was afraid of this unknown feeling.

As he watched her sleep his mind wondered to that first time when he outrageously asked to have her. He admitted that he was crazy to do so, to put it mildly, but the urge, lust, and desire in him out-ruled all rational. He was attracted to her, physically, since the first time he met her. Her beauty was so different from the usual supermodel like girls of his. She was unique and he was captivated. He found her more beautiful with every encounter but had to restrain himself for he did not want to be on the receiving end of her best friend's wrath and spin-kick. But that was then. That night when he decided to seek for her, he went with a mission. He could not wait any longer for he must have her.

For a petite girl, her slap stung that he was sure his cheek would be red for hours. She was beyond furious. Of course you perverted moron. Who wouldn't be? You asked to deflower her. Any sane girl or woman would have had the same reaction. You should thank your lucky star that she only slapped you. But he was determined to have her that night. And so he put on his best charm.

Using her love for him was no doubt an enormous advantage. He had long known of her feelings towards him. Nobody told him about it. He was a womanizer. He could read her like an open book, like any other women. Her gestures, blushes, glances, and most importantly her kindness and attention to him gave her away. She resisted and fought but his power was too strong. She finally lost and surrendered, yet euphorically drowned in his kisses, touches and more. He had won.

Being with her was unexpectedly mind-blowing. It was none like his other escapades. He was unprepared for the sensations that she brought forward. He attributed them to her innocence, inexperience and her eagerness to learn and please him. He loved every single second of their moments. Late that night as they lied exhausted but sated, he came to a conclusion. He was going to break his utmost rule. She was addictive and he had to have her more.

So Yi Jeong, you are a monster.

But that was all that he wanted from her. He went to her whenever his heart desired. It was purely for his selfish pleasure. He continued with his sinful wild nightlife in Korea and Sweden. Not once did he contact or keep in touch with her. Why would he? She was not his girlfriend. She was only his bedmate who happened to be his favorite. Furthermore, there was like an unwritten agreement between them. She knew that despite his silence and non-existing communication, he would always come to her when he was back in Korea. Thus for him, there was nothing for her to worry about.

A year into this 'relationship', he did not fail to notice a jig in his heart at the thought of seeing her when he planned his homecomings. His heart would beat faster as the plane descended to touch down. He was eager to see her. No. It was not only desire and lust. There was something else that he could not put a name to. He was baffled at this new feeling.

He too felt that he would easily become jealous of the children and male friends as she told him about her volunteer work and classes. He even thought of asking Woo Bin to send his men and ward off any suspecting pursuers of hers. He was getting possessive of her. He also felt the need to care for her more and more. He would try to make her happy at every moment that they were together. Presents were a must every time he came to her. He would make sure that he would at least be with her once in every return to Korea.

This unnamed feeling made him declared their relationship to the F3 and Jan Di. He wanted to be near her freely during the F4's private gatherings without having Jan Di kicking his behind every time he held Ga Eul's hands or kissed her on her cheeks.

Unfortunately, though his feelings towards Ga Eul developed into something more than affection, he had a terrible weakness. It was the weakness that made him who he was and gave him the reputation that he was notoriously known as. He could not stay away from women. It was this weakness that made him told Ga Eul, the F4, and Jan Di that his relationship with Ga Eul was an open one. He was free to go to other women and Ga Eul was free to go to other men. He would have been killed by Jan Di if Ga Eul did not stop her right after he said those words. Jan Di said that he was an evil man and because of that, she declared a 'war' against him. She made it her lifetime mission to break him and Ga Eul up.

You really are an evil man, So Yi Jeong.

Yet, his feelings towards Ga Eul continued to grow. He became more drawn to her kindness, gentleness, attentiveness, spunkiness and love. He realized that he missed her company more than just her amazing lovemakings.

Is this love? It can't be, can it? She is a special unique woman. This is just affection, right? Yes. This is just affection and nothing more.

Current time

"Yi Jeong, do you love Ga Eul?"

Woo Bin's question brought him back from his deep thoughts. He looked at the Mafia Prince and swallowed hard.

This is it, Yi Jeong.

"No. I don't love her." Yi Jeong cringed inwardly at his own answer.

Woo Bin let out a heavy sigh. He shook his head a little. Yi Jeong was still being stubborn.

"Are you really sure Yi Jeong? Not a tiny bit?" Woo Bin was giving his best friend the last chance to confess.

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't love her like love her. I like her a lot. I care for her. That's it." He looked down at his hands, not brave enough to look at Woo Bin.

Woo Bin took a deep breath and exhaled.

"So I guess you are going to be OK with what I am going to tell you about our Ga Eul."

Woo Bin emphasized on the word 'our'. He was still testing Yi Jeong. The Casanova straightened his back upon hearing the word. His forehead crinkled. He suddenly felt like punching Woo Bin. Since when is Ga Eul Woo Bin's? He fisted his hands.

"You already know that she moved out from her old apartment and changed her number. She's back with her parents."

"What? But why?"

"To get away from you so that you can't go to her anymore." Woo Bin nonchalantly replied.

"What? Are you kidding me? She can't be. I… We were OK the last time I was with her." Yi Jeong could not believe what he heard. "Did Jan Di force her with it?" He made a mental note to have a serious talk with Jan Di for messing in Ga Eul's life and his life.

"No. Jan Di has got nothing to do with it. It's Ga Eul's decision, Yi Jeong, and I think you know why."

"What do you mean I know why Woo Bin?"

"Think about it, Yi Jeong. Think about her too."

Yi Jeong searched for any memories of him hurting Ga Eul that may lead her to this sudden decision. He could not find any, other than that he was sometimes rough with his lovemakings. But he always apologized afterward. Why Ga Eul, why?

His eyes suddenly widened. Could their open relationship be the cause? She said that she accepted this kind of relationship. Or did she not? Anger crept into him.

"There's another thing Yi Jeong."

"What is it now?" He was keeping his anger at bay, but he too, did not know whom his anger was to be directed at. Was it at Woo Bin for keeping the information from him all these times that he was looking for her? Or was it at Ga Eul for cutting all ties with him without any warnings? Or was it at himself for taking her love for him for granted? And now, she had left him. Yi Jeong massaged his throbbing temple.

"She's getting married in summer next year. To her second cousin Chu Sang Bum."

Yi Jeong froze. His heart instantly shattered and his world collapsed. Why was he feeling this way? Why was he so hurt upon hearing the news?

"It's been arranged since they were little. She didn't know about it until recently."

Yi Jeong was still unmoving, absorbing the information like a sponge with water. He did not know whether to squeeze the information out of his system for hurting him so deeply or to keep it in as a punishment for hurting her.

"She told Jan Di that she's going to go on with it. She's close to this guy too. They grew up together before the guy's family moved to a different city." Woo Bin observed the man in front of him. He was still quiet but his expression was anything that Woo Bin had ever seen from his best friend. Is that pain that I see, Yi Jeong?

"Since you don't love her, I suggest you stop looking for her. Just be a good friend and wish her happiness. Can you do that?"

Yi Jeong pursed his lips into a thin line. How could Woo Bin casually suggested him that? He glared at Woo Bin.

"But she's mine! Nobody can have her but me!" Yi Jeong suddenly burst out loud. "How could she marry that guy when she loves me? How could …"

Yi Jeong head snapped to the right. Woo Bin had punched him, hard. Yi Jeong held his jaw. It was damned sore.

"What the hell?" He was ready to punch Woo Bin but the Mafia Prince was faster. He caught the potter's wrist before it made contact.

"You said that you don't love her. What the hell was that with her being yours? She is not yours, Yi Jeong. Get that fact through your thick crazy skull!" Woo Bin bellowed. It was the first time that he punched his brother.


Woo Bin released Yi Jeong's wrist and took three steps backward. At last. So Yi Jeong finally admitted. Woo Bin was right this whole time. Unfortunately, Yi Jeong was too late.

Yi Jeong dropped to the floor. He covered his face with his palms and cried like a child. The pain in his chest was excruciating.

"Ga Eul, I love you. Please come back to me. Please love me again." He murmured repeatedly.

"What do you want Yi Jeong-shii? I'm in the middle of my work. Please make it quick."

Ga Eul crossed her arms in front of her chest. She looked everywhere but him. They were at the same café where he brought her to talk about Jan Di's disappearance years ago. The café was next to the hospital where she volunteered. He had found her in the ward that she was working at. She could not say no to his invitation for coffee since the patients and other staffs were looking at them curiously.

Yi Jeong flinched at her coldness, but it did not stop him from admiring her beautiful face. She wore a simple plain shirt and a knee-length skirt. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail. He was beguiled for he did not know how many times now.

"How are you, Ga Eul?"

"I'm great. Happier. Thank you for asking."

There was a moment of silence between them.

"Would you like some coffee? Espresso? It's your favorite." He tried to break the ice.

"No thank you. I don't like it anymore. Too bitter."

Yi Jeong did not miss the hidden meaning from her words. He cleared his throat.

"Ga Eul, isn't it time to talk about us?"

She smirked. "You are so funny Yi Jeong-shii. Is that a joke? What is there to talk about? There were and are never us. Have you forgotten about that?"

"Please Ga Eul. Please hear me out first. Then I promise to do whatever you want me to do."

She did not say anything but stared into his eyes. Her eyes were icy cold.

"Congratulations Ga Eul. I heard that you are getting married next year to the guy that was with you that day." He tried to sound cheerful but failed miserably. There was sadness in his voice.

Ga Eul stiffened. Her eyes widened. She was going to kill Jan Di. Nobody else was supposed to know yet. "Thank… thank you." She stuttered as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

"He is one lucky guy. Your second cousin?"

She nodded.

"I wish I was him. I really do." Yi Jeong looked at her. His eyes showed regret, loss, and longing.

Ga Eul's jaw dropped. She shivered, not from the cold of the air conditioner. Damned So Yi Jeong for still having this effect on her. A few words from him and she wavered. Moist started to pool in her eyes. She forced herself to think about Sang Bum to fight her weakening heart.

"Please, Yi Jeong-shii. Don't start. You can save your charm or use it on your girls but not me. I won't fall for it anymore. I'm not that stupid and blind girl whom I used to be."

"Ga Eul…"

"Is that all? You come all the way here to congratulate me on my wedding? You could just send me a text. Well thank you, Sir. I'll post you a card. Do come. Thank you again. Good-bye." Ga Eul then quickly stood up, bowed a little and left hurriedly. Her right hand now over her heart and the other wiped the betraying tears away.

"Ga Eul…"

Ga Eul please, I need to talk to you.
Please give me a chance, Ga Eul.
I'll be at the café. Please, Ga Eul. All I ask is just one chance to explain.
Can I send you to class tomorrow?
Please forgive me, Ga Eul.
Do you like the flowers? I knew they are yours once I saw them.
I miss you, Ga Eul.
Passed by our ice-cream parlor this afternoon. Bought your favorite, the chocolate orange flavor. Wish you were here with me.

Those were just some of his text messages. There were many, many more. He knew that she could not be bothered to ask how he got her new number. She too, could not be bothered to change her number again for she knew that he would somehow be able to reach her. But she opted to ignore his messages. Never once did she reply. Even so, he wondered if she deleted them. He hoped that she did not. He wanted to believe that she considered the messages as the only links left that connected and tied them together given the distance, literally and figuratively, between them. Was she still hoping for them to be together? He definitely prayed so.

It was three months since their meeting at the café. They never crossed path but he never stopped sending her messages even when he was in Sweden. He wrote about everything that reminded him of her, reminiscing their moments together. He was hopeful that she would one day, one time replied. It did not matter to him that she was going to marry another. He believed that as long as vows were not yet exchanged and forms were not yet signed and sealed, he still had a chance. He wanted her to know that he cared for her. But he had yet to tell her what she really meant to him and that he loved her. He wanted to tell her in person, while he holds her in his arms.

He knew that he had a lot to prove and make up. She left him because of his wild lifestyle and the endless supply of women warming his bed. He knew that since a long time ago. She never failed to voice out her anger, disappointment, and frustrations those times when they were still together. But he was too egoistic and arrogant. Nobody was allowed to dictate his life. Nobody was allowed to question his choices of actions. He wrote his own path. He did what he wanted to do. I am a free man Ga Eul, and so are you. You are also free to see other men. He cringed when he remembered those cruel spoken words to her. How could he have the heart to think that she was the same as him? He was definitely a monster.

Now, he had stopped his hedonistic life. No women were attractive anymore. None caught his eyes any longer. He stopped frequenting the clubs altogether. The tabloids speculated on his disappearance and change of lifestyle. The netizens too came up with all sorts of rumors and news. The women were at loss. There was no more So Yi Jeong the Casanova to lust on. There was no more So Yi Jeong the playboy to pleasure them.

His F2 brothers, mother, brother and grandfather were surprised at this new So Yi Jeong. But they were happy. No more random girls and no more drunken episodes. Woo Bin was indeed his best supporter. He was always there with Yi Jeong at the times when the potter was down and needed someone to vent out his frustrations or let out his deepest fear and feelings. Woo Bin was his shoulder to cry on.

Yi Jeong spent his time focusing on the upcoming exhibition and auction. He worked hard on the four pieces to be auctioned and poured his soul into them.

She did not come to his exhibition despite receiving a special invitation by hand, Woo Bin's hand that was. She was steadfast in staying away from him. Yi Jeong let out a heavy sigh when Woo Bin told him just before the auction started. He somewhat expected that she would not come. Yet he was hopeful at the same time. It still hurt that she did not come. His plan was ruined.

Mrs. Chu got a shock when she opened the door. There were men holding four boxes made of glass. In each glass box was a vase. One of them was magnificently decorated with precious stones and gems. They were for her daughter Ga Eul.

Ga Eul and her father were astonished. The elder Chus looked at their only daughter questioningly. Ga Eul shook her head. She knew who they were from. She refused to accept them. However, one of the men insisted saying that Mr. So Yi Jeong had warned them that the vases were to be given to her and that they must make sure that she accepted the vases. The man then handed Ga Eul an envelope. It had her name written in a neat beautiful handwriting that she knew very well. It was So Yi Jeong's.

The vases were placed in the living room for Ga Eul refused to have them in her bedroom. She looked at the vases in the enclosed glass. They were exquisite, proofs of his amazing talent and that his study in Sweden was not a waste. She felt proud of him. A smile formed on her pretty face.

As she further observed the vases, her forehead creased. Though exquisite, three of the vases exuded some somber and sad aura. She felt as if she was looking into their makers' soul. His messages came out of the vases and touched her heart. She went closer and read the small engraved plate next to the vases. She gasped and clasped her opened mouth. Regret, Loss, and Longing. Her tear dam instantly burst opened. She then turned to the fourth vase. This one was different. It was the most beautiful with vines of leaves snaking around its curvy body with amazing earthy colors. Her tears could not be stopped. The words on the plate spelled "Ga Eul - the Autumn in My Heart".

Ga Eul ran to her bedroom and locked the door. She sat at the edge of her bed and with trembling hands, she opened the envelope. There was his letter.

My dearest Ga Eul,

If you are reading this letter, then I assume that you have received the vases. Thank you for accepting them. I was worried that you might refuse them so I threatened the men that I'll hold their salary if they come back with the vases. Am I cruel? I am, right? But the vases are solely yours. You are the only person who has the right to own them.

I wanted to show them to you during the auction but you did not come. So there they are, with you. For your information, if you are interested to know, the money raised for them (From a very generous donor. Guess who.) is already sent to the hospital where you volunteered. The donor figured that more R&D and some renovations are needed to help the children center there. Are you happy with the news? I hope you are. I want you to be happy.

My sweet Ga Eul,

What do you think about the vases? Are they beautiful? Which one is your favorite? Is it the Autumn? It is, right? It is mine too. In all honesty, there were only you in my mind when I made them. You are the inspiration for them. Can you see what I see in those vases, my pretty Ga Eul? Can you feel what I feel, my beautiful Ga Eul?

I feel regrets. I regret all the bad, worse and worst things that I've done to you. I regret taking advantage of your love. I regret that I ignored you. I regret not caring how you felt. I regret being the greatest jerk. I regret being a pain in your heart. I regret not treating you the way that you should be treated, the way that you deserved to be treated. I regret not being there with you. I regret hurting you. I truly regret hurting you.

I wish to turn back times so that I can change the way that we were, for me to right all the wrongs and to avoid all the things that lead to these regrets. But I know it is impossible. These regrets, they hurt so deeply Ga Eul. Please, Ga Eul, help me erase these hurt.

But for all the cruel things that I've inflicted upon you, they are unworthy of your forgiveness, I know. Nevertheless, is there still a small part of your heart that can forgive me? I am really sorry for all that I've done wrong, Ga Eul.

My lovely Ga Eul,

I am at loss without your sweet scent, your gentle touch, your tender caresses, your sweet kisses, your loving embraces, your kind words, your soft eyes, and your everything. I am at loss without your love. I am at loss without you here by my side, Ga Eul. Please come and save me from this dark world of loss, my caring Ga Eul.

I won't lie and say that I never experienced loss before but losing you kills me, Ga Eul. There is this large empty space in my heart. No matter how hard I try, it could not be closed. It refuses to be filled unless by you. Ga Eul, you are the only one who can rid of this emptiness. You are the only one who can take away this loss. Please Ga Eul, please come and pull me out of this pain.

My loving Ga Eul,

How I long to be near you and hear your sweet voice calling my name and with so much love. How I long to hold you in my arms and kiss your soft lips. How I long to touch you. How I long for your love my Ga Eul. I miss your playful teases and the stories about your day. I miss your tender touch and your gentle love. I miss you calling me Yi Jeongie. I miss you very much. Please release me of this misery from missing you, Ga Eul.

Ga Eul – the Autumn in My Heart:

Some people say that autumn is the start of a harsh time. Wind chills, flowers die, leaves fall and the trees made barren. Some people say that autumn is a cruel season, the first army of the Snow Queen before winter comes and coats the land white and icy. Autumn is that cold. Autumn is that cruel. Autumn is that evil. But Ga Eul my dearest, I beg to differ. For me, autumn is strong and beautiful. Autumn is magnificent, magical and special. Autumn gives hope that once we are able to go through the harsh times, there is a promise of a fresh new wonderful beautiful life.

The autumn in my heart is a strong, kind, wonderful, funny, caring, beautiful and loving, Ga Eul. She is strong no matter how harsh I had been to her. She is kind and wonderful no matter how cruel I had treated her. She is funny and beautiful. She has a loving soul even when I hurt her so bad. There is not one like her.

You are undoubtedly special, Autumn in my heart. Please believe me when I say that.

Ga Eul, will you grant me another chance to see you and further explain? Will you consider my wish, Ga Eul?

Thank you for all the love that you had given me. It is my most treasured.

Be healthy and be happy my dearest.

Truly yours,

So Yi Jeong

"I'm on my way. Thanks, Woo Bin."

The orange Lotus sped off beating all red lights and breaking all traffic rules. There was only one thing running through his mind. He had to catch her before she left Seoul, before she left him, forever.

Within half an hour he was already at the departure area. He frantically searched for her. He panicked when she was nowhere to be found. He went straight to the counter and asked if she had checked-in. To his dismay, she had. He ran from one corner of the area to another. Where could she be? Please don't tell me that she had already boarded. Where are you, my love?

He used his influence as an F4 member to pass the securities and ran towards her gate. That was when he caught sight of a familiar silhouette. She was standing near the glass wall, looking outside at the many airplanes and the busy activities of ground staff. His breath hitched. Even from afar, he could see that she looked beautiful in her fit-and-flare short sundress and her gladiator flats. He sprinted towards her, not minding at all the curious looks from people around him.

Immediately he tightly enclosed her in his arms from behind, startling her. He buried his face into the left side of her neck. "Please don't leave Ga Eul. Don't go away. I am here for you. I will take care of you."

"Yi Jeong…" She held his arms. Her mascara smudged by her tears. She tried to loosen his embrace but he held firm.

"I'm here for you Ga Eul. Please don't leave me."

He inhaled her sweet flowery scent. His whole being rejoiced for she was in his embrace at last. He had been lost since she left him. Every night he dreamt of her and wished that when he opened his eyes in the morning she would be there next to him. He felt so cold and alone without her. He longed for her loving embrace. There were times when tears shed at night, when he cried for her to leave Sang Bum and come back to him. Now, she was finally in his arms and he would never let her go, ever.

Both she and Sang Bum broke their engagement four days ago. Their parents were surprised. They did not see it coming. They thought that the young couple was happy together. Never once the two of them showed that they were against the marriage.

Truth was, Sang Bum already had a steady girlfriend two years before their parents broke the news of their engagement. But he could not protest as his father was very sick. He was stricken with anger because he had to leave his innocent girlfriend. But he too did not want to further burden his father. So he abode and followed. Yes, he loved Ga Eul but it was only the love of a brother to a sister.

He told Ga Eul about his girlfriend and how he planned to marry her once he had enough money. Unfortunately, his parents had another plan. He was angry and frustrated. But for the sake of his ill father he had to make this sacrifice.

Ga Eul, on the other hand, did not tell him much about Yi Jeong for she had long made the decision to forget him. All she told was that she once loved a man. Ga Eul too loved Sang Bum like a brother. She knew in her heart that she would never see him like a woman sees a man but she agreed to go on with the marriage. Not only for the sake of his sick father but also to help her forget about the certain man who broke her heart.

Ga Eul and Sang Bum were opened about each other's feelings and came to an agreement that they will marry but it would only be by name. Whether they would later fall in love with each other, they would leave it to fate and destiny.

What they did not know was that their fate and destiny were already written way before they were born. Do you know that you are not in control of who your soul mate or spouse is going to be? You may search for him or her and found the one, or so you think. You may now be with somebody for so long and are in love with each other. But if fate says that he or she is not the one, then what you built all these years are going to crumble and fall because, at the end of the day, that true soul mate of yours will come and find you. Fate will bring him or her to you.

Sang Bum tried so hard to forget his girlfriend. Yet fate had a different story. Instead, his love and yearning for her grew more and more for she was the kindest and most wonderful woman that he had ever known. He could not stay away from her. In the end, he followed his heart. Ga Eul was not surprised and was not angry. How could she when she was also unable to forget that certain someone despite all the heartaches that he had inflicted upon her. She hated herself for loving So Yi Jeong so deeply. So Yi Jeong had truly cast a curse on her heart.

"Yi Jeong…" she whispered his name. It was the sweetest melody that he had heard for these past few lonely months.

He leaned back and turned her around. He held her arm and wiped away her tears. She did the same to him. They were then back in each other's embraces and she cried once more.

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't step on that plane, Yi Jeong. I wanted to, so bad, to leave all these heartaches behind, to leave you. I wanted to start a new life far away, where you can't find me. I can't do that if I'm here in the same city as you. But I couldn't. I just couldn't."

He gently held her face and looked into her teary eyes. He wiped her tears with his thumbs. Love was evident in her beautiful eyes but there was also something else.

"I also thought that the marriage was a way to erase you from my life. But it only made me thought of you more. It made me compared him to you. He is not you, Yi Jeong."

Her tears fell once more.

"Everybody says that you are a different man now. Woo Bin Sunbae, Ji Hoo Sunbae, Jun Pyo Sunbae and even Jan Di said that I should give you another chance. But I'm afraid, Yi Jeong. I'm afraid that you'd go back to your old self and hurt me again, that you'd ignore me and treat me like before. Like I was one of your conquests. I'm afraid to take that risk. I have to love myself and protect me from you. That's why I have to leave. I have to leave you, Yi Jeong."

Ga Eul suddenly pushed him away. "No! Go away! Stay away from me. Please let me go. I have to leave. You are just going to hurt me again. I can't go through it again. Please leave me alone."

"Ga Eul!" He pulled her back towards him. She struggled to part away but he held on tight.

"Ga Eul, I AM a different man now. You changed me. And I swear I would never go back to my old self. I don't want to go through that path again, the path where I hurt you. I don't want that Ga Eul. I truly regret all the wrong things that I've done to you. Please forgive me. Ga Eul, can't you see how much I've changed? Can't you see how much I care for you?"

Her eyes searched for any sign of lies in his. She could not find any.

"Ga Eul, please be with me and love me again. Give me the chance to take care of you for the rest of your life. Let me prove how much I love you. Show me the way that you want me to love you. I love you, Ga Eul. I love you."

He leaned down. His lips found hers and he poured all his love into the kiss.

"I love you, Ga Eul." "I love you, Yi Jeong."

Seven months later.

She was sleeping peacefully. Her cheeks were still rosy, blushes from their amazing love moments half an hour ago. Her luscious red lips were a little swollen from his ravishes. There was a beautiful glow on her beautiful face.

Watching her sleep had become one of his favorite things. A hand supported his head as he lied on his side, facing her. He twirled strands of her hair and then traced her forehead, eyes, nose, baby-soft cheeks, chin and lips. She stirred a little causing him to pause. When she stopped moving he continued his ministration down to her long swan neck and bare shoulders. They were soft and smooth. He stopped at her collarbone and dropped a kiss on her plump lips.

He proceeded with his touches, going downwards and rested his palm on the small bump of her tummy. He caressed it gently but momentarily froze when he felt a tiny bump through his palm. A smile formed on his proud face. "Hey there little girl, can't sleep too? Does Appa wake you up? Are you angry at Appa?" He shifted down and kissed her tummy. She squirmed for she was ticklish. She slowly opened her eyes to see her husband kissing her bulge and saying "Forgive Appa, baby." She touched the top of his head and gently stroked his thick dark hair.

"Yi Jeongie, what are you doing? Why aren't you asleep?"

He looked up at her and smiled. He savored her gentle fingers in his hair. "Our little girl is angry at me. I woke her up." He grinned sheepishly and continued to kiss her tummy.

"Yi Jeongie, stop. It tickles. Now I can't sleep if you keep doing that." She began to giggle and tried to push him away.

"I know what we can do now that you are awake." He raised his eyebrows before winking at her. There were mischievous glints in those dark black eyes.

"Yi Jeong…"

She could not finish her sentence as he pulled her up on him, roamed his hands on her bare back and showered her with kisses and more. She submitted her body, mind, heart and soul to him, the love of her life.

"I love you, Ga Eul. Always."

T. H. E. E. N. D.